private async Task <Opportunity> OpportunityToEntityAsync(OpportunityViewModel viewModel, Opportunity opportunity, string requestId = "") { var oppId = viewModel.Id; try { var entity = opportunity; var entityIsEmpty = true; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.DisplayName)) { entityIsEmpty = false; // If empty we should not send any notifications since it is just a reference opportunity schema } entity.Id = viewModel.Id ?? String.Empty; entity.DisplayName = viewModel.DisplayName ?? String.Empty; entity.Reference = viewModel.Reference ?? String.Empty; entity.Version = viewModel.Version ?? String.Empty; // DocumentAttachments if (entity.DocumentAttachments == null) { entity.DocumentAttachments = new List <DocumentAttachment>(); } if (viewModel.DocumentAttachments != null) { var newDocumentAttachments = new List <DocumentAttachment>(); foreach (var itm in viewModel.DocumentAttachments) { var doc = entity.DocumentAttachments.ToList().Find(x => x.Id == itm.Id); if (doc == null) { doc = DocumentAttachment.Empty; } doc.Id = itm.Id; doc.FileName = itm.FileName ?? String.Empty; doc.DocumentUri = itm.DocumentUri ?? String.Empty; doc.Category = Category.Empty; doc.Category.Id = itm.Category.Id ?? String.Empty; doc.Category.Name = itm.Category.Name ?? String.Empty; doc.Tags = itm.Tags ?? String.Empty; doc.Note = itm.Note ?? String.Empty; newDocumentAttachments.Add(doc); } // TODO: P2 create logic for replace and support for other artifact types for now we replace the whole list entity.DocumentAttachments = newDocumentAttachments; } // Content if (entity.Content == null) { entity.Content = OpportunityContent.Empty; } // Checklists if (entity.Content.Checklists == null) { entity.Content.Checklists = new List <Checklist>(); } if (viewModel.Checklists != null) { // List of checklists that status changed thus team members need to be sent with a notification var statusChangedChecklists = new List <Checklist>(); var updatedList = new List <Checklist>(); // LIST: Content/CheckList/ChecklistTaskList foreach (var item in viewModel.Checklists) { var checklist = Checklist.Empty; var existinglist = entity.Content.Checklists.ToList().Find(x => x.Id == item.Id); if (existinglist != null) { checklist = existinglist; } var addToChangedList = false; if (checklist.ChecklistStatus.Value != item.ChecklistStatus.Value) { addToChangedList = true; } checklist.Id = item.Id ?? String.Empty; checklist.ChecklistStatus = ActionStatus.FromValue(item.ChecklistStatus.Value); checklist.ChecklistTaskList = new List <ChecklistTask>(); checklist.ChecklistChannel = item.ChecklistChannel ?? String.Empty; foreach (var subitem in item.ChecklistTaskList) { var checklistTask = new ChecklistTask { Id = subitem.Id ?? String.Empty, ChecklistItem = subitem.ChecklistItem ?? String.Empty, Completed = subitem.Completed, FileUri = subitem.FileUri ?? String.Empty }; checklist.ChecklistTaskList.Add(checklistTask); } // Add checklist for notifications, notification is sent below during teamMembers iterations if (addToChangedList) { statusChangedChecklists.Add(checklist); } updatedList.Add(checklist); } // Send notifications for changed checklists if (statusChangedChecklists.Count > 0 && !entityIsEmpty) { try { if (statusChangedChecklists.Count > 0) { var checkLists = String.Empty; foreach (var chkItm in statusChangedChecklists) { checkLists = checkLists + $"'{chkItm.ChecklistChannel}' "; } var sendToList = new List <UserProfile>(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(viewModel.OpportunityChannelId)) { entity.Metadata.OpportunityChannelId = viewModel.OpportunityChannelId; } _logger.LogInformation($"RequestId: {requestId} - UpdateWorkflowAsync sendNotificationCardAsync checklist status changed notification. Number of hecklists: {statusChangedChecklists.Count}"); var sendNotificationCard = await _cardNotificationService.sendNotificationCardAsync(entity, sendToList, $"Status updated for opportunity