public static bool buyItem(string itemname, long buyamount, ulong userID) { ShopItems = getshoppinglist(ShopItems); DynShopPrices.DynPrices(ShopItems, Faction.getFactionID(userID)); //ChatUtil.SendPrivateChat(userID, "Buying Item."); long amount = -1; string itemnamelowerend = itemname.ToLower().Substring(1); string itemnamecapital = itemname.ToUpper().Substring(0, 1); itemname = itemnamecapital + itemnamelowerend; if (buyamount < 0) { ChatUtil.SendPrivateChat(userID, "Please enter a positive value."); return(false); } foreach (ShopItem item in ShopItems) { if (item.ItemName == itemname) { amount = item.ItemPrice * buyamount; } } if (amount == -1) { ChatUtil.SendPrivateChat(userID, "Item does not exist."); return(false); } long facID = Faction.getFactionID(userID); int intAmount = Convert.ToInt32(amount); if (ChatUtil.CheckPlayerIsInWorld(userID)) { if (!FactionPoints.RemoveFP(Convert.ToUInt64(facID), intAmount)) { ChatUtil.SendPrivateChat(userID, "You do not have sufficient points to complete your purchase."); return(false); } } else { return(false); } Boolean component = false; switch (itemname) { case ("UpgradedConstruction"): case ("AdvancedConstruction"): case ("QuantumConstruction"): { component = true; break; } default: break; } if (component) { ChatUtil.AddComp(userID, itemname, Convert.ToInt32(buyamount)); return(true); } else { ChatUtil.AddIngot(userID, itemname, Convert.ToInt32(buyamount)); return(true); } }