Exemple #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        weapon = gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterWeapon>();

        FirstFire  = false;
        SecondFire = false;
        ThirdFire  = false;
        FourthFire = false;
        FifthFire  = false;
        //LastFire = false;

        FirstWater  = false;
        SecondWater = false;
        ThirdWater  = false;
        FourthWater = false;
        FifthWater  = false;

        FirstEarth  = false;
        SecondEarth = false;
        ThirdEarth  = false;
        FourthEarth = false;
        FifthEarth  = false;

        FirstLightning  = false;
        SecondLightning = false;
        ThirdLightning  = false;
        FourthLightning = false;
        FifthLightning  = false;
 public void ResetControl()
     _intCharacterID       = 0;
     _intWeaponID          = 0;
     _OriginalCharWeaponID = 0;
     _cwObjCW = new CharacterWeapon();
Exemple #3
        public void Test3SetPowerRange(int lvl, int power, Type ex = null)
            UserElementDto dElement = new UserElementDto()
                Id  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Lvl = lvl,
            var config = new MapperConfiguration(c =>
                c.CreateMap <CharacterWeapon, UserElementDto>().ReverseMap();

            IMapper mapper = config.CreateMapper();

                CharacterWeapon uElement = mapper.Map <CharacterWeapon>(dElement);
                Assert.That(power, Is.EqualTo(uElement.PowerLvl));
            }catch (Exception e)
                Assert.That(e, Is.TypeOf(ex));
 public void Shoot()
     GameObject bull = Instantiate(characterWeapon, bulletSpawn.position, bulletSpawn.rotation);
     CharacterWeapon weapon = bull.GetComponent<CharacterWeapon>();
     var dir = Input.mousePosition;
     weapon.dir = dir;
 protected virtual void Start()
     controller        = GetComponent <CharacterControls>();
     character         = GetComponent <Character>();
     characterWeapon   = GetComponent <CharacterWeapon>();
     characterMovement = GetComponent <CharacterMovement>();
     animator          = GetComponent <Animator>();
 private void Awake()
     _characterControler = new CharacterController();
     _characterControler.SetCharacterModel(this, _character = GetComponent <CharacterView>());
     _characterWeapon = GetComponent <CharacterWeapon>();
     rb              = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
     transfom        = GetComponent <Transform>();
     _spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
    void OnItemGrabbed(Character character)
        CharacterWeapon characterWeapon = character.GetComponent <CharacterWeapon>();

        if (characterWeapon != null)
Exemple #8
        public async Task <ActionResult> DeleteCharacter(string teamId, string characterId)
            Team team = await _unitOfWork.TeamRepository.GetById(teamId);

            CharacterWeapon characterWeapon = team.CharacterWeapons.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == characterId);

            await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();

 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new instance of CharacterLeftSide.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="weapon">The weapon equipped by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="head">The head equipment equipped by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="chest">The chest equipment equipped by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="arms">The arm equipment equipped by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="waist">The waist equipment equipped by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="legs">The leg equipment equipped by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="feet">The foot equipment equipped by the character.</param>
 public CharacterLeftSide(CharacterWeapon weapon, CharacterGear head, CharacterGear chest,
                          CharacterGear arms, CharacterGear waist, CharacterGear legs, CharacterGear feet)
     Weapon = weapon;
     Head   = head;
     Chest  = chest;
     Arms   = arms;
     Waist  = waist;
     Legs   = legs;
     Feet   = feet;
 private void SetAttackAndDamageBonusesVisibility(CharacterWeapon objCW)
     //If the Range has Melee Data in it display Melee Data
     if (!Range.RangeTypeInRangeList("Melee", objCW.objWeapon.objRanges))
     //if the Range has Ranged Data in it display the Range Data
     if (!Range.RangeTypeInRangeList("Short", objCW.objWeapon.objRanges))
Exemple #11
    static public void storeWeapon <W>(W iWeapon, int i) where W : IWeapon
        CharacterWeapon inventoryWeapon = new CharacterWeapon();

        inventoryWeapon.Name           = iWeapon.Name;
        inventoryWeapon.Damage         = iWeapon.Damage;
        inventoryWeapon.CriticalRating = iWeapon.CriticalRating;
        inventoryWeapon.CriticalChance = iWeapon.CriticalChance;
        inventoryWeapon.Deflect        = iWeapon.Deflect;
        inventoryWeapon.Value          = iWeapon.Value;
        inventoryWeapon.Weight         = iWeapon.Weight;

        weaponsArray[i] = inventoryWeapon;
    void Start()
        _camera          = GetComponentInChildren <Camera>();
        _characterWeapon = GetComponent <CharacterWeapon>();

