public JsonResult GetJobProfileByCategoriesChartData() { var curJob = this.jobsRepo.FindOne(new ByIdSpecify <Job>(this.CurrentJobId)); var skillCatNames = curJob.JobSkills.Select(x => x.SkillCategory).Distinct().Select(x => x.Name); var skillCatGroupedData = curJob.JobSkills.GroupBy(g => g.SkillCategoryId); var skillsData = new List <ChartSeriesModel>(); foreach (var skillCat in skillCatGroupedData) { if (skillCat.Any()) { var skillData = new ChartSeriesModel { Name = skillCat.First().SkillCategory.Name, CategoryAvgEstimate = Math.Round((double)skillCat.Sum(x => x.Estimate) / skillCat.Count(), 2) }; foreach (var jobSkill in skillCat) { skillData.Categories.Add(jobSkill.Skill.Name); skillData.Data.Add(jobSkill.Estimate); } skillsData.Add(skillData); } } return(this.Json( new { SkillCatNames = skillCatNames, SkillsData = skillsData }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
private void UpdatePresenters(ChartLayoutContext context) { int index = 0; ChartSeriesModel series = this.Model; if (this.chart.chartArea.IsTreeLoaded && (this.HasPointTemplate || this.SupportsDefaultVisuals)) { foreach (DataPoint point in series.DataPointsInternal) { // point is empty or is laid-out outside the clip area, skip it from visualization. if (point.isEmpty || !context.ClipRect.IntersectsWith(point.layoutSlot)) { continue; } FrameworkElement element = this.GetDataPointVisual(point, index); if (element != null) { this.ArrangeUIElement(element, point.layoutSlot); index++; } } } while (index < this.realizedDataPointPresenters.Count) { var presenter = this.realizedDataPointPresenters[index]; if (presenter.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { presenter.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } index++; } }
protected virtual void GenerateDataPoints(SizedQueue longPeriodItems, SizedQueue shortPeriodItems, SizedQueue signalPeriodItems) { ChartSeriesModel model = this.Owner.Model; int currentIndex = 0; CategoricalDataPoint point; double signalEMA = 0d; double macd = 0d; foreach (var item in this.itemsSource) { macd = this.CalculateMacdValue(longPeriodItems, shortPeriodItems, currentIndex, item); signalPeriodItems.EnqueueItem(macd); signalEMA = CalculateSignal(this.signalPeriod, signalPeriodItems, currentIndex, signalEMA, macd); if (model.DataPointsInternal.Count > currentIndex) { point = model.DataPointsInternal[currentIndex] as CategoricalDataPoint; point.Value = macd - signalEMA; } else { point = this.GenerateDataPoint(item, -1) as CategoricalDataPoint; point.Value = macd - signalEMA; model.DataPointsInternal.Add(point); } currentIndex++; } }
protected override void BindCore() { int currentIndex = 0; StochasticSlowIndicator owner = this.Owner as StochasticSlowIndicator; ChartSeriesModel model = this.Owner.Model; ChartSeriesModel signalModel = owner.SignalModel; int currentMainPeriod = this.MainPeriod; int currentSlowingPeriod = this.SlowingPeriod; int currentSignalPeriod = this.SignalPeriod; SizedQueue highValues = new SizedQueue(currentMainPeriod); SizedQueue lowValues = new SizedQueue(currentMainPeriod); SizedQueue fastStochValues = new SizedQueue(currentSlowingPeriod); SizedQueue slowStochValues = new SizedQueue(currentSignalPeriod); foreach (var item in this.itemsSource) { double high = (double)this.HighBinding.GetValue(item); double low = (double)this.LowBinding.GetValue(item); double close = (double)this.CloseBinding.GetValue(item); double fastStochValue = CalculateMainValue(highValues, lowValues, high, low, close); fastStochValues.EnqueueItem(fastStochValue); double slowStochValue = MovingAverageIndicatorDataSource.CalculateCurrentValue(fastStochValues); slowStochValues.EnqueueItem(slowStochValue); double slowSignalValue = MovingAverageIndicatorDataSource.CalculateCurrentValue(slowStochValues); CategoricalDataPoint point, point2; if (model.DataPointsInternal.Count > currentIndex) { point = model.DataPointsInternal[currentIndex] as CategoricalDataPoint; point.Value = slowStochValue; } else { point = this.GenerateDataPoint(item, -1) as CategoricalDataPoint; point.Value = slowStochValue; model.DataPointsInternal.Add(point); } if (signalModel.DataPointsInternal.Count > currentIndex) { point2 = signalModel.DataPointsInternal[currentIndex] as CategoricalDataPoint; point2.Value = slowSignalValue; } else { point2 = this.GenerateDataPoint(item, -1) as CategoricalDataPoint; point2.Value = slowSignalValue; signalModel.DataPointsInternal.Add(point2); } currentIndex++; } }
private void UpdatePresenters(ChartLayoutContext context) { int index = 0; ChartSeriesModel series = this.Model; if (this.HasPointTemplate || this.SupportsDefaultVisuals) { foreach (DataPoint point in series.DataPointsInternal) { // point is laid-out outside the clip area, skip it from visualization if (!context.ClipRect.IntersectsWith(point.layoutSlot)) { continue; } if (this.drawWithComposition) { var containerVisual = this.GetContainerVisual(index); this.chart.ContainerVisualsFactory.PrepareBarIndicatorVisual(containerVisual, point); index++; } else { FrameworkElement element = this.GetDataPointVisual(point, index); if (element != null) { this.ArrangeUIElement(element, point.layoutSlot); index++; } } } } if (this.drawWithComposition) { while (index < this.realizedVisualDataPoints.Count) { this.realizedVisualDataPoints[index].IsVisible = false; index++; } } else { while (index < this.realizedDataPoints.Count) { this.realizedDataPoints[index].Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; index++; } } }
public JsonResult GetOptionByBarChart(GridPager pager, string queryStr) { List <Spl_ProductModel> list = m_BLL.GetList(ref pager, queryStr); List <decimal?> costPrice = new List <decimal?>(); list.ForEach(a => costPrice.Add(a.CostPrice)); List <decimal?> price = new List <decimal?>(); list.ForEach(a => price.Add(a.Price)); List <string> names = new List <string>(); list.ForEach(a => names.Add(a.Name)); List <ChartSeriesModel> seriesList = new List <ChartSeriesModel>(); ChartSeriesModel series1 = new ChartSeriesModel() { name = "成本价", type = "bar", data = costPrice }; ChartSeriesModel series2 = new ChartSeriesModel() { name = "零售价", type = "bar", data = price }; seriesList.Add(series1); seriesList.Add(series2); var option = new { title = new{ text = "成本价零售价对照表" }, tooltip = new{}, legend = new { data = "成本价零售价对照表" }, xAxis = new{ data = names }, yAxis = new{}, series = seriesList }; return(Json(option)); }
public JsonResult GetOptionByBarChart2(GridPager pager, string queryStr) { List <ProductPillarModel> list = m_BLL.GetListByPillar(ref pager, queryStr); List <decimal?> costPrice = new List <decimal?>(); list.ForEach(a => costPrice.Add(a.Price)); List <decimal?> numbers = new List <decimal?>(); list.ForEach(a => numbers.Add(a.Number)); List <string> names = new List <string>(); list.ForEach(a => names.Add(a.Name + "(" + a.Color + ")")); List <ChartSeriesModel> seriesList = new List <ChartSeriesModel>(); ChartSeriesModel series1 = new ChartSeriesModel() { name = "价格", type = "bar", data = costPrice }; ChartSeriesModel series2 = new ChartSeriesModel() { name = "销量", type = "bar", data = numbers }; seriesList.Add(series1); seriesList.Add(series2); var option = new { title = new { text = "销量和价格对照表" }, tooltip = new { }, legend = new { data = new string[] { "价格", "销量" } }, xAxis = new { data = names }, yAxis = new { }, series = seriesList }; return(Json(option)); }
private void UpdateLabels(ChartLayoutContext context) { int index = 0; ChartSeriesModel series = this.Model; ChartSeriesLabelUpdateContext labelContext = new ChartSeriesLabelUpdateContext(); labelContext.PlotDirection = this.Model.GetTypedValue <AxisPlotDirection>(AxisModel.PlotDirectionPropertyKey, AxisPlotDirection.Vertical); labelContext.IsPlotInverse = this.Model.GetIsPlotInverse(labelContext.PlotDirection); if (this.showLabelsCache) { foreach (DataPoint point in series.DataPointsInternal) { // point is empty or is laid-out outside the clip area, skip it from visualization. if (point.isEmpty || !context.ClipRect.IntersectsWith(point.layoutSlot)) { continue; } labelContext.Point = point; labelContext.PointVirtualIndex = index; this.ProcessDataPointLabels(labelContext); index++; } } while (index < this.labels.Count) { List <FrameworkElement> pointLabels = this.labels[index].Value; foreach (FrameworkElement label in pointLabels) { label.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } index++; } }
