Exemple #1
    void ChangeState(ChildState newState)
        // Changes the state the child is in and runs one time code for that state
        state = newState;
        // print(newState);

        switch (newState)
        case ChildState.WANDERING:
            timer = wanderTime;
            animator.SetBool("crawling", true);
            animator.SetBool("carried", false);

        case ChildState.CARRIED:
            agent.enabled = false;     // disable navmeshagent to keep the child from walking away while being carried
            animator.SetBool("crawling", false);
            animator.SetBool("carried", true);

        case ChildState.RUNNING:
            // foreach(Collider c in nearbyEnemies)
            // {

            // }

        case ChildState.HIDDEN:
        case ChildState.SAFE:
            timer = 0f;
            animator.SetBool("carried", false);

            timer = 0f;
Exemple #2
    void PlayerInteraction()
        if (!isTriggeable)

        Debug.Log("Grandma found me, " + ID);
        childState = ChildState.Carried;

        // Don't allow duplicate action
        isTriggeable = false;


        FindObjectOfType <SpeechArea>().ShowText(messageWhenFound);

        var audioSource = FindObjectOfType <SpeechArea>().GetComponent <AudioSource>();

        audioSource.clip = kidCollectingSounds[(int)Random.Range(0, kidCollectingSounds.Length - 1)];
 public ChildItemViewModel(string someIdentifier, string title, ChildState state)
     SomeIdentifier = someIdentifier;
     State = state;
     Title = title;
 internal void BeginGrandchildAnimation( FrameworkElement grandchild, Rect currentRect, Rect placementRect )
     bool isDone = true;
       object placementArgs;
       ChildState state = new ChildState( currentRect );
       AnimationPanel.SetChildState( grandchild, state );
       state.Type = AnimationType.Switch;
       state.BeginTimeStamp = DateTime.Now;
       state.TargetPlacement = placementRect;
       state.Animator = this.GetEffectiveAnimator( AnimationType.Template );
       if( state.Animator != null && !state.TargetPlacement.IsEmpty )
     AnimationRate rate = this.GetEffectiveAnimationRate( AnimationType.Template );
     state.CurrentPlacement = state.Animator.GetInitialChildPlacement( grandchild, state.CurrentPlacement, state.TargetPlacement, this, ref rate, out placementArgs, out isDone );
     state.AnimationRate = rate;
     state.PlacementArgs = placementArgs;
       state.IsAnimating = !isDone;
       grandchild.Arrange( state.IsAnimating ? state.CurrentPlacement : state.TargetPlacement );
       if( state.IsAnimating )
     _animatingGrandchildren.Add( grandchild );
     state.CurrentPlacement = state.TargetPlacement;
        private void UpdateTrueArrange( UIElement child, ChildState state )
            if( !state.TargetPlacement.IsEmpty )
            child.Arrange( state.IsAnimating && state.Animator != null ? state.CurrentPlacement : state.TargetPlacement );

              // if the child is done entering, complete the enter routine
              if( !state.IsAnimating && !state.HasEnterCompleted )
            this.EndChildEnter( child, state );

              // if the child is done exiting, complete the exit routine
              if( !state.IsAnimating && state.HasExitBegun )
            this.EndChildExit( child, state );
 private ChildState EnsureChildState( UIElement child, Rect placementRect, out bool newStateCreated )
     newStateCreated = false;
       ChildState state = AnimationPanel.GetChildState( child );
       if( state == null )
     // if this is null, it's because this is the first time that
     // the object has been arranged
     state = new ChildState( placementRect );
     AnimationPanel.SetChildState( child, state );
     this.BeginChildEnter( child, state );
     newStateCreated = true;
       return state;
        private void EndChildExit( UIElement child, ChildState state )
            // raise the ChildExited event
              state.HasExitCompleted = true;
              AnimationPanel.RaiseChildExitedEvent( child, child );

