private void ProductWindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ResourceDictionary resource = new ResourceDictionary() { Source = new Uri("view\\products\\ReadonlyProductDictionary.xaml", UriKind.Relative) }; View.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Clear(); View.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(resource); foreach (var textBox in ChildFinder.FindVisualChildren <TextBox>(View)) { textBox.Style = resource["BoxStyle"] as Style; if (textBox.Text.Length == 0) { textBox.Text = "-"; } } foreach (var comboBox in ChildFinder.FindVisualChildren <ComboBox>(View)) { comboBox.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } foreach (var textblock in ChildFinder.FindVisualChildren <TextBlock>(View)) { textblock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } foreach (var button in ChildFinder.FindVisualChildren <Button>(View)) { button.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } }
private void TreeItemExecute(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { foreach (var item in ChildFinder.FindVisualChildren <TreeViewItem>(AdminMenu)) { item.IsSelected = false; } (DataContext as MainWindowViewModel).TreeItemExecute(); }
public void Open() { if (this._splitmenu == null) { this._splitmenu = ChildFinder.FindChild <SplitView>(Window.Current.Content, "panel_splitter"); } this._splitmenu.IsPaneOpen = !this._splitmenu.IsPaneOpen; }
private void AdminToolsSelectedItemChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { foreach (var item in ChildFinder.FindVisualChildren <TreeViewItem>(Tree)) { item.IsSelected = false; } string tool = (sender as TreeViewItem).Header.ToString(); (DataContext as MainWindowViewModel).SelectAdminTool(tool); }
/// <summary> /// Finds a child control and returns its handle as AWnd. /// </summary> /// <returns>Returns <c>default(AWnd)</c> if not found. See also: <see cref="Is0"/>, <see cref="operator +(AWnd)"/>.</returns> /// <param name="name"> /// Control name. /// String format: [](xref:wildcard_expression). /// null means 'can be any'. "" means 'no name'. /// /// By default to get control names this function uses <see cref="Name"/>. /// Can start with these prefix strings: /// - <c>"***text "</c> - use <see cref="ControlText"/>. Slower and less reliable because can get editable text. If a character can be underlined with Alt, insert '&' before it. /// - <c>"***accName "</c> - use <see cref="NameAcc"/>. Slower. /// - <c>"***wfName "</c> - use .NET Forms control name (see <see cref="AWinFormsControlNames"/>). Slower and can fail because of [](xref:uac). /// - <c>"***id "</c> like <c>"***id 15"</c> - use control id (<see cref="ControlId"/>). See also <see cref="ChildById"/>. /// </param> /// <param name="cn"> /// Control class name. /// String format: [](xref:wildcard_expression). /// null means 'can be any'. Cannot be "". /// </param> /// <param name="flags"></param> /// <param name="also"> /// Callback function. Called for each matching control. /// It can evaluate more properties of the control and return true when they match. /// Example: <c>also: t => t.IsEnabled</c> /// </param> /// <param name="skip"> /// 0-based index of matching control. /// For example, if 1, the function skips the first matching control and returns the second. /// </param> /// <exception cref="AuWndException">This variable is invalid (window not found, closed, etc).</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"> /// - <i>name</i> starts with <c>"***"</c>, but the prefix is invalid. /// - <i>cn</i> is "". To match any, use null. /// - Invalid wildcard expression (<c>"**options "</c> or regular expression). /// </exception> /// <remarks> /// To create code for this function, use dialog "Find window or control". It is form <b>Au.Tools.FormAWnd</b> in Au.Tools.dll. /// </remarks> public AWnd Child( [ParamString(PSFormat.AWildex)] string name = null, [ParamString(PSFormat.AWildex)] string cn = null, WCFlags flags = 0, Func <AWnd, bool> also = null, int skip = 0) { //ThrowIfInvalid(); //will be called later var f = new ChildFinder(name, cn, flags, also, skip); f.Find(this); return(f.Result); }
private static List <ParameterExpression> FindParameters(MethodCallExpression methodCallExpression) { var finder = new ChildFinder <ParameterExpression>(); if (!methodCallExpression.Method.IsStatic) { finder.Visit(methodCallExpression.Object); } foreach (var argument in methodCallExpression.Arguments) { finder.Visit(argument); } return(finder.FoundChildren.Distinct().ToList()); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { //We need to find our compononents attached to the player playerNameText = ChildFinder.FindChildByName(transform, PlayerNameTextName).gameObject; PlayerName = playerName; //Set the player name playerModel = ChildFinder.FindChildByName(transform, PlayerModelName).gameObject; mainCamera = FindMainCamera(); //Add our components and put them on our variables playerNetworkerScript = gameObject.AddComponent <PlayerNetworker>(); //We need to check if we are a network player before adding these if (playerNetworkerScript.IsLocalPlayer) { //Add this to our player playerCameraScript = gameObject.AddComponent <PlayerCamera>(); playerCameraScript.Initialize(new MurderCameraSetup()); //Set the camera to the murder camera setup Debug.Log("Another test commit"); playerMoveScript = gameObject.AddComponent <PlayerMove>(); } }
public void UpdateButtons() { Order order = MainVM.Customer.Order.FirstOrDefault(ord => ord.State == State.Created); if (order != null) { if (MainVM.Customer.Role == model.enums.Role.User) { foreach (Button button in ChildFinder.FindVisualChildren <Button>(View.ProductList)) { if (order.Ordered.FirstOrDefault(ord => ord.Product.Id == ((Product)button.DataContext).Id) != null && MainVM.Customer.Role == model.enums.Role.User) { button.IsEnabled = false; button.Content = "В корзине"; } else if (((Product)button.DataContext).Amount <= 0) { button.IsEnabled = false; button.Content = "Нет на складе"; } else { button.IsEnabled = true; button.Content = "В корзину"; } } } else { foreach (Button button in ChildFinder.FindVisualChildren <Button>(View.ProductList)) { button.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the children of this window, if any. /// <remarks>These windows will probably not be top-level windows.</remarks> /// </summary> /// <value>The child Windows</value> public static List <WindowHandle> GetChildren(this WindowHandle wnd) { ChildFinder cf = new ChildFinder(wnd); return((List <WindowHandle>)cf.FindAll()); }
private CommandBar GetBar() { return(this._commandBar ?? ChildFinder.FindChild <CommandBar>(Window.Current.Content, "mainCommandBar")); }