public override void OnCharacterDestroySuccess(CharacterScript destroyedCharacter) { base.OnCharacterDestroySuccess(destroyedCharacter); int scoreToAdd = (int)(destroyedCharacter.pointsForDestroying * multiplier); score += scoreToAdd; setMaxTurrets(maxTurretIdx + 1); }
public AbilityScript(CharacterScript attachedPlayer) { abilityName = "No Name"; tooltipText = "No Tooltip Text"; staminaCost = 0; player = attachedPlayer; }
void Start(){ this.character = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player"); this.cs = this.character.GetComponent<CharacterScript> (); inventory = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Inventory").GetComponent<InventoryScript> (); }
private HealthScript healthScript; // Health of character taking dmg #endregion Fields #region Methods void Start() { // Damage should have a '-' in front of it, heals a '+' switch(dmgType) { case dmgTypes.Damage: // Set actual dmg number guiText.text = "-" + amount.ToString(); break; case dmgTypes.Heal: // Set actual heal number guiText.text = "+" + amount.ToString(); break; } // Setup visual styling guiText.material.color = color; // set text color character = transform.parent.GetComponent<CharacterScript>(); if(character) { // spawn health bubble where character taking dmg starts transform.position = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(character.transform.position); } Destroy(gameObject, duration); // Only shows up for a short period of time }
// Use this for initialization void Awake () { //print (PlayerPrefs.GetString("Difficult")); // --- LOAD RESOURCES TO CHARACTER --- //this.prefab = Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/MainCharacters/Level02/hombre_lvl2"); this.prefab = Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/MainCharacters/Level02/"+PlayerPrefs.GetString("Player")+"_lvl2"); this.character = Instantiate (prefab, respawn.transform.position, prefab.transform.rotation) as GameObject; this.cs = this.character.GetComponent<CharacterScript> (); = this.character.GetComponent<ClickToMove_lvl2> (); this.invent = this.character.GetComponentInChildren <InventoryScript> (); = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Minimap").GetComponent<miniMapLv2> (); = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("music_engine").GetComponent<Music_Engine_Script> (); // Memory Card Save/Load data = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("MemoryCard").GetComponent<MemoryCard> (); =; this.load =; time_play = this.load.loadTimePlayed (); // --- LOAD RESOURCES TO MENU --- gui = new PauseMenuGUI(); gui.initResources (); this.c = this.ambientLight.light.color; }
public DefendScript(CharacterScript attachedPlayer) : base(attachedPlayer) { abilityName = "Defend"; tooltipText = "Prepare your unit to defend incoming damage"; staminaCost = 2; }
public StompScript(CharacterScript attachedPlayer) : base(attachedPlayer) { abilityName = "Stomp"; tooltipText = "Smash the floor dealing n aoe damage"; staminaCost = 2; }
public ComboScript(CharacterScript attachedPlayer) : base(attachedPlayer) { abilityName = "Combo"; tooltipText = "Attack a unit using a combo"; staminaCost = 3; }
void Start() { instance = this; this.enabled = false; // The game can enable this script when the game is paused GameObject player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player"); characterScript = player.GetComponent<CharacterScript>(); optionsScript = transform.parent.GetComponentInChildren<OptionsScript>(); }
public MoveScript(CharacterScript attachedPlayer) : base(attachedPlayer) { abilityName = "Move"; tooltipText = "Move to the selected tile"; staminaCost = 2; range = 1; }
public Task(string type, CharacterScript actor, CharacterScript actee, Item item, LocaleScript locale) { this.Type = type; this.Actor = actor; this.Actee = actee; this.Item = item; this.Locale = locale; }
void Start() { cs = this.GetComponent<CharacterScript>(); ms = this.GetComponent<MovementScript>(); likes = new ArrayList(); ts = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Grid").GetComponent<TileScript>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { character = GetComponentInParent<CharacterScript>(); ownerType = character.gameObject.tag; // Get the character's tag so we can decide who the ability should damage UseAbility (character.gameObject); Destroy(gameObject, duration); // Effect will go away after (duration) time) }
