Exemple #1
        public ChartDescription GetTotalChartDescription()
            var chartdescription = new ChartDescription
                type = "bar",
                data = new ChartData
                    labels   = new[] { "Food", "Accommodation", "Transportation", "Other", "Total" },
                    datasets = new List <ChartDataSet>
                        new ChartDataSet
                            label = "Spent",
                            data  = new[] { foodTotal, accommodationTotal, transportationTotal, otherTotal, ActualTotal }
                        //new ChartDataSet
                        //    label = "Budget",
                        //    data = new [] { foodBudget.Value, accommodationBudget.Value, transportationBudget.Value, otherBudget.Value, budgetTotal }

Exemple #2
        public ChartDescription GetTotalChartDescription()
            if (Days.Count() == 0)

            var foodBudget = Budgets.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Department.Name == "FoodOrder")?.Amount;

            if (!foodBudget.HasValue)
                foodBudget = 0.0m;
            var accommodationBudget = Budgets.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Department.Name == "Accommodation")?.Amount;

            if (!accommodationBudget.HasValue)
                accommodationBudget = 0.0m;
            var transportationBudget = Budgets.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Department.Name == "Transportation")?.Amount;

            if (!transportationBudget.HasValue)
                transportationBudget = 0.0m;
            var otherBudget = Budgets.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Department.Name == "Other")?.Amount;

            if (!otherBudget.HasValue)
                otherBudget = 0.0m;
            var chartdescription = new ChartDescription
                type = "bar",
                data = new ChartData
                    labels   = new[] { "Food", "Accommodation", "Transportation", "Other", "Total" },
                    datasets = new List <ChartDataSet>
                        new ChartDataSet
                            label = "Spent",
                            data  = new[] { foodTotal, accommodationTotal, transportationTotal, otherTotal, actualTotal }
                        new ChartDataSet
                            label = "Budget",
                            data  = new [] { foodBudget.Value, accommodationBudget.Value, transportationBudget.Value, otherBudget.Value, budgetTotal }

 public SupportHorizontalBarChartExtended()
     AxisLeft         = new YAxisConfig();
     AxisRight        = new YAxisConfig();
     XAxis            = new XAxisConfig();
     DescriptionChart = new ChartDescription();
     AnimationX       = new AnimatorXF();
     AnimationY       = new AnimatorXF();
Exemple #4
        public ChartDescription GetpolarAreaChartDescription()
            var chartdescription = new ChartDescription
                type = "polarArea",
                data = new ChartData
                    labels   = new[] { "Food", "Accommodation", "Transportation", "Other" },
                    datasets = new List <ChartDataSet>
                        new ChartDataSet
                            label = "Spent",
                            data  = new[] { foodTotal, accommodationTotal, transportationTotal, otherTotal },

Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Demonstrates how to work with chart data.
        /// </summary>
        static void ConsumingCharts(string accessToken)
            int?subscriptionId = 0;

            var scenario = new Scenario("Consuming charts")
                () =>
                var cfg = new Configuration();
                cfg.ApiKey.Add("Authorization", accessToken);
                cfg.ApiKeyPrefix.Add("Authorization", "Bearer");

                return(new PricesApi(cfg));
                init: () => new WSClient("https://md-api-d.tradovate.com/v1"),
                opened: (sender, e) =>
                Log.Write("WebSocket opened.");
                closed: (sender, e) =>
                Log.Write("WebSocket closed.");
                           .Request("Get chart for ESM8",
                                    init: () =>
                var description = new ChartDescription(ChartDescription.UnderlyingTypeEnum.MinuteBar, 15, ChartDescription.ElementSizeUnitEnum.UnderlyingUnits);
                var timeRange   = new ChartTimeRange(AsMuchAsElements: 66);
                return(new GetChart("ESM8", description, timeRange));
                                    sender: (api, request) => api.GetChartAsyncWithHttpInfo(request),
                                    responseHandler: (request, response) =>
                Log.Write($"{request} -> {response.Data}");
                subscriptionId = response.Data.RealtimeId;         // Store real-time subscription ID to properly cancel the subscription
                                    dataHandler: message =>
                switch (message.e)
                case "chart":
                    Log.Write("CHART event:");
                    var json = message.d as JObject;
                    var data = json.ToObject <ChartData>();
                    data?.Charts?.ForEach(chart =>
                        Log.Write($"  ID: {chart.Id}");
                        Log.Write($"  TD: {chart.TradeDate}");
                        if (chart.Bars != null)
                            Log.Write("  BARS:");
                            Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", chart.Bars.Select(x => $"  {x}")));
                           .Request($"Cancel chart subscription #{subscriptionId}",
                                    init: () => new CancelChart(subscriptionId ?? 0),
                                    sender: (api, request) => api.CancelChartAsyncWithHttpInfo(request),
                                    responseHandler: (request, response) =>
                Log.Write($"{request} -> {response.Data}");

