public JsonResult CampaignDashBoardList(string campaign)         // accepts campaign of the country and passes the list of data by JSON call
            List <string>     data        = new List <string>();         // asigned the returned list to this and pass it to json parameter
            ChartsViewModel   cVM         = new ChartsViewModel();
            String            uId         = User.Identity.GetUserId();   // get logged in users Id
            RegisterViewModel userDetails = cVM.GetUserDetailsById(uId); // get signed in users details

            var country = userDetails.Country;

                // here you need to get the data to display it in the chart
                var response = cVM.GetAllTheDeTailsRelatedToEachCountry(country, campaign);

                if (!object.Equals(response, null))
                    data = response;
            catch (Exception ex)
            return(Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        // GET: Results/ResultsChart
        public ActionResult ResultsChart()
            String uId = User.Identity.GetUserId();        // get logged in users Id

            ResultsViewModel rVM = new ResultsViewModel(); // get all the user roles

            ResultsDTO results = new ResultsDTO(); //

            List <ResultsDTO> resultsDTO = rVM.GetUsersRole();

            bool found = false;

            foreach (var result in resultsDTO)
                if (uId != result.UserId)
                    found = true;
            CampaignViewModel  camVM    = new CampaignViewModel(); // get all the campaign
            List <CampaignDTO> campaign = new List <CampaignDTO>();

            campaign = camVM.GetAllCampaigns();

            ChartsViewModel   cVM         = new ChartsViewModel();
            RegisterViewModel userDetails = cVM.GetUserDetailsById(uId);  // get signed in users details

            List <string> usersCountryCampainglist = new List <string>(); // get the campaigns name from the list campaings model and add them to string list

            if (found == true)                                            // if the user exist
                foreach (var cam in campaign)
                    if (userDetails.Country == cam.Country)
                        if (!usersCountryCampainglist.Contains(cam.Description.ToString()))
            //bool isEmpty = !results.Any();
            bool isEmpty = !usersCountryCampainglist.Any();

            if (!isEmpty) // check if the list is not null than add the values to the object , else redirect the user that there are no campaigns in the country
                results.Campagin  = usersCountryCampainglist.First();
                results.Campaigns = usersCountryCampainglist;
                ViewBag.Campaign  = usersCountryCampainglist.First();         // get the first country for the Campaigns
                var collectedCampaign = usersCountryCampainglist.First();     // get the first country for the Campaigns
                CampaignDashBoardList(collectedCampaign);                     // default draw of the data
                return(View("~/Views/Results/ResultsChart.cshtml", results)); // return with the values to view.
                return(View("~/Views/Results/NotFound.cshtml")); // no ca