public BasicAttackScript(CharacterScript attachedPlayer) : base(attachedPlayer) { abilityName = "Basic Attack"; tooltipText = "Attack a unit using your basic attack"; staminaCost = 2; damage = 2; range = 1; }
void Start() { character = GetComponentInParent<CharacterScript>(); ownerType = character.gameObject.tag; // Get the character's tag so we can decide who the ability should damage //projectileCollider = GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>(); Destroy(gameObject, duration); // Only lives for 20 seconds to prevent leaks }
public CircleAttack(CharacterScript attachedPlayer) : base(attachedPlayer) { abilityName = "Circle Attack"; tooltipText = "Attack all enemies around you"; staminaCost = 4; damage = 2; range = 1; }
public RockThrowScript(CharacterScript attachedPlayer) : base(attachedPlayer) { abilityName = "Rock Throw"; tooltipText = "Throw a rock at target character"; staminaCost = 2; damage = 1; range = 1; }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { this.character = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player"); this.cs = this.character.GetComponent<CharacterScript> (); // ADD TEXTURES this.DamageFadeTexture = Resources.Load<Texture>("DamageFading/bloodscreen"); }
void Start(){ this.character = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player"); cs = this.character.GetComponent<CharacterScript> (); weaponTransform = weapon.transform; shieldTransform = shield.transform; }
//private GameObject heart; void Start () { // Buscamos al personaje principal //this.Player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); this.character = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player"); //this.heart = GameObject.Find ("heart1"); //cs = GetComponent<CharacterScript>(); //cs = GetComponent<CharacterScript>(); cs = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(CharacterScript)) as CharacterScript; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { gameManagerScript = GetComponent<GameManagerScript> (); characterScript = GameObject.Find ("Character").GetComponent<CharacterScript> (); danceBar.value = initialValue; currentValue = initialValue; danceType = 1; tapCount = 0; }
public PushScript(CharacterScript attachedPlayer) : base(attachedPlayer) { abilityName = "Push"; tooltipText = "Push target character"; staminaCost = 4; damage = 0; range = 1; // TODO: Use this -> int pushDistance = 1; //TODO: Fix range so that it represents the amount of tile coordinates away instead of float }
void Start() { characterScript = GetComponent<CharacterScript>(); // Grab player info player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); // Save spawn point in case we need to leash later spawnPoint = transform.position; // Create stack of commands for AI behavior commands = new CommandStackScript(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if(healthBar) { // This feels like a hack. If you put it in Start() it doesn't load properly. character = healthBar.character; // Get reference to character the healthbar is attached to } if(character) { guitext.text =; } // transform.position = transform.parent.position; }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { // this.fireball = Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/Character_Skills/Fireball_Skill"); this.warrior_aura = Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/Character_Skills/Warrior_Aura1"); this.dagger_shot = Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/Character_Skills/Daga_skill/Daga_skill"); this.player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); this.cs = this.player.GetComponent<CharacterScript> (); = this.player.GetComponent<ClickToMove> (); this.cm2 = this.player.GetComponent<ClickToMove_lvl2> (); effect = false; actual_time = Time.time; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // Find character by searching parent's character script character = transform.parent.GetComponent<CharacterScript>(); if(character) { // Assuming character exists) health = character.GetComponent<HealthScript>(); maxHp = health.hp; // HP when mob spawns is assumed to be the total hp it can have } // Find current HP bar currentHPBar = transform.GetComponentInChildren<GUITexture>(); currentHPBar.transform.localScale =; // Zero-out the scale vector to allow us to manipulate it later }
