Exemple #1
 public override ReadOnlyCollection<Move> GetValidMoves(Position from, bool returnIfAny, ChessGame game, Func<Move, bool> gameMoveValidator)
     ChessUtilities.ThrowIfNull(from, "from");
     List<Move> validMoves = new List<Move>();
     Piece piece = game.GetPieceAt(from);
     int l0 = game.BoardHeight;
     int l1 = game.BoardWidth;
     for (int i = -7; i < 8; i++)
         if (i == 0)
         if (from.Rank + i > 0 && from.Rank + i <= l0)
             Move move = new Move(from, new Position(from.File, from.Rank + i), piece.Owner);
             if (gameMoveValidator(move))
                 if (returnIfAny)
                     return new ReadOnlyCollection<Move>(validMoves);
         if ((int)from.File + i > -1 && (int)from.File + i < l1)
             Move move = new Move(from, new Position(from.File + i, from.Rank), piece.Owner);
             if (gameMoveValidator(move))
                 if (returnIfAny)
                     return new ReadOnlyCollection<Move>(validMoves);
     return new ReadOnlyCollection<Move>(validMoves);
Exemple #2
 public List<String> Generate(ChessGame game)
     var result = game.Info.Select(tag => "[" + tag.Key + " \"" + tag.Value + "\"]").ToList();
     return result;
            public void Set(ChessGame g)
                idx = -1;
                move = null;
                total_moves = 0;

                if (g == null)
                      player = ChessGamePlayer.
                          CreatePlayer ();
                player = g.HasTag ("FEN") ? ChessGamePlayer.
                    CreateFromFEN (g.
                               GetTagValue ("FEN",
                                    null)) :
                    ChessGamePlayer.CreatePlayer ();

                game = g;

                int n = game.Moves.Count;
                if (n > 0)
                      total_moves = n;

                if (total_moves == 0)
                    hasNext = false;
                    hasNext = true;
 public static void TestAfter1e4()
     ChessGame game = new ChessGame();
     game.ApplyMove(new Move("E2", "E4", Player.White), true);
     string fen = game.GetFen();
     Assert.AreEqual("rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq e3 0 1", fen);
 public static void TestAfter1c5()
     ChessGame game = new ChessGame();
     game.ApplyMove(new Move("E2", "E4", Player.White), true);
     game.ApplyMove(new Move("C7", "C5", Player.Black), true);
     string fen = game.GetFen();
     Assert.AreEqual("rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/8/2p5/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq c6 0 2", fen);
Exemple #6
 public override ReadOnlyCollection<Move> GetValidMoves(Position from, bool returnIfAny, ChessGame game, Func<Move, bool> gameMoveValidator)
     ChessUtilities.ThrowIfNull(from, "from");
     ReadOnlyCollection<Move> horizontalVerticalMoves = new Rook(Owner).GetValidMoves(from, returnIfAny, game, gameMoveValidator);
     if (returnIfAny && horizontalVerticalMoves.Count > 0)
         return horizontalVerticalMoves;
     ReadOnlyCollection<Move> diagonalMoves = new Bishop(Owner).GetValidMoves(from, returnIfAny, game, gameMoveValidator);
     return new ReadOnlyCollection<Move>(horizontalVerticalMoves.Concat(diagonalMoves).ToList());
 public static void TestMovingWhiteKingLosingCastlingRights()
     ChessGame game = new ChessGame();
     game.ApplyMove(new Move("E2", "E4", Player.White), true);
     game.ApplyMove(new Move("C7", "C5", Player.Black), true);
     game.ApplyMove(new Move("E1", "E2", Player.White), true);
     string fen = game.GetFen();
     Assert.AreEqual("rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/8/2p5/4P3/8/PPPPKPPP/RNBQ1BNR b kq - 1 2", fen);
 public static void TestMovingBlackKingLosingCastlingRights()
     ChessGame game = new ChessGame();
     game.ApplyMove(new Move("E2", "E4", Player.White), true);
     game.ApplyMove(new Move("E7", "E5", Player.Black), true);
     game.ApplyMove(new Move("G1", "F3", Player.White), true);
     game.ApplyMove(new Move("E8", "E7", Player.Black), true);
     string fen = game.GetFen();
     Assert.AreEqual("rnbq1bnr/ppppkppp/8/4p3/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKB1R w KQ - 2 3", fen);
 public static int GetIndexOnBoard(this GamePeice peice, ChessGame game)
     for (var i = 0; i < game.Board.Count; i++)
         if (game.Board[i].Equals(peice))
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Let's start by creating a chess game instance.
            ChessGame game = new ChessGame();

            // Now the game's board is in the start position and it's white's turn.
            Console.WriteLine("It's this color's turn: {0}", game.WhoseTurn);

            // This is how to find out which piece is at a certain position:
            Piece pieceAtA1 = game.GetPieceAt(new Position("A1")); // Or "a1", the casing doesn't matter

            /* There are other overloading options as well:
             * game.GetPieceAt(new Position(File.A, 1));
             * game.GetPieceAt(File.A, 1);
             * All those three options return the same. */
            Console.WriteLine("What piece is there at A1? {0}", pieceAtA1.GetFenCharacter());
            // GetFenCharacter() returns the FEN character for the given piece. White piece: uppercase, black piece: lowercase. The character is the first char of a piece's name (exception: Knight -> N/n because King -> K/k).
            // The Piece class is the abstract base class for pieces. All piece classes (e.g. Rook) derive from this class.

