Exemple #1
    private void InitLounge(int index, Transform t)
        SetEvent(t, "SELECT_LOUNGE", index);
        LoungeModel.Lounge lounge    = lounges[index];
        CharaInfo          charaInfo = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < lounge.slotInfos.Count; i++)
            if (lounge.slotInfos[i].userInfo.userId == lounge.ownerUserId)
                charaInfo = lounge.slotInfos[i].userInfo;
        SetLabelText(t, UI.LBL_HOST_NAME, charaInfo.name);
        SetLabelText(t, UI.LBL_HOST_LV, charaInfo.level.ToString());
        SetLabelText(t, UI.LBL_LOUNGE_NAME, lounge.name);
        string text = StringTable.Get(STRING_CATEGORY.LOUNGE_LABEL, (uint)lounge.label);

        SetLabelText(t, UI.LBL_LABEL, text);
        SetStamp(t, lounge.stampId);
        int num  = lounge.num + 1;
        int num2 = lounge.slotInfos.Count((LoungeModel.SlotInfo slotInfo) => slotInfo != null && slotInfo.userInfo != null && slotInfo.userInfo.userId != lounge.ownerUserId);

        for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++)
            bool is_visible = j < num - 1;
            SetActive(t, loungeMembers[j], is_visible);
            SetToggle(t, loungeMembers[j], j < num2);
Exemple #2
    private void InitRally(int index, Transform t)
        //IL_0072: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
        //IL_0086: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
        SetEvent(t, "JOIN_MAP", index);
        LoungeModel.SlotInfo slotInfo           = rallyInvites[index];
        CharaInfo            userInfo           = slotInfo.userInfo;
        FollowLoungeMember   followLoungeMember = MonoBehaviourSingleton <LoungeMatchingManager> .I.GetFollowLoungeMember(userInfo.userId);

        EquipSetCalculator otherEquipSetCalculator = MonoBehaviourSingleton <StatusManager> .I.GetOtherEquipSetCalculator(index + 4);

        otherEquipSetCalculator.SetEquipSet(slotInfo.userInfo.equipSet, false);
        SetRenderPlayerModel(t, UI.TEX_MODEL, PlayerLoadInfo.FromCharaInfo(userInfo, false, true, false, true), 99, new Vector3(0f, -1.536f, 1.87f), new Vector3(0f, 154f, 0f), true, null);
        SetLabelText(t, UI.LBL_NAME, userInfo.name);
        SetLabelText(t, UI.LBL_LEVEL, userInfo.level.ToString());
        SetFollowStatus(t, userInfo.userId, followLoungeMember.following, followLoungeMember.follower);
        SetActive(t, UI.SPR_ICON_HOST, userInfo.userId == MonoBehaviourSingleton <LoungeMatchingManager> .I.loungeData.ownerUserId);
        SetPlayingStatus(t, userInfo.userId);
        SetActive(t, UI.SPR_ICON_FIRST_MET, MonoBehaviourSingleton <LoungeMatchingManager> .I.CheckFirstMet(userInfo.userId));
        DegreePlate component = FindCtrl(t, UI.OBJ_DEGREE_FRAME_ROOT).GetComponent <DegreePlate>();

        component.Initialize(userInfo.selectedDegrees, false, delegate
    private int GetEquipItemID(TypeCondition condition, CharaInfo target_info = null)
        if (target_info == null)
            target_info = userInfo;
        if (target_info == null)
        if (target_info.equipSet == null || target_info.equipSet.Count == 0)
        int temp_id = 0;

        target_info.equipSet.ForEach(delegate(CharaInfo.EquipItem equip)
            if (temp_id == 0 && equip != null && equip.eId != 0)
                EquipItemTable.EquipItemData equipItemData = Singleton <EquipItemTable> .I.GetEquipItemData((uint)equip.eId);
                if (equipItemData != null && condition(equipItemData.type))
                    temp_id = equip.eId;
    public static PlayerLoadInfo FromCharaInfo(CharaInfo chara_info, bool need_weapon, bool need_helm, bool need_leg, bool is_priority_visual_equip)
        PlayerLoadInfo playerLoadInfo = new PlayerLoadInfo();

        playerLoadInfo.Apply(chara_info, need_weapon, need_helm, need_leg, is_priority_visual_equip);
    private void SetMemberInfo(LoungeModel.SlotInfo data, int i, Transform t)
        //IL_005b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
        //IL_006f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
        CharaInfo          userInfo           = data.userInfo;
        FollowLoungeMember followLoungeMember = MonoBehaviourSingleton <LoungeMatchingManager> .I.GetFollowLoungeMember(userInfo.userId);