        SenXConst = SensitivityX;
        SenYConst = SensitivityY;

        if (!isLocalPlayer)
            _camera.enabled = false;
            _camera.GetComponentInChildren <Canvas>().enabled = false;
Exemple #13
    //public static bool firstFire;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        inventory = gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterInventory>();
        weapon    = gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterWeapon>();
        enhance   = gameObject.GetComponent <WeaponEnhancements>();

        inBattle           = false;
        startHealth        = 20.0f;
        health             = startHealth;
        lifeFragments      = 0;
        extraLives         = 0;
        positionOfInBattle = 30.0f;

        //firstFire = false;
    void Start()
        if (!isLocalPlayer)

        _inventoryMenu     = GetComponentInChildren <PiUI>();
        _characterMovement = GetComponent <CharacterMovement>();
        _characterWeapon   = GetComponent <CharacterWeapon>();
        _cameraController  = GetComponent <CameraController>();

        _inventoryMenu.dynamicallyScaleToResolution = true;
        public async Task <ActionResult> GetMaterials(CharacterWeapon characterWeapon)
            ICollection <Material> cMaterials        = characterWeapon.Character.TalentMaterials;
            ICollection <Material> wMaterials        = characterWeapon.Weapon.Materials;
            AscensionCategory      ascensionCategory = await _unitOfWork.AscensionCategoryRepository.GetByLvl(characterWeapon.PowerLvl);

            IEnumerable <Material> characterMaterials = cMaterials.Where(m => m.AscensionCategories.Contains(ascensionCategory));
            IEnumerable <Material> weaponMaterials    = wMaterials.Where(m => m.AscensionCategories.Contains(ascensionCategory));
            MaterialsDto           materialsDto       = new MaterialsDto()
                CharacterMaterials = characterMaterials,
                WeaponMaterials    = weaponMaterials

 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new instance of CharacterInventory.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="weapon">The weapon equipped by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="head">The head equipment equipped by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="chest">The chest equipment equipped by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="arms">The arm equipment equipped by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="waist">The waist equipment equipped by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="legs">The leg equipment equipped by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="feet">The foot equipment equipped by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="offhand">The offhand equipment equipped by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="earrings">The earring equipment equipped by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="necklace">The necklace equipment equipped by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="bracelet">The bracelet equipment equipped by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="ring1">The first ring equipment equipped by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="ring2">The second ring equipment equipped by the character.</param>
 public CharacterInventory(CharacterWeapon weapon, CharacterGear head, CharacterGear chest,
                           CharacterGear arms, CharacterGear waist, CharacterGear legs, CharacterGear feet,
                           CharacterGear offhand, CharacterGear earrings, CharacterGear necklace,
                           CharacterGear bracelet, CharacterGear ring1, CharacterGear ring2)
     Weapon   = weapon;
     Head     = head;
     Chest    = chest;
     Arms     = arms;
     Waist    = waist;
     Legs     = legs;
     Feet     = feet;
     Offhand  = offhand;
     Earrings = earrings;
     Necklace = necklace;
     Bracelet = bracelet;
     Ring1    = ring1;
     Ring2    = ring2;
Exemple #17
        public Form1()
            int       intCharID = 1;
            Character objChar   = new Character(intCharID);

            CharacterWeapon objCharWeap = new CharacterWeapon(intCharID, 1);

            cwc1.SetControlWithCharacterWeapon(objChar, objCharWeap);

            //cwc1.CharacterID = objCharWeap.CharacterID;
            //cwc1.WeaponID = objCharWeap.WeaponID;
            //cwc1.WeaponName = objCharWeap.objWeapon.WeaponName;
            //cwc1.StunDamage = objCharWeap.objWeapon.StunDamage;
            //cwc1.Damage = objCharWeap.objWeapon.Damage;
            //cwc1.CharacterWeaponNotes = objCharWeap.Notes;
            ////cwc1.WeaponNotes = objCharWeap.objWeapon.Notes;
            //cwc1.Weight = objCharWeap.objWeapon.Weight;
            //cwc1.BookName = objCharWeap.objWeapon.objBook.BookName;

