public static Phrase GetTokens(this Tree tree, Tree root = null, Rhetorica.Sentence sentence = null, string ignore = "", string punctuation = null, AnalyzerOptions options = AnalyzerOptions.None)
            var tokens = new Phrase(sentence: sentence);

            java.util.List leaves = tree.getLeaves();

            for (java.util.Iterator i = leaves.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
                Tree   leaf  = (Tree);
                string token = leaf.value().Trim();

                Tree preterminal = leaf.parent(tree);
                if (preterminal == null)
                string tag = preterminal.value().Trim();

                bool ignoreMeansInclude = options.HasFlag(AnalyzerOptions.IgnoreMeansInclude);
                if (ignore != string.Empty)
                    bool isMatch = Regex.IsMatch(token, ignore);
                    if (ignoreMeansInclude)
                        if (!isMatch)
                        if (isMatch)

                bool omitPunctuation = options.HasFlag(AnalyzerOptions.OmitPunctuationTokens);
                if (omitPunctuation)
                    // Leave out certain types of punctuation:
                    bool isPunctuation = Regex.IsMatch(tag, punctuation ?? Analyzer.PunctuationPatterns) ||
                                         Regex.IsMatch(token, punctuation ?? Analyzer.PunctuationPatterns);
                    if (isPunctuation)
                        tokens.IsPunctuationOmitted = true;

                    // But also remove any straggler punctuation missed within a token...? Maybe not. Use RegExp 'FloatingPunctuationPatterns' if so.

                root = root ?? tree;
                int depth = root.depth() - root.depth(preterminal);

                var characterEdges = new CharacterEdges(root.leftCharEdge(leaf), root.rightCharEdge(leaf));
                tokens.Add(new Token(token, tag, depth, characterEdges));

        public static Phrase GetTokens(this Tree tree, Tree root = null, Rhetorica.Sentence sentence = null, string ignore = "", string punctuation = null, AnalyzerOptions options = AnalyzerOptions.None)
            var tokens = new Phrase(sentence: sentence);
              java.util.List leaves = tree.getLeaves();

              for (java.util.Iterator i = leaves.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
            Tree leaf = (Tree);
            string token = leaf.value().Trim();

            Tree preterminal = leaf.parent(tree);
            if (preterminal == null)
            string tag = preterminal.value().Trim();

            bool ignoreMeansInclude = options.HasFlag(AnalyzerOptions.IgnoreMeansInclude);
            if (ignore != string.Empty) {
              bool isMatch = Regex.IsMatch(token, ignore);
              if (ignoreMeansInclude) {
            if (!isMatch) continue;
              else {
            if (isMatch) continue;

            bool omitPunctuation = options.HasFlag(AnalyzerOptions.OmitPunctuationTokens);
            if (omitPunctuation) {
              // Leave out certain types of punctuation:
              bool isPunctuation = Regex.IsMatch(tag, punctuation ?? Analyzer.PunctuationPatterns)
            || Regex.IsMatch(token, punctuation ?? Analyzer.PunctuationPatterns);
              if (isPunctuation) {
            tokens.IsPunctuationOmitted = true;

              // But also remove any straggler punctuation missed within a token...? Maybe not. Use RegExp 'FloatingPunctuationPatterns' if so.

            root = root ?? tree;
            int depth = root.depth() - root.depth(preterminal);

            var characterEdges = new CharacterEdges(root.leftCharEdge(leaf), root.rightCharEdge(leaf));
            tokens.Add(new Token(token, tag, depth, characterEdges));

              return tokens;