protected void RemoveQRCode(Charge_Order order) { if (order.MarketOrderId > 0) { chargebitEntities db = null; try { db = new chargebitEntities(); Marketing_Orders mOrder = (from mo in db.Marketing_Orders where mo.Id == order.MarketOrderId select mo).FirstOrDefault <Marketing_Orders>(); if (mOrder != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mOrder.CodePath)) { string tmpPhysicalPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(settings.RootDirectory, mOrder.CodePath.Replace('/', '\\')); if (System.IO.File.Exists(tmpPhysicalPath)) { System.IO.File.Delete(tmpPhysicalPath); } } }catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Fatal(ex); }finally { if (db != null) { db.Dispose(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// This method is only applied to platform direct charge /// </summary> /// <param name="orderId"></param> public ChargeResult ProcessOrderAfterPaid(int paymentId, string tradeNo, string buyerAccount) { ChargeResult result = new ChargeResult(); using (chargebitEntities db = new chargebitEntities()) { Payment_history payment = (from p in db.Payment_history where p.Id == paymentId select p).FirstOrDefault <Payment_history>(); if (payment == null) { result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; result.Message = string.Format("编号为:{0}的支付编号不存在", paymentId); return(result); } payment.Pay_time = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now); payment.PaymentAccount = buyerAccount != null?buyerAccount:""; payment.PaymentTradeId = tradeNo != null ? tradeNo : ""; db.SaveChanges(); //前台用户直充网络支付成功之后,提交订单到资源充值 if (payment.PayType == 0) { if (payment.ChargeOrderId <= 0) { result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; result.Message = string.Format("编号为:{0}的支付编号没有相关充值订单", paymentId); return(result); } Charge_Order corder = (from o in db.Charge_Order where o.Id == payment.ChargeOrderId select o).FirstOrDefault <Charge_Order>(); corder.Payed = true; db.SaveChanges(); ChargeOrder order = new ChargeOrder() { Payed = true, ChargeType = corder.Charge_type, AgencyId = corder.Agent_Id, Id = corder.Id, Province = corder.Province, City = corder.City, MobileSP = corder.MobileSP, MobileNumber = corder.Phone_number, OutId = "", ResourceId = 0, ResourceTaocanId = corder.Resource_taocan_id, RouteId = corder.RuoteId, CreatedTime = corder.Created_time }; ChargeBridge cb = new ChargeBridge(); result = cb.Charge(order); } } return(result); }
public bool UpdatePaymentStatus(string mobile, int orderId, bool payed) { bool result = false; using (chargebitEntities db = new chargebitEntities()) { Charge_Order cOrder = (from o in db.Charge_Order where o.Id == orderId && o.Phone_number == mobile select o).FirstOrDefault <Charge_Order>(); if (cOrder != null) { cOrder.Payed = payed; } else { throw new KMBitException(string.Format("编号为{0}的充值记录不存在", orderId)); } db.SaveChanges(); result = true; } return(result); }
public ChargeResult Charge(ChargeOrder order) { Logger.Info("Charging..."); ChargeResult result = new ChargeResult() { Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED }; chargebitEntities db = null; ProceedOrder(order, out result); if (result.Status == ChargeStatus.FAILED) { return(result); } List <WebRequestParameters> parmeters = new List <WebRequestParameters>(); bool succeed = false; try { db = new chargebitEntities(); Charge_Order corder = (from co in db.Charge_Order where co.Id == order.Id select co).FirstOrDefault <Charge_Order>(); corder.Process_time = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now); KMBit.DAL.Resrouce_interface rInterface = (from ri in db.Resrouce_interface where ri.Resource_id == order.ResourceId select ri).FirstOrDefault <Resrouce_interface>(); Resource_taocan taocan = (from t in db.Resource_taocan where t.Id == order.ResourceTaocanId select t).FirstOrDefault <Resource_taocan>(); ServerUri = new Uri(rInterface.APIURL); StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder(); body.Append("{"); body.Append("usernumber:\"" + rInterface.Username + "\""); body.Append(",gavingnumber:\"" + order.MobileNumber + "\""); body.Append(",packagetype:\"1\""); body.Append(",packagecode:\"" + taocan.Serial + "\""); body.Append(",validtype:\"0\""); body.Append("}"); string appx = order.Id.ToString(); string timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); string method = "ai.cuc.ll.method.gav"; string appkey = rInterface.AppKey; // "ai.cuc.ll.appkey.test"; string appSecret = rInterface.AppSecret; // "8888"; parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters("apptx", appx, false)); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters("timestamp", timestamp, false)); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters("method", method, false)); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters("appkey", appkey, false)); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters("msg", body.ToString(), false)); SortedDictionary <string, string> paras = new SortedDictionary <string, string>(); foreach (WebRequestParameters p in parmeters) { paras.Add(p.Name, p.Value); } string urlStr = string.Empty; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> p in paras) { if (urlStr == string.Empty) { urlStr = p.Key + "=" + p.Value; } else { urlStr += "&" + p.Key + "=" + p.Value; } } urlStr += "&" + UrlSignUtil.GetMD5(appSecret); string sign = UrlSignUtil.GetMD5(urlStr); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters("sign", sign, false)); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters("signMethod", "MD5", false)); SendRequest(parmeters, false, out succeed, RequestType.POST); //parse Response if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Response)) { result.Message = ChargeConstant.SUCCEED_CHARGE; result.Status = ChargeStatus.SUCCEED; try { Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject jsonResult = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(Response); string code = jsonResult["code"].ToString(); string message = jsonResult["detail"].ToString(); switch (code) { case "0000": result.Status = ChargeStatus.SUCCEED; break; case "9999": result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; result.Message = message; break; default: result.Message = "未知错误"; result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; } } catch (Exception ex) { result.Message = ex.Message; result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; } } else { result.Message = "未知错误"; result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; } if (result.Message != null && result.Message.Length > 5000) { result.Message = result.Message.Substring(0, 5000); } ChangeOrderStatus(order, result); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Fatal(ex); } finally { if (db != null) { db.Dispose(); } } Logger.Info("Charging done!"); return(result); }
