// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { childrenTransforms = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); foreach (Transform t in childrenTransforms) { if (t.name.Equals("ArmR[1]")) { rightArm = t; } if (t.name.Equals("HandR")) { rightHand = t; } if (t.name.Equals("ForearmR")) { rightForearm = t; } } castingScript = objWithCastingEffect.GetComponent <CastingEffect>(); // In order to set the casting effect layer order, we get the weapon and sum it 1. int weaponLayerOrder = getWeaponLayerOrder(); castingLayerOrder = weaponLayerOrder + 1; soundScript = GetComponent <CharacterSounds>(); heroCharacterScript = GetComponent <Character>(); charControlScript = GetComponent <CharacterControl>(); // Enable multitouch for Android. Input.multiTouchEnabled = true; }
public virtual bool SetupCharacterSounds() { bool continute_setup = false; AlertProgress("Checking CharacterSounds Dependencies"); CharacterSounds characterSounds = character.GetComponent <CharacterSounds>(); if (characterSounds) { AlertProgress("CharacterSounds Found"); SetupCharacterSoundsDefaults(characterSounds); continute_setup = true; } else { AlertProgress(" CharacterSounds not found"); AlertProgress("Creating CharacterSounds"); characterSounds = character.AddComponent <CharacterSounds>(); SetupCharacterSoundsDefaults(characterSounds); continute_setup = true; } AlertProgress("CharacterSounds Setup complete"); return(continute_setup); }
/* * FUNCTION: Play a sound */ public void playSound(CharacterSounds soundType) { if (bSoundEnabled) { asCharacterSounds[(int)soundType].Play(); } }
public static void SetDefaultForMissing(CharacterSounds characterSounds) { if (characterSounds.damage == null) { characterSounds.damage = Resources.Load <AudioClip>($"{FoleyPath}404109__deathscyp__damage-1"); } if (characterSounds.damage == null) { characterSounds.runningStone = Resources.Load <AudioClip>( $"{FoleyPath}Movement/430708__juandamb__running"); } if (characterSounds.sneakingStone == null) { characterSounds.sneakingStone = Resources.Load <AudioClip>( $"{FoleyPath}Movement/260120__splicesound__01-20-footsteps-tile-slippers-slow-pace"); } if (characterSounds.walkSnow == null) { characterSounds.walkSnow = Resources.Load <AudioClip>( $"{FoleyPath}Movement/215690__musicbrain__walking-in-snow-1"); } if (characterSounds.walkStone == null) { characterSounds.walkStone = Resources.Load <AudioClip>( $"{FoleyPath}Movement/208103__phil25__stone-steps"); } }
private void Start() { if (characterSounds == null) { characterSounds = GetComponent <CharacterSounds>(); Logger.logWarning("Interactable characterSounds is missing and has been automatically assigned. Please assign it manually."); } }
public MyPlayerGhost(PlayerCorpse corpse) : base(corpse) { ownerCorpse = (MyPlayerCorpse)corpse; characterIndex = ownerCorpse.PlayerIndex; archerSounds = TowerFall.ArcherData.Archers[characterIndex].SFX; haloProperties.SaveProperties(halo); this.arrowPickupHitbox = new WrapHitbox(22f, 30f, -11f, -16f); }
/* * FUNCTION: Check if a sound is currently playing. */ public bool isPlaying(CharacterSounds sound) { if (asCharacterSounds[(int)sound].isPlaying) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private void Start() { playerCameraTransform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; Cursor.visible = false; _characterSounds = GetComponent <CharacterSounds>(); _musicManager = GetComponent <MusicManager>(); _soundManagers = FindObjectsOfType <MonoBehaviour>().OfType <ISoundManager>().ToList(); }
public void StartDialogue(int starterId, CharacterSounds characterSounds) { _characterSounds = characterSounds; HUD.SetActive(false); dialogueInterface.SetActive(true); Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None; Cursor.visible = true; dialogueObject = dialogueService.GetDialogueObject(starterId); _clipRepository = new DialogueClipRepository(); StartCoroutine(DialogueLoop()); }
protected virtual void Start() { currentHealth = health; unitCollider = GetComponent <Collider>(); CharacterAudio = GetComponent <CharacterSounds>(); if (!animator) { animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); } }
