public List <ChildModel> GetLeadersBySteps() { List <ChildModel> childList = new List <ChildModel>(); try { using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SQL_GetLeadersBySteps, conn); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { ChildModel child = new ChildModel() { Seconds = Convert.ToInt32(reader["seconds"]), Carrots = Convert.ToInt32(reader["carrots"]), UserName = Convert.ToString(reader["username"]), }; childList.Add(child); } } } catch (Exception) { throw; } return(childList); }
public void NameTest2() { var model = new ChildModel(); model.Name.Value = "AAああ"; model.IsValid.Value.IsFalse(); }
public List <ChildModel> GetChildren(int parent_Id) { List <ChildModel> children = new List <ChildModel>(); try { using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SQL_GetChildren, conn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parent_id", parent_Id); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { ChildModel child = new ChildModel { Child_Id = Convert.ToInt32(reader["child_id"]), First_Name = Convert.ToString(reader["first_name"]), UserName = Convert.ToString(reader["username"]), Seconds = Convert.ToInt32(reader["seconds"]), Carrots = Convert.ToInt32(reader["carrots"]), }; children.Add(child); } } } catch (SqlException e) { throw; } return(children); }
public ActionResult Closet(ChildModel model) { // check if logged in if (Session["child"] == null) { return(View("Login")); } ChildModel child = Session["child"] as ChildModel; if (model.Mascot.CurrentHat != null) { mascotDAL.UpdateHat(child.Mascot.Mascot_Id, model.Mascot.CurrentHat); } if (model.Mascot.CurrentBackground != null) { mascotDAL.UpdateBackground(child.Mascot.Mascot_Id, model.Mascot.CurrentBackground); } child.Mascot = mascotDAL.GetMascot(child); Session["child"] = child; return(RedirectToAction("Closet")); }
public ActionResult Store() { // check if logged in if (Session["child"] == null) { return(View("Login")); } ChildModel child = Session["child"] as ChildModel; // check if child needs to create mascot if (child.Mascot == null) { return(RedirectToAction("ChooseMascot")); } StoreViewModel viewModel = new StoreViewModel(); viewModel.Mascot = child.Mascot; viewModel.Hats = itemsDAL.GetHats(); viewModel.Backgrounds = itemsDAL.GetBackgrounds(); Session["storeModel"] = viewModel; return(View("Store", viewModel)); }
public void NameTest() { var model = new ChildModel(); model.Name.Value = "AA00"; model.IsValid.Value.IsTrue(); }
public void NameTest3() { var model = new ChildModel(); model.Name.Value = null; model.IsValid.Value.IsFalse(); }
public ActionResult AddActivity(string userName) { // check if logged in if (Session["parent"] == null) { return(View("Login")); } ChildModel child = childDAL.GetChild(userName); child.Mascot = mascotDAL.GetMascot(child); AddActivityViewModel activityViewModel = new AddActivityViewModel(); activityViewModel.UserName = userName; activityViewModel.Child_Id = child.Child_Id; activityViewModel.Mascot = child.Mascot; if (TempData["CustomError"] != null) { ModelState.AddModelError("futureDate", TempData["CustomError"].ToString()); } return(View("AddActivity", activityViewModel)); }
private IEnumerable <ChildModel> GetChildren(Guid parentId) { var children = new List <ChildModel>(); try { var credentials = new Credentials { UserName = _configuration.SourceUserName, Password = _configuration.SourcePassword }; var results = _service.GetChildren(parentId.ToString().ToUpper(), _configuration.SourceDatabase, credentials); var childElements = results.XPathSelectElements("//item"); foreach (var childElement in childElements) { var child = new ChildModel { HasChildren = int.Parse(childElement.Attribute("haschildren").Value) == 1, Id = Guid.Parse(childElement.Attribute("id").Value), Name = childElement.Value, ParentId = parentId, TemplateId = Guid.Parse(childElement.Attribute("templateid").Value) }; children.Add(child); } } catch (Exception ex) { Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Error(string.Format("[FieldMigrator] (HardRockWebServiceProxy) GetChildren ParentId: {0}", parentId), ex, this); } return(children); }
public void RegistredChild(ChildModel model, string login) { Child child = new Child() { FirstName = model.FirstName, LastName = model.LastName, MiddleName = model.MiddleName, DateOfBirth = model.DateOfBirth, Address = new Address() { City = model.City, House = model.House, Street = model.Street, Apartment = model.Apartment }, BirthCertificate = new BirthCertificate() { Number = model.Number, Description = model.Description, Series = model.Series }, }; _childRepository.AddChild(child, login, model.KindergartenNumber); }