public ChargeResult Charge(ChargeOrder order) { ChargeResult result = new ChargeResult() { Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED }; chargebitEntities db = null; ProceedOrder(order, out result); if (result.Status == ChargeStatus.FAILED) { return(result); } List <WebRequestParameters> parmeters = new List <WebRequestParameters>(); bool succeed = false; try { db = new chargebitEntities(); Charge_Order corder = (from co in db.Charge_Order where co.Id == order.Id select co).FirstOrDefault <Charge_Order>(); corder.Process_time = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now); KMBit.DAL.Resrouce_interface rInterface = (from ri in db.Resrouce_interface where ri.Resource_id == order.ResourceId select ri).FirstOrDefault <Resrouce_interface>(); Resource_taocan taocan = (from t in db.Resource_taocan where t.Id == order.ResourceTaocanId select t).FirstOrDefault <Resource_taocan>(); ServerUri = new Uri(rInterface.APIURL); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters("V", version, false)); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters("Action", "charge", false)); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters("Range", taocan.Area_id > 0 ? "1" : "0", false)); SortedDictionary <string, string> paras = new SortedDictionary <string, string>(); paras["Account"] = rInterface.Username; paras["Mobile"] = order.MobileNumber; paras["Package"] = taocan.Quantity.ToString(); string signStr = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> p in paras) { if (signStr == string.Empty) { signStr += p.Key.ToLower() + "=" + p.Value; } else { signStr += "&" + p.Key.ToLower() + "=" + p.Value; } } signStr += "&key=" + KMAes.DecryptStringAES(rInterface.Userpassword); paras["Sign"] = UrlSignUtil.GetMD5(signStr); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> p in paras) { parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters(p.Key, p.Value, false)); } SendRequest(parmeters, false, out succeed); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Response)) { JObject jsonResult = JObject.Parse(Response); order.OutOrderId = jsonResult["TaskID"] != null ? jsonResult["TaskID"].ToString() : ""; string code = jsonResult["Code"] != null ? jsonResult["Code"].ToString() : ""; string message = jsonResult["Message"] != null ? jsonResult["Message"].ToString() : ""; result.Message = message; switch (code) { case "0": result.Message = ChargeConstant.CHARGING; result.Status = ChargeStatus.ONPROGRESS; break; case "001": result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; case "002": result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; case "003": result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; case "004": result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; result.Message = ChargeConstant.RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY; break; case "005": result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; case "006": result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; case "007": result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; case "008": result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; case "009": result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; case "100": result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; case "999": result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; default: result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; } ChangeOrderStatus(order, result); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Fatal(ex); }finally { if (db != null) { db.Dispose(); } } return(result); }
public void GetChargeStatus(int resourceId) { chargebitEntities db = new chargebitEntities(); try { List <Charge_Order> orders = (from o in db.Charge_Order where o.Status == 1 select o).ToList <Charge_Order>(); if (orders.Count <= 0) { Logger.Info("No orders need to sync status of resourceId:" + resourceId); return; } Logger.Info(string.Format("{0} orders need to sync status", orders.Count)); KMBit.DAL.Resrouce_interface rInterface = (from ri in db.Resrouce_interface where ri.Resource_id == resourceId select ri).FirstOrDefault <Resrouce_interface>(); ServerUri = new Uri(rInterface.APIURL); List <WebRequestParameters> parmeters = new List <WebRequestParameters>(); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters("V", version, false)); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters("Action", "getReports", false)); SortedDictionary <string, string> paras = new SortedDictionary <string, string>(); paras["Account"] = rInterface.Username; paras["Count"] = statusCount.ToString(); string signStr = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> p in paras) { if (signStr == string.Empty) { signStr += p.Key.ToLower() + "=" + p.Value; } else { signStr += "&" + p.Key.ToLower() + "=" + p.Value; } } signStr += "&key=" + KMAes.DecryptStringAES(rInterface.Userpassword); paras["Sign"] = UrlSignUtil.GetMD5(signStr); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> p in paras) { parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters(p.Key, p.Value, false)); } bool succeed = false; SendRequest(parmeters, false, out succeed); if (succeed && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Response)) { JObject jsonRes = JObject.Parse(Response); string code = jsonRes["Code"] != null ? jsonRes["Code"].ToString() : ""; string message = jsonRes["Message"] != null ? jsonRes["Message"].ToString() : ""; Logger.Info(string.Format("Code:{0}, Message:{1}", code, message)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(code) && code == "0" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) && message == "OK") { JArray charges = (JArray)jsonRes["Reports"]; if (charges != null) { Logger.Info(string.Format("Get {0} reports from resource", charges.Count)); for (int i = 0; i < charges.Count; i++) { JObject report = (JObject)charges[i]; string taskId = report["TaskID"] != null? report["TaskID"].ToString():""; string phone = report["Mobile"] != null? report["Mobile"].ToString():""; string status = report["Status"] != null? report["Status"].ToString():""; string time = report["ReportTime"] != null?report["ReportTime"].ToString():""; string rptCode = report["ReportCode"] != null? report["ReportCode"].ToString():""; Logger.Info(string.Format("TaskId:{0}, MobilePhone:{1}, Status:{2}, Time:{3}", taskId, phone, status, time)); Charge_Order order = (from o in orders where o.Out_Order_Id == taskId && o.Phone_number == phone select o).FirstOrDefault <Charge_Order>(); if (order != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(taskId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(phone) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(status)) { DateTime cTime = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime.TryParse(time, out cTime); if (cTime != DateTime.MinValue) { order.Completed_Time = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(cTime); } if (status == "4") { order.Status = 2; order.Message = "充值成功:" + rptCode; RemoveQRCode(order); } else if (status == "5") { order.Status = 3; order.Message = "充值失败:" + rptCode; if (order.Agent_Id > 0) { if (order.MarketOrderId <= 0) { Users agency = (from u in db.Users where u.Id == order.Agent_Id select u).FirstOrDefault <Users>(); if (agency != null) { agency.Remaining_amount += order.Purchase_price; order.Refound = true; } } else { order.Message = string.Format("充值失败:{0},二维码可以重复扫码使用直到充值成功", rptCode); order.Refound = false; Marketing_Orders mOrder = (from mo in db.Marketing_Orders where mo.Id == order.MarketOrderId select mo).FirstOrDefault <Marketing_Orders>(); if (mOrder != null) { mOrder.Used = false; } } db.SaveChanges(); } } } //send back status to agent api calling if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.CallBackUrl)) { this.SendStatusBackToAgentCallback(order); } } if (charges != null && charges.Count > 0) { db.SaveChanges(); } } } } } catch (KMBitException kex) { Logger.Warn(kex); }catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Fatal(ex); }finally { if (db != null) { db.Dispose(); } } }
public ChargeResult Charge(ChargeOrder order) { ChargeResult result = null; ICharge chargeMgr = null; chargebitEntities db = null; Charge_Order cOrder = null; try { db = new chargebitEntities(); cOrder = (from co in db.Charge_Order where co.Id == order.Id select co).FirstOrDefault <Charge_Order>(); List <LaJi> las = (from laji in db.LaJi where laji.PId == 3 select laji).ToList <LaJi>(); if (las.Count == 0) { result = new ChargeResult() { Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED, Message = "系统已经被停用,请联系统管理员" }; Logger.Warn(result.Message); return(result); } if (las.Count > 1) { result = new ChargeResult() { Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED, Message = "系统设置有错误,请联系统管理员" }; Logger.Warn(result.Message); return(result); } LaJi la = las[0]; if (!la.UP) { result = new ChargeResult() { Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED, Message = "系统已经被停用,请联系统管理员" }; Logger.Warn(result.Message); return(result); } if (cOrder == null) { result = new ChargeResult() { Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED, Message = ChargeConstant.ORDER_NOT_EXIST }; return(result); } Resource_taocan taocan = (from tc in db.Resource_taocan where tc.Id == order.ResourceTaocanId select tc).FirstOrDefault <Resource_taocan>(); if (!taocan.Enabled) { result = new ChargeResult() { Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED, Message = ChargeConstant.RESOURCE_TAOCAN_DISABLED }; return(result); } KMBit.DAL.Resource resource = (from ri in db.Resource join tr in db.Resource_taocan on ri.Id equals tr.Resource_id where tr.Id == order.ResourceTaocanId select ri).FirstOrDefault <Resource>(); if (resource == null) { db.Charge_Order.Remove(cOrder); db.SaveChanges(); result = new ChargeResult() { Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED, Message = "落地资源部存在,请联系平台管理员" }; return(result); } if (!resource.Enabled) { db.Charge_Order.Remove(cOrder); db.SaveChanges(); result = new ChargeResult() { Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED, Message = ChargeConstant.RESOURCE_DISABLED }; return(result); } if (order.ResourceId == 0) { order.ResourceId = resource.Id; } KMBit.DAL.Resrouce_interface rInterface = (from ri in db.Resrouce_interface where ri.Resource_id == order.ResourceId select ri).FirstOrDefault <Resrouce_interface>(); if (rInterface == null) { db.Charge_Order.Remove(cOrder); db.SaveChanges(); result = new ChargeResult() { Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED, Message = ChargeConstant.RESOURCE_INTERFACE_NOT_CONFIGURED }; return(result); } object o = Assembly.Load(rInterface.Interface_assemblyname).CreateInstance(rInterface.Interface_classname); chargeMgr = (ICharge)o; result = chargeMgr.Charge(order); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); if (cOrder != null) { db.Charge_Order.Remove(cOrder); db.SaveChanges(); } } finally { if (db != null) { db.Dispose(); } } return(result); }
public void CallBack(List <WebRequestParameters> data) { if (data == null) { return; } string res = ""; string resMessage = ""; ChargeResult result = new ChargeResult(); ChargeOrder order = new ChargeOrder(); foreach (WebRequestParameters param in data) { switch (param.Name) { case "orderId": order.OutId = param.Value; break; case "respCode": res = param.Value; break; case "respMsg": resMessage = param.Value; break; case "transNo": int oid = 0; int.TryParse(param.Value, out oid); order.Id = oid; break; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res)) { switch (res.ToLower()) { case "jx0000": result.Message = ChargeConstant.CHARGING; result.Status = ChargeStatus.ONPROGRESS; break; case "0000": case "00000": case "000000": result.Message = ChargeConstant.SUCCEED_CHARGE; result.Status = ChargeStatus.SUCCEED; //change charge status break; case "jx0001": result.Message = ChargeConstant.AGENT_WRONG_PASSWORD; result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; case "jx0002": result.Message = ChargeConstant.AGENT_NOT_BIND_IP; result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; case "jx0003": result.Message = ChargeConstant.AGENT_IP_NOT_MATCH; result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; case "jx0004": result.Message = ChargeConstant.RESOURCE_PRODUCT_NOT_EXIST; result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; case "jx0005": result.Message = ChargeConstant.RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY; result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; default: result.Message = resMessage != null?res:"未知错误"; result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; } } else { //回调没有传入状态,本系统默认失败 result.Message = "没有回调状态数据"; result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; } if (order.Id > 0) { ChangeOrderStatus(order, result, true); //sending back status if the invoked by agent api using (chargebitEntities db = new chargebitEntities()) { Charge_Order dbOrder = (from o in db.Charge_Order where o.Id == order.Id select o).FirstOrDefault <Charge_Order>(); if (dbOrder != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbOrder.CallBackUrl)) { this.SendStatusBackToAgentCallback(dbOrder); } } } else { throw new KMBitException("回调数据中没有本系统的订单号,所以不能更新本系统数据,此次调用为脏数据"); } }