checklist(s): {checkLists} ", requestId); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError($"RequestId: {requestId} - UpdateWorkflowAsync sendNotificationCardAsync checklist status change error: {ex}"); } } entity.Content.Checklists = updatedList; } if (entity.Content.Checklists.Count == 0) { // Checklist empty create a default set var roleMappingList = (await _roleMappingRepository.GetAllAsync(requestId)).ToList(); foreach (var item in roleMappingList) { if (item.ProcessType.ToLower() == "checklisttab") { var checklist = new Checklist { Id = item.ProcessStep, ChecklistChannel = item.Channel, ChecklistStatus = ActionStatus.NotStarted, ChecklistTaskList = new List <ChecklistTask>() }; entity.Content.Checklists.Add(checklist); } } } // CustomerDecision if (entity.Content.CustomerDecision == null) { entity.Content.CustomerDecision = CustomerDecision.Empty; } if (viewModel.CustomerDecision != null) { entity.Content.CustomerDecision.Id = viewModel.CustomerDecision.Id ?? String.Empty; entity.Content.CustomerDecision.Approved = viewModel.CustomerDecision.Approved; if (viewModel.CustomerDecision.ApprovedDate != null) { entity.Content.CustomerDecision.ApprovedDate = viewModel.CustomerDecision.ApprovedDate; } if (viewModel.CustomerDecision.LoanDisbursed != null) { entity.Content.CustomerDecision.LoanDisbursed = viewModel.CustomerDecision.LoanDisbursed; } } // LIST: Content/Notes if (entity.Content.Notes == null) { entity.Content.Notes = new List <Note>(); } if (viewModel.Notes != null) { var updatedNotes = entity.Content.Notes.ToList(); foreach (var item in viewModel.Notes) { var note = updatedNotes.Find(itm => itm.Id == item.Id); if (note != null) { updatedNotes.Remove(note); } updatedNotes.Add(await NoteToEntityAsync(item, requestId)); } entity.Content.Notes = updatedNotes; } // TeamMembers if (entity.Content.TeamMembers == null) { entity.Content.TeamMembers = new List <TeamMember>(); } if (viewModel.TeamMembers != null) { var updatedTeamMembers = new List <TeamMember>(); // Update team members foreach (var item in viewModel.TeamMembers) { updatedTeamMembers.Add(await TeamMemberToEntityAsync(item)); } entity.Content.TeamMembers = updatedTeamMembers; } // ProposalDocument if (entity.Content.ProposalDocument == null) { entity.Content.ProposalDocument = ProposalDocument.Empty; } if (viewModel.ProposalDocument != null) { entity.Content.ProposalDocument = await ProposalDocumentToEntityAsync(viewModel, entity.Content.ProposalDocument, requestId); } // Metadata if (entity.Metadata == null) { entity.Metadata = OpportunityMetadata.Empty; } entity.Metadata.AnnualRevenue = viewModel.AnnualRevenue; entity.Metadata.CollateralAmount = viewModel.CollateralAmount; if (entity.Metadata.Customer == null) { entity.Metadata.Customer = Customer.Empty; } entity.Metadata.Customer.DisplayName = viewModel.Customer.DisplayName ?? String.Empty; entity.Metadata.Customer.Id = viewModel.Customer.Id ?? String.Empty; entity.Metadata.Customer.ReferenceId = viewModel.Customer.ReferenceId ?? String.Empty; entity.Metadata.DealSize = viewModel.DealSize; entity.Metadata.DebtRatio = viewModel.DebtRatio; entity.Metadata.DisbursementSchedule = viewModel.DisbursementSchedule ?? String.Empty; entity.Metadata.Guarantees = viewModel.Guarantees ?? String.Empty; if (entity.Metadata.Industry == null) { entity.Metadata.Industry = new Industry(); } if (viewModel.Industry != null) { entity.Metadata.Industry = await IndustryToEntityAsync(viewModel.Industry); } entity.Metadata.Margin = viewModel.Margin; if (entity.Metadata.OpenedDate == null) { entity.Metadata.OpenedDate = DateTimeOffset.MinValue; } if (viewModel.OpenedDate != null) { entity.Metadata.OpenedDate = viewModel.OpenedDate; } if (entity.Metadata.OpportunityState == null) { entity.Metadata.OpportunityState = OpportunityState.Creating; } if (viewModel.OpportunityState != null) { entity.Metadata.OpportunityState = OpportunityState.FromValue(viewModel.OpportunityState.Value); } entity.Metadata.Purpose = viewModel.Purpose ?? String.Empty; entity.Metadata.Rate = viewModel.Rate; if (entity.Metadata.Region == null) { entity.Metadata.Region = Region.Empty; } if (viewModel.Region != null) { entity.Metadata.Region = await RegionToEntityAsync(viewModel.Region); } entity.Metadata.RiskRating = viewModel.RiskRating; // if to avoid deleting channelId if vieModel passes empty and a value was already in opportunity if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(viewModel.OpportunityChannelId)) { entity.Metadata.OpportunityChannelId = viewModel.OpportunityChannelId; } return(entity); } catch (Exception ex) { //_logger.LogError("MapFromViewModelAsync error: " + ex); throw new ResponseException($"RequestId: {requestId} - OpportunityToEntityAsync oppId: {oppId} - failed to map opportunity: {ex}"); } }
public async Task <JObject> UploadDocumentTeamAsync(string opportunityName, string docType, IFormFile file, string requestId = "") { _logger.LogInformation($"RequestId: {requestId} - UploadDocumentTeamAsync called."); try { Guard.Against.NullOrEmpty(opportunityName, nameof(opportunityName), requestId); Guard.Against.NullOrEmpty(docType, nameof(docType), requestId); Guard.Against.Null(file, nameof(file), requestId); var sections = new List <DocumentSection>(); var folder = String.Empty; var docTypeParts = docType.Split(new char[] { ',', '=' }); //0 = ChecklistDocument, 1 = channle name, 2 = Checklist item Id if (docType == DocumentContext.ProposalTemplate.Name) { // If docType is proposal document template, try to extract sections before upload so if fails, upload is skipped sections = (ExtractSections(file.OpenReadStream(), file.FileName, requestId)).ToList(); Guard.Against.Null(sections, "UploadDocumentTeamAsync_sections", requestId); folder = "Formal Proposal"; } else if (docType == DocumentContext.Attachment.Name) { folder = "TempFolder"; } else { folder = docTypeParts[1].Replace(" ", ""); } // Get opportunity to update the associated docUri //var opportunity = Opportunity.Empty; var opportunity = await _opportunityRepository.GetItemByNameAsync($"'{opportunityName}'", false, requestId); Guard.Against.Null(opportunity, "UploadDocumentTeamAsync_GetItemByNameAsync", requestId); // Start a simple retry var retryGetOpTimes = 1; while ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(opportunity.Id)) && retryGetOpTimes < 7) { _logger.LogInformation($"RequestId: {requestId} - UploadDocumentTeamAsync get opportunity delay started: {retryGetOpTimes} at {DateTime.Now}."); await Task.Delay(4000 + (retryGetOpTimes * 1000)); opportunity = await _opportunityRepository.GetItemByNameAsync($"'{opportunityName}'", false, requestId); retryGetOpTimes = retryGetOpTimes + 1; } Guard.Against.NullOrEmpty(opportunity.Id, "UploadDocumentTeamAsync_opportunity_GetItemByNameAsync", requestId); if (opportunity.DisplayName != opportunityName) { throw new ResponseException($"RequestId: {requestId} - UploadDocumentTeamAsync GetItemByNameAsync mistmatch for opportunity: {opportunityName}"); } var siteName = opportunityName.Replace(" ", ""); var siteIdResponse = new JObject(); var siteId = String.Empty; if (folder == "TempFolder") { // Initial attachment is uploaded to private site for proposal mnagement siteName = "ProposlManagement"; siteId = _appOptions.ProposalManagementRootSiteId; } else { try { siteIdResponse = await _graphSharePointAppService.GetSiteIdAsync(_appOptions.SharePointHostName, siteName, requestId); dynamic responseDyn = siteIdResponse; siteId =; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogInformation($"RequestId: {requestId} - UploadDocumentTeamAsync get site id error: {ex}"); } } var retryGetSiteTimes = 1; while ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(siteId)) && retryGetSiteTimes < 4) { _logger.LogInformation($"RequestId: {requestId} - UploadDocumentTeamAsync get site id delay started: {retryGetOpTimes} at {DateTime.Now}."); await Task.Delay(4000 + (retryGetSiteTimes * 1000)); siteIdResponse = await _graphSharePointAppService.GetSiteIdAsync(_appOptions.SharePointHostName, siteName, requestId); dynamic responseDyn = siteIdResponse; siteId =; retryGetSiteTimes = retryGetSiteTimes + 1; } Guard.Against.NullOrEmpty(siteId, "UploadDocumentTeamAsync_GetSiteIdAsync", requestId); if (docType == DocumentContext.Attachment.Name) { // Create folder with opportunity name in internal sharepoint under root\TempFolder TODO: Get name form app settings P2 try { var respFolder = await CreateFolderAsync(siteId, opportunity.DisplayName, folder, requestId); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogWarning($"RequestId: {requestId} - UploadDocumentTeamAsync CreateFolderAsync Exception: {ex}"); } folder = folder + $"/{opportunity.DisplayName}"; } var respUpload = await UploadDocumentAsync(siteId, folder, file, requestId); dynamic respUploadDyn = respUpload; string webUrl = respUploadDyn.webUrl.ToString(); string docId =; //Todo: Granular Premission if (docType == DocumentContext.ProposalTemplate.Name) { // If docType is proposal document template, update sections & documentUri opportunity.Content.ProposalDocument.Content.ProposalSectionList = sections; opportunity.Content.ProposalDocument.Id = docId; opportunity.Content.ProposalDocument.Metadata.DocumentUri = webUrl; } else if (docType == DocumentContext.Attachment.Name) { if (opportunity.DocumentAttachments == null) { opportunity.DocumentAttachments = new List <DocumentAttachment>(); } var updDocumentAttachments = new List <DocumentAttachment>(); foreach (var itm in opportunity.DocumentAttachments) { var doc = itm; if (itm.FileName == file.FileName) { doc.Id = docId; doc.FileName = file.FileName; doc.Note = itm.Note ?? String.Empty; doc.Tags = itm.Tags ?? String.Empty; doc.DocumentUri = "TempFolder"; doc.Category = Category.Empty; doc.Category.Id = itm.Category.Id; doc.Category.Name = itm.Category.Name; } updDocumentAttachments.Add(doc); } opportunity.DocumentAttachments = updDocumentAttachments; } else if (docType.StartsWith($"{DocumentContext.ChecklistDocument.Name}=")) { var checklistTaskId = docTypeParts[2]; var channel = docTypeParts[1]; var newChecklists = new List <Checklist>(); foreach (var item in opportunity.Content.Checklists.ToList()) { var newChecklist = new Checklist(); newChecklist.ChecklistTaskList = new List <ChecklistTask>(); newChecklist.ChecklistChannel = item.ChecklistChannel; newChecklist.ChecklistStatus = item.ChecklistStatus; newChecklist.Id = item.Id; if (channel != item.ChecklistChannel) { newChecklist.ChecklistTaskList = item.ChecklistTaskList; } else { var newChecklistTask = new ChecklistTask(); foreach (var sItem in item.ChecklistTaskList) { if (sItem.Id == checklistTaskId) { newChecklistTask.Id = sItem.Id; newChecklistTask.ChecklistItem = sItem.ChecklistItem; newChecklistTask.Completed = sItem.Completed; newChecklistTask.FileUri = webUrl; newChecklist.ChecklistTaskList.Add(newChecklistTask); } else { newChecklist.ChecklistTaskList.Add(sItem); } } } newChecklists.Add(newChecklist); } opportunity.Content.Checklists = newChecklists; } // Update the opportunity var respUpdate = await _opportunityRepository.UpdateItemAsync(opportunity, requestId); Guard.Against.NotStatus200OK(respUpdate, "UploadDocumentTeamAsync_UpdateItemAsync", requestId); return(respUpload); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError($"RequestId: {requestId} - UploadDocumentTeamAsync Service Exception: {ex}"); throw new ResponseException($"RequestId: {requestId} - UploadDocumentTeamAsync Service Exception: {ex}"); } }
public void Attach(ChecklistTask checklistTask) { context.ChecklistTasks.Attach(checklistTask); }
public DbEntityEntry <ChecklistTask> Entry(ChecklistTask checklistTask) { return(Context.Entry(checklistTask)); }
public void Add(ChecklistTask checklistTask) { context.ChecklistTasks.Add(checklistTask); }