//Parse Top Card of Queue void ParseCards() { CharacterScript character = player.GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); if (character.GetComponent <Animator>().GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("idle")) { character.parseCard(); } //if (queueIndex < queuedCards.Length) // Queue.GetComponent<Text>().text = queuedCards[queueIndex].GetComponent<CardButtonScript>().card.GetComponent<CardScript>().cardName; //else // Queue.GetComponent<Text>().text = ""; //RemoveNonBasics(); }
private void SetUpAgentAndAnim() { agent = gameObject.AddComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); agent.speed = npcSpeed; anim = GetComponent <SoliderAnimScript>(); anim.setNpc(agent); character = GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); team = GetComponent <TeamSide>(); health = GetComponent <HealthScript>(); if (!agent) { Debug.Log("No NavMeshAgent attached to this npc"); } }
private void SelectTarget() { //Debug.Log("Mouse 0 is down"); RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition),; if (hit.collider != null && hit.collider.transform.CompareTag("BattleParticipant")) {//If target has a collider and is a battle participant, note that battle participants MUST have a CharacterScript. selectedTargetToAttack = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); Debug.Log("Selected target: " + selectedTargetToAttack.characterName); } else { Debug.Log("No hit/target found"); } }
public IEnumerator ShieldDash(CharacterScript target, float moveTime) { Vector3 oldPos = transform.position; StartCoroutine(MoveTo(target.transform.position, moveTime / 2)); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(moveTime / 2)); target.ProtectionIncrease(0.5f); ReduceMana(manaCost); StartCoroutine(MoveTo(oldPos, moveTime / 2)); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(moveTime / 2)); transform.position = oldPos; yield return(null); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (levelTime > 0) { levelTime -= Time.deltaTime; timerDisplay.GetComponent <Text>().text = "Timer: " + FormatTime(levelTime); } else { levelTime = 0; timerDisplay.GetComponent <Text>().text = "Timer: " + FormatTime(levelTime); SceneManager.LoadScene("LoseScene"); CharacterScript.FindObjectOfType <CharacterScript>().enabled = false; } }
public IEnumerator HealDash(CharacterScript target, float moveTime) { Vector3 oldPos = transform.position; StartCoroutine(MoveTo(target.transform.position, moveTime / 2)); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(moveTime / 2)); target.Healed(healstrength); ReduceMana(manaCost); StartCoroutine(MoveTo(oldPos, moveTime / 2)); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(moveTime / 2)); transform.position = oldPos; yield return(null); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { characterScript = character.GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); showText = timerText.GetComponent <Text>(); int currentStage = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex; if (currentStage == 3) { countdown = 600f; } else if (currentStage == 4) { countdown = 1200f; } }
public void Refresh() { int armyCount; int i = armyStateList.transform.childCount; if (CS_TurnOverPanel.turn == FinalVar.RED) { armyCount = CS_ArmyManager.GetRedCount(); } else { armyCount = CS_ArmyManager.GetBlueCount(); } while (i > armyCount) { Destroy(armyStateList.transform.GetChild(--i).gameObject); } while (i < armyCount) { GameObject go = Resources.Load("PreArmy") as GameObject; GameObject preArmy = Instantiate(go) as GameObject; preArmy.transform.SetParent(armyStateList.transform, false); preArmy.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(Screen.width, preArmy.GetComponent <RectTransform>().rect.height); preArmy.transform.position = armyStateList.transform.position; preArmy.transform.Translate(Vector3.down * i++ *preArmy.GetComponent <RectTransform>().rect.height); } while (i > 0) { i--; CharacterScript cs = CS_ArmyManager.GetCharacter(i); armyStateList.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <CS_PreArmy>().characterScript = cs; armyStateList.transform.GetChild(i).transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <Text>().text = cs.charactorName; armyStateList.transform.GetChild(i).transform.GetChild(3).GetComponent <Text>().text = i.ToString(); armyStateList.transform.GetChild(i).transform.GetChild(5).GetComponent <Text>().text = cs.hp.ToString(); armyStateList.transform.GetChild(i).transform.GetChild(7).GetComponent <Text>().text =; armyStateList.transform.GetChild(i).transform.GetChild(9).GetComponent <Text>().text = cs.ap.ToString(); armyStateList.transform.GetChild(i).transform.GetChild(11).GetComponent <Text>().text = cs.dp.ToString(); armyStateList.transform.GetChild(i).transform.GetChild(13).GetComponent <Text>().text =; if (cs.moved) { armyStateList.transform.GetChild(i).transform.GetChild(14).GetComponent <Text>().text = "移动后"; } else { armyStateList.transform.GetChild(i).transform.GetChild(14).GetComponent <Text>().text = "移动前"; } } }