              // remove the visual child relationship
              if( this.ExitingChildren.Contains( child ) )
            this.IsRemovingInternalChild = true;
              if( _switchParent != null )
            _switchParent.RemoveVisualChildInternal( child );
            this.RemoveVisualChild( child );
              this.IsRemovingInternalChild = false;
            this.ExitingChildren.Remove( child );

              child.ClearValue( AnimationPanel.ChildStatePropertyKey );
 private void EndChildEnter( UIElement child, ChildState state )
     // raise the ChildExited event
       state.HasEnterCompleted = true;
       AnimationPanel.RaiseChildEnteredEvent( child, child, state.TargetPlacement );
        public override void Initialize()
            m_audioManager = AudioManager.GetInstance();
            m_audioManager.LoadSong( "SongOfMainMenuGameState", DataReader.Load<Song>( "MusicAndSoundEffect/Song/MusicOfMenuState" ) );

            //m_audioManager.PlaySong( "SongOfMainMenuGameState", true );
            //m_audioManager.LoadSound("def", DataReader.Load<SoundEffect>(""));

            //m_audioManager.PlaySong( "SongOfMainMenuGameState", true );
            //m_audioManager.FadeSong(1,new TimeSpan(0,0,1));

            m_curChildState = ChildState.BeginState;

            m_beginStateCollection = new List<ISprite>();
            m_gameLogoDisappearStateCollection = new List<ISprite>();
            m_startMenuShowStateCollection = new List<ISprite>();
            m_zoomInBackgroundStateCollection = new List<ISprite>();
            m_capsuleOnTargetStateCollection = new List<ISprite>();
            m_distortionStateCollection = new List<ISprite>();

            m_effect = GraphicsManager.GetInstance();
            m_stateManager = StateManager.GetInstance();

            #region Initialize the tv pictures

            m_tvPicture_1 = new DButton( DButton.DButtonState.Idle, "Texture/Menu/TVPicture/TVPicture_1", SpriteManager.SpriteBatch, "TVPicture_1" );
            m_tvPicture_2 = new DButton( DButton.DButtonState.Idle, "Texture/Menu/TVPicture/TVMessy _3", SpriteManager.SpriteBatch, "TVPicture_2" );
            m_tvPicture_3 = new DButton( DButton.DButtonState.Idle, "Texture/Menu/TVPicture/TVPicture_3", SpriteManager.SpriteBatch, "TVPicture_3" );
            m_tvPicture_4 = new DButton( DButton.DButtonState.Idle, "Texture/Menu/TVPicture/TVMessy _2", SpriteManager.SpriteBatch, "TVPicture_4" );
            m_tvPicture_5 = new DButton( DButton.DButtonState.Idle, "Texture/Menu/TVPicture/TVMessy _1", SpriteManager.SpriteBatch, "TVPicture_5" );
            m_tvPicture_6 = new DButton( DButton.DButtonState.Idle, "Texture/Menu/TVPicture/TVPicture_6", SpriteManager.SpriteBatch, "TVPicture_6" );
            m_tvPicture_7 = new DButton( DButton.DButtonState.Idle, "Texture/Menu/TVPicture/TVPicture_7", SpriteManager.SpriteBatch, "TVPicture_7" );
            m_tvMessey_1 = new DButton( DButton.DButtonState.Idle, "Texture/Menu/TVPicture/TVMessy _1", SpriteManager.SpriteBatch, "TVMessy _1" );
            m_tvMessey_2 = new DButton( DButton.DButtonState.Idle, "Texture/Menu/TVPicture/TVMessy _2", SpriteManager.SpriteBatch, "TVMessy _2" );
            m_tvMessey_3 = new DButton( DButton.DButtonState.Idle, "Texture/Menu/TVPicture/TVMessy _3", SpriteManager.SpriteBatch, "TVMessy _3" );

            m_tvPictureList = new List<DButton>();
            //m_tvMesseyList = new List<DButton>();

            m_tvPictureList.Add( m_tvPicture_1 );
            m_tvPictureList.Add( m_tvPicture_2 );
            m_tvPictureList.Add( m_tvPicture_3 );
            m_tvPictureList.Add( m_tvPicture_4 );
            m_tvPictureList.Add( m_tvPicture_5 );
            m_tvPictureList.Add( m_tvPicture_6 );
            m_tvPictureList.Add( m_tvPicture_7 );
            m_tvPictureList.Add( m_tvMessey_1 );
            m_tvPictureList.Add( m_tvMessey_2 );
            m_tvPictureList.Add( m_tvMessey_3 );


