public async Task remove(string type, [Remainder, Summary("Resistance name")] string resistance) { type = type.ToLower().Trim(); CharacterNode old = findCharacter(Context.User); if (old == null) { await Context.User.SendMessageAsync("You do not have an active character."); return; } if (type != "res" && type != "resistance" && type != "vul" && type != "vulnerability" && type != "imm" && type != "immune") { await Context.User.SendMessageAsync(type + " is not a valid type. Please enter resistance, vulnerability, immune, or res, vul, or imm."); return; } int index = old.damageTypes(resistance); if (index == -1) { await Context.User.SendMessageAsync("Please enter a valid damage type."); return; } if (type == "res" || type == "resistance") { old.removeResistance(resistance); } else if (type == "vul" || type == "vulnerability") { old.removeVulnerability(resistance); } else if (type == "imm" || type == "immune") { old.removeImmunity(resistance); } await Context.User.SendMessageAsync("I removed the " + type + " for you, if you had it originally."); }