            // White has to make a turn. They want to move their E2 pawn to E4. Is that valid?
            Move e2e4    = new Move("E2", "E4", Player.White);
            bool isValid = game.IsValidMove(e2e4);

            Console.WriteLine("E2-E4 for white is valid: {0}", isValid);

            // Great, it's valid! So white wants to actually make that move.
            MoveType type = game.ApplyMove(e2e4, true);

            // The first argument is the move, the second argument indicates whether it's already validated. Here it is, so pass 'true'. If it's not validated yet, ApplyMove will do it. **Only pass `true` if it's really validated! If you pass `true`, ApplyMove won't do ANY validity checks.**
            // The return type is the MoveType enum. It holds one, or a combination, of these values: Invalid, Move, Capture, Castling, Promotion
            // Each valid move will always carry the 'Move' value. If it's also something else, it will carry both values (e.g. if the move is a capture, `type` will have the value MoveType.Move | MoveType.Capture).
            // MoveType is a flags enumeration. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms229062%28v=vs.100%29.aspx
            // e4 is just a normal move, so `type` will just be MoveType.Move.
            Console.WriteLine("Move type: {0}", type);

            // Now it's black's turn.
            Console.WriteLine("It's this color's turn: {0}", game.WhoseTurn);

            // You can figure out all valid moves using GetValidMoves.
            IEnumerable <Move> validMoves = game.GetValidMoves(Player.Black);

            // Here it returns all valid moves for black, but you can also find all valid moves *from a certain position* by passing a Position instance as argument.
            Console.WriteLine("How many valid moves does black have? {0}", validMoves.Count());

            // It might happen that you don't really care about all valid moves, but just want to know if there are valid moves. Chess.NET also has a method for that:
            bool hasValidMoves = game.HasAnyValidMoves(Player.Black);

            // Again, you can also pass a Position instance here.
            Console.WriteLine("Black has any valid moves: {0}", hasValidMoves);

            // Congratulations! You have learned about the most important methods of Chess.NET. Enjoy using the library :)
Exemple #11
        public ChessGame AppliedTo(ChessGame game)
            Player prevPlayer =
                game.WhoseTurn == Player.White
                ? Player.Black
                : Player.White;

            var creationData = game.GetGameCreationData();

            creationData.WhoseTurn = prevPlayer;

            creationData.CanWhiteCastleKingSide  = CouldWhiteCastleKingSide;
            creationData.CanWhiteCastleQueenSide = CouldWhiteCastleQueenSide;
            creationData.CanBlackCastleKingSide  = CouldBlackCastleKingSide;
            creationData.CanBlackCastleQueenSide = CouldBlackCastleQueenSide;

            creationData.FullMoveNumber = 1;
            creationData.HalfMoveClock  = 1;

            creationData.EnPassant = OldEpSquare;

            bool isCastling = IsCastling(game);

            if (isCastling)
                Piece movedPiece = new Pawn(prevPlayer);
                if (Move.Promotion == null)
                    movedPiece = game.GetPieceAt(Move.NewPosition);

                if (movedPiece is Pawn && OldEpSquare == Move.NewPosition)
                    int offset = prevPlayer == Player.White ? 1 : -1;
                    creationData.Board[8 - Move.NewPosition.Rank + offset][(int)Move.NewPosition.File]  = CapturedPiece;
                    creationData.Board[8 - Move.NewPosition.Rank][(int)Move.NewPosition.File]           = null;
                    creationData.Board[8 - Move.OriginalPosition.Rank][(int)Move.OriginalPosition.File] = movedPiece;
                    creationData.Board[8 - Move.NewPosition.Rank][(int)Move.NewPosition.File]           = CapturedPiece;
                    creationData.Board[8 - Move.OriginalPosition.Rank][(int)Move.OriginalPosition.File] = movedPiece;

            creationData.Moves = new DetailedMove[0];

            // IT ADDS A PAWN MOVE IF EnPassant IS SET... WTF IS THIS LIBRARY...
            return(new ChessGame(creationData));
        private void fENToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var fenForm = new FenForm();

            fenForm.FEN = ChessGame.GetFEN();
            if (fenForm.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
        public ActionResult <ChessGame> Post([FromBody] ChessGame chessGame)
            if (chessGame == null)