/* * public void moveToFront(int mover) * { * if (mover == 1) * { * if (charPos[2].getAlive()) // 3 2 1 F -> 1 3 2 F * { * CharacterScript temp1 = charPos[0]; * CharacterScript temp2 = charPos[2]; * * charPos[0] = charPos[mover]; * charPos[1] = temp2; * charPos[2] = temp1; * } * else // x 2 1 F -> x 1 2 F * { * CharacterScript temp = charPos[0]; * * charPos[0] = charPos[mover]; * charPos[1] = temp; * } * * } * else if (mover == 2) // 3 2 1 F -> 1 2 3 F * { * CharacterScript temp = charPos[0]; * * charPos[0] = charPos[mover]; * charPos[2] = temp; * } * } * * public void moveToMiddle(int mover) * { * if (!charPos[1].getReady() && mover == 2) // 3 2 1 F -> 2 3 1 F * { * CharacterScript temp = charPos[1]; * * charPos[1] = charPos[2]; * charPos[2] = temp; * } * } * * public void moveToBack(int mover) * { * if (mover == 0) * { * CharacterScript temp = charPos[0]; * * charPos[0] = charPos[1]; * charPos[1] = charPos[2]; * charPos[2] = temp; * } * else if (mover == 1) * { * CharacterScript temp = charPos[1]; * * charPos[1] = charPos[2]; * charPos[2] = temp; * } * } */ /* * public void swap() * { * if (charPos[2].getAlive()) * { * charPos[2].actionBar += 20.0f; * moveToFront(2); * } * else if (charPos[1].getAlive()) * { * charPos[1].actionBar += 20.0f; * moveToFront(1); * } * else * { * charPos[0].actionBar += 100.0f; * } * } */ /* * public void updatePos() * { * if (!charPos[0].getReady()) * if (charPos[1].getReady()) * moveToFront(1); * else if (charPos[2].getReady()) * moveToFront(2); * * if (charPos[0].getReady() && !charPos[1].getReady()) * if (charPos[2].getReady()) * moveToMiddle(2); * * charPos[0].targetPos = new Vector2(x1, 0); * charPos[0].pos = 0; * charPos[1].targetPos = new Vector2(x2, 0); * charPos[1].pos = 1; * charPos[2].targetPos = new Vector2(x3, 0); * charPos[2].pos = 2; * } */ new public IEnumerator basicAttack() { CharacterScript attacker = charPos[0].GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); takingAction = true; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay)); if (attacker == charPos[0].GetComponent <CharacterScript>() && charPos[0].ready) { charPos[0].actionBar = 0.0f; enemyTeam.applyDamage(charPos[0].attack, charPos[0].basicAttackType, 0); } takingAction = false; }
private void Start() { characterScript = GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); stats = GetComponent <Stats>(); portraitScript = GetComponent <PortraitScript>(); role = characterScript.role; if (role != null) { portraitScript.Background.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = role.portraitBackground; } else { portraitScript.NoRole(); } }
void InstantiateCharacter() { if (playerCharacter != null) { return; } var player = Instantiate(playerCharacterPrefab, transform.position, transform.rotation, transform); playerCharacter = player.GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); playerCharacter.winAnnouncement = UIManager.instance.announcement; playerCharacter.winAnnouncement.gameObject.SetActive(false); playerCharacter.coinCounter = UIManager.instance.coinCounter; InputManager.instance.character = playerCharacter; = playerCharacter.transform; }
public void GachaCharacter() { if (PlayerScript.Instance().characterList.Count.Equals(PlayerScript.Instance().GetMaxCharacter())) { messageText.text = "Character window is filled!!"; } else { CharacterScript temp = Instantiate(characterManager.characters[Random.Range(0, characterManager.characters.Count)], new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity); temp.gameObject.transform.SetParent(PlayerScript.Instance().gameObject.transform); PlayerScript.Instance().characterList.Add(temp); DisplayCharacterList(); } }