public ChargeResult Charge(ChargeOrder order) { Logger.Info("Charging..."); ChargeResult result = new ChargeResult() { Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED }; chargebitEntities db = null; ProceedOrder(order, out result); if (result.Status == ChargeStatus.FAILED) { return(result); } List <WebRequestParameters> parmeters = new List <WebRequestParameters>(); bool succeed = false; try { db = new chargebitEntities(); Charge_Order corder = (from co in db.Charge_Order where co.Id == order.Id select co).FirstOrDefault <Charge_Order>(); corder.Process_time = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now); KMBit.DAL.Resrouce_interface rInterface = (from ri in db.Resrouce_interface where ri.Resource_id == order.ResourceId select ri).FirstOrDefault <Resrouce_interface>(); Resource_taocan taocan = (from t in db.Resource_taocan where t.Id == order.ResourceTaocanId select t).FirstOrDefault <Resource_taocan>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rInterface.APIURL)) { result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; result.Message = "资源充值API URL没有配置"; Logger.Error("Cannot get token."); ChangeOrderStatus(order, result); return(result); } ServerUri = new Uri(rInterface.APIURL); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { Logger.Info("Token doesn't exist, try to request one."); GetToken(rInterface); } else { Logger.Info("Token is already existed."); } if (DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now) > expiredTime) { Logger.Info("Existing token is already expired, try to request a new one."); GetToken(rInterface); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; result.Message = "获取令牌失败"; Logger.Error("Failed to request token, please contact gatway administrator. The charge order will be marked as fail, refound the currency to agent."); ChangeOrderStatus(order, result); return(result); } StringBuilder jsonParam = new StringBuilder(); corder.Out_Order_Id = rInterface.Username + DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now).ToString("0"); order.OutOrderId = corder.Out_Order_Id; db.SaveChanges(); jsonParam.Append("["); jsonParam.Append("{"); jsonParam.Append("\"orderId\":"); jsonParam.Append("\"" + corder.Out_Order_Id.Trim() + "\","); jsonParam.Append("\"accNumber\":"); jsonParam.Append("\"" + corder.Phone_number.Trim() + "\","); jsonParam.Append("\"pricePlanCd\":"); jsonParam.Append("\"" + taocan.Serial.Trim() + "\","); jsonParam.Append("\"orderType\":"); jsonParam.Append("\"0\""); jsonParam.Append("}"); jsonParam.Append("]"); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters() { Name = "para", Value = jsonParam.ToString() }); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters() { Name = "token", Value = token }); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters() { Name = "id", Value = rInterface.Username.Trim() }); SendRequest(parmeters, false, out succeed, RequestType.POST); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Response)) { try { Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject jsonResult = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(Response); string ret = jsonResult["result"].ToString(); string message = jsonResult["resultMsg"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ret) && ret.Trim() == "0") { result.Status = ChargeStatus.ONPROGRESS; } else { result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; } result.Message = message; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Fatal(ex); result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; result.Message = "系统错误,请联系管理员"; } if (result.Message != null && result.Message.Length > 5000) { result.Message = result.Message.Substring(0, 5000); } ChangeOrderStatus(order, result); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Fatal(ex); } finally { if (db != null) { db.Dispose(); } } Logger.Info("Charging done!"); return(result); }
public void SendStatusBackToAgentCallback(object oorder) { if (oorder.GetType() != typeof(Charge_Order)) { return; } Charge_Order order = oorder as Charge_Order; Logger.Info("SendStatusBackToAgentCallback..."); if (order == null || order.Agent_Id <= 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.CallBackUrl)) { Logger.Info("Not an agent order, no need to proceed anymore."); return; } Logger.Info(string.Format("Order Id {0}", order.Id.ToString())); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.Client_Order_Id)) { Logger.Info(string.Format("Client OrderId {0}", order.Client_Order_Id.ToString())); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.Out_Order_Id)) { Logger.Info(string.Format("Out Order Id {0}", order.Out_Order_Id.ToString())); } Logger.Info(string.Format("Order Status {0}", order.Status.ToString())); Logger.Info(string.Format("Order Message {0}", order.Message != null?order.Message:"")); chargebitEntities db = null; try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.CallBackUrl)) { Logger.Info("Order callback URL is empty, no need to callback."); return; } db = new chargebitEntities(); NameValueCollection col = new NameValueCollection(); SortedDictionary <string, string> paras = new SortedDictionary <string, string>(); string orderId = order.Id.ToString(); string status = order.Status.ToString(); string message = order.Message != null ? order.Message : ""; Users agent = (from u in db.Users where u.Id == order.Agent_Id select u).FirstOrDefault <Users>(); Logger.Info(string.Format("Agent {0}", agent.Email)); if (agent == null) { status = "3"; message = "代理商账户没有找到"; } string token = agent.SecurityStamp; paras["OrderId"] = orderId; paras["Status"] = status; paras["ClientOrderId"] = order.Client_Order_Id != null? order.Client_Order_Id:""; paras["Message"] = message; string signStr = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> p in paras) { if (signStr == string.Empty) { signStr += p.Key.ToLower() + "=" + p.Value; } else { signStr += "&" + p.Key.ToLower() + "=" + p.Value; } } Logger.Info(string.Format("Post data {1} to {0}", order.CallBackUrl, signStr)); signStr += "&key=" + token; Logger.Info(string.Format("String to be signed {0}", signStr)); Logger.Info(string.Format("Signature is {0}", UrlSignUtil.GetMD5(signStr))); paras["Sign"] = UrlSignUtil.GetMD5(signStr); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> p in paras) { col[p.Key] = p.Value; } Charge_Order dborder = (from o in db.Charge_Order where o.Id == order.Id select o).FirstOrDefault <Charge_Order>(); string resStr = HttpSercice.PostHttpRequest(order.CallBackUrl, col, WeChat.Adapter.Requests.RequestType.POST, null); if (resStr == null) { dborder.PushedTimes += 1; dborder.Received = true; } else if (resStr.ToLower() == "fail") { dborder.PushedTimes += 1; dborder.Received = false; } db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); } finally { if (db != null) { db.Dispose(); } Logger.Info("Leaving SendStatusBackToAgentCallback..."); } }
