public override void Move(ChessBoard.ChessBoard chessBoard, ChessBoardPosition oldPosition, ChessBoardPosition newPosition) { List <PlayerPiece> playerPieces = chessBoard.GetPlayerPiecesBasedOnControlType(EntityControlType.Human); var validMoves = new List <KeyValuePair <int, List <Point> > >(); foreach (PlayerPiece playerPiece in playerPieces) { bool[,] chessBoardGrid = chessBoard.GetPathfinderGrid(); chessBoardGrid[oldPosition.CurrentRow, oldPosition.CurrentColumn] = true; chessBoardGrid[playerPiece.CurrentPosition.CurrentRow, playerPiece.CurrentPosition.CurrentColumn] = true; Point startLocation = new Point(oldPosition.CurrentRow, oldPosition.CurrentColumn); Point endLocation = new Point(playerPiece.CurrentPosition.CurrentRow, playerPiece.CurrentPosition.CurrentColumn); SearchParameters sp = new SearchParameters(startLocation, endLocation, chessBoardGrid); PathFinder pathfinder = new PathFinder(sp); List <Point> nodes = pathfinder.FindPath(); validMoves.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, List <Point> >(nodes.Count, nodes)); } var paths = new List <int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <Point> > pair in validMoves) { paths.Add(pair.Key); } paths.Sort(); KeyValuePair <int, List <Point> > nextPosition = new KeyValuePair <int, List <Point> >(0, null); if (paths.Count > 0) { nextPosition = validMoves.Find(m => m.Key == paths[0]); } if (paths.Count > 0 && nextPosition.Key != 0) { newPosition = new ChessBoardPosition { CurrentColumn = nextPosition.Value[0].Y, CurrentRow = nextPosition.Value[0].X, }; ChessBoardCell newCell = chessBoard.GetCell(newPosition); if (newCell.IsOccupied) { return; } else { ChessBoardCell cell = chessBoard.GetCell(oldPosition); chessBoard.SetCell(newPosition, cell); chessBoard.EmptyCell(oldPosition); } } }
public override void Attack(ChessBoard.ChessBoard chessBoard, ChessBoardPosition currentPosition, ChessBoardPosition targetPosition) { var validPositions = GetValidAttackPositions(chessBoard, currentPosition); validPositions.RemoveAll(p => p == null); if (targetPosition == null) { throw new Exception("The specified cell is outside the chess board field."); } if (validPositions.Any(p => p.CurrentRow == targetPosition.CurrentRow && p.CurrentColumn == targetPosition.CurrentColumn)) { ChessBoardCell cell = chessBoard.GetCell(targetPosition); if (cell.IsOccupied && cell.Entity != null) { cell.Entity.HitPoints = cell.Entity.HitPoints - AttackPower; Console.WriteLine($"Hit on enemy {cell.Entity.Name} for {AttackPower} damage!"); if (cell.Entity.HitPoints < 1) { Console.WriteLine($"Enemy {cell.Entity.Name} is destroyed!"); chessBoard.EmptyCell(targetPosition); } Console.ReadLine(); } } else { throw new Exception("Invalid attack position. Specified cell is not in the attack range."); } }
public override void Attack(ChessBoard.ChessBoard chessBoard, ChessBoardPosition currentPosition, ChessBoardPosition targetPosition) { var validPositions = GetValidAttackPositions(chessBoard, currentPosition); validPositions.RemoveAll(p => p == null); var validTargets = new List <ChessBoardPosition>(); foreach (ChessBoardPosition validPosition in validPositions) { ChessBoardCell cell = chessBoard.GetCell(validPosition); if (cell.IsOccupied && cell.Entity.ControlType == EntityControlType.Human) { validTargets.Add(validPosition); } } if (validTargets.Count > 0) { validTargets.Shuffle(); ChessBoardCell target = chessBoard.GetCell(validTargets[0]); if (target.IsOccupied && target.Entity != null) { target.Entity.HitPoints = target.Entity.HitPoints - AttackPower; Console.WriteLine($"Hit on enemy {target.Entity.Name} for {AttackPower} damage!"); if (target.Entity.HitPoints < 1) { Console.WriteLine($"Enemy {target.Entity.Name} is destroyed!"); chessBoard.EmptyCell(validTargets[0]); } Console.ReadLine(); } } }
public override void Move(ChessBoard.ChessBoard chessBoard, ChessBoardPosition oldPosition, ChessBoardPosition newPosition) { if ((oldPosition.CurrentRow + 1) < 8) { newPosition = new ChessBoardPosition { CurrentColumn = oldPosition.CurrentColumn, CurrentRow = oldPosition.CurrentRow + 1, }; ChessBoardCell newCell = chessBoard.GetCell(newPosition); if (newCell.IsOccupied) { return; } else { ChessBoardCell cell = chessBoard.GetCell(oldPosition); chessBoard.SetCell(newPosition, cell); chessBoard.EmptyCell(oldPosition); } } }
