public void AddMatchItem(MatchItem item)
            matchList.Insert(0, item);
            ChatUserListAdapter adapter = new ChatUserListAdapter(matchList);

            ChatUserList.Source = adapter;
            ChatUserList.RowHeight = 101;
            ChatUserList.Delegate  = this;

            NoMatch.Hidden   = true;
            NoofMatches.Text = (matchList.Count == 1) ? "1 " + LangEnglish.ChatListMatch : matchList.Count + " " + LangEnglish.ChatListMatches;
        public void UpdateMatchItem(int matchID, bool active, long?unmatchDate)
            for (int i = 0; i < matchList.Count; i++)
                if (matchList[i].MatchID == matchID)
                    matchList[i].Active      = active;
                    matchList[i].UnmatchDate = unmatchDate;
            ChatUserListAdapter adapter = new ChatUserListAdapter(matchList);

            ChatUserList.Source = adapter;
        public override async void ViewWillAppear(bool animated)

                string responseString = await c.MakeRequest("action=loadmessagelist&ID=" + Session.ID + "&SessionID=" + Session.SessionID);

                if (responseString.Substring(0, 2) == "OK")
                    responseString = responseString.Substring(3);
                    if (responseString != "")
                        NoMatch.Hidden = true;
                        ServerParser <MatchItem> parser = new ServerParser <MatchItem>(responseString);
                        matchList           = parser.returnCollection;
                        adapter             = new ChatUserListAdapter(matchList);
                        ChatUserList.Source = adapter;
                        NoofMatches.Text    = (matchList.Count == 1) ? "1 " + LangEnglish.ChatListMatch : matchList.Count + " " + LangEnglish.ChatListMatches;
                        matchList           = new List <MatchItem>();
                        adapter             = new ChatUserListAdapter(matchList);
                        ChatUserList.Source = adapter;
                        NoMatch.Hidden      = false;
                        NoofMatches.Text    = "";

                ChatUserList.RowHeight = 101;  //If the delegate is set before setting the Source, row height is gotten from the adapter allright. Otherwise the first row is about 20, and the subsequent rows are about 70.
                ChatUserList.Delegate  = this; //must be called after setting the Source, otherwise the Scrolled event is not fired.
            catch (Exception ex)
                c.ReportErrorSilent(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace);
        public void InsertMessage(string meta, string body)
            long unixTimestamp = c.Now();

            int sep1Pos = meta.IndexOf('|');
            int sep2Pos = meta.IndexOf('|', sep1Pos + 1);
            int sep3Pos = meta.IndexOf('|', sep2Pos + 1);

            int  messageID = int.Parse(meta.Substring(0, sep1Pos));
            int  senderID  = int.Parse(meta.Substring(sep1Pos + 1, sep2Pos - sep1Pos - 1));
            long sentTime  = long.Parse(meta.Substring(sep2Pos + 1, sep3Pos - sep2Pos - 1));
            long seenTime  = unixTimestamp;
            long readTime  = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < matchList.Count; i++)
                if (matchList[i].TargetID == senderID)
                    if (matchList[i].Chat.Length == 3)
                        matchList[i].Chat[0] = matchList[i].Chat[1];
                        matchList[i].Chat[1] = matchList[i].Chat[2];
                        matchList[i].Chat[2] = messageID + "|" + senderID + "|" + sentTime + "|" + seenTime + "|" + readTime + "|" + body;
                        List <string> chatList = new List <string>(matchList[i].Chat);
                        chatList.Add(messageID + "|" + senderID + "|" + sentTime + "|" + seenTime + "|" + readTime + "|" + body);
                        matchList[i].Chat = chatList.ToArray();

                    ChatUserListAdapter adapter = new ChatUserListAdapter(matchList);
                    ChatUserList.Source = adapter;
                    c.MakeRequest("action=messagedelivered&ID=" + Session.ID + "&SessionID=" + Session.SessionID + "&MatchID=" + matchList[i].MatchID + "&MessageID=" + messageID + "&Status=Seen");