Exemple #6
        public ChartDescription GetChartDescription()
            if (Days.Count() == 0)

            var foodBudget = Budgets.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Department.Name == "FoodOrder")?.Amount;

            if (!foodBudget.HasValue)
                foodBudget = 0.0m;
            foodBudget /= Days.Count();

            var accommodationBudget = Budgets.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Department.Name == "Accommodation")?.Amount;

            if (!accommodationBudget.HasValue)
                accommodationBudget = 0.0m;
            accommodationBudget /= Days.Count();

            var transportationBudget = Budgets.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Department.Name == "Transportation")?.Amount;

            if (!transportationBudget.HasValue)
                transportationBudget = 0.0m;
            transportationBudget /= Days.Count();

            var otherBudget = Budgets.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Department.Name == "Other")?.Amount;

            if (!otherBudget.HasValue)
                otherBudget = 0.0m;
            otherBudget /= Days.Count();

            var chartdescription = new ChartDescription
                type = "bar",
                data = new ChartData
                    labels   = Days.OrderBy(d => d.DayNumber).Select(d => "Day " + d.DayNumber.ToString()),
                    datasets = new List <ChartDataSet>
                        new ChartDataSet
                            label = "Food",
                            data  = Days.OrderBy(d => d.DayNumber).Select(d => d.foodTotal)
                        new ChartDataSet
                            label = "Accommodation",
                            data  = Days.OrderBy(d => d.DayNumber).Select(d => d.accommodationTotal)
                        new ChartDataSet
                            label = "Transportation",
                            data  = Days.OrderBy(d => d.DayNumber).Select(d => d.transportationTotal)
                        new ChartDataSet
                            label = "Other",
                            data  = Days.OrderBy(d => d.DayNumber).Select(d => d.otherTotal)
                        new ChartDataSet
                            label = "Total",
                            data  = Days.OrderBy(d => d.DayNumber).Select(d => d.ActualTotal)
                        // new ChartDataSet
                        //    label = "Food Budget",
                        //    data = Days.OrderBy(d => d.DayNumber).Select(d => foodBudget.Value),
                        //    type = "line",
                        //    fill = false,
                        //    borderColor = "red"
                        //  new ChartDataSet
                        //    label = "Accommodation Budget",
                        //    data = Days.OrderBy(d => d.DayNumber).Select(d => accommodationBudget.Value),
                        //    type = "line",
                        //    fill = false,
                        //    borderColor = "red"
                        //   new ChartDataSet
                        //    label = "Transportation Budget",
                        //    data = Days.OrderBy(d => d.DayNumber).Select(d => transportationBudget.Value),
                        //    type = "line",
                        //    fill = false,
                        //    borderColor = "red"
                        //    new ChartDataSet
                        //    label = "Other Budget",
                        //    data = Days.OrderBy(d => d.DayNumber).Select(d => otherBudget.Value),
                        //    type = "line",
                        //    fill = false,
                        //    borderColor = "red"
                        new ChartDataSet
                            label       = "Total Budget",
                            data        = Days.OrderBy(d => d.DayNumber).Select(d => budgetTotal / Days.Count()),
                            type        = "line",
                            fill        = false,
                            borderColor = "red"