public override void Attack(ChessBoard.ChessBoard chessBoard, ChessBoardPosition currentPosition, ChessBoardPosition targetPosition) { var validAttackPosition = new List <ChessBoardPosition>(); ChessBoardPosition upLeftPosition = chessBoard.CalculatePosition(currentPosition, 1, 1, true); ChessBoardPosition upRight = chessBoard.CalculatePosition(currentPosition, 1, -1, true); ChessBoardPosition downLeftPosition = chessBoard.CalculatePosition(currentPosition, -1, 1, true); ChessBoardPosition downRightPosition = chessBoard.CalculatePosition(currentPosition, -1, -1, true); ChessBoardPosition upPosition = chessBoard.CalculatePosition(currentPosition, 1, 0, true); ChessBoardPosition downPosition = chessBoard.CalculatePosition(currentPosition, -1, 0, true); ChessBoardPosition leftPosition = chessBoard.CalculatePosition(currentPosition, 0, 1, true); ChessBoardPosition rightPosition = chessBoard.CalculatePosition(currentPosition, 0, -1, true); validAttackPosition.Add(upLeftPosition); validAttackPosition.Add(upRight); validAttackPosition.Add(downLeftPosition); validAttackPosition.Add(downRightPosition); validAttackPosition.Add(upPosition); validAttackPosition.Add(downPosition); validAttackPosition.Add(leftPosition); validAttackPosition.Add(rightPosition); validAttackPosition.RemoveAll(p => p == null); foreach (ChessBoardPosition position in validAttackPosition) { ChessBoardCell target = chessBoard.GetCell(position); if (target.IsOccupied && target.Entity != null && target.Entity.ControlType == EntityControlType.Human) { target.Entity.HitPoints = target.Entity.HitPoints - AttackPower; Console.WriteLine($"Hit on enemy {target.Entity.Name} for {AttackPower} damage!"); if (target.Entity.HitPoints < 1) { Console.WriteLine($"Enemy {target.Entity.Name} is destroyed!"); chessBoard.EmptyCell(position); } Console.ReadLine(); } } }
public override void Move(ChessBoard.ChessBoard chessBoard, ChessBoardPosition oldPosition, ChessBoardPosition newPosition) { var validPositions = GetValidMovePositions(chessBoard, oldPosition); validPositions.RemoveAll(p => p == null); if (newPosition == null) { throw new Exception("The specified cell is outside the chess board field."); } if (validPositions.Any(p => p.CurrentRow == newPosition.CurrentRow && p.CurrentColumn == newPosition.CurrentColumn)) { ChessBoardCell cell = chessBoard.GetCell(oldPosition); chessBoard.SetCell(newPosition, cell); chessBoard.EmptyCell(oldPosition); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid move. Specified cell is not a valid move."); } }
public override void Attack(ChessBoard.ChessBoard chessBoard, ChessBoardPosition currentPosition, ChessBoardPosition targetPosition) { var validPositions = GetValidAttackPositions(chessBoard, currentPosition); validPositions.RemoveAll(p => p == null); foreach (ChessBoardPosition position in validPositions) { ChessBoardCell cell = chessBoard.GetCell(position); if (cell.IsOccupied && cell.Entity != null) { cell.Entity.HitPoints = cell.Entity.HitPoints - AttackPower; Console.WriteLine($"Hit on enemy {cell.Entity.Name} for {AttackPower} damage!"); if (cell.Entity.HitPoints < 1) { Console.WriteLine($"Enemy {cell.Entity.Name} is destroyed!"); chessBoard.EmptyCell(position); } Console.ReadLine(); } } }
public override void Move(ChessBoard.ChessBoard chessBoard, ChessBoardPosition oldPosition, ChessBoardPosition newPosition) { List <PlayerPiece> playerPieces = chessBoard.GetPlayerPiecesBasedOnControlType(EntityControlType.Human); CommandUnitMoveState moveState = CommandUnitMoveState.StayStill; var possibleAttacks = new List <KeyValuePair <int, List <Point> > >(); foreach (PlayerPiece playerPiece in playerPieces) { bool[,] chessBoardGrid = chessBoard.GetPathfinderGrid(); chessBoardGrid[oldPosition.CurrentRow, oldPosition.CurrentColumn] = true; chessBoardGrid[playerPiece.CurrentPosition.CurrentRow, playerPiece.CurrentPosition.CurrentColumn] = true; Point startLocation = new Point(oldPosition.CurrentRow, oldPosition.CurrentColumn); Point endLocation = new Point(playerPiece.CurrentPosition.CurrentRow, playerPiece.CurrentPosition.CurrentColumn); SearchParameters sp = new SearchParameters(startLocation, endLocation, chessBoardGrid); PathFinder pathfinder = new PathFinder(sp); List <Point> nodes = pathfinder.FindPath(); possibleAttacks.