            //cwc2.CharacterID = objCharWeap.CharacterID;
            //cwc2.WeaponID = objCharWeap.WeaponID;
            //cwc2.WeaponName = objCharWeap.objWeapon.WeaponName;
            //cwc2.StunDamage = objCharWeap.objWeapon.StunDamage;
            //cwc2.Damage = objCharWeap.objWeapon.Damage;
            //cwc2.CharacterWeaponNotes = objCharWeap.Notes;
            ////cwc2.WeaponNotes = objCharWeap.objWeapon.Notes;
            //cwc2.Weight = objCharWeap.objWeapon.Weight;
            //cwc2.BookName = objCharWeap.objWeapon.objBook.BookName;

            //Melee range

            Range        objRange  = new Range(1);
            List <Range> lstRanges = new List <Range>();

            objCharWeap.objWeapon.objRanges = lstRanges;
            cwc2.SetControlWithCharacterWeapon(objChar, objCharWeap);
    void Start()
        if (!isLocalPlayer)

        _open = false;

        _cameraController  = GetComponent <CameraController>();
        _characterMovement = GetComponent <CharacterMovement>();
        _characterWeapon   = GetComponent <CharacterWeapon>();

        _Weapon1Images = Weapon1.GetComponentsInChildren <Image>();
        _Weapon2Images = Weapon2.GetComponentsInChildren <Image>();

        _preTime = Time.time;

Exemple #19
        public async Task <ActionResult> UpdateLevels(string userId, string teamId, string characterWeaponId, int charLvl, int weaponLvl)
            User user = await _unitOfWork.UserRepository.GetById(userId);

            CharacterWeapon characterWeapon = user.Teams.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == teamId)
                                              .CharacterWeapons.FirstOrDefault(cw => cw.Id == characterWeaponId);

            foreach (Team team in user.Teams)
                foreach (CharacterWeapon actualCW in team.CharacterWeapons)
                    if (actualCW.Character == characterWeapon.Character)
            await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();

Exemple #20
        public async Task <ActionResult> AddCharacter(string teamId, string characterId, string weaponId, int charLvl, int weaponLvl)
            Team team = await _unitOfWork.TeamRepository.GetById(teamId);

            Character character = await _unitOfWork.CharacterRepository.GetById(characterId);

            Weapon weapon = await _unitOfWork.WeaponRepository.GetById(weaponId);

            CharacterWeapon characterWeapon = new CharacterWeapon(charLvl)
                Character = character,
                Weapon    = weapon

            if (team.AddCharacter(characterWeapon))
                await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(BadRequest("The maximum Characters per Team is 5."));
Exemple #21
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        float           ammoRate = 0f;
        CharacterWeapon weapon   = GameManager.player.getWeapon();

        if (weapon.getClipLoadMax() >= 0)
            ammoRate = (float)(weapon.getClipLoad()) / weapon.getClipLoadMax();
            ammoRate = Mathf.Clamp(ammoRate, 0f, 1f);
            if (weapon.getStatus() == CharacterWeapon.Status.Idle)
                filler.color    = new Color(1f, 1f, 0.3f);
                fillerText.text = weapon.getClipLoad().ToString() + "/" + weapon.getCarry().ToString();
            if (weapon.getStatus() == CharacterWeapon.Status.Firing)
                filler.color    = new Color(1f, 0.5f, 0.3f);
                fillerText.text = weapon.getClipLoad().ToString() + "/" + weapon.getCarry().ToString();
            if (weapon.getStatus() == CharacterWeapon.Status.Reloading)
                filler.color    = new Color(1f, 0.5f, 0.3f);
                fillerText.text = "Reloading";

        fillerMask.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(ammoRate, 1f, 1f);
        if (ammoRate > 0f)
            filler.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(1f / ammoRate, 1f, 1f);
            filler.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
Exemple #22
        public async Task <ActionResult> AddTeam(string userId, ICollection <CharacterDto> characters)
            if (characters.Count == 0)
                return(BadRequest("The team must contain at least one character."));
            Team team = new Team();

            foreach (CharacterDto characterDto in characters)
                Character       character       = _mapper.Map <Character>(characterDto);
                CharacterWeapon characterWeapon = new CharacterWeapon(0)
                    Character = character
            User user = await _unitOfWork.UserRepository.GetById(userId);

            await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();

Exemple #23
        public static List <CharacterWeapon> RetrieveWeaponsByCharacterID(int PlayerCharacterID)
            List <CharacterWeapon> characterWeapons = new List <CharacterWeapon>();

