/// <summary> /// Populates all controls on the form. /// </summary> private void PopulateForm() { listmodel.Clear(); Version version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; try { PopulateUpgradeList(); } catch (Exception) { MasterView.ShowMsgDialog("Cannot download the upgrade list.\nEither the server is down or your network connection is broken.", "Error", MessageType.Error, ButtonsType.Ok, window1); loadFailure = true; return; } if (upgrades.Length > 0) { label1.Text = "You are currently using version " + version.ToString() + ". Newer versions are listed below."; label1.Text = label1.Text + Environment.NewLine + "Select an upgrade below."; } else { label1.Text = "You are currently using version " + version.ToString() + ". You are using the latest version."; } firstNameBox.Text = Utility.Configuration.Settings.FirstName; lastNameBox.Text = Utility.Configuration.Settings.LastName; emailBox.Text = Utility.Configuration.Settings.Email; organisationBox.Text = Utility.Configuration.Settings.Organisation; countryBox.Active = Constants.Countries.ToList().IndexOf(Utility.Configuration.Settings.Country); WebClient web = new WebClient(); string tempLicenseFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "APSIM_NonCommercial_RD_licence.htm"); if (File.Exists(tempLicenseFileName)) { File.Delete(tempLicenseFileName); } if (version.Build == 0) { button1.Sensitive = false; table2.Hide(); checkbutton1.Hide(); licenseView.Text = "You are currently using a custom build - **Upgrade is not available!**"; } else { licenseView.Text = ReflectionUtilities.GetResourceAsString("ApsimNG.LICENSE.md"); } }
private void LoadGUI(object sender, EventArgs e) { InitTimer(); //progress timer AllocConsole(); //enables console JsonCommon.OverrideModInstallerVariables(); //overrides vars if possible //check if in vs string dir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { dir = Directory.GetParent(dir).ToString(); //move up 3 dirs } dir += @"\bin\"; //add bin Console.WriteLine(ModInstallerCommon.Files.MainFiledir); Console.WriteLine("Detecting for" + ModInstallerCommon.Files.execdir); if (!File.Exists(ModInstallerCommon.Files.execdir) && !ModInstallerCommon.BypassExec && !Directory.Exists(dir)) { MessageBox.Show("ModInstaller cannot find the executable! Make sure my location is in a folder inside the h3vr directory! Just in case, I'll pull up a tutorial for you.", "Exectuable not found!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); var psi = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "https://youtu.be/LBcxS_mYLFE?t=21", UseShellExecute = true }; Process.Start(psi); Application.Exit(); } var onlineversion = new Version(JsonModList.GetDeserializedModListFormatOnline(JsonCommon.DatabaseInfo).Modlist[0].Version); if (ModInstallerCommon.ModInstallerVersion.CompareTo(onlineversion) < 0) { MessageBox.Show("H3VRModInstaller is out of date! (" + ModInstallerCommon.ModInstallerVersion + " vs " + onlineversion + ")", "Wrong version detected!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); var psi = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = JsonModList.GetDeserializedModListFormatOnline(JsonCommon.DatabaseInfo).Modlist[0].Website, UseShellExecute = true }; Process.Start(psi); } InstallButton.Hide(); UpdateButton.Hide(); ModVer.Hide(); Delete.Hide(); CheckButton.Hide(); InstalledModsList.Hide(); ModsEnabled.Checked = true; UpdateModList(); UpdateCatagories(); }
private void LoadGUI(object sender, EventArgs e) { AllocConsole(); InstallButton.Hide(); UpdateButton.Hide(); ModVer.Hide(); Delete.Hide(); CheckButton.Hide(); InstalledModsList.Hide(); ModsEnabled.Checked = true; UpdateModList(); UpdateCatagories(); }