/// <summary> /// get from database by childID /// </summary> /// <param name="childID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static ChildModel GetChildByID(int childID) { ChildModel childModel = null; try { using (DBEntities DB = new DBEntities()) { var query = from c in DB.Child where (c.ChildID == childID) select new ChildModel() { ChildName = c.ChildName, DateOfBirth = c.DateOfBirth, Gender = c.Gender, CreatedBy = c.CreatedBy, Created = c.Created, ModifiedBy = c.ModifiedBy, Modified = c.Modified }; childModel = query.FirstOrDefault(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //log exception } return childModel; }
public MascotModel GetMascot(ChildModel child) { MascotModel mascot = null; try { using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SQL_GetMascot, conn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@child_id", child.Child_Id); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { mascot = new MascotModel { Mascot_Id = Convert.ToInt32(reader["mascot_id"]), Mascot_Image = Convert.ToString(reader["mascot_image"]), Child_Id = Convert.ToInt32(reader["child_id"]), CurrentHat = Convert.ToString(reader["current_hat"]), CurrentBackground = Convert.ToString(reader["current_background"]), BaseballHat = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["baseball_hat"]), Beanie = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["beanie"]), Bonnet = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["bonnet"]), Bow = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["bow"]), BucketHat = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["bucket_hat"]), Crown = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["crown"]), FlowerCrown = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["flower_crown"]), PropellerHat = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["propeller_hat"]), Sombrero = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["sombrero"]), TopHat = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["top_hat"]), Beach = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["beach"]), City = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["city"]), Desert = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["desert"]), Forest = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["forest"]), Mountain = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["mountain"]), Ocean = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["ocean"]), }; if (mascot.CurrentHat == "") { mascot.CurrentHat = null; } if (mascot.CurrentBackground == "") { mascot.CurrentBackground = null; } } return(mascot); } } catch (SqlException e) { throw; } }
public void PostMethodWithUrlcode(ChildModel childModel) { json.Obj = new { name =, age = childModel.age }; }
private void GetgartenNumber() { _childModel = new ChildModel(); _kindergartenNumber = new List <int>(); foreach (var garten in KindergartensModels) { _kindergartenNumber.Add(garten.Number); } }
public AddVaccineViewModel(ChildModel _child) { // Property Child = _child; Vaccine = new VaccineModel(); // Command PostCommand = new Command(Post); }
public void Delete(ChildModel _childModel) { using (_childRepository = new ChildRepository()) { Child child = (_childRepository.FindBy(child1 => child1.Id == 1)).First(); _childRepository.Delete(child); _childRepository.Save(); } }
private ChildModel AddChild(string name) { ChildModel child; _model.Children.Add(child = new ChildModel() { Name = { Value = name } }); return(child); }
public ActionResult AddCarrot(string userName) { childDAL.AddCarrot(userName); ChildModel child = childDAL.GetChild(userName); child.Mascot = mascotDAL.GetMascot(child); Session["child"] = child; return(null); }
public void AggregateChild_GetParent_Succeeds() { // arrange var sut = new ChildModel(); // act sut.SetParent(new RootModel()); // assert sut.GetParent().Should().NotBeNull(); }
public void AggregateChild_AddEvent_Throws_Exception() { // arrange var sut = new ChildModel(); // act Action act = () => sut.AddEvent(new SomeEvent(new RootModel())); // assert act.Should().Throw <InvalidOperationException>(); }
public void FillChildDataGrid(IEnumerable <Child> childs) { GrBChildren.IsEnabled = true; // Wenn das Datagrid nicht leer ist, müssen zunächst alle Zeilen gelöscht werden. // Folgedessen müssen soviele Zeilen erstellt werden wie es Kinder gibt! if (this._Childs.Count > 0) { this._Childs.Clear(); } //Combobox belegen CBItem male = new CBItem(); male.Name = "Männlich"; CBItem female = new CBItem(); female.Name = "Weiblich"; if (!(childs.Count() == 0)) { foreach (Child child in childs) { List <CBItem> existingGenderTypes = new List <CBItem>(); if (child.IsFemale) { existingGenderTypes.Add(female); existingGenderTypes.Add(male); } else { existingGenderTypes.Add(male); existingGenderTypes.Add(female); } ChildModel existingChild = new ChildModel(); existingChild.genderType = existingGenderTypes; existingChild.ChildID = child.ChildID; existingChild.FirstName = child.FirstName; existingChild.LastName = child.LastName; existingChild.Birthday = child.DateOfBirth; existingChild.IsFemale = child.IsFemale; existingChild.isAdded = true; this._Childs.Add(existingChild); } } dtgChildren.Items.Refresh(); dtgChildren.ItemsSource = this._Childs; dtgChildren.Items.Refresh(); addNewChildtoDatagrid(); }