Exemple #14
 public void PrintBoard(ChessGame game)
     if (game.ActiveColor.IsWhite())
Exemple #15
        public static void TestMovingBlackKingLosingCastlingRights()
            var game = new ChessGame();

            game.ApplyMove(new Move("E2", "E4", Player.White), true);
            game.ApplyMove(new Move("E7", "E5", Player.Black), true);
            game.ApplyMove(new Move("G1", "F3", Player.White), true);
            game.ApplyMove(new Move("E8", "E7", Player.Black), true);

            Assert.AreEqual("rnbq1bnr/ppppkppp/8/4p3/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKB1R w KQ - 2 3", game.GetFen());
Exemple #16
        public static void TestMovingBlackARookLosingCastlingRights()
            var game = new ChessGame();

            game.ApplyMove(new Move("E2", "E4", Player.White), true);
            game.ApplyMove(new Move("A7", "A6", Player.Black), true);
            game.ApplyMove(new Move("G1", "F3", Player.White), true);
            game.ApplyMove(new Move("A8", "A7", Player.Black), true);

            Assert.AreEqual("1nbqkbnr/rppppppp/p7/8/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKB1R w KQk - 2 3", game.GetFen());
Exemple #17
        public static void TestMovingBlackHRookLosingCastlingRights()
            var game = new ChessGame();

            game.ApplyMove(new Move("E2", "E4", Player.White), true);
            game.ApplyMove(new Move("H7", "H6", Player.Black), true);
            game.ApplyMove(new Move("G1", "F3", Player.White), true);
            game.ApplyMove(new Move("H8", "H7", Player.Black), true);

            Assert.AreEqual("rnbqkbn1/pppppppr/7p/8/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKB1R w KQq - 2 3", game.GetFen());
Exemple #18
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Id,Fen,gameDate,userName")] ChessGame chessGame)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

        private void SaveAllFens(IEnumerable <ChessMove> moves, ChessGame game, FinalGameResult result)
            Positions.Add(FenData.FromGameState(game, result));

            foreach (var move in moves)
                game.MakeMove(move, true);
                var fenData = FenData.FromGameState(game, result);
Exemple #20
        public ChessGame Parse(IEnumerable<String> pgn, IChessMoveNotation moveNotation)
            var lines = pgn.GetEnumerator();
            var metainfo = ParseTags(lines);
            var movetext = ParseMovetext(lines);
            var game = new ChessGame(metainfo);

            foreach (ChessMove cm in ParseMoves(movetext, moveNotation, game.Players))

            return game;
Exemple #21
        public static void printCaptured(ChessGame game)
            Console.Write("White: ");
            Console.Write("Black: ");
            ConsoleColor aux = Console.ForegroundColor;

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
            Console.ForegroundColor = aux;
     * Toggles the menu on each hand. If the menu button is pressed then the menu will
     * initialize on the hand which the button was pressed. The menu will disappear if
     * the menu button is pressed while the menu is active.
    void ToggleMenu(string side)
        game = GameObject.Find("Chess_set").GetComponent <ChessGame>();

        if (isMenuActive)
            GameObject leftController  = this.transform.Find("Controller (left)").gameObject;
            GameObject rightController = this.transform.Find("Controller (right)").gameObject;

            leftController.GetComponent <NVRExampleTeleporter>().enabled  = true;
            rightController.GetComponent <NVRExampleTeleporter>().enabled = true;


            leftController.transform.GetComponent <ChessMenuPointer>().enabled = false;
            leftController.transform.GetComponent <ChessMenuPointer>().enabled = false;

            isMenuActive = false;
            sideActive   = "";
            if (side == "left")
                GameObject leftController  = this.transform.Find("Controller (left)").gameObject;
                GameObject rightController = this.transform.Find("Controller (right)").gameObject;

                leftController.GetComponent <NVRExampleTeleporter>().enabled  = false;
                rightController.GetComponent <NVRExampleTeleporter>().enabled = false;

                rightController.transform.GetComponent <ChessMenuPointer>().enabled = true;

                sideActive = "left";
            if (side == "right")
                GameObject leftController  = this.transform.Find("Controller (left)").gameObject;
                GameObject rightController = this.transform.Find("Controller (right)").gameObject;

                leftController.GetComponent <NVRExampleTeleporter>().enabled  = false;
                rightController.GetComponent <NVRExampleTeleporter>().enabled = false;

                leftController.transform.GetComponent <ChessMenuPointer>().enabled = true;

                sideActive = "right";

            isMenuActive = true;
        public ChessBoardHistoryEntry(ChessGame game)
            GCD = game.GetGameCreationData();