private void LoadGUI(object sender, EventArgs e) { KeyDown += Form_KeyDown; if (!File.Exists(Utilities.ModCache)) { MessageBox.Show("Thank you for downloading H3VRModInstaller!\nIf there are any issues, or if you want a mod added, please hit us up on the Homebrew discord (@Frityet and @Potatoes)", "Thank you!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } InitTimer(); //progress timer //AllocConsole(); //enables console JsonCommon.OverrideModInstallerVariables(); //overrides vars if possible var onlineversion = new Version(JsonModList.GetDeserializedModListFormatOnline(JsonCommon.DatabaseInfo) .Modlist[0].Version); if (ModInstallerCommon.ModInstallerVersion.CompareTo(onlineversion) < 0) { MessageBox.Show("H3VRModInstaller is out of date! (" + ModInstallerCommon.ModInstallerVersion + " vs " + onlineversion + ")", "Out of date version detected!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); var psi = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = JsonModList.GetDeserializedModListFormatOnline(JsonCommon.DatabaseInfo) .Modlist[0] .Website, UseShellExecute = true }; Process.Start(psi); } InstallButton.Hide(); UpdateButton.Hide(); ModVer.Hide(); Delete.Hide(); CheckButton.Hide(); UpdateModList(); UpdateCatagories(); CatagoriesComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void LoadGUI(object sender, EventArgs e) { KeyDown += Form_KeyDown; if (!File.Exists(Utilities.ModCache)) { MessageBox.Show("Thank you for downloading H3VRModInstaller!\nIf there are any issues, or if you want a mod added, please hit us up on the Homebrew discord (@Frityet and @Potatoes)", "Thank you!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } InitTimer(); //progress timer //AllocConsole(); //enables console InstallButton.Hide(); UpdateButton.Hide(); ModVer.Hide(); Delete.Hide(); CheckButton.Hide(); UpdateModList(); UpdateCatagories(); DisEnaButton.Hide(); CatagoriesComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void Build() { WindowPosition = WindowPosition.CenterOnParent; Resizable = false; const int spacing = 6; var hbox1 = new HBox() { Spacing = spacing }; hbox1.PackStart(new Label(Translations.GetString("Transfer Map")), false, false, 0); hbox1.PackStart(new HSeparator(), true, true, 0); ContentArea.PackStart(hbox1, false, false, 0); var hbox2 = new HBox() { Spacing = spacing }; comboMap = new ComboBoxText(); comboMap.AppendText(Translations.GetString("RGB")); comboMap.AppendText(Translations.GetString("Luminosity")); comboMap.Active = 1; hbox2.PackStart(comboMap, false, false, 0); labelPoint = new Label("(256, 256)"); var labelAlign = new Alignment(1, 0.5f, 1, 0); labelAlign.Add(labelPoint); hbox2.PackEnd(labelAlign, false, false, 0); ContentArea.PackStart(hbox2, false, false, 0); drawing = new DrawingArea() { WidthRequest = 256, HeightRequest = 256, Events = (Gdk.EventMask) 795646, CanFocus = true }; ContentArea.PackStart(drawing, false, false, 8); var hbox3 = new HBox(); checkRed = new CheckButton(Translations.GetString("Red ")) { Active = true }; checkGreen = new CheckButton(Translations.GetString("Green")) { Active = true }; checkBlue = new CheckButton(Translations.GetString("Blue ")) { Active = true }; hbox3.PackStart(checkRed, false, false, 0); hbox3.PackStart(checkGreen, false, false, 0); hbox3.PackStart(checkBlue, false, false, 0); buttonReset = new Button() { WidthRequest = 81, HeightRequest = 30, Label = Translations.GetString("Reset") }; hbox3.PackEnd(buttonReset, false, false, 0); ContentArea.PackStart(hbox3, false, false, 0); labelTip = new Label(Translations.GetString("Tip: Right-click to remove control points.")); ContentArea.PackStart(labelTip, false, false, 0); ContentArea.ShowAll(); checkRed.Hide(); checkGreen.Hide(); checkBlue.Hide(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public UpgradeView(ViewBase owner) : base(owner) { Builder builder = BuilderFromResource("ApsimNG.Resources.Glade.UpgradeView.glade"); window1 = (Window)builder.GetObject("window1"); button1 = (Button)builder.GetObject("button1"); button2 = (Button)builder.GetObject("button2"); table1 = (Table)builder.GetObject("table1"); table2 = (Table)builder.GetObject("table2"); firstNameBox = (Entry)builder.GetObject("firstNameBox"); lastNameBox = (Entry)builder.GetObject("lastNameBox"); organisationBox = (Entry)builder.GetObject("organisationBox"); emailBox = (Entry)builder.GetObject("emailBox"); countryBox = (ComboBox)builder.GetObject("countryBox"); label1 = (Label)builder.GetObject("label1"); htmlAlign = (Alignment)builder.GetObject("HTMLalign"); checkbutton1 = (CheckButton)builder.GetObject("checkbutton1"); listview1 = (Gtk.TreeView)builder.GetObject("listview1"); alignment7 = (Alignment)builder.GetObject("alignment7"); oldVersions = (CheckButton)builder.GetObject("checkbutton2"); listview1.Model = listmodel; Version version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; if (version.Revision == 0) { button1.Sensitive = false; table2.Hide(); checkbutton1.Hide(); } CellRendererText textRender = new Gtk.CellRendererText(); textRender.Editable = false; TreeViewColumn column0 = new TreeViewColumn("Version", textRender, "text", 0); listview1.AppendColumn(column0); column0.Sizing = TreeViewColumnSizing.Autosize; column0.Resizable = true; TreeViewColumn column1 = new TreeViewColumn("Description", textRender, "text", 1); listview1.AppendColumn(column1); column1.Sizing = TreeViewColumnSizing.Autosize; column1.Resizable = true; // Populate the combo box with a list of valid country names. ListStore countries = new ListStore(typeof(string)); foreach (string country in Constants.Countries) { countries.AppendValues(country); } countryBox.Model = countries; // Add a cell renderer to the combo box. CellRendererText cell = new CellRendererText(); countryBox.PackStart(cell, false); countryBox.AddAttribute(cell, "text", 0); // Make the tab order a little more sensible than the defaults table1.FocusChain = new Widget[] { alignment7, button1, button2 }; table2.FocusChain = new Widget[] { firstNameBox, lastNameBox, emailBox, organisationBox, countryBox }; htmlView = new HTMLView(new ViewBase(null)); htmlAlign.Add(htmlView.MainWidget); tabbedExplorerView = owner as IMainView; window1.TransientFor = owner.MainWidget.Toplevel as Window; window1.Modal = true; oldVersions.Toggled += OnShowOldVersionsToggled; button1.Clicked += OnUpgrade; button2.Clicked += OnViewMoreDetail; window1.Destroyed += OnFormClosing; window1.MapEvent += OnShown; }
/// <summary> /// Populates all controls on the form. /// </summary> private void PopulateForm() { listmodel.Clear(); Version version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; try { PopulateUpgradeList(); } catch (Exception) { MasterView.ShowMsgDialog("Cannot download the upgrade list.\nEither the server is down or your network connection is broken.", "Error", MessageType.Error, ButtonsType.Ok, window1); loadFailure = true; return; } if (upgrades.Length > 0) { label1.Text = "You are currently using version " + version.ToString() + ". Newer versions are listed below."; label1.Text = label1.Text + Environment.NewLine + "Select an upgrade below."; } else { label1.Text = "You are currently using version " + version.ToString() + ". You are using the latest version."; } firstNameBox.Text = Utility.Configuration.Settings.FirstName; lastNameBox.Text = Utility.Configuration.Settings.LastName; emailBox.Text = Utility.Configuration.Settings.Email; organisationBox.Text = Utility.Configuration.Settings.Organisation; countryBox.Active = Constants.Countries.ToList().IndexOf(Utility.Configuration.Settings.Country); WebClient web = new WebClient(); string tempLicenseFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "APSIM_NonCommercial_RD_licence.htm"); if (File.Exists(tempLicenseFileName)) { File.Delete(tempLicenseFileName); } if (version.Revision == 0) { button1.Sensitive = false; table2.Hide(); checkbutton1.Hide(); htmlView.SetContents("<center><span style=\"color:red\"><b>WARNING!</b></span><br/>You are currently using a custom build<br/><b>Upgrade is not available!</b></center>", false, false); } else { try { // web.DownloadFile(@"https://apsimdev.apsim.info/APSIM.Registration.Portal/APSIM_NonCommercial_RD_licence.htm", tempLicenseFileName); // HTMLview.SetContents(File.ReadAllText(tempLicenseFileName), false, true); htmlView.SetContents(@"https://apsimdev.apsim.info/APSIM.Registration.Portal/APSIM_NonCommercial_RD_licence.htm", false, true); } catch (Exception) { ViewBase.MasterView.ShowMsgDialog("Cannot download the license.", "Error", MessageType.Error, ButtonsType.Ok, window1); loadFailure = true; } } }