public IActionResult Index(ChildModel c) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { CurrentUser.User = new ChildModel(c.Nickname); return(RedirectToAction("Detail")); } return(View()); }
// ctor public AddChildViewModel(FamilyModel family) { // Objects ChildValidator = new ChildValidator(); Family = family; // Property Child = new ChildModel(); // Command PutCommand = new Command(Post); }
public ActionResult Dashboard() { // check if logged in if (Session["child"] == null) { return(View("Login")); } ChildModel child = Session["child"] as ChildModel; return(View("Dashboard", child)); }
public EditChildViewModel(ChildModel child, Guid familyId) { // Objects ChildValidator = new ChildValidator(); // Property FamilyId = familyId; Child = child; // Command PutCommand = new Command(Put); }
public ActionResult Store(StoreViewModel storeModel) { // check if logged in if (Session["child"] == null) { return(View("Login")); } ChildModel child = Session["child"] as ChildModel; // check if child needs to create mascot if (child.Mascot == null) { return(RedirectToAction("ChooseMascot")); } StoreViewModel sessionModel = Session["storeModel"] as StoreViewModel; storeModel.Hats = sessionModel.Hats; storeModel.Mascot = sessionModel.Mascot; storeModel.Backgrounds = sessionModel.Backgrounds; // validation redirect if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View("Store")); } ItemModel purchasedItem = itemsDAL.GetItem(storeModel.ItemId); if (purchasedItem.Price > child.Carrots) { ModelState.AddModelError("insufficient-carrots", "You do not have enough carrots to purchase that item."); return(View("Store", storeModel)); } child.Mascot.OwnedItems = mascotDAL.GetListOfItems(child.Child_Id); if (child.Mascot.OwnedItems.Contains(purchasedItem.Item_Id)) { ModelState.AddModelError("item-already-purchased", "You aready own this item!"); return(View("Store", storeModel)); } mascotDAL.PurchaseItem(child.Child_Id, purchasedItem.Image, purchasedItem.Price); child = childDAL.GetChild(child.UserName); child.Mascot = mascotDAL.GetMascot(child); Session["child"] = child; return(RedirectToAction("Closet", child)); }
public ActionResult ActivityHistory(int child_Id, string userName) { // check if logged in if (Session["parent"] == null) { return(View("Login")); } ChildModel child = childDAL.GetChild(userName); child.Activities = activityDAL.GetActivities(child_Id); return(View("ActivityHistory", child)); }
public void addNewChildtoDatagrid() { GrBChildren.IsEnabled = true; //Combobox belegen CBItem male = new CBItem(); male.Name = "Männlich"; CBItem female = new CBItem(); female.Name = "Weiblich"; List <CBItem> newGenderTypes = new List <CBItem>(); newGenderTypes.Add(male); newGenderTypes.Add(female); if (_Childs.Count == 0) { //Hinzufügen eines Kindes ermöglichen ChildModel newChild = new ChildModel(); newChild.genderType = newGenderTypes; newChild.ChildID = 0; newChild.FirstName = ""; newChild.LastName = _currentPerson.LastName; newChild.Birthday = DateTime.Now; newChild.IsFemale = false; newChild.isAdded = false; this._Childs.Add(newChild); } else { //Prüfung ob alle zum Speichern vorgemerkt sind Nur dann Neue Zeile if (_Childs.Last().isAdded == true) { //Hinzufügen eines Kindes ermöglichen ChildModel newChild = new ChildModel(); newChild.genderType = newGenderTypes; newChild.ChildID = 0; newChild.FirstName = ""; newChild.LastName = _currentPerson.LastName; newChild.Birthday = DateTime.Now; newChild.IsFemale = false; newChild.isAdded = false; this._Childs.Add(newChild); } } dtgChildren.Items.Refresh(); dtgChildren.ItemsSource = this._Childs; dtgChildren.Items.Refresh(); }
public void Can_save_child_to_parent_when_entity_state_changed() { var child = new ChildModel(); var parent = new ParentModel(); child.Parent = parent; Db.Entry(child).State = EntityState.Added; Db.SaveChanges(); child.Id.AssertIsNotZero(); parent.Id.AssertIsNotZero(); }
public void Can_save_child_to_parent() { var child = new ChildModel(); var parent = new ParentModel(); child.Parent = parent; Db.Children.Add(child); Db.SaveChanges(); child.Id.AssertIsNotZero(); parent.Id.AssertIsNotZero(); }