            if (GCD.Moves.Length > 0)
                Move      = GCD.Moves.Last();
                GCD.Moves = new DetailedMove[1] {
Exemple #24
        private string GetCapturedPieces(ChessGame game, ChessColor color)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            ChessPiece[] captured = game.Board.CapturedPieces.Where(p => p.Color == color).ToArray();
            sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (ChessPiece cap in captured)
                sb.Append(cap.ToString() + " ");
            return((sb.ToString() + new string(' ', 16)).Substring(0, 16));
Exemple #25
 protected virtual bool CanCastle(Position origin, Position destination, ChessGame game)
     if (!HasCastlingAbility) return false;
     if (Owner == Player.White)
         if (origin.File != File.E || origin.Rank != 1)
             return false;
         if (game.IsInCheck(Player.White))
             return false;
         if (destination.File == File.C)
             if (!game.CanWhiteCastleQueenSide || game.GetPieceAt(File.D, 1) != null
                 || game.GetPieceAt(File.C, 1) != null
                 || game.GetPieceAt(File.B, 1) != null
                 || game.WouldBeInCheckAfter(new Move(new Position(File.E, 1), new Position(File.D, 1), Player.White), Player.White)
                 || game.WouldBeInCheckAfter(new Move(new Position(File.E, 1), new Position(File.C, 1), Player.White), Player.White))
                 return false;
             if (!game.CanWhiteCastleKingSide || game.GetPieceAt(File.F, 1) != null
                 || game.GetPieceAt(File.G, 1) != null
                 || game.WouldBeInCheckAfter(new Move(new Position(File.E, 1), new Position(File.F, 1), Player.White), Player.White)
                 || game.WouldBeInCheckAfter(new Move(new Position(File.E, 1), new Position(File.G, 1), Player.White), Player.White))
                 return false;
         if (origin.File != File.E || origin.Rank != 8)
             return false;
         if (game.IsInCheck(Player.Black))
             return false;
         if (destination.File == File.C)
             if (!game.CanBlackCastleQueenSide || game.GetPieceAt(File.D, 8) != null
                 || game.GetPieceAt(File.C, 8) != null
                 || game.GetPieceAt(File.B, 8) != null
                 || game.WouldBeInCheckAfter(new Move(new Position(File.E, 8), new Position(File.D, 8), Player.Black), Player.Black)
                 || game.WouldBeInCheckAfter(new Move(new Position(File.E, 8), new Position(File.C, 8), Player.Black), Player.Black))
                 return false;
             if (!game.CanBlackCastleKingSide || game.GetPieceAt(File.F, 8) != null
                 || game.GetPieceAt(File.G, 8) != null
                 || game.WouldBeInCheckAfter(new Move(new Position(File.E, 8), new Position(File.F, 8), Player.Black), Player.Black)
                 || game.WouldBeInCheckAfter(new Move(new Position(File.E, 8), new Position(File.G, 8), Player.Black), Player.Black))
                 return false;
     return true;
        public void SetInitialPosition(string fen)
            Plies = 0;
            var game = new ChessGame(fen);

            Entries = new List <ChessBoardHistoryEntry>
                new ChessBoardHistoryEntry(game)
            Entries[0].Move = null;
Exemple #27
 public ChessForm()
     chessPanel.BackColor = Color.Gray;
     GamePoint.SIDE_LENGTH = chessPanel.Height / 8;
     if (chessPanel.Height != chessPanel.Width)
         throw new Exception("Chess game needs a square panel");
     game = new ChessGame(chessPanel.Height);
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse a rochade draw from the given PGN content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game">The chess game with all previous draws.</param>
        /// <param name="content">The PGN content to be parsed.</param>
        /// <returns>The parsed rochade draw</returns>
        private ChessDraw?parseRochade(ChessGame game, string content)
            int row    = (game.SideToDraw == ChessColor.White) ? 0 : 7;
            int column = content.Equals(LITTLE_ROCHADE) ? 6 : 2;

            var oldPos = new ChessPosition(row, 4);
            var newPos = new ChessPosition(row, column);

            ChessDraw?draw = new ChessDraw(game.Board, oldPos, newPos);

Exemple #29
        public Move GenerateMove(ChessGame game)
            if (!game.HasAnyValidMoves(game.WhoseTurn))

            var moves       = game.GetValidMoves(game.WhoseTurn).ToList();
            var randomIndex = random.Next(0, moves.Count);

Exemple #30
        public override bool IsValidMove(Move move, ChessGame game)
            ChessUtilities.ThrowIfNull(move, "move");
            ChessUtilities.ThrowIfNull(game, "game");
            Position origin = move.OriginalPosition;
            Position destination = move.NewPosition;

            PositionDistance posDelta = new PositionDistance(origin, destination);
            if ((posDelta.DistanceX != 2 || posDelta.DistanceY != 1) && (posDelta.DistanceX != 1 || posDelta.DistanceY != 2))
                return false;
            return true;
Exemple #31
        internal override bool IsValidGameMove(Move move, ChessGame board)
            // No need to do null checks here, this method isn't public and isn't annotated with nullable.
            // If the caller try to pass a possible null reference, the compiler should issue a warning.
            // TODO: Should I add [NotNull] attribute to the arguments? What's the benefit?
            // The arguments are already non-nullable.