void Start() { ResetView(); UnityEngine.XR.InputTracking.Recenter(); //Debug.Log("plactrlstart"); Application.targetFrameRate = 30; //Teleport(); //transform.position = PlayerManager.instance.startPos.position; //Debug.Log(gameObject.transform.position); if (lockCursor) { Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; Cursor.visible = false; } defWalkSpeed = walkSpeed; defRunSpeed = runSpeed; sounds = GetComponent <CharacterSounds>(); //lastHealth = myStats.currentHealth; //player = GetComponent<Transform>(); myStats = GetComponent <CharacterStats>(); imp = GetComponent <ImpactReceiver>(); animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); cameraT = Camera.main.transform; controller = GetComponent <CharacterController>(); combat = GetComponent <CharacterCombat>(); playerState = GameObject.Find("PlayerState"); if (playerState != null) { myStats.maxHealth = playerState.GetComponent <Player>().maxHealth; myStats.maxStamina = playerState.GetComponent <Player>().maxStamina; myStats.maxDive = playerState.GetComponent <Player>().maxDive; myStats.ableSwim = playerState.GetComponent <Player>().ableSwim; transform.position = playerState.GetComponent <Player>().startPosition; } enemies = enemys.GetComponentsInChildren <Patrol2>(); }
/* * FUNCTION: Stops all sounds except background music */ public void stopAllSounds() { for (int i = 0; i < CharacterSounds.GetValues(typeof(CharacterSounds)).Length; i++) { asCharacterSounds [i].Stop(); } for (int i = 0; i < PowerupSounds.GetValues(typeof(PowerupSounds)).Length; i++) { asPowerupSounds [i].Stop(); } for (int i = 0; i < MenuSounds.GetValues(typeof(MenuSounds)).Length; i++) { asMenuSounds [i].Stop(); } for (int i = 0; i < EnemySounds.GetValues(typeof(EnemySounds)).Length; i++) { asEnemySounds [i].Stop(); } bFootstepsPlaying = false; }
public virtual void Initialize(CharacterStats holder, LayerMask attackTo, Transform leftHand = null, Transform rightHand = null) { // AUDIO ??? audioController = holder.GetComponent <CharacterSounds>(); // instatiate models if (rightHandWeaponModel && rightHand) { rightHandModel = Instantiate(rightHandWeaponModel, rightHand); rightHandModel.SetActive(false); } if (leftHandWeaponModel && leftHand) { leftHandModel = Instantiate(leftHandWeaponModel, leftHand); leftHandModel.SetActive(false); } for (int i = 0; i < WeaponAttacks.Length; i++) { WeaponAttacks[i].Initialize(attackTo, holder.transform); } }
public virtual void SetupCharacterSoundsDefaults(CharacterSounds characterSounds) { if (characterSounds == false) { return; } AlertProgress("Setting Default CharacterSounds values"); TPCSTCharacterSounds tempCharacterSounds = character_defaults.characterSounds; characterSounds.Footstep = tempCharacterSounds.Footstep; characterSounds.Death = tempCharacterSounds.Death; characterSounds.Jump = tempCharacterSounds.Jump; characterSounds.Land = tempCharacterSounds.Land; characterSounds.Block = tempCharacterSounds.Block; characterSounds.Hurt = tempCharacterSounds.Hurt; characterSounds.Hit = tempCharacterSounds.Hit; characterSounds.BigHit = tempCharacterSounds.BigHit; characterSounds.BigDamageThreshold = tempCharacterSounds.BigDamageThreshold; AlertProgress("Setting Default CharacterSounds values complete"); }
/* * FUNCTION: Play a sound */ public void playSound (CharacterSounds soundType) { if (bSoundEnabled) asCharacterSounds [(int)soundType].Play (); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { audso = GetComponentInParent <CharacterSounds> (); // audso = this.gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterSounds> (); }
/* * FUNCITON: Stop a sound */ public void stopSound (CharacterSounds soundType) { asCharacterSounds [(int)soundType].Stop (); }
/* * FUNCITON: Stop a sound */ public void stopSound(CharacterSounds soundType) { asCharacterSounds[(int)soundType].Stop(); }
/* * FUNCTION: Check if a sound is currently playing. */ public bool isPlaying (CharacterSounds sound) { if (asCharacterSounds [(int)sound].isPlaying) return true; else return false; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; audso = gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterSounds> (); rb = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody> (); }