            // connection
            var conn = DBConnection.GetDBConnection();

            // cmdtext
            var cmdText = @"sp_retrieve_weapons_by_playercharacterid";

            // command
            var cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdText, conn);

            // command type
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

            // parameters
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@PlayerCharacterID", SqlDbType.Int);

            // parameter values
            cmd.Parameters["@PlayerCharacterID"].Value = PlayerCharacterID;

            // all set? need a try-catch
                // open a connection

                // execute the command
                var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                // check for results
                if (reader.HasRows)
                    // multiple rows are possible, so use a while loop
                    while (reader.Read())
                        // create a character object
                        var characterWeapon = new CharacterWeapon()
                            WeaponID    = reader.GetInt32(0),
                            Name        = reader.GetString(1),
                            Description = reader.GetString(2),
                            Attack      = reader.GetInt32(3),
                            Quantity    = reader.GetInt32(4)
                        // add character to the list
            catch (Exception)

        private void RemoveModsFromDevice()
            CharacterEquipment objCharEquip  = new CharacterEquipment();
            CharacterArmor     objCharArmor  = new CharacterArmor();
            CharacterWeapon    objCharWeapon = new CharacterWeapon();;

            switch (enumModType)
            case Common.ModificationType.Armor:

            case Common.ModificationType.Equipment:

            case Common.ModificationType.Weapon:

            //Delete the mod if its not in the selected list
            foreach (Modification objOrigMod in lstOriginalModfications)
                if (!Modification.IsModificationInList(objOrigMod, lstModficationsSelected))
                    switch (enumModType)
                    case Common.ModificationType.Armor:
                        objCharArmor.DeleteCharacterArmorModification(intModedObjID, objOrigMod.ModificationID);

                    case Common.ModificationType.Equipment:
                        objCharEquip.DeleteCharacterEquipmentModification(intModedObjID, objOrigMod.ModificationID);

                    case Common.ModificationType.Weapon:
                        objCharWeapon.DeleteCharacterWeaponModification(intModedObjID, objOrigMod.ModificationID);

            //Add the mod if its not in the Original List
            foreach (Modification objSelMod in lstModficationsSelected)
                if (!Modification.IsModificationInList(objSelMod, lstOriginalModfications))
                    switch (enumModType)
                    case Common.ModificationType.Armor:
                        objSelMod.SaveCharacterArmorModification(objCharArmor.CharacterArmorID, objSelMod.ModificationID);

                    case Common.ModificationType.Equipment:
                        objSelMod.SaveCharacterEquipmentModification(objCharEquip.CharacterEquipmentID, objSelMod.ModificationID);

                    case Common.ModificationType.Weapon:
                        objSelMod.SaveCharacterWeaponModification(objCharWeapon.CharacterWeaponID, objSelMod.ModificationID);
Exemple #25
 private void Start()
     _Instance = this;
     pool      = new ObjectPool <BulletRed>(BulletFactory, BulletRed.TurnOn, BulletRed.TurnOff, 30, true);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a NonPlayableCharacter with the specified health, ammo, and weapon objects, plus the given name
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="health">CharacterStatusElement for health</param>
 /// <param name="ammo">CharacterStatusElement for ammo</param>
 /// <param name="weapon">CharacterStatusElement for the current weapon</param>
 /// <param name="name">The character's name</param>
 /// <param name="detector">Collision detector with which the object should register.</param>
 public NonPlayableCharacterAbstract(CharacterHealth health, CharacterAmmo ammo, CharacterWeapon weapon, string name, CollisionDetectorInterface detector)
     : base(health, ammo, weapon, name, detector)
Exemple #27
        public void Test1PowerSettedByLvl(int lvl, int power)
            CharacterWeapon uElement = new CharacterWeapon(lvl);