            int deltaX = move.GetAbsDeltaX();
            int deltaY = move.GetAbsDeltaY();

            return((deltaX == 1 && deltaY == 2) || (deltaX == 2 && deltaY == 1));
Exemple #32
        private void saveToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var sfd = new SaveFileDialog();

            if (sfd.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
                while (MoveForWards())
        public static void Test960CastlingBlack2()
            ChessGame game = new ChessGame("r1k3br/pppp2pp/2n2p2/8/7N/8/PKP2PPP/3R2BR b kq - 2 12");

            Assert.True(game.IsValidMove(new Move("C8", "A8", Player.Black)), "Queenside castling should be valid.");
            Assert.False(game.IsValidMove(new Move("C8", "H8", Player.Black)), "Kingside castling should be invalid.");

            Assert.Contains(new Move("C8", "A8", Player.Black), game.GetValidMoves(Player.Black));
            Assert.Contains(new Move("C8", "A8", Player.Black), game.GetValidMoves(new Position("C8")));

            game.MakeMove(new Move("C8", "A8", Player.Black), true);
            Assert.AreEqual("2kr2br/pppp2pp/2n2p2/8/7N/8/PKP2PPP/3R2BR w - - 3 13", game.GetFen());
Exemple #34
 public void PromptCommand(ChessGame game)
     Console.ForegroundColor = PromptColor;
     if (game != null && game.GameStatus == ChessGameStatus.ChessGameStatus_Playing)
         Console.Write("Chess[" + game.GameName + "]:" + game.NextTurnPlayer.ToString() + ":> ");
         Console.Write("Chess:> ");
        public static void Test960CastlingWhite2()
            ChessGame game = new ChessGame("bbrqknr1/pp1ppppp/6n1/2p5/4P3/5Q2/PPPP1PPP/BBR1KNRN w KQkq - 2 3");

            Assert.True(game.IsValidMove(new Move("E1", "C1", Player.White)), "Queenside castling should be valid.");
            Assert.False(game.IsValidMove(new Move("E1", "G1", Player.White)), "Kingside castling should be invalid.");

            Assert.Contains(new Move("E1", "C1", Player.White), game.GetValidMoves(Player.White));
            Assert.Contains(new Move("E1", "C1", Player.White), game.GetValidMoves(new Position("E1")));

            game.MakeMove(new Move("E1", "C1", Player.White), true);
            Assert.AreEqual("bbrqknr1/pp1ppppp/6n1/2p5/4P3/5Q2/PPPP1PPP/BBKR1NRN b kq - 3 3", game.GetFen());
        public static void Test960CastlingBlack1()
            ChessGame game = new ChessGame("q1nbrk1r/pp2p1pp/2npbp2/8/4P3/1P3P2/P1PP1BPP/QNNBRRK1 b kq - 3 6");

            Assert.True(game.IsValidMove(new Move("F8", "H8", Player.Black)), "Kingside castling should be valid.");
            Assert.False(game.IsValidMove(new Move("F8", "E8", Player.Black)), "Queenside castling should be invalid.");

            Assert.Contains(new Move("F8", "H8", Player.Black), game.GetValidMoves(Player.Black));
            Assert.Contains(new Move("F8", "H8", Player.Black), game.GetValidMoves(new Position("F8")));

            game.MakeMove(new Move("F8", "H8", Player.Black), true);
            Assert.AreEqual("q1nbrrk1/pp2p1pp/2npbp2/8/4P3/1P3P2/P1PP1BPP/QNNBRRK1 w - - 4 7", game.GetFen());
Exemple #37
 private void newToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (
         MessageBox.Show(this, "Are you sure?", "New chess game", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,
                         MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
         checkBoxAIblack.Checked  = false;
         checkBoxAI_white.Checked = false;
        public ActionResult <ChessGame> Delete(int id)
            ChessGame chessGame = appContext.ChessGames.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);

            if (chessGame == null)

        public static void TestCastling_KingE_RooksCF()
            ChessGame game = new ChessGame("bnrbkrnq/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/BNRBKRNQ w KQkq - 0 1");

            string[] moves = { "b2b3", "h7h6", "a1b2", "g7g6", "b1a3", "e7e6", "c2c3", "d7d6", "d1c2", "c7c6", "g1f3", "b7b6", "h2h3", "a7a6", "h1h2", "f7f6" };
            foreach (string m in moves)
                game.MakeMove(new Move(m.Substring(0, 2), m.Substring(2, 2), game.WhoseTurn), true);

            Assert.True(game.IsValidMove(new Move("E1", "C1", Player.White)));
            Assert.True(game.IsValidMove(new Move("E1", "F1", Player.White)));
Exemple #40
        public window(bool isStandardChess)
            boxes = new List <PictureBox>(64);
            currentGame = new ChessGame(isStandardChess);
            //this.playerWhiteName.Text = firstName;
            //this.playerBlackName.Text = SecondName;

            isWhitePlayersTurn = true;
Exemple #41
    public ServerManager(IPlayer whitePlayer, IPlayer blackPlayer)
        this.whitePlayer              = whitePlayer;
        this.blackPlayer              = blackPlayer;
        whitePlayer.PlayerActedEvent += SetPlayerAct;
        blackPlayer.PlayerActedEvent += SetPlayerAct;

        chessGame = new ChessGame();
        GameSituation gameSituation = chessGame.InitializeBoard();

        public static void Test960CastlingWhite1()
            ChessGame game = new ChessGame("qnbbrkr1/pppp1ppp/6n1/4p3/8/1P4N1/P1PPPPPP/QNBBRKR1 w KQkq - 1 3");

