[TestMethod]//what the test going to check? _ who is able to rich it? _ what it returns? public void CanInsertWrongValues_CheckOnlyNums_ReturnsFalse() { //Arrange var checker = new CheckDetails(); // Act var result = checker.Check_onlyNums("5555aaa"); // Assert Assert.IsFalse(result); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string HobiesForReplacing = hobies_txt.Text; HobiesForReplacing = HobiesForReplacing.Replace("'", string.Empty); string FreeTextForReplacing = freetext_txt.Text; FreeTextForReplacing = FreeTextForReplacing.Replace("'", string.Empty); string AddressForReplace = address_txt.Text; AddressForReplace = AddressForReplace.Replace("'", string.Empty); string PhoneForReplace = phone_txt.Text; PhoneForReplace = PhoneForReplace.Replace("'", string.Empty); string EmailForReplace = Email_1st.Text; EmailForReplace = EmailForReplace.Replace("'", string.Empty); string PEmailForReplace = PEmail_txt.Text; PEmailForReplace = PEmailForReplace.Replace("'", string.Empty); string PasswordForReplace = pass_txt.Text; PasswordForReplace = PasswordForReplace.Replace("'", string.Empty); CheckDetails check = new CheckDetails(); if (pass_txt.Text == userId) { MessageBox.Show("Your password is the same as before, please update it."); } else if (pass_txt.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please update your password."); } else if (pass_txt.Text != confirm_pass_txt.Text) { MessageBox.Show("Passwords do not match."); } else if (!check.CheckEmail(Email_1st.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Email is not valid!"); } else if (Email_1st.Text != Email_2nd.Text) { MessageBox.Show("Emails do not match."); } else if (phone_txt.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please update your phone number."); } else if (!check.Check_onlyNums(phone_txt.Text) || phone_txt.Text.Length != 10) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid phone number."); } else if (!check.CheckEmail(PEmail_txt.Text) && log_in_page.permission == "student") { MessageBox.Show("Parent Email is not valid!"); } else if (PEmail_txt.Text != confirm_PEmail_txt.Text) { MessageBox.Show("Parent Emails do not match."); } else if (PEmail_txt.Text == Email_1st.Text) { MessageBox.Show("Parent Email is the same as yours."); } else if (yearCB.SelectedIndex == -1 && log_in_page.permission == "student") { MessageBox.Show("Please fill year."); } else if (classCB.SelectedIndex == -1 && log_in_page.permission == "student") { MessageBox.Show("Please fill class."); } else { try { dataBase dataBase = new dataBase(); SqlConnection conn = dataBase.connect_to_scheduluz_DB(); conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE users SET phoneNumber ='" + PhoneForReplace + "' WHERE id ='" + userId + "'", conn); cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn = dataBase.connect_to_scheduluz_DB(); conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE users SET Email ='" + EmailForReplace + "' WHERE id ='" + userId + "'", conn); cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (log_in_page.permission == "student") { conn = dataBase.connect_to_scheduluz_DB(); conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE users SET ParentEmail ='" + PEmailForReplace + "' WHERE id ='" + userId + "'", conn); cmd3.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn = dataBase.connect_to_scheduluz_DB(); conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd4 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE users SET grade ='" + yearCB.Items[yearCB.SelectedIndex].ToString() + "' WHERE id ='" + userId + "'", conn); cmd4.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn = dataBase.connect_to_scheduluz_DB(); conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd5 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE users SET classNumber ='" + classCB.Items[classCB.SelectedIndex].ToString() + "' WHERE id ='" + userId + "'", conn); cmd5.ExecuteNonQuery(); } conn = dataBase.connect_to_scheduluz_DB(); conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd6 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE users SET address ='" + AddressForReplace + "' WHERE id ='" + userId + "'", conn); cmd6.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn = dataBase.connect_to_scheduluz_DB(); conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd7 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE users SET birthDate ='" + birthdate_pckr.Text + "' WHERE id ='" + userId + "'", conn); cmd7.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn = dataBase.connect_to_scheduluz_DB(); conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd8 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE users SET freeTxt ='" + FreeTextForReplacing + "' WHERE id ='" + userId + "'", conn); cmd8.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn = dataBase.connect_to_scheduluz_DB(); conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd9 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE users SET hobies ='" + HobiesForReplacing + "' WHERE id ='" + userId + "'", conn); cmd9.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn = dataBase.connect_to_scheduluz_DB(); conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd10 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE connection_details SET password ='******' WHERE id ='" + userId + "'", conn); cmd10.ExecuteNonQuery(); /* adding the image - dont ask*/ if (imgLocation != "") { byte[] images = null; FileStream stream = new FileStream(imgLocation, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader brs = new BinaryReader(stream); images = brs.ReadBytes((int)stream.Length); conn = dataBase.connect_to_scheduluz_DB(); conn.Open(); string sqlQuery = "UPDATE users SET picture =@images WHERE id ='" + userId + "'"; cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery, conn); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@images", images)); int N = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } MessageBox.Show("Your Details has been updated." + userId); if (per == "manager") { ManagerCalander managerCalander = new ManagerCalander(); managerCalander.Show(); Visible = false; } else if (per == "teacher") { TeacherCalander teacherCalander = new TeacherCalander(); teacherCalander.Show(); Visible = false; } else { StudentCalander frmCal = new StudentCalander(); frmCal.Show(); Visible = false; } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Problem detected. please contact your Scheduluz Guide for more information."); } } }