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, List <Point> >(nodes.Count, nodes)); } var paths = new List <int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <Point> > pair in possibleAttacks) { paths.Add(pair.Key); } paths.Sort(); KeyValuePair <int, List <Point> > nearestEnemy = new KeyValuePair <int, List <Point> >(0, null); if (paths.Count > 0) { nearestEnemy = possibleAttacks.Find(m => m.Key == paths[0]); } if (paths.Count > 0 && nearestEnemy.Key != 0) { if (nearestEnemy.Key == 1 || nearestEnemy.Key == 2) { if (nearestEnemy.Value[nearestEnemy.Value.Count - 1].X >= oldPosition.CurrentRow) { moveState = CommandUnitMoveState.MoveLeft; } else if ((nearestEnemy.Value[nearestEnemy.Value.Count - 1].X <= oldPosition.CurrentRow)) { moveState = CommandUnitMoveState.MoveRight; } } else { bool safeUpLeft = false; for (int radius = 0; radius < chessBoard.Columns; radius++) { ChessBoardPosition upLeftPosition = chessBoard.CalculatePosition(oldPosition, radius, radius, true); if (upLeftPosition != null) { ChessBoardCell cell = chessBoard.GetCell(upLeftPosition); if (cell.IsOccupied && cell.Entity.ControlType == EntityControlType.Human) { safeUpLeft = false; } if (cell.IsOccupied && cell.Entity.ControlType == EntityControlType.Ai) { safeUpLeft = true; } } } bool safeUpRight = false; for (int radius = 0; radius < chessBoard.Columns; radius++) { ChessBoardPosition upRightPosition = chessBoard.CalculatePosition(oldPosition, radius, -radius, true); if (upRightPosition != null) { ChessBoardCell cell = chessBoard.GetCell(upRightPosition); if (cell.IsOccupied && cell.Entity.ControlType == EntityControlType.Human) { safeUpRight = false; } if (cell.IsOccupied && cell.Entity.ControlType == EntityControlType.Ai) { safeUpRight = true; } } } bool safeDownLeft = false; for (int radius = 0; radius < chessBoard.Columns; radius++) { ChessBoardPosition downLeftPosition = chessBoard.CalculatePosition(oldPosition, -radius, radius, true); if (downLeftPosition != null) { ChessBoardCell cell = chessBoard.GetCell(downLeftPosition); if (cell.IsOccupied && cell.Entity.ControlType == EntityControlType.Human) { safeDownLeft = false; } if (cell.IsOccupied && cell.Entity.ControlType == EntityControlType.Ai) { safeDownLeft = true; } } } bool safeDownRight = false; for (int radius = 0; radius < chessBoard.Columns; radius++) { ChessBoardPosition downRightPosition = chessBoard.CalculatePosition(oldPosition, -radius, -radius, true); if (downRightPosition != null) { ChessBoardCell cell = chessBoard.GetCell(downRightPosition); if (cell.IsOccupied && cell.Entity.ControlType == EntityControlType.Human) { safeDownRight = false; } if (cell.IsOccupied && cell.Entity.ControlType == EntityControlType.Ai) { safeDownRight = true; } } } bool safeUp = false; for (int radius = 0; radius < chessBoard.Columns; radius++) { ChessBoardPosition upPosition = chessBoard.CalculatePosition(oldPosition, radius, 0, true); if (upPosition != null) { ChessBoardCell cell = chessBoard.GetCell(upPosition); if (cell.IsOccupied && cell.Entity.ControlType == EntityControlType.Human) { safeUp = false; } if (cell.IsOccupied && cell.Entity.ControlType == EntityControlType.Ai) { safeUp = true; } } } bool safeDown = false; for (int radius = 0; radius < chessBoard.Columns; radius++) { ChessBoardPosition downPosition = chessBoard.CalculatePosition(oldPosition, -radius, 0, true); if (downPosition != null) { ChessBoardCell cell = chessBoard.GetCell(downPosition); if (cell.IsOccupied && cell.Entity.ControlType == EntityControlType.Human) { safeDown = false; } if (cell.IsOccupied && cell.Entity.ControlType == EntityControlType.Ai) { safeDown = true; } } } if (safeUpLeft && safeUpRight && safeDownLeft && safeDownRight) { moveState = CommandUnitMoveState.StayStill; } if (!safeUpLeft || !safeDownLeft || !safeUp) { moveState = CommandUnitMoveState.MoveRight; } if (!safeUpRight || !safeDownRight || !safeDown) { moveState = CommandUnitMoveState.MoveLeft; } } } if (moveState == CommandUnitMoveState.MoveLeft) { newPosition = new ChessBoardPosition { CurrentColumn = oldPosition.CurrentColumn - 1, CurrentRow = oldPosition.CurrentRow, }; } else if (moveState == CommandUnitMoveState.MoveRight) { newPosition = new ChessBoardPosition { CurrentColumn = oldPosition.CurrentColumn + 1, CurrentRow = oldPosition.CurrentRow, }; } else if (moveState == CommandUnitMoveState.StayStill) { return; } if (newPosition.CurrentColumn >= 0 && newPosition.CurrentRow >= 0) { ChessBoardCell newCell = chessBoard.GetCell(newPosition); if (newCell.IsOccupied) { return; } else { ChessBoardCell cell = chessBoard.GetCell(oldPosition); chessBoard.SetCell(newPosition, cell); chessBoard.EmptyCell(oldPosition); } } }