// Type out the sentence letter by letter and make character idle if they were talking IEnumerator TypeSentence(string sentence) { message.text = ""; foreach (char letter in sentence.ToCharArray()) { message.text += letter; yield return(null); } CharacterScript tempSpeaker = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <CharacterScript>(); if (tempSpeaker.isTalking) { SetAnimation("idle"); } yield return(null); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { BombTypePanel = GameObject.Find("Canvas/ControlsPanel/BomberPanel/BombTypePanel").GetComponent <CanvasGroup>(); buttonControl = GameObject.Find("Canvas/ControlsPanel/BomberPanel/PlantButton").GetComponent <WalkButtonControl>(); landMineButton = GameObject.Find("Canvas/ControlsPanel/BomberPanel/BombTypePanel/MineButton").GetComponent <Button>(); timerBombButton = GameObject.Find("Canvas/ControlsPanel/BomberPanel/BombTypePanel/TimerButton").GetComponent <Button>(); closeButton = GameObject.Find("Canvas/ControlsPanel/BomberPanel/BombTypePanel/CloseButton").GetComponent <Button>(); PlayPanel = GameObject.Find("Canvas/ControlsPanel/PlayPanel").GetComponent <CanvasGroup>(); bombPrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>("Bomb"); animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); trigger = true; tempScript = gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); landMineButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate { plantBomb(0); }); timerBombButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate { plantBomb(1); }); closeButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate { closeButtonAction(); }); }
public void CharacterInfo(GameObject character) { CharacterScript characterScript = character.GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); Stats stats = character.GetComponent <Stats>(); txtRoleName.text = characterScript.strName; txtRoleDesc.text = ""; txtHp.text = "Hp: " + stats.hp; txtStr.text = "Str: " + stats.str; txtDef.text = "Def: " + stats.def; txtDex.text = "Dex: " + stats.dex; txtInt.text = "Int: " + stats.Int; txtLdr.text = "Ldr: " + stats.ldr; txtSnt.text = "Snt: " + stats.snt; txtCha.text = "Cha: " + stats.cha; }
// OnDefend public void Retaliate(CharacterScript char1, CharacterScript char2, Attack atk, Item weapon, StatusEffect effect) { int finalDamage = 0; if (char1.weaponR != null) { if (!char1.weaponR.attacksList[0].magical) { finalDamage += (int)((float)char1.weaponR.Health * char1.weaponR.attacksList[0].damageModifier / 100f * char1.strength / char2.resistance); } else { finalDamage += (int)((float)char1.weaponR.Magic * char1.weaponR.attacksList[0].damageModifier / 100f * char1.intelligence / char2.spirit); } } if (char1.weaponL != null) { if (!char1.weaponL.attacksList[0].magical) { finalDamage += (int)((float)char1.weaponL.Health * char1.weaponL.attacksList[0].damageModifier / 100f * char1.strength / char2.resistance); } else { finalDamage += (int)((float)char1.weaponL.Magic * char1.weaponL.attacksList[0].damageModifier / 100f * char1.intelligence / char2.spirit); } } if (char1.weaponR == null && char1.weaponL == null) { if (!InventoryScript.Instance.defaultWeapon.attacksList[0].magical) { finalDamage += (int)((float)InventoryScript.Instance.defaultWeapon.Health * InventoryScript.Instance.defaultWeapon.attacksList[0].damageModifier / 100f * char1.strength / char2.resistance); } else { finalDamage += (int)((float)InventoryScript.Instance.defaultWeapon.Magic * InventoryScript.Instance.defaultWeapon.attacksList[0].damageModifier / 100f * char1.intelligence / char2.spirit); } } if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 100) >= 100 - effect.statusPower + char1.luck - char2.speed) { battleController.DisplayText( + "is counter-attacking!"); char2.ModifyHealth(finalDamage); totalDamage += finalDamage; } }
private void CreateCharacterWindow() { characterWindowPos = new Vector3(-162.5f / contreverter, 300 / contreverter, 0); foreach (GameObject character in characters) //Kan någon kolla varför de skrivs ut på ett så konstigt ställe? { characterScript = character.GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); characterWindowO = Instantiate(characterWindow); characterWindowO.transform.parent = GameObject.Find("CharacterWindowManager").transform; characterWindowO.GetComponent <CharacterWindow>().GetInfo(characterScript.strName,; //Vad används denna till? characterWindowO.