Exemple #1
        public void Test_1_2_1()
            var homePage = new HomePage();

            PageFactory.InitElements(driver, homePage);
            var action = new OpenQA.Selenium.Interactions.Actions(driver);

            //Clicking on the tabs

            //Check that URL of the page is correct
            String pageUrl = driver.Url;

            Console.WriteLine("URL of the page is : " + pageUrl);

            String[] urlParts;
            String   tabUrl;
            String   subtabUrl;
            String   tabName    = "WE ARE WABASH";
            String   subtabName = "OUR CULTURE";

            urlParts  = pageUrl.Split('/', '/', '/', '/');
            tabUrl    = urlParts[3];
            subtabUrl = urlParts[4];

            Console.WriteLine("Name of the tab is : " + tabName + ';');
            Console.WriteLine("Name of the tab in URL is : " + tabUrl + ';');
            Console.WriteLine("Name of the subtab is : " + subtabName + ';');
            Console.WriteLine("Name of the subtab in URL is : " + subtabUrl + ';');

            //Removing any symbols from tab and subtab names
            tabName    = tabName.Replace(" ", "").ToLower();
            subtabName = subtabName.Replace(" ", "").ToLower();
            tabUrl     = tabUrl.Replace("-", "");
            subtabUrl  = subtabUrl.Replace("-", "");

            bool res = CheckTabs.result(tabName, tabUrl, subtabName, subtabUrl);

            Console.WriteLine("Trimed names of tab on the page and in URL are : " + tabName + " and " + tabUrl);
            Console.WriteLine("Trimed names of subtab on the page and in URL are : " + subtabName + " and " + subtabUrl);


            Assert.IsTrue(res, "Actual page URL is not matched with expected: we-are-wabash/our-culture");
Exemple #2
        public void Test_1_2_2()
            var homePage = new HomePage();

            PageFactory.InitElements(driver, homePage);
            var action = new OpenQA.Selenium.Interactions.Actions(driver);

            //Clicking on the tabs

            //Check that URL of the page is correct
            String pageUrl = driver.Url;

            Console.WriteLine("URL of the page is : " + pageUrl);

            String[] urlParts;
            String   tabUrl;
            String   subtabUrl;
            String   tabName    = "TRADITION OF INNOVATION";
            String   subtabName = "FUTURE FOCUS";

            urlParts  = pageUrl.Split('/', '/', '/', '/');
            tabUrl    = urlParts[3];
            subtabUrl = urlParts[4];

            Console.WriteLine("Name of the tab is : " + tabName + ';');
            Console.WriteLine("Name of the tab in URL is : " + tabUrl + ';');
            Console.WriteLine("Name of the subtab is : " + subtabName + ';');
            Console.WriteLine("Name of the subtab in URL is : " + subtabUrl + ';');

            //Removing any symbols from tab and subtab names
            tabName    = tabName.Replace(" ", "").ToLower();
            subtabName = subtabName.Replace(" ", "").ToLower();
            tabUrl     = tabUrl.Replace("-", "");
            subtabUrl  = subtabUrl.Replace("-", "");

            bool res = CheckTabs.result(tabName, tabUrl, subtabName, subtabUrl);

            Console.WriteLine("Trimed names of tab on the page and in URL are : " + tabName + " and " + tabUrl);
            Console.WriteLine("Trimed names of subtab on the page and in URL are : " + subtabName + " and " + subtabUrl);


            Assert.IsTrue(res, "Actual page URL is not matched with expected: tradition-of-innovation/future-focus");