public virtual void ChangeOrderStatus(ChargeOrder order, ChargeResult result, bool needCallBack = false) { lock (o) { int beforeStaus = order.Status; using (chargebitEntities db = new chargebitEntities()) { Charge_Order cOrder = (from o in db.Charge_Order where o.Id == order.Id select o).FirstOrDefault <Charge_Order>(); if (cOrder != null) { switch (result.Status) { case ChargeStatus.ONPROGRESS: cOrder.Out_Order_Id = order.OutOrderId; cOrder.Status = 1; cOrder.Message = result.Message; order.Status = 1; break; case ChargeStatus.SUCCEED: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cOrder.Out_Order_Id)) { cOrder.Out_Order_Id = order.OutOrderId; } cOrder.Status = 2; order.Status = 2; cOrder.Message = result.Message + ",落地充值成功"; cOrder.Out_Order_Id = order.OutOrderId; cOrder.Completed_Time = KMBit.Util.DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now); //remove qrcode picture RemoveQRCode(cOrder); break; case ChargeStatus.FAILED: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cOrder.Out_Order_Id)) { cOrder.Out_Order_Id = order.OutOrderId; } order.Status = 3; cOrder.Status = 3; cOrder.Completed_Time = KMBit.Util.DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now); //Refound the money if (cOrder.Agent_Id > 0) { Users agency = (from u in db.Users where u.Id == cOrder.Agent_Id select u).FirstOrDefault <Users>(); if (agency != null) { //marketing scan, no need to refound, just re-enable the scan if (cOrder.MarketOrderId == 0) { cOrder.Message = result.Message + ",充值订单金额:" + cOrder.Purchase_price + "已经退回代理商账户"; agency.Remaining_amount += cOrder.Purchase_price; cOrder.Refound = true; db.SaveChanges(); } else { //no need to refound for scanning cOrder.Message = result.Message + ",二维码可以重复扫码使用直到充值成功"; cOrder.Refound = false; Marketing_Orders mOrder = (from mo in db.Marketing_Orders where mo.Id == cOrder.MarketOrderId select mo).FirstOrDefault <Marketing_Orders>(); if (mOrder != null) { mOrder.Used = false; db.SaveChanges(); } } } } else { if (cOrder.Operate_User > 0) { cOrder.Message = result.Message + ",管理员后台充值,无需退款"; } else { cOrder.Message = result.Message + ",用户前台直充失败,需要手动退款给用户"; } } break; } db.SaveChanges(); if (needCallBack && beforeStaus == 1 && cOrder.Received == false && cOrder.PushedTimes < 4) { this.SendStatusBackToAgentCallback(cOrder); } } } } }
public virtual void ProceedOrder(ChargeOrder order, out ChargeResult result, bool isSOAPAPI = false) { lock (o) { Logger.Info("Processing order..."); Logger.Info("OrderId:" + order.Id); result = new ChargeResult(); using (chargebitEntities db = new chargebitEntities()) { if (!isSOAPAPI) { KMBit.DAL.Resrouce_interface rInterface = (from ri in db.Resrouce_interface where ri.Resource_id == order.ResourceId select ri).FirstOrDefault <Resrouce_interface>(); if (rInterface == null) { result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; result.Message = ChargeConstant.RESOURCE_INTERFACE_NOT_CONFIGURED; return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rInterface.APIURL)) { result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; result.Message = ChargeConstant.RESOURCE_INTERFACE_APIURL_EMPTY; return; } } Charge_Order cOrder = (from o in db.Charge_Order where o.Id == order.Id select o).FirstOrDefault <Charge_Order>(); if (cOrder == null) { result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; result.Message = ChargeConstant.ORDER_NOT_EXIST; return; } cOrder.Process_time = KMBit.Util.DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now); Resource_taocan taocan = (from t in db.Resource_taocan where t.Id == order.ResourceTaocanId select t).FirstOrDefault <Resource_taocan>(); if (order.AgencyId == 0) { cOrder.Payed = order.Payed; //cOrder.Sale_price = taocan.Sale_price; //cOrder.Purchase_price = taocan.Sale_price; //cOrder.Platform_Cost_Price = taocan.Purchase_price; //cOrder.Platform_Sale_Price = taocan.Sale_price; //cOrder.Revenue = taocan.Sale_price- taocan.Purchase_price; cOrder.Status = 10;//等待充值 result.Status = ChargeStatus.SUCCEED; db.SaveChanges(); return; } Users agency = (from u in db.Users where u.Id == order.AgencyId select u).FirstOrDefault <Users>(); Agent_route ruote = (from au in db.Agent_route where au.Id == order.RouteId select au).FirstOrDefault <Agent_route>(); if (ruote != null) { //no need to verify agent remaining amount or credit amount if the charge is marketing order if (cOrder.MarketOrderId <= 0) { float price = taocan.Sale_price * ruote.Discount; if (agency.Pay_type == 1) { if (agency.Remaining_amount < price) { result.Message = ChargeConstant.AGENT_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY; result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; cOrder.Status = 3;//failed cOrder.Message = result.Message; cOrder.Completed_Time = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now); //db.Charge_Order.Remove(cOrder); db.SaveChanges(); return; } else { agency.Remaining_amount = agency.Remaining_amount - price; result.Status = ChargeStatus.SUCCEED; cOrder.Payed = true; Logger.Info("Payment:" + price); Logger.Info("Payment has been executed on agent remaining amount."); db.SaveChanges(); } } else if (agency.Pay_type == 2) { if (agency.Remaining_amount < price) { if (agency.Remaining_amount + agency.Credit_amount < price) { result.Message = ChargeConstant.AGENT_NOT_ENOUGH_CREDIT; result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; cOrder.Status = 3;//failed cOrder.Message = result.Message; cOrder.Completed_Time = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now); //db.Charge_Order.Remove(cOrder); db.SaveChanges(); return; } else { cOrder.Payed = true; agency.Remaining_amount = agency.Remaining_amount - price; agency.Credit_amount = agency.Credit_amount - (price - agency.Remaining_amount); Logger.Info("Payment:" + price); Logger.Info("Payment has been executed on agent Credit_amount amount."); db.SaveChanges(); result.Status = ChargeStatus.SUCCEED; } } else { agency.Remaining_amount = agency.Remaining_amount - price; result.Status = ChargeStatus.SUCCEED; Logger.Info("Payment:" + price); Logger.Info("Payment has been executed on agent remaining amount."); db.SaveChanges(); cOrder.Payed = true; } } } cOrder.Status = 10; //cOrder.Sale_price = ruote.Sale_price; //cOrder.Purchase_price = price; //cOrder.Platform_Cost_Price = taocan.Purchase_price; //cOrder.Platform_Sale_Price = taocan.Sale_price; //cOrder.Revenue = price - taocan.Purchase_price; db.SaveChanges(); } if (result.Status == ChargeStatus.FAILED) { //db.Charge_Order.Remove(cOrder); } else { if (cOrder.MarketOrderId > 0) { Marketing_Orders mOrder = (from mo in db.Marketing_Orders where mo.Id == cOrder.MarketOrderId select mo).FirstOrDefault <Marketing_Orders>(); if (mOrder != null) { mOrder.Used = true; mOrder.Sent = true; mOrder.UsedTime = KMBit.Util.DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now); mOrder.PhoneNumber = cOrder.Phone_number; mOrder.OpenId = cOrder.DeviceMacAddress; } } } db.SaveChanges(); } Logger.Info("ProceedOrder Done!"); } }
public ChargeResult Charge(ChargeOrder order) { ChargeResult result = null; ICharge chargeMgr = null; chargebitEntities db = null; Charge_Order cOrder = null; try { db = new chargebitEntities(); cOrder = (from co in db.Charge_Order where co.Id == order.Id select co).FirstOrDefault <Charge_Order>(); if (cOrder == null) { result = new ChargeResult() { Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED, Message = ChargeConstant.ORDER_NOT_EXIST }; return(result); } Resource_taocan taocan = (from tc in db.Resource_taocan where tc.Id == order.ResourceTaocanId select tc).FirstOrDefault <Resource_taocan>(); if (!taocan.Enabled) { result = new ChargeResult() { Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED, Message = ChargeConstant.RESOURCE_TAOCAN_DISABLED }; return(result); } KMBit.DAL.Resource resource = (from ri in db.Resource join tr in db.Resource_taocan on ri.Id equals tr.Resource_id where tr.Id == order.ResourceTaocanId select ri).FirstOrDefault <Resource>(); if (resource == null) { db.Charge_Order.Remove(cOrder); db.SaveChanges(); result = new ChargeResult() { Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED, Message = "落地资源部存在,请联系平台管理员" }; return(result); } if (!resource.Enabled) { db.Charge_Order.Remove(cOrder); db.SaveChanges(); result = new ChargeResult() { Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED, Message = ChargeConstant.RESOURCE_DISABLED }; return(result); } if (order.ResourceId == 0) { order.ResourceId = resource.Id; } KMBit.DAL.Resrouce_interface rInterface = (from ri in db.Resrouce_interface where ri.Resource_id == order.ResourceId select ri).FirstOrDefault <Resrouce_interface>(); if (rInterface == null) { db.Charge_Order.Remove(cOrder); db.SaveChanges(); result = new ChargeResult() { Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED, Message = ChargeConstant.RESOURCE_INTERFACE_NOT_CONFIGURED }; return(result); } object o = null; Assembly assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Type type = assembly.GetType(rInterface.Interface_classname); o = Activator.CreateInstance(type); chargeMgr = (ICharge)o; result = chargeMgr.Charge(order); } catch (Exception ex) { if (cOrder != null) { db.Charge_Order.Remove(cOrder); db.SaveChanges(); } } finally { if (db != null) { db.Dispose(); } } return(result); }
protected void SendStatusBackToAgentCallback(Charge_Order order) { Logger.Info("SendStatusBackToAgentCallback"); if (order == null || order.Agent_Id <= 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.CallBackUrl)) { return; } Logger.Info(string.Format("Order Id {0}", order.Id.ToString())); Logger.Info(string.Format("Order Status {0}", order.Status.ToString())); Logger.Info(string.Format("Order Message {0}", order.Message != null?order.Message:"")); chargebitEntities db = new chargebitEntities(); try { List <WebRequestParameters> parmeters = new List <WebRequestParameters>(); SortedDictionary <string, string> paras = new SortedDictionary <string, string>(); string orderId = order.Id.ToString(); string status = order.Status.ToString(); string message = order.Message != null ? order.Message : ""; Users agent = (from u in db.Users where u.Id == order.Agent_Id select u).FirstOrDefault <Users>(); Logger.Info(string.Format("Agent {0}", agent.Email)); if (agent == null) { status = "3"; message = "代理商账户没有找到"; } string token = agent.SecurityStamp; paras["OrderId"] = orderId; paras["Status"] = status; paras["Message"] = message; string signStr = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> p in paras) { if (signStr == string.Empty) { signStr += p.Key.ToLower() + "=" + p.Value; } else { signStr += "&" + p.Key.ToLower() + "=" + p.Value; } } signStr += "&key=" + token; Logger.Info(string.Format("Sign String {0}", signStr)); Logger.Info(string.Format("Signature {0}", UrlSignUtil.GetMD5(signStr))); paras["Signature"] = UrlSignUtil.GetMD5(signStr); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> p in paras) { parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters(p.Key, p.Value, false)); } ServerUri = new Uri(order.CallBackUrl); bool succeed = false; SendRequest(parmeters, false, out succeed); if (succeed) { Logger.Info("Successfully sent back status to anegt callback API"); } else { Logger.Info("Failed sent back status to anegt callback API"); } } catch (Exception ex) { }finally { if (db != null) { db.Dispose(); } Logger.Info("Leaving SendStatusBackToAgentCallback"); } }