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); characterWindowO.transform.position = characterWindowPos; characterWindowPos.y -= 100 / contreverter; //Implementera en scroll funktion om man har fler än x antal karaktärer? } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of parameter scriptType as a Script object /// </summary> /// <param name="scriptType">The type of the script to be instantialized</param> /// <param name="scriptName">The name of the script</param> /// <param name="chr">The character that triggered the creation of the script</param> /// <returns>The created Script instance</returns> public static Script CreateScriptInstance(Type scriptType, string scriptName, MapleCharacter chr) { var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(scriptType) as Script; if (instance == null) { ServerConsole.Error(string.Format("Type {0} cannot be cast to 'Script'", scriptType)); return(null); } if (instance is CharacterScript) { CharacterScript cInstance = (CharacterScript)instance; cInstance.Character = new ScriptCharacter(chr, scriptName); } instance.DataProvider = ScriptDataProvider; return(instance); }
void Start() { help = FindObjectOfType <HelpController> (); rt = root.GetComponent <RectTransform> (); UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler cnv = rt.root.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler> (); float canvasRatio = Mathf.Lerp(cnv.referenceResolution.x, cnv.referenceResolution.y, cnv.matchWidthOrHeight); float screenRatio = Mathf.Lerp(Screen.width, Screen.height, cnv.matchWidthOrHeight); scaleRatio = canvasRatio / screenRatio; character = target.GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); if (root) { root.SetActive(false); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { CharacterScript tempScript = gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); if (buttonControl.pressed && trigger && tempScript.ammo > 0) { trigger = false; animator.SetTrigger("shoot"); tempScript.ammo = tempScript.ammo - 1; StartCoroutine(BulletDrop()); } if (!buttonControl.pressed) { trigger = true; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { this.character = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player"); this.cs = this.character.GetComponent<CharacterScript> (); this.max_health = this.cs.getMaxHealth (); this.VIT = this.max_health; this.max_magic = this.cs.getMaxMagic (); this.PM = this.max_magic; // Resize the health and magic bar with the actual values this.resize_health = this.scale * Mathf.Pow(this.cs.getHealth() / this.cs.getMaxHealth (), -1); this.resize_magic = this.scale * Mathf.Pow(this.cs.getMagic() / this.cs.getMaxMagic (), -1); // Set the news actual max life and magic this.cs.setMaxHealth (); this.cs.setMaxMagic (); //this.max_health = this.bar_health; //this.max_magic = this.bar_magic; // ADD TEXTURES this.AvatarTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("HealthBar/avatar_" + PlayerPrefs.GetString("Player")); this.HealthTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("HealthBar/health"); this.HealthBarTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("HealthBar/bar_health"); this.DamageBarTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("HealthBar/damage_health"); this.MagicTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("HealthBar/magic"); this.MagicBarTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("HealthBar/bar_magic"); this.LowMagicTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("HealthBar/caution"); this.DecotrationTextureUp = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("HealthBar/decoracion_up"); this.DecotrationTextureDown = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("HealthBar/decoracion_down"); // ADD MATERIALS this.HealthBarMaterial = Resources.Load<Material>("HealthBar/Materials/bar_health"); this.DamageBarMaterial = Resources.Load<Material>("HealthBar/Materials/damage_health"); this.MagicBarMaterial = Resources.Load<Material>("HealthBar/Materials/bar_magic"); = 0f; this.HealthBarMaterial.SetFloat("_Cutoff",; this.damage = 0f; this.DamageBarMaterial.SetFloat("_Cutoff", this.damage); this.magic = 0f; this.MagicBarMaterial.SetFloat("_Cutoff", this.magic); }
// Async method for teleport private IEnumerator SetCharacterPositionAsync(CharacterScript character, Cell cell, SetCharacterPositionCallBack callback) { Entity entity = character.transform.GetComponent(typeof(Entity)) as Entity; IsoUnity.Cell destinyCell = SearchCellInMap(cell); var setCharacterPositionEvent = new GameEvent("teleport", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "mover", entity.mover }, { "cell", destinyCell }, { "synchronous", true } }); Game.main.enqueueEvent(setCharacterPositionEvent); yield return(new WaitForEventFinished(setCharacterPositionEvent)); callback(true); }