            Assert.True(game.IsValidMove(new Move("F1", "G1", Player.White)), "Kingside castling should be valid.");
            Assert.False(game.IsValidMove(new Move("F1", "E1", Player.White)), "Queenside castling should be invalid.");

            Assert.Contains(new Move("F1", "G1", Player.White), game.GetValidMoves(Player.White));
            Assert.Contains(new Move("F1", "G1", Player.White), game.GetValidMoves(new Position("F1")));

            game.MakeMove(new Move("F1", "G1", Player.White), true);
            Assert.AreEqual("qnbbrkr1/pppp1ppp/6n1/4p3/8/1P4N1/P1PPPPPP/QNBBRRK1 b kq - 2 3", game.GetFen());
Exemple #43
 public override bool IsValidMove(Move move, ChessGame game)
     ChessUtilities.ThrowIfNull(move, "move");
     Position origin = move.OriginalPosition;
     Position destination = move.NewPosition;
     PositionDistance distance = new PositionDistance(origin, destination);
     if ((distance.DistanceX != 1 || distance.DistanceY != 1)
                 && (distance.DistanceX != 0 || distance.DistanceY != 1)
                 && (distance.DistanceX != 1 || distance.DistanceY != 0)
                 && (distance.DistanceX != 2 || distance.DistanceY != 0))
         return false;
     if (distance.DistanceX != 2)
         return true;
     return CanCastle(origin, destination, game);
Exemple #44
        public override bool IsValidMove(Move move, ChessGame game)
            bool validByStandardRules = base.IsValidMove(move, game);
            if (validByStandardRules) return true;
            if (move.OriginalPosition.Rank == 1 &&
                move.NewPosition.Rank == 3 &&
                move.OriginalPosition.File == move.NewPosition.File &&
                game.GetPieceAt(move.NewPosition) == null &&
                game.GetPieceAt(new Position(move.OriginalPosition.File, move.OriginalPosition.Rank + 1)) == null)
                // Horde pawns at the first rank can also move two squares on their first move. However, these can't be en-passant captured.
                return true;

            return false;
Exemple #45
        public String GenerateMovetext(ChessGame game)
            var movetext = new StringBuilder();
            var moveCount = 1;

            foreach (var m in game.Moves)
                if (moveCount % 2 == 1)
                    movetext.Append((moveCount+1)/2 + ". ");
                movetext.Append(m + " ");


            if (movetext.Length > 0)
                movetext.Remove(movetext.Length - 1, 1);

            return movetext.ToString();
Exemple #46
        public override bool IsValidMove(Move move, ChessGame game)
            ChessUtilities.ThrowIfNull(move, "move");
            ChessUtilities.ThrowIfNull(game, "game");
            Position origin = move.OriginalPosition;
            Position destination = move.NewPosition;