            m_logo = new ScenceSprite();
            m_logo.TextureImage = DataReader.Load<Texture2D>( "Texture/Menu/CommonScene/GameLogo" );

            m_startString = new ScenceSprite();
            m_startString.TextureImage = DataReader.Load<Texture2D>( "Texture/Menu/CommonScene/press_0" );

            m_buttonPackaging = new MainMenuButtonPackaging( SpriteManager.SpriteBatch );

            m_background = new ScenceSprite();
            m_background.TextureImage = DataReader.Load<Texture2D>( "Texture/Menu/CommonScene/Background" );

            m_foreground = new ScenceSprite();
            m_foreground.TextureImage = DataReader.Load<Texture2D>( "Texture/Menu/CommonScene/Foreground" );

            m_backgroundMist = new ScenceSprite();
            m_backgroundMist.TextureImage = DataReader.Load<Texture2D>( "Texture/Menu/CommonScene/Mist" );

            m_ufoLight = new ScenceSprite();
            m_ufoLight.TextureImage = DataReader.Load<Texture2D>( "Texture/Menu/CommonScene/UFOLight" );

            #region Initialize the statics player

            m_staticsDarkPlayer = new ScenceSprite();
            m_staticsDarkPlayer.TextureImage = DataReader.Load<Texture2D>( "Texture/Menu/CommonScene/DarkPlayer" );

            #region Initial the glowing player

            m_staticsGlowingPlayer = new ScenceSprite()
                TextureImage = DataReader.Load<Texture2D>( "Texture/Menu/CommonScene/GlowingPlayer" ),
                TargetOffset = new Vector2( 2000, 3000 ),
                DestRect = new Rectangle( 0, 0, HealGame.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width,
                                   HealGame.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height ),
                Visible = true,
                TColor = Color.White
            m_staticsGlowingPlayer.SourceRect = new Rectangle( 0, 0, m_staticsGlowingPlayer.TextureImage.Width, m_staticsGlowingPlayer.TextureImage.Height );


            #region Initialize the tips button "Enter"

            m_tipsButton = new ScenceSprite()
                TextureImage = DataReader.Load<Texture2D>( "Texture/Menu/CommonScene/press_1" ),
                Position = new Vector2( 420, 125 ),
                Visible = true,
                TColor = Color.White
            m_tipsButton.DestRect = new Rectangle( (int)m_tipsButton.Position.X, (int)m_tipsButton.Position.Y,
                                                  (int)( m_tipsButton.TextureImage.Width * 0.25 ),
                                                  (int)( m_tipsButton.TextureImage.Height * 0.25 ) );
            m_tipsButton.SourceRect = new Rectangle( 0, 0, m_tipsButton.TextureImage.Width,

                   m_tipsButton.TextureImage.Height );


            #region Add the components to the m_beginStateCollection

            m_beginStateCollection.Add( m_background );
            m_beginStateCollection.Add( m_foreground );
            m_beginStateCollection.Add( m_backgroundMist );
            m_beginStateCollection.Add( m_staticsDarkPlayer );
            m_beginStateCollection.Add( m_logo );
            m_beginStateCollection.Add( m_startString );

            #region Add the components to the m_gameLogoDisappearStateCollection

            m_gameLogoDisappearStateCollection.Add( m_background );
            m_gameLogoDisappearStateCollection.Add( m_foreground );
            m_gameLogoDisappearStateCollection.Add( m_staticsDarkPlayer );
            m_gameLogoDisappearStateCollection.Add( m_backgroundMist );