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) { if (collision.gameObject.tag == "PlayerFlagger") { flagColor.color = CharacterScript.SetColor(ruleAndUi.colorForPlayer); this.gameObject.layer = 13; Destroy(GameObject.Find(; Owner = "Player"; } else if (collision.gameObject.tag == "EnemyFlagger") { flagColor.color = CharacterScript.SetColor(ruleAndUi.colorForEnemy);; this.gameObject.layer = 12; Destroy(GameObject.Find(; Owner = "Enemy"; } }
void Start() { // Set up code. This populates your characters with their controlling scripts character1 = transform.Find("Character1").gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); character2 = transform.Find("Character2").gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); character3 = transform.Find("Character3").gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); // populate the objectives middleObjective = GameObject.Find("MiddleObjective").GetComponent <ObjectiveScript>(); leftObjective = GameObject.Find("LeftObjective").GetComponent <ObjectiveScript>(); rightObjective = GameObject.Find("RightObjective").GetComponent <ObjectiveScript>(); // save our team, changes every time ourTeamColor = character1.getTeam(); //Makes gametimer call every second InvokeRepeating("gameTimer", 0.0f, 1.0f); }
public void InventoryGetPlayerValues() { playerScript = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); if (playerScript != null) { health =; maxHealth = playerScript.maxHealth; attack = playerScript.damage; speed = playerScript.speed; defence = playerScript.defence; Debug.Log("PAYER -> INVENTORY"); } else { Debug.Log("PLAYERSCRIPT == NULL"); } }
protected void CheckAttack(Vector3 i_TargetPosition) { if (Vector3.Distance(i_TargetPosition, transform.position) <= m_AttackRange) { RaycastHit2D[] hits = Physics2D.RaycastAll(i_TargetPosition,, 1); foreach (RaycastHit2D hit in hits) { CharacterScript charScript = hit.transform.GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); if (hit.transform != transform && charScript) { charScript.CmdDamageCharacter(m_AttackPower); break; } } } }
public void AddDefender(CharacterScript char1, CharacterScript char2, StatusEffect effect) { switch (effect.statusMiscText.ToLower()) { default: case "defend": case "cover": char1.defender = char2.gameObject; break; case "reflect": char1.reflect = true; break; } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { CharacterScript sdt = other.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); if (owner.attacking) { if (sdt != null && sdt != owner) { sdt.hurt(damage); } } if (owner.attacking && other.gameObject.tag == "Ball") { ballrigid.AddForce(forceamount, ForceMode.Impulse); Debug.Log("ball was hit"); } }
// Async method for show area private IEnumerator ShowAreaAsync(CharacterScript character, EventTypes eventType, Skills skill, ShowAreaCallBack callback) { Entity entity = character.transform.GetComponent(typeof(Entity)) as Entity; IsoUnity.Cell characterCurrentCell = character.transform.parent.transform.GetComponent(typeof(IsoUnity.Cell)) as IsoUnity.Cell; try { entity.mover.maxJumpSize = character.character.attributesWithFormulas.Find(x => ==; } catch (NullReferenceException e) { Debug.Log("Character '" + + "' doesn't have attribute '" + + "'"); } selectedCellEvent = new GameEvent("selected cell", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "synchronous", true } }); Game.main.enqueueEvent(selectedCellEvent); try { if (eventType == EventTypes.MOVE) { CalculateDistanceArea(entity, characterCurrentCell, eventType, character.character.attributesWithFormulas.Find(x => ==, character.character.attributesWithFormulas.Find(x => ==; } else if (eventType == EventTypes.ATTACK) { CalculateDistanceArea(entity, characterCurrentCell, eventType, character.character.attributesWithFormulas.Find(x => ==, character.character.attributesWithFormulas.Find(x => ==; } } catch (NullReferenceException e) { Debug.Log(e); } Dictionary <string, object> outParams; yield return(new WaitForEventFinished(selectedCellEvent, out outParams)); cleanCells(); IsoUnity.Cell selectedCell = outParams["cell"] as IsoUnity.Cell; Cell returnCell = new Cell((int)selectedCell.Map.getCoords(selectedCell.gameObject).x, (int)selectedCell.Map.getCoords(selectedCell.gameObject).y); callback(returnCell, true); }