            Assert.That(power, Is.EqualTo(uElement.PowerLvl));
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a NonPlayableCharacter with the specified health, ammo, and weapon objects, plus the given name.
 /// Also, specify the AnimationSet, frameLengthModifier, velocity, position, direction,
 /// and depth of the character.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pipeline">List of objects from which the object should be drawn.</param>
 /// <param name="health">CharacterStatusElement for health</param>
 /// <param name="ammo">CharacterStatusElement for ammo</param>
 /// <param name="weapon">CharacterStatusElement for the current weapon</param>
 /// <param name="name">The character's name</param>
 /// <param name="detector">Collision detector with which this object should register.</param>
 /// <param name="animations">AnimationSet containing all animations for this object</param>
 /// <param name="frameLengthModifier">Float representing the ratio of frames in an animation to movement along the screen</param>
 /// <param name="velocity">Vector of velocity, representing both direction of movement and magnitude</param>
 /// <param name="position">Position of object relative to the top left corner</param>
 /// <param name="direction">Vector representing the direction of the object</param>
 /// <param name="depth">Depth the object is to be drawn to</param>
 public NonPlayableCharacterAbstract(List<DrawableObjectAbstract> pipeline, CharacterHealth health, CharacterAmmo ammo, CharacterWeapon weapon, string name, CollisionDetectorInterface detector, AnimationSet animations, float frameLengthModifier, Vector2 velocity, Vector2 position, Vector2 direction, float depth)
     : base(pipeline, health, ammo, weapon, name, detector, animations, frameLengthModifier, velocity, position, direction, depth)
Exemple #29
 public void setWeapon(CharacterWeapon newWeapon)
     this.weapon = newWeapon;
        public void SetControlWithCharacterWeapon(Character objChar, CharacterWeapon objCW)
            _intCharacterID = objCW.CharacterID;
            _intWeaponID    = objCW.WeaponID;
            _cwObjCW        = objCW;
            string strWeaponAvail = "";
            string DamageBonus    = "";
            string StunBonus      = "";

            if ((_OriginalCharWeaponID == 0) && (objCW.CharacterWeaponID != 0))
                _OriginalCharWeaponID = objCW.CharacterWeaponID;

            //Move to Character the Attack and Damage Bonuses
            txtMeleeAttackBonus.Text = objCW.MeleeAttackBonus.ToString();
            txtMeleeDamageBonus.Text = objCW.MeleeDamageBonus.ToString();
            txtRangeAttackBonus.Text = objCW.RangeAttackBonus.ToString();
            txtRangeDamageBonus.Text = objCW.RangeDamageBonus.ToString();

            txtWeaponName.Text           = objCW.objWeapon.WeaponName;
            txtCharacterWeaponNotes.Text = objCW.Notes;
            if (objCW.objWeapon.ExtraDamage != 0)
                DamageBonus = "+" + objCW.objWeapon.ExtraDamage;
                DamageBonus = "";
            if (objCW.objWeapon.ExtraStunDamage != 0)
                StunBonus = "+" + objCW.objWeapon.ExtraStunDamage;
                StunBonus = "";

            txtDamage.Text = objCW.objWeapon.DamageDieNumber.ToString() + "d" + objCW.objWeapon.DamageDieType.ToString() + DamageBonus;
            if (objCW.objWeapon.Stun)
                txtStunDamage.Text = objCW.objWeapon.StunDieNumber.ToString() + "d" + objCW.objWeapon.StunDieType.ToString() + StunBonus;
                txtStunDamage.Text = "";

            txtWeight.Text     = objCW.objWeapon.Weight.ToString();
            txtBook.Text       = objCW.objWeapon.objBook.BookName;
            txtWeaponType.Text = objCW.objWeapon.objWeaponType.WeaponTypeDescription;
            txtWeaponSize.Text = objCW.objWeapon.objWeaponSize.WeaponSizeName;
            txtRateOfFire.Text = objCW.objWeapon.RateOfFire;

            if (objCW.objWeapon.lstWeaponAvailability.Count > 0)
                foreach (ItemAvailabilityType objIAT in  objCW.objWeapon.lstWeaponAvailability)
                    strWeaponAvail = strWeaponAvail + objIAT.ItemAvailabilityTypeName + ", ";
                strWeaponAvail = strWeaponAvail.Substring(0, strWeaponAvail.Length - 2);
            txtAvailability.Text = strWeaponAvail;

            this.ckbAccurate.Checked         = objCW.objWeapon.Accurate;
            this.ckbAreaOfAttack.Checked     = objCW.objWeapon.AreaOfAttack;
            this.ckbDoubleWeapon.Checked     = objCW.objWeapon.DoubleWeapon;
            this.ckbInaccurate.Checked       = objCW.objWeapon.Inaccurate;
            this.ckbRequiresOrdiance.Checked = objCW.objWeapon.RequiresSeperateAmmo;
            this.ckbSlugThrower.Checked      = objCW.objWeapon.Slugthrower;