            PositionDistance posDelta = new PositionDistance(origin, destination);
            if (posDelta.DistanceX != 0 && posDelta.DistanceY != 0)
                return false;
            bool increasingRank = destination.Rank > origin.Rank;
            bool increasingFile = (int)destination.File > (int)origin.File;
            if (posDelta.DistanceX == 0)
                int f = (int)origin.File;
                for (int r = origin.Rank + (increasingRank ? 1 : -1);
                    increasingRank ? r < destination.Rank : r > destination.Rank;
                    r += increasingRank ? 1 : -1)
                    if (game.GetPieceAt((File)f, r) != null)
                        return false;
            else // (posDelta.DeltaY == 0)
                int r = origin.Rank;
                for (int f = (int)origin.File + (increasingFile ? 1 : -1);
                    increasingFile ? f < (int)destination.File : f > (int)destination.File;
                    f += increasingFile ? 1 : -1)
                    if (game.GetPieceAt((File)f, r) != null)
                        return false;
            return true;
Exemple #47
 public override ReadOnlyCollection<Move> GetValidMoves(Position from, bool returnIfAny, ChessGame game, Func<Move, bool> gameMoveValidator)
     List<Move> validMoves = new List<Move>();
     Piece piece = game.GetPieceAt(from);
     int l0 = game.BoardHeight;
     int l1 = game.BoardWidth;
     int[][] directions = new int[][] { new int[] { 2, 1 }, new int[] { -2, -1 }, new int[] { 1, 2 }, new int[] { -1, -2 },
                 new int[] { 1, -2 }, new int[] { -1, 2 }, new int[] { 2, -1 }, new int[] { -2, 1 } };
     foreach (int[] dir in directions)
         if ((int)from.File + dir[0] < 0 || (int)from.File + dir[0] >= l1
             || from.Rank + dir[1] < 1 || from.Rank + dir[1] > l0)
         Move move = new Move(from, new Position(from.File + dir[0], from.Rank + dir[1]), piece.Owner);
         if (gameMoveValidator(move))
             if (returnIfAny)
                 return new ReadOnlyCollection<Move>(validMoves);
     return new ReadOnlyCollection<Move>(validMoves);
Exemple #48
 public override ReadOnlyCollection<Move> GetValidMoves(Position from, bool returnIfAny, ChessGame game, Func<Move, bool> gameMoveValidator)
     ChessUtilities.ThrowIfNull(from, "from");
     List<Move> validMoves = new List<Move>();
     Piece piece = game.GetPieceAt(from);
     int l0 = game.BoardHeight;
     int l1 = game.BoardWidth;
     int[][] directions;
     if (piece.Owner == Player.White)
         directions = new int[][] { new int[] { 0, 1 }, new int[] { 0, 2 }, new int[] { 1, 1 }, new int[] { -1, 1 } };
         directions = new int[][] { new int[] { 0, -1 }, new int[] { 0, -2 }, new int[] { -1, -1 }, new int[] { 1, -1 } };
     foreach (int[] dir in directions)
         if ((int)from.File + dir[0] < 0 || (int)from.File + dir[0] >= l1
             || from.Rank + dir[1] < 1 || from.Rank + dir[1] > l0)
         Move move = new Move(from, new Position(from.File + dir[0], from.Rank + dir[1]), piece.Owner);
         List<Move> moves = new List<Move>();
         if ((move.NewPosition.Rank == 8 && move.Player == Player.White) || (move.NewPosition.Rank == 1 && move.Player == Player.Black))
             foreach (char pieceChar in ValidPromotionPieces.Where(x => char.IsUpper(x)))
                 moves.Add(new Move(move.OriginalPosition, move.NewPosition, move.Player, pieceChar));
         foreach (Move m in moves)
             if (gameMoveValidator(m))
                 if (returnIfAny)
                     return new ReadOnlyCollection<Move>(validMoves);
     return new ReadOnlyCollection<Move>(validMoves);
            protected void FireGameSelectionEvent(ChessGame
                if (GameSelectionEvent != null)
                    GameSelectionEvent (details);
Exemple #50
        public static void TestValidMoveBlackPawn_TwoSteps()
            ChessGame cb = new ChessGame();
            cb.ApplyMove(new Move(new Position(File.A, Rank.Two), new Position(File.A, Rank.Three), Player.White), true);

            Move move1 = new Move(new Position(File.D, Rank.Seven), new Position(File.D, Rank.Five), Player.Black);

            Assert.True(cb.IsValidMove(move1), "move1 should be valid");
Exemple #51
        public override bool IsValidMove(Move move, ChessGame game)
            ChessUtilities.ThrowIfNull(move, "move");
            ChessUtilities.ThrowIfNull(game, "game");
            Position origin = move.OriginalPosition;
            Position destination = move.NewPosition;