public ChargeResult Charge(ChargeOrder order) { ChargeResult result = new ChargeResult(); ProceedOrder(order, out result); if (result.Status == ChargeStatus.FAILED) { return(result); } List <WebRequestParameters> parmeters = new List <WebRequestParameters>(); bool succeed = false; result = new ChargeResult(); chargebitEntities db = null; try { db = new chargebitEntities(); Charge_Order corder = (from co in db.Charge_Order where co.Id == order.Id select co).FirstOrDefault <Charge_Order>(); corder.Process_time = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now); KMBit.DAL.Resrouce_interface rInterface = (from ri in db.Resrouce_interface where ri.Resource_id == order.ResourceId select ri).FirstOrDefault <Resrouce_interface>(); Resource_taocan taocan = (from t in db.Resource_taocan where t.Id == order.ResourceTaocanId select t).FirstOrDefault <Resource_taocan>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taocan.Serial)) { result.Message = ChargeConstant.RESOURCE_TAOCAN_NO_PDTID; result.Status = ChargeStatus.ONPROGRESS; return(result); } ServerUri = new Uri(rInterface.APIURL); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters("appKey", rInterface.Username, false)); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters("appSecret", KMAes.DecryptStringAES(rInterface.Userpassword), false)); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters("phoneNo", order.MobileNumber, false)); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters("prodCode", taocan.Serial, false)); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters("backUrl", rInterface.CallBackUrl, false)); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters("transNo", order.Id.ToString(), false)); SendRequest(parmeters, false, out succeed); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Response)) { JObject jsonResult = JObject.Parse(Response); order.OutId = jsonResult["orderId"] != null? jsonResult["orderId"].ToString():""; string res = jsonResult["respCode"] != null?jsonResult["respCode"].ToString():""; string resMsg = jsonResult["respMsg"] != null?jsonResult["respMsg"].ToString():""; switch (res.ToLower()) { case "jx0000": result.Message = ChargeConstant.CHARGING; result.Status = ChargeStatus.ONPROGRESS; break; case "0000": case "00000": case "000000": result.Message = ChargeConstant.SUCCEED_CHARGE; result.Status = ChargeStatus.SUCCEED; break; case "jx0001": result.Message = ChargeConstant.AGENT_WRONG_PASSWORD; result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; case "jx0002": result.Message = ChargeConstant.AGENT_NOT_BIND_IP; result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; case "jx0003": result.Message = ChargeConstant.AGENT_IP_NOT_MATCH; result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; case "jx0004": result.Message = ChargeConstant.RESOURCE_PRODUCT_NOT_EXIST; result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; case "jx0005": result.Message = ChargeConstant.RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY; result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; default: result.Message = resMsg; result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; break; } ChangeOrderStatus(order, result); } } catch (Exception ex) { }finally { if (db != null) { db.Dispose(); } } return(result); }
public ChargeOrder GenerateOrder(ChargeOrder order) { if (order == null) { throw new KMBitException("订单对象不能为NULL"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.MobileNumber)) { throw new KMBitException("充值的手机号码不能为空"); } chargebitEntities db = null; try { db = new chargebitEntities(); Marketing_Orders mOrder = null; Marketing_Activity_Taocan mTaocan = null; Marketing_Activities activity = null; if (order.IsMarket && order.MarketOrderId > 0) { //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.MacAddress)) //{ // throw new KMBitException("活动充值时必须获取终端的MAC地址"); //} mOrder = (from o in db.Marketing_Orders where o.Id == order.MarketOrderId select o).FirstOrDefault <Marketing_Orders>(); if (mOrder == null) { throw new KMBitException(string.Format("编号为{0}的活动充值记录不存在", order.MarketOrderId)); } if (mOrder.Used) { throw new KMBitException("此二维码已经只用过,不能重复使用"); } mTaocan = (from m in db.Marketing_Activity_Taocan where m.Id == mOrder.ActivityTaocanId select m).FirstOrDefault <Marketing_Activity_Taocan>(); if (mTaocan == null) { throw new KMBitException(string.Format("编号为{0}的活动充值记录的套餐信息不存在", order.MarketOrderId)); } activity = (from a in db.Marketing_Activities where a.Id == mTaocan.ActivityId select a).FirstOrDefault <Marketing_Activities>(); if (activity == null) { throw new KMBitException(string.Format("编号为{0}的活动不存在", mTaocan.ActivityId)); } //check if the device or the number is already charged if (activity.ScanType == 1) { int[] acos = (from mo in db.Marketing_Orders where mo.ActivityId == activity.Id select mo.Id).ToArray <int>(); if (acos == null || acos.Length <= 0) { throw new KMBitException(string.Format("编号为{0}的活动还没有任何可用的充值套餐", mTaocan.ActivityId)); } //验证电话号码是否在某个直扫活动里已经成功充值过 int count = (from o in db.Charge_Order where o.Phone_number == order.MobileNumber && o.Status != 3 && acos.Contains(o.MarketOrderId) select o.Id).Count(); if (count > 0) { throw new KMBitException("同一次营销活动每个手机每个号码只能扫描一次"); } } order.ResourceId = mTaocan.ResourceId; order.ResourceTaocanId = mTaocan.ResourceTaocanId; order.RouteId = mTaocan.RouteId; if (order.AgencyId == 0) { order.AgencyId = (from a in db.Marketing_Activities where a.Id == mTaocan.ActivityId select a.AgentId ).FirstOrDefault <int>(); } } Resource_taocan taocan = null; if (order.ResourceTaocanId <= 0 && order.RouteId > 0) { var query = from ta in db.Agent_route join tc in db.Resource_taocan on ta.Resource_taocan_id equals tc.Id where ta.Id == order.RouteId select tc; taocan = query.FirstOrDefault <Resource_taocan>(); } else if (order.ResourceTaocanId > 0) { taocan = (from tc in db.Resource_taocan where tc.Id == order.ResourceTaocanId select tc).FirstOrDefault <Resource_taocan>(); } if (!taocan.Enabled) { throw new KMBitException(ChargeConstant.RESOURCE_TAOCAN_DISABLED); } if (taocan == null) { throw new KMBitException("套餐信息不存在,不能充值"); } order.ResourceTaocanId = taocan.Id; KMBit.DAL.Resource resource = (from ri in db.Resource join tr in db.Resource_taocan on ri.Id equals tr.Resource_id where tr.Id == order.ResourceTaocanId select ri).FirstOrDefault <Resource>(); if (resource == null) { throw new KMBitException("落地资源不存在"); } if (!resource.Enabled) { throw new KMBitException(ChargeConstant.RESOURCE_DISABLED); } Agent_route route = null; if (order.AgencyId > 0 && order.RouteId > 0) { route = (from r in db.Agent_route where r.Id == order.RouteId select r).FirstOrDefault <Agent_route>(); if (route == null) { throw new KMBitException("代理商路由不存在"); } if (route.User_id != order.AgencyId) { throw new KMBitException("当前代理商没有此路由"); } if (!route.Enabled) { throw new KMBitException(string.Format("编号为{0}代理商路由已被管理员停用", route.Id)); } } Charge_Order history = new Charge_Order(); history.Agent_Id = order.AgencyId; history.Completed_Time = 0; history.Created_time = order.CreatedTime > 0 ? order.CreatedTime : DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now); history.Operate_User = order.OperateUserId; history.Out_Order_Id = ""; history.Payed = order.Payed; history.Phone_number = order.MobileNumber; history.MobileSP = order.MobileSP; history.Province = order.Province; history.City = order.City; history.Resource_id = resource.Id; history.Resource_taocan_id = order.ResourceTaocanId; history.RuoteId = order.RouteId; history.Status = 11; history.CallBackUrl = order.CallbackUrl != null ? order.CallbackUrl : null; history.Platform_Sale_Price = taocan.Sale_price; if (taocan.EnableDiscount) { history.Platform_Cost_Price = taocan.Purchase_price * taocan.Resource_Discount; } else { history.Platform_Cost_Price = taocan.Purchase_price; } if (order.IsMarket && order.MarketOrderId > 0) { //营销充值 history.Charge_type = 1; history.MarketOrderId = order.MarketOrderId; history.Sale_price = mTaocan.Price; history.Purchase_price = history.Platform_Sale_Price * route.Discount; history.Payed = true; } else { if (order.AgencyId > 0) { //代理商充值 history.Charge_type = 1; history.Purchase_price = taocan.Sale_price * route.Discount; history.Sale_price = route.Sale_price; history.Revenue = history.Purchase_price - history.Platform_Cost_Price; } else if (order.OperateUserId > 0) { //管理员后台充值 history.Charge_type = 2; history.Purchase_price = taocan.Sale_price; history.Sale_price = taocan.Sale_price; history.Revenue = history.Platform_Sale_Price - history.Platform_Cost_Price; } else { //前台用户直冲 history.Charge_type = 0; history.Purchase_price = taocan.Sale_price; history.Sale_price = taocan.Sale_price; history.Revenue = history.Platform_Sale_Price - history.Platform_Cost_Price; } } db.Charge_Order.Add(history); db.SaveChanges(); order.Id = history.Id; //Create Payment record for direct charge if (history.Charge_type == 0) { Payment_history payment = new Payment_history() { PaymentAccount = "", Amount = taocan.Sale_price, ChargeOrderId = history.Id, CreatedTime = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now), PayType = 0, Tranfser_Type = 1 }; db.Payment_history.Add(payment); db.SaveChanges(); order.PaymentId = payment.Id; } }catch (Exception ex) { throw new KMBitException(ex.Message); } finally { if (db != null) { db.Dispose(); } } return(order); }
public void GetChargeStatus(int resourceId) { Logger.Info("GetChargeStatus..."); chargebitEntities db = null; try { List <Charge_Order> orders = null; lock (getStatusObj) { db = new chargebitEntities(); orders = (from o in db.Charge_Order where o.Status == 1 && o.Resource_id == resourceId && o.Payed && o.Id > lastMaxGetStatusOrderId orderby o.Id ascending select o).ToList <Charge_Order>(); if (orders.Count <= 0) { Logger.Info("No orders need to sync status of resourceId:" + resourceId); return; } else { lastMaxGetStatusOrderId = (from o in orders select o.Id).Max(); Logger.Info(string.Format("{0} orders need to sync status", orders.Count)); } } KMBit.DAL.Resrouce_interface rInterface = rInterface = (from ri in db.Resrouce_interface where ri.Resource_id == resourceId select ri).FirstOrDefault <Resrouce_interface>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rInterface.QueryStatusUrl)) { Logger.Warn("QueryStatusUrl is empty."); return; } ServerUri = new Uri(rInterface.QueryStatusUrl); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { GetToken(rInterface); } if (DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now) > expiredTime) { Logger.Info("Token expired, get it again."); GetToken(rInterface); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { Logger.Error("Cannot get token."); return; } List <WebRequestParameters> parmeters = new List <WebRequestParameters>(); StringBuilder orderIds = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Charge_Order o in orders) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.Out_Order_Id)) { orderIds.Append(o.Out_Order_Id + ","); } } string orderParamStr = orderIds.ToString(); orderParamStr = orderParamStr.Substring(0, orderParamStr.Length - 1); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters() { Name = "para", Value = "{\"orderId\":\"" + orderParamStr + "\"}" }); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters() { Name = "token", Value = token }); parmeters.Add(new WebRequestParameters() { Name = "id", Value = rInterface.Username.Trim() }); bool succeed = false; SendRequest(parmeters, false, out succeed, RequestType.POST); ChargeResult result = new ChargeResult(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Response)) { try { Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject jsonResult = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(Response); string ret = jsonResult["result"].ToString(); string message = jsonResult["resultMsg"].ToString(); Logger.Info(string.Format("Message:{0} returned by {1}" + message != null?message:"", rInterface.QueryStatusUrl)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ret) && ret.Trim() == "0") { if (jsonResult["orderResult"] != null) { Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray backOrders = JArray.Parse(jsonResult["orderResult"].ToString()); if (backOrders != null && backOrders.Count > 0) { foreach (JObject ro in backOrders) { string roId = ro["orderId"] != null? ro["orderId"].ToString():null; string roPhone = ro["accNumber"] != null ? ro["accNumber"].ToString() : null; string roResult = ro["orderResult"] != null ? ro["orderResult"].ToString() : null; string roMessage = ro["orderMsg"] != null ? ro["orderMsg"].ToString() : null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(roId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(roPhone)) { continue; } Charge_Order dbOrder = (from o in orders where o.Out_Order_Id == roId.Trim() && o.Phone_number == roPhone.Trim() select o).FirstOrDefault <Charge_Order>(); if (dbOrder != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(roResult) && roResult.Trim() == "0") { result.Status = ChargeStatus.SUCCEED; result.Message = roMessage != null ? roMessage : "充值成功"; } else { result.Status = ChargeStatus.FAILED; result.Message = roMessage != null ? roMessage : "充值失败"; } } ChargeOrder blOrder = new ChargeOrder() { Id = dbOrder.Id, OutOrderId = dbOrder.Out_Order_Id, AgencyId = dbOrder.Agent_Id, Status = dbOrder.Status }; ChangeOrderStatus(blOrder, result, true); } } } } else { Logger.Info(string.Format("No order status returned back by {0}", rInterface.QueryStatusUrl)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Fatal(ex); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("Exception was thrown"); Logger.Fatal(ex); } finally { if (db != null) { db.Dispose(); } } Logger.Info("GetChargeStatus done!"); }