            #region Add the components to the m_startMenuShowStateCollection

            m_startMenuShowStateCollection.Add( m_background );
            m_startMenuShowStateCollection.Add( m_foreground );
            m_startMenuShowStateCollection.Add( m_buttonPackaging );
            m_startMenuShowStateCollection.Add( m_ufoLight );
            m_startMenuShowStateCollection.Add( m_staticsDarkPlayer );
            m_startMenuShowStateCollection.Add( m_backgroundMist );

            #region Add the components to the m_zoomInBackgroundStateCollection

            m_zoomInBackgroundStateCollection.Add( m_background );
            m_zoomInBackgroundStateCollection.Add( m_foreground );
            m_zoomInBackgroundStateCollection.Add( m_ufoLight );
            m_zoomInBackgroundStateCollection.Add( m_staticsDarkPlayer );
            m_zoomInBackgroundStateCollection.Add( m_backgroundMist );

            #region Add the components to the m_capsuleOnTargetStateCollection

            m_capsuleOnTargetStateCollection.Add( m_background );

            foreach( var a in m_tvPictureList )
                m_capsuleOnTargetStateCollection.Add( a );

            m_capsuleOnTargetStateCollection.Add( m_foreground );
            m_capsuleOnTargetStateCollection.Add( m_tipsButton );
            m_capsuleOnTargetStateCollection.Add( m_ufoLight );
            m_capsuleOnTargetStateCollection.Add( m_staticsGlowingPlayer );
            m_capsuleOnTargetStateCollection.Add( m_backgroundMist );

            #region Add the components to the m_distortionStateCollection

            m_distortionStateCollection.Add( m_background );
            foreach( var a in m_tvPictureList )
                m_distortionStateCollection.Add( a );
            m_distortionStateCollection.Add( m_foreground );
            m_distortionStateCollection.Add( m_backgroundMist );
            m_distortionStateCollection.Add( m_staticsGlowingPlayer );


            this.GameStateChanged += new GameStateEventHandler( MainMenuGameState_GameStateChanged );
 private static void SetChildState( DependencyObject d, ChildState value )
     d.SetValue( AnimationPanel.ChildStatePropertyKey, value );
Exemple #11
 private void Awake()
     childState = ChildState.Hiding;
 void MainMenuGameState_GameStateChanged( object sender, GameState.GameStateEventArgs args )
     m_curChildState = ChildState.BeginState;
        public override void Update( GameTime gameTime )
            m_audioManager.PlaySong( "SongOfMainMenuGameState", true );

            m_drawingChildState = m_curChildState;

            Twinkle( m_backgroundMist );
            Twinkle( m_ufoLight );

            switch( m_curChildState )
                #region Case ChildState.BeginState

                case ChildState.BeginState:
                        m_background.CurAlpha += m_background.FlashInterval;
                        m_background.TColor = new Color( 1, 1, 1, (float)m_background.CurAlpha );
                        m_foreground.CurAlpha += m_foreground.FlashInterval;
                        m_foreground.TColor = new Color( 1, 1, 1, (float)m_foreground.CurAlpha );
                        m_staticsDarkPlayer.CurAlpha += m_staticsDarkPlayer.FlashInterval;
                        m_staticsDarkPlayer.TColor = new Color( 1, 1, 1, (float)m_staticsDarkPlayer.CurAlpha );
                        if( m_background.CurAlpha >= ScenceSprite.MaxAlpha )
                            m_background.TColor = Color.White;
                            m_logo.CurAlpha += m_logo.FlashInterval;
                            m_logo.TColor = new Color( 1, 1, 1, (float)m_logo.CurAlpha );
                            if( m_logo.CurAlpha >= ScenceSprite.MaxAlpha )
                                m_startString.TColor = new Color( 1, 1, 1,
                                                                 (float)Math.Sin( m_startString.CurAlpha * Math.PI ) );
                                m_startString.CurAlpha += m_startString.FlashInterval;
                                if( m_startString.CurAlpha >= ScenceSprite.MaxAlpha )
                                    m_startString.CurAlpha = 0.0f;
                            if( Input.IsConfirmKeyDown() )
                                m_curChildState = ChildState.GameLogoDisappearState;