            Piece promotion = null;
            if (move.Promotion.HasValue && ValidPromotionPieces.Contains(move.Promotion.Value))
                promotion = game.MapPgnCharToPiece(char.ToUpper(move.Promotion.Value), move.Player);
            PositionDistance posDelta = new PositionDistance(origin, destination);
            if ((posDelta.DistanceX != 0 || posDelta.DistanceY != 1) && (posDelta.DistanceX != 1 || posDelta.DistanceY != 1)
                        && (posDelta.DistanceX != 0 || posDelta.DistanceY != 2))
                return false;
            if (Owner == Player.White)
                if (origin.Rank > destination.Rank)
                    return false;
                if (destination.Rank == 8)
                    if (promotion == null)
                        return false;
                    if (promotion.Owner != Player.White)
                        return false;
                    if (!ValidPromotionPieces.Contains(promotion.GetFenCharacter()))
                        return false;
            if (Owner == Player.Black)
                if (origin.Rank < destination.Rank)
                    return false;
                if (destination.Rank == 1)
                    if (promotion == null)
                        return false;
                    if (promotion.Owner != Player.Black)
                        return false;
                    if (!ValidPromotionPieces.Contains(promotion.GetFenCharacter()))
                        return false;
            bool checkEnPassant = false;
            if (posDelta.DistanceY == 2)
                if ((origin.Rank != 2 && Owner == Player.White)
                    || (origin.Rank != 7 && Owner == Player.Black))
                    return false;
                if (origin.Rank == 2 && game.GetPieceAt(origin.File, 3) != null)
                    return false;
                if (origin.Rank == 7 && game.GetPieceAt(origin.File, 6) != null)
                    return false;
            Piece pieceAtDestination = game.GetPieceAt(destination);
            if (posDelta.DistanceX == 0 && (posDelta.DistanceY == 1 || posDelta.DistanceY == 2))
                if (pieceAtDestination != null)
                    return false;
                if (pieceAtDestination == null)
                    checkEnPassant = true;
                else if (pieceAtDestination.Owner == Owner)
                    return false;
            if (checkEnPassant)
                ReadOnlyCollection<DetailedMove> _moves = game.Moves;
                if (_moves.Count == 0)
                    return false;
                if ((origin.Rank != 5 && Owner == Player.White)
                    || (origin.Rank != 4 && Owner == Player.Black))
                    return false;
                Move latestMove = _moves[_moves.Count - 1];
                if (latestMove.Player != ChessUtilities.GetOpponentOf(Owner))
                    return false;
                if (!(game.GetPieceAt(latestMove.NewPosition) is Pawn))
                    return false;
                if (game.GetPieceAt(latestMove.NewPosition).Owner == Owner)
                    return false;
                if (Owner == Player.White)
                    if (latestMove.OriginalPosition.Rank != 7 || latestMove.NewPosition.Rank != 5)
                        return false;
                else // (m.Player == Players.Black)
                    if (latestMove.OriginalPosition.Rank != 2 || latestMove.NewPosition.Rank != 4)
                        return false;
                if (destination.File != latestMove.NewPosition.File)
                    return false;
            return true;
 private void GameStart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     AI_Information ai_a = AI_Construct(WhiteComboBox);
     AI_Information ai_b = AI_Construct(BlackComboBox);
     ChessGame chessGameWindow = new ChessGame(this, ai_a, ai_b);
     chessGameWindow.Show(); this.Hide();
            public void AddGame(ChessGame game,
					     GameRating rating,
					     out PGNGameDetails updated)
                FindOrCreateGame (game, out updated);
                if (updated.Rating != rating)
                      updated.Rating = rating;
                      SaveGame (updated);
 public void SetGame(ChessGame game)
     this.game = game;
     curMoveIdx = -1;
     Refresh ();
            public void AddGame(ChessGame game,
					     out PGNGameDetails updated)
                AddGame (game, GameRating.Unknown,
                     out updated);
            public void SaveGameDetails(ChessGame game,
						     out ChessGame updated,
						     bool overrite)
                if (!(game is PGNGameDetails))
                    game = new PGNGameDetails (game);
                PGNGameDetails updatedgame;
                AddGame (game, out updatedgame);	// this will check for duplicates
                updated = updatedgame;
            public bool FindOrCreateGame(ChessGame game,
						      out PGNGameDetails
                PGNGameDetails info;
                if (game is PGNGameDetails)
                    info = (PGNGameDetails) game;
                    info = new PGNGameDetails (game);

                PGNGameDetails existing;
                if (!FindGame (info, out existing))
                      info.ID = Config.Instance.NextID ();
                      db.Set (info);
                      Config.Instance.Save ();
                      updated = info;
                      return true;	// created

                updated = existing;
                return false;
Exemple #58
        public static void TestInvalidMoveBlackPawn_EnPassant()
            ChessGame cb = new ChessGame();
            Move move1 = new Move(new Position(File.B, Rank.One), new Position(File.A, Rank.Three), Player.White);
            Move move2 = new Move(new Position(File.E, Rank.Seven), new Position(File.E, Rank.Five), Player.Black);
            Move move3 = new Move(new Position(File.E, Rank.Two), new Position(File.E, Rank.Three), Player.White);
            Move move4 = new Move(new Position(File.E, Rank.Five), new Position(File.E, Rank.Four), Player.Black);
            Move move5 = new Move(new Position(File.H, Rank.Two), new Position(File.H, Rank.Four), Player.White);
            Move move6 = new Move(new Position(File.E, Rank.Four), new Position(File.D, Rank.Three), Player.Black);

            cb.ApplyMove(move1, true);
            cb.ApplyMove(move2, true);
            cb.ApplyMove(move3, true);
            cb.ApplyMove(move4, true);
            cb.ApplyMove(move5, true);

            public bool GetGameDetails(ChessGame game,
						    out ChessGame details)
                PGNGameDetails gamedetails;
                if (!(game is PGNGameDetails))
                    gamedetails =
                        new PGNGameDetails (game);
                    gamedetails = (PGNGameDetails) game;

                PGNGameDetails dbgame;
                bool ret = FindGame (gamedetails, out dbgame);
                details = dbgame;
                return ret;
Exemple #60
        public static void TestValidMoveBlackPawn_Capture()
            ChessGame cb = new ChessGame();
            Move move1 = new Move(new Position(File.A, Rank.Two), new Position(File.A, Rank.Three), Player.White);
            Move move2 = new Move(new Position(File.E, Rank.Seven), new Position(File.E, Rank.Five), Player.Black);
            Move move3 = new Move(new Position(File.D, Rank.Two), new Position(File.D, Rank.Four), Player.White);
            Move move4 = new Move(new Position(File.E, Rank.Five), new Position(File.D, Rank.Four), Player.Black);

            cb.ApplyMove(move1, true);
            cb.ApplyMove(move2, true);
            cb.ApplyMove(move3, true);