private void UpdatePresenters(ChartLayoutContext context) { int index = 0; ChartSeriesModel series = this.Model; if (this.chart.chartArea.IsTreeLoaded && (this.HasPointTemplate || this.SupportsDefaultVisuals)) { foreach (DataPoint point in series.DataPointsInternal) { // point is empty or is laid-out outside the clip area, skip it from visualization. if (point.isEmpty || !context.ClipRect.IntersectsWith(point.layoutSlot)) { if (this.drawWithComposition) { var containerVisual = this.GetContainerVisual(index, point); if (containerVisual.IsVisible) { containerVisual.IsVisible = false; } index++; } continue; } if (this.drawWithComposition) { var containerVisual = this.GetContainerVisual(index, point); this.chart.ContainerVisualsFactory.PreparePointTemplateSeriesVisual(containerVisual, point); if (!containerVisual.IsVisible) { containerVisual.IsVisible = true; } index++; } else { FrameworkElement element = this.GetDataPointVisual(point, index); if (element != null) { this.ArrangeUIElement(element, point.layoutSlot); index++; } } } } if (this.drawWithComposition) { while (index < this.realizedContainerVisuals.Count) { var containerVisual = this.realizedContainerVisuals.Keys.ElementAtOrDefault(index); if (containerVisual != null && containerVisual.IsVisible) { containerVisual.IsVisible = false; } index++; } } else { while (index < this.realizedDataPointPresenters.Count) { var presenter = this.realizedDataPointPresenters[index]; if (presenter.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { presenter.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } index++; } } }
public JsonResult GetJobProfileSkillsChartData(long?jobId, long?candidateId) { var skillsData = new List <ChartSeriesModel>(); var skillNames = new List <string>(); Job curJob = null; if (jobId.HasValue) { curJob = this.jobsRepo.FindOne(new ByIdSpecify <Job>(jobId.Value)); skillNames.AddRange(curJob.JobSkills.Where(x => x.Estimate > 0).Select(x => x.Skill).Select(x => x.Name)); skillsData.Add(new ChartSeriesModel { Name = "Job Profile", Data = curJob.JobSkills.Where(x => x.Estimate > 0).Select(x => double.Parse(x.Estimate.ToString())).ToList(), YAxis = 0 }); } if (candidateId.HasValue) { var candidate = this.usersRepo.FindOne(new ByIdSpecify <User>(candidateId.Value)); var seriesName = string.Format("{0} {1} Profile", candidate.LastName, candidate.FirstName); var userSkills = new List <UserSkill>(); if (curJob != null) { userSkills = candidate.UsersSkills.Where(x => curJob.JobSkills.Any(a => a.SkillId == x.SkillId && a.Estimate > 0)).ToList(); } else { skillNames.AddRange(candidate.UsersSkills.Select(x => x.Skill).Select(x => x.Name)); userSkills = candidate.UsersSkills.ToList(); } skillsData.Add(new ChartSeriesModel { Name = seriesName, Data = userSkills.Select(x => double.Parse(x.Estimate.ToString())).ToList(), YAxis = 0 }); // Select TestResults for candidate skills var testResults = candidate.TestResults.Where(x => userSkills.Any(s => s.SkillId == x.Test.SkillId)).ToList(); var skillTestRes = new ChartSeriesModel { Name = "Test Results", YAxis = 1 }; foreach (var skill in userSkills) { var testRes = testResults.