                #region Case ChildState.GameLogoDisappearState

                case ChildState.GameLogoDisappearState:
                        m_startString.CurAlpha = Math.Abs( m_startString.FlashInterval );
                        m_logo.CurAlpha = Math.Abs( m_logo.FlashInterval );
                        m_startString.CurAlpha = 0.0f;
                        m_logo.TColor = new Color( new Vector4( 255, 255, 255, m_logo.CurAlpha ) );
                        m_startString.TColor = new Color( new Vector4( 255, 255, 255, m_startString.CurAlpha ) );
                        if( m_logo.CurAlpha <= 0.02 )
                            m_curChildState = ChildState.StartMenuShowState;


                #region Case ChildState.StartMenuShowState

                case ChildState.StartMenuShowState:
                        float count = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
                        m_timer += count;
                        if( m_timer >= 0.5f )
                            m_buttonPackaging.Update( gameTime );
                            if( !m_isSpacePressed && Input.IsConfirmKeyDown() )
                                switch( MainMenuButtonPackaging.MateButtonName )
                                    case "NewGameButton":
                                            m_curChildState = ChildState.ZoomInBackgroundState;


                                    case "ContinueButton":
                                            m_curChildState = ChildState.DistortionState;


                                    case "OptionButton":
                                            m_stateManager.GotoState( StateManager.States.OptionMenuGameState, null );

                                    case "HowToPlay":
                                            m_stateManager.GotoState( StateManager.States.HelpGameState, null );
                                    case "AchievementsButton":
                                            m_stateManager.GotoState( StateManager.States.AchievementMenuState, null );

                                    case "CreditButton":
                                            m_stateManager.GotoState( StateManager.States.CreditShowMenuState, null );

                                    case "ExitButton":

                        m_isSpacePressed = Input.IsConfirmKeyDown();


                #region Case ChildState.ZoomInBackgroundState

                case ChildState.ZoomInBackgroundState:
                        float runningTime = m_count + (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
                        m_count = runningTime; // % 10;
                        m_scaleCount += ( runningTime ) / 10;

                        if( m_count > 8 )
                            m_count = 8;

                        m_scale = ( 1f - m_count / 8f ) * .5f + .5f;
                        var locate = new Point( (int)( m_count * 190f * 0.5f ), (int)( m_count * 90f * 3f / 4f ) );

                        m_background.SourceRect = new Rectangle( locate.X, locate.Y,
                                                                (int)( m_background.TextureImage.Width * m_scale ),
                                                                (int)( m_background.TextureImage.Height * m_scale ) );
                        m_foreground.SourceRect = new Rectangle( locate.X, locate.Y,
                                                                (int)( m_foreground.TextureImage.Width * m_scale ),
                                                                (int)( m_foreground.TextureImage.Height * m_scale ) );
                        m_backgroundMist.SourceRect = new Rectangle( locate.X, locate.Y,
                                                                    (int)( m_backgroundMist.TextureImage.Width * m_scale ),
                                                                    (int)( m_backgroundMist.TextureImage.Height * m_scale ) );
                        m_ufoLight.SourceRect = new Rectangle( locate.X, locate.Y,
                                                              (int)( m_ufoLight.TextureImage.Width * m_scale ),
                                                              (int)( m_ufoLight.TextureImage.Height * m_scale ) );
                        m_staticsDarkPlayer.SourceRect = new Rectangle( locate.X, locate.Y,
                                                                       ( m_staticsDarkPlayer.TextureImage.Width * m_scale ),
                                                                       ( m_staticsDarkPlayer.TextureImage.Height * m_scale ) );
                        m_staticsGlowingPlayer.SourceRect = new Rectangle( locate.X, locate.Y,
                                                                          ( m_staticsGlowingPlayer.TextureImage.Width *
                                                                           m_scale ),
                                                                          ( m_staticsGlowingPlayer.TextureImage.Height *
                                                                           m_scale ) );
                        if( m_scaleCount >= 300 )
                            m_curChildState = ChildState.CapsuleOnTargetState;

                            m_scaleCount = 0;



                #region Case ChildState.CapsuleOnTargetState

                case ChildState.CapsuleOnTargetState:
                        float a = (float)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds/10;