private void Start() { stats = GetComponent <Stats>(); characterScript = GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); startWeaponList = new List <WeaponObject>(); startCloth = new List <ClothItemObject>(); startHeadGear = new List <ClothItemObject>(); CreateStats(); CreateName(); CreateBirth(); CreateStory(); GetEquipment(); characterScript.NewCharacter(fullName,,; }
public void Hospital() { characterArr = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Character"); foreach (GameObject character in characterArr) { CharacterScript characterScript = character.GetComponent <CharacterScript>(); if (characterScript.inHospital) { Stats stats = character.GetComponent <Stats>(); bool isWounded = true; while (isWounded) { isWounded = false; for (int i = 0; i < stats.quirkList.Count; i++) { if (stats.quirkList[i].quirkType == QuirkScript.QuirkType.woundQuirk) { if (stats.quirkList[i].quirkLevel <= hospitalLevel + 1) { stats.RemoveQuirk(stats.quirkList[i]); isWounded = true; } } } } //foreach (QuirkObject quirk in stats.quirkList) { // if (quirk.quirkType == QuirkScript.QuirkType.woundQuirk) { // if (quirk.quirkLevel <= hospitalLevel + 1) { // stats.RemoveQuirk(quirk); // break; // } // } //} stats.hp = stats.maxHp; characterScript.inHospital = false; } } }
public void initializeCharacter() { cs = this.GetComponent<CharacterScript>(); pcp = this.GetComponent<PassiveMoverCharacters>(); if(cs.type == CharacterScript.Element.Wind){ transitionTiming = 2.0f; } if(cs.type == CharacterScript.Element.Water){ transitionTiming = 2.1f; } if(cs.type == CharacterScript.Element.Earth){ transitionTiming = 0.8f; } if(cs.type == CharacterScript.Element.Fire){ transitionTiming = 1.0f; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { this.game_engine = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GameController"); this.health_bar = this.gameObject.GetComponent<NPCHealthBar_lvl2> (); this.game_script = game_engine.GetComponent <GameEngineLevel02_new> (); this.player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("music_engine").GetComponent<Music_Engine_Script> (); this.player_transform = player.transform; this.player_script = player.GetComponent<CharacterScript> (); this.skill = Resources.Load<GameObject> ("Prefabs/Boss_Skills/Boss_skill_2"); this.respawn = transform.position; this.health_bar.enabled = false; setAtrributesDifficulty (PlayerPrefs.GetString ("Difficult")); state = 0; Anim.animation.CrossFade (, 0.12f); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { this.character = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player"); this.cs = this.character.GetComponent<CharacterScript> (); = this.character.GetComponent<ClickToMove> (); //this.cm2 = this.character.GetComponent<ClickToMove_lvl2> (); // ADD TEXTURES this.actionBarTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("ActionBar/actionbar"); this.fireballTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("ActionBar/skill_fireball"); this.reloadFireballTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("ActionBar/reload_fireball"); this.PowerKnifeTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("ActionBar/skill_powerKnife"); this.reloadPowerKnifeTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("ActionBar/reload_powerKnife"); this.DarkAuraTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("ActionBar/skill_aura"); this.reloadDarkAuraTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("ActionBar/reload_aura"); this.attackIconTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("ActionBar/icon_attack_v2"); this.runIconTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("ActionBar/icon_run"); this.potionIconTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("ActionBar/icon_elixir_v2"); this.inventoryIconTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("ActionBar/icon_inventory_v2"); this.mapIconTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("ActionBar/icon_map"); //Debug.Log (; inventory = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Inventory").GetComponent<InventoryScript> (); //this.cs = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player").GetComponent<CharacterScript> (); this.text_style = new GUIStyle (); this.text_style.normal.textColor =; this.text_style.fontSize = 15; this.text_style.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter ; this.text_style.wordWrap = true; disabledSkill1 = false; disabledSkill2 = false; disabledSkill3 = false; }