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Test.SkillId == skill.SkillId); if (testRes != null) { // Percent correct answers var totalQuestions = testRes.Test.Questions.Count; var correctAnswers = testRes.ResultQuestions.Count(x => x.ResultAnswers.Any(a => a.IsCorrect && a.IsChoisen)); skillTestRes.Data.Add(Math.Round((double)correctAnswers / totalQuestions * 100, 2)); } else { skillTestRes.Data.Add(0); } } skillsData.Add(skillTestRes); } return(this.Json(new { SkillNames = skillNames, SkillsData = skillsData }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult GetReportData(int type, int qKyUnit, int qCreator, string qKyDate1, string qKyDate2, int userId, int unitId, int dataType) { List <string> names = new List <string>(); List <ChartSeriesModel> seriesList = new List <ChartSeriesModel>(); List <int> nums = new List <int>(); List <DataZoomModel> dzList = new List <DataZoomModel>(); ChartSeriesModel csm = new ChartSeriesModel(); string rsljson = ""; DateTime beginDate = Md5Helper.GMT2Local(qKyDate1); DateTime endDate = Md5Helper.GMT2Local(qKyDate2); var records = db.view_report.Where(p => p.ky_date >= beginDate && p.ky_date <= endDate && p.record_state != 1000); // if (dataType == Global.SELF_DATA) { records = records.Where(p => p.creater_id.Value == userId); } else if (qCreator != 0) { records = records.Where(p => p.creater_id == qCreator); } if (dataType == Global.UNIT_DATA) { records = records.Where(p => p.ky_unit == unitId); } else if (qKyUnit != 0) { records = records.Where(p => p.ky_unit == qKyUnit); } switch (type) { case 1: var rslList = records.GroupBy(p => p.xz).ToList(); = "案件性质"; csm.type = "bar"; foreach (var rsl in rslList) { names.Add(rsl.Key); nums.Add(rsl.Count()); } = nums; seriesList.Add(csm); var option = new { title = new { text = "案件性质汇总统计" }, tooltip = new { }, xAxis = new { axisLabel = new { interval = "0", rotate = "30" }, data = names }, yAxis = new { }, series = seriesList }; rsljson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(option); break; case 2: var rslList2 = records.GroupBy(p => p.bg_unit_name).ToList(); = "接警单位"; csm.type = "bar"; foreach (var rsl in rslList2) { names.Add(rsl.Key); nums.Add(rsl.Count()); } = nums; seriesList.Add(csm); var option2 = new { title = new { text = "接警单位汇总统计" }, tooltip = new { }, xAxis = new { axisLabel = new { interval = "0", rotate = "30" }, data = names }, yAxis = new { }, series = seriesList }; rsljson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(option2); break; case 3: var rslList3 = records.GroupBy(p => p.jjr_name).ToList(); = "接警人"; csm.type = "bar"; foreach (var rsl in rslList3) { names.Add(rsl.Key); nums.Add(rsl.Count()); } = nums; seriesList.Add(csm); var option3 = new { title = new { text = "接警人汇总统计" }, tooltip = new { }, xAxis = new { axisLabel = new { interval = "0", rotate = "45" }, data = names }, yAxis = new { }, series = seriesList }; rsljson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(option3); break; case 4: var rslList4 = records.OrderBy(p => p.ky_date).GroupBy(p => p.ky_date).ToList(); = "接警日期"; csm.type = "line"; foreach (var rsl in rslList4) { names.Add(rsl.Key.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); nums.Add(rsl.Count()); } = nums; seriesList.Add(csm); DataZoomModel dz = new DataZoomModel() { end = 100 }; dzList.Add(dz); DataZoomModel dz1 = new DataZoomModel() { type = "inside" }; dzList.Add(dz1); var option4 = new { title = new { text = "日均案件统计" }, tooltip = new { }, xAxis = new { data = names }, dataZoom = dzList, yAxis = new { }, series = seriesList }; rsljson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(option4); break; case 5: var rslList5 = records.Select(n => new { record_id = n.record_id, ky_month = n.ky_date.Value.Year + "-" + n.ky_date.Value.Month }) .GroupBy(p => p.ky_month).ToList(); = "接警月"; csm.type = "line"; foreach (var rsl in rslList5) { names.Add(rsl.Key); nums.Add(rsl.Count()); } = nums; seriesList.Add(csm); DataZoomModel dz2 = new DataZoomModel() { end = 100 }; dzList.Add(dz2); DataZoomModel dz3 = new DataZoomModel() { type = "inside" }; dzList.Add(dz3); var option5 = new { title = new { text = "月均案件统计" }, tooltip = new { }, xAxis = new { data = names }, yAxis = new { }, dataZoom = dzList, series = seriesList }; rsljson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(option5); break; } return(Content(rsljson)); }