                        if( Input.IsConfirmKeyDown() == false )
                            if( a % 2 == 0 )
                                m_picNum = MathTools.RandomGenerate(m_tvPictureList.Count - 1);
                                m_tvPictureList[m_picNum].Visible = true;
                            m_curChildState = ChildState.DistortionState;




                #region Case ChildState.DistortionState

                case ChildState.DistortionState:
                        float runningTime = m_count + gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
                        m_count = (int)runningTime % 10;
                        m_scaleCount += (int)( runningTime ) / 10;

                        if( m_scaleCount > 800 )
                            m_scaleCount = 800;
                            AIControler.IsDead = false;
                            m_stateManager.GotoState( StateManager.States.RunningGameState, null );
                        var scale = ( 1f - m_scaleCount / 800f );
                        m_effect.Parameters( "Screw", "Intensity" ).SetValue( (float)Math.Pow( scale, .3 ) );

        public override void Update( GameTime gameTime )
            m_drawingChildState = m_curChildState;
            switch( m_curChildState )
                    #region Case ChildState.ShowTeamlogoState

                case ChildState.ShowTeamlogoState:
                        m_teamlogo.TColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, (float) Math.Sin(0.3*m_teamlogo.CurAlpha*Math.PI));
                        m_teamlogo.CurAlpha += m_teamlogo.FlashInterval;
                        if (m_teamlogo.TColor.A <= 0.01)
                            m_curChildState = ChildState.ShowRespectState;


                    #region Case ChildState.ShowRespectState

                case ChildState.ShowRespectState:
                        if (Input.IsPauseKeyDown())
                            m_stateManager.GotoState(StateManager.States.MainMenuState, null);
                        //m_audioManager.LoadSong( "MusicAndSoundEffect/Music/MusicInRespectShowState", );

                        float count = (float) gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
                        m_timerInRespect += count;

                        m_respectBackground.TColor = new Color(1, 1, 1,
                        m_respectBackground.CurAlpha += m_respectBackground.FlashInterval;

                        m_word_1.TColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, (float) Math.Sin(0.36*m_word_1.CurAlpha*Math.PI));
                        m_word_1.CurAlpha += m_word_1.FlashInterval;

                        if (m_word_1.TColor.A <= 0.05f)
                            m_word_1.CurAlpha = 0;
                            if (m_timerInRespect >= 2.0f)
                                m_word_2.TColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, (float) Math.Sin(0.36*m_word_2.CurAlpha*Math.PI));
                                m_word_2.CurAlpha += m_word_2.FlashInterval;

                                if (m_word_2.TColor.A <= 0.01f)
                                    m_curChildState = ChildState.ShowStoryState;


                    #region Case ChildState.ShowStoryState

                case ChildState.ShowStoryState:
                    if (m_showStoryTexPackaging.IsFinished || Input.IsPauseKeyDown())
                        m_stateManager.GotoState( StateManager.States.MainMenuState, null );

        private void BeginChildEnter( UIElement child, ChildState state )
            state.Type = AnimationType.Enter;

              // raise the ChildEntering event
              ChildEnteringEventArgs ceea = AnimationPanel.RaiseChildEnteringEvent( child,
              child, GetEnterFrom( child ), state.CurrentPlacement );

              // begin the enter animation, if necessary
              state.Animator = this.GetEffectiveAnimator( AnimationType.Enter );
              if( state.Animator != null && ceea.EnterFrom.HasValue )
            state.CurrentPlacement = ceea.EnterFrom.Value;
            state.BeginTimeStamp = DateTime.Now;
        public override void Initialize()
            m_curChildState = ChildState.ShowTeamlogoState;
            m_stateManager = StateManager.GetInstance();
            m_showStoryTexPackaging = new ShowStoryTexPackaging();

            #region Initialize ScenceSprites

            #region Initialize the teamlogo

            m_teamlogo = new ScenceSprite()
                TextureImage = DataReader.Load<Texture2D>( "Texture/Menu/Teamlogo/teamlogo" ),
                DestRect = new Rectangle( 0, 0, HealGame.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width,
                                         HealGame.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height ),
                CurAlpha = 0.1f,
                FlashInterval = 0.008f,
                Visible = true,
            m_teamlogo.TColor = new Color( new Vector4( 255, 255, 255, m_teamlogo.CurAlpha ) );
            m_teamlogo.SourceRect = new Rectangle( 0, 0, m_teamlogo.TextureImage.Width, m_teamlogo.TextureImage.Height );

            #region Initialize the respectBackground

            m_respectBackground = new ScenceSprite()
                TextureImage = DataReader.Load<Texture2D>( "Texture/Menu/RespectShow/b_0" ),
                DestRect = new Rectangle( 0, 0, HealGame.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width,
                                         HealGame.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height ),
                CurAlpha = 0.0f,
                FlashInterval = 0.005f,
                Visible = true,
            m_respectBackground.TColor = new Color( new Vector4( 255, 255, 255, m_respectBackground.CurAlpha ) );
            m_respectBackground.SourceRect = new Rectangle( 0, 0, m_respectBackground.TextureImage.Width, m_respectBackground.TextureImage.Height );

            #region Initialize the respect word_1

            m_word_1 = new ScenceSprite()
                TextureImage = DataReader.Load<Texture2D>( "Texture/Menu/RespectShow/b_1" ),
                DestRect = new Rectangle( 0, 0, HealGame.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width,
                                         HealGame.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height ),
                CurAlpha = 0.2f,
                FlashInterval = 0.005f,
                Visible = true,
            m_word_1.TColor = new Color( new Vector4( 255, 255, 255, m_word_1.CurAlpha ) );
            m_word_1.SourceRect = new Rectangle( 0, 0, m_word_1.TextureImage.Width, m_word_1.TextureImage.Height );

            #region Initialize the respect word_2

            m_word_2 = new ScenceSprite()
                TextureImage = DataReader.Load<Texture2D>( "Texture/Menu/RespectShow/b_2" ),
                DestRect = new Rectangle( 0, 0, HealGame.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width,
                                         HealGame.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height ),
                CurAlpha = 0.005f,
                FlashInterval = 0.005f,
                Visible = true,
            m_word_2.TColor = new Color( new Vector4( 255, 255, 255, m_word_2.CurAlpha ) );
            m_word_2.SourceRect = new Rectangle( 0, 0, m_word_2.TextureImage.Width, m_word_2.TextureImage.Height );

            m_showTeamlogoCollection = new List<ISprite>();
            m_showRespectCollection = new List<ISprite>();

            #region Add the components to the m_showTeamlogoCollection


            #region Add the components to the m_showRespectCollection

            m_showRespectCollection.Add( m_respectBackground );
            m_showRespectCollection.Add( m_word_1);
            m_showRespectCollection.Add( m_word_2 );

    public void InitState(ChildState aState)
        m_ChildState = aState;
        //Debug.Log("Initiation " + m_ChildState);

        switch (m_ChildState)
            case ChildState.Free:
                //Locate a Destination
                Vector3 target = Vector3.zero;
                int counter = 0;
                while (target == Vector3.zero)
                    target = (AIUtils.ReturnRandomLocation(transform.position, TRAVEL_RANGE));
                    if (counter > 5000)
                        Debug.LogError("Stuck in While Loop");


                //Randomize a Speed
                m_Agent.speed = Random.Range(MIN_RANGE_OF_NEUTRAL_SPEEDS, MAX_RANGE_OF_NEUTRAL_SPEEDS);

            case ChildState.Interacting:

                //Set Desitnation to be Distraction Object

                //Sit in a Position
                m_Agent.speed = 0;
                //Reset the Timer

            case ChildState.Chase:
                //Set Fast Speed
                m_Agent.speed = CHASE_SPEED;

            case ChildState.Search:
                m_Agent.speed = MIN_RANGE_OF_NEUTRAL_SPEEDS;

            case ChildState.Ritual:

                Debug.LogError("Unimplemented State");