        EquipSetCalculator otherEquipSetCalculator = MonoBehaviourSingleton <StatusManager> .I.GetOtherEquipSetCalculator(i + 4);

        otherEquipSetCalculator.SetEquipSet(data.userInfo.equipSet, false);
        SetRenderPlayerModel(t, UI.TEX_MODEL, PlayerLoadInfo.FromCharaInfo(userInfo, false, true, false, true), 99, new Vector3(0f, -1.536f, 1.87f), new Vector3(0f, 154f, 0f), true, null);
        SetLabelText(t, UI.LBL_NAME, userInfo.name);
        SetLabelText(t, UI.LBL_LEVEL, userInfo.level.ToString());
        SetFollowStatus(t, userInfo.userId, followLoungeMember.following, followLoungeMember.follower);
        SetActive(t, UI.SPR_ICON_HOST, userInfo.userId == MonoBehaviourSingleton <LoungeMatchingManager> .I.loungeData.ownerUserId);
        SetPlayingStatus(t, userInfo.userId);
        SetActive(t, UI.SPR_ICON_FIRST_MET, MonoBehaviourSingleton <LoungeMatchingManager> .I.CheckFirstMet(userInfo.userId));
        DegreePlate component = FindCtrl(t, UI.OBJ_DEGREE_FRAME_ROOT).GetComponent <DegreePlate>();

        component.Initialize(userInfo.selectedDegrees, false, delegate
            GetCtrl(UI.GRD_LIST).GetComponent <UIGrid>().Reposition();
        if (MonoBehaviourSingleton <LoungeMatchingManager> .I.IsRallyUser(userInfo.userId))
            SetBadge(t, -1, 1, 10, 0, true);
Exemple #6
 public void JoinNotification(CharaInfo userInfo)
     if (chatConnection != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInfo.name))
         chatConnection.OnReceiveNotification(StringTable.Format(STRING_CATEGORY.LOUNGE, 10u, userInfo.name));
    private void OnQuery_JOIN()
        int       index     = (int)GameSection.GetEventData();
        CharaInfo charaInfo = memberInfo[index];

        if (MonoBehaviourSingleton <LoungeMatchingManager> .I.loungeMemberStatus != null)
            LoungeMemberStatus loungeMemberStatus = MonoBehaviourSingleton <LoungeMatchingManager> .I.loungeMemberStatus[charaInfo.userId];
            switch (loungeMemberStatus.GetStatus())
            case LoungeMemberStatus.MEMBER_STATUS.LOUNGE:

            case LoungeMemberStatus.MEMBER_STATUS.QUEST_READY:
            case LoungeMemberStatus.MEMBER_STATUS.QUEST:

            case LoungeMemberStatus.MEMBER_STATUS.FIELD:
        public void CopyHomeCharaInfo(CharaInfo info, StageObjectManager.CreatePlayerInfo.ExtentionInfo extentionInfo)
            info.level = (int)lv;
            info.hp    = hp;
            info.atk   = atk;
            info.def   = def;
            int i = 0;

            for (int num = equipItems.Length; i < num; i++)
                CharaInfo.EquipItem equipItem = equipItems[i];
                if (equipItem.eId > 0)
                    if (extentionInfo != null && i >= 0 && i < 3)
                        int item = info.equipSet.Count - 1;
            if (extentionInfo != null)
                int index = Utility.Random(extentionInfo.weaponIndexList.Count);
                int value = extentionInfo.weaponIndexList[0];
                extentionInfo.weaponIndexList[0]     = extentionInfo.weaponIndexList[index];
                extentionInfo.weaponIndexList[index] = value;
    public bool CreateLoungePlayer(LoungeModel.SlotInfo slotInfo, bool useMovingEntry, bool checkEquip)
        //IL_004a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
        if (slotInfo == null)
        if (slotInfo.userInfo == null)
        CharaInfo    userInfo     = slotInfo.userInfo;
        LoungePlayer loungePlayer = GetLoungePlayer(userInfo.userId);

        if (loungePlayer != null)
            if (checkEquip)
                this.StartCoroutine(CheckEquipChanged(loungePlayer.LoungeCharaInfo, userInfo, useMovingEntry));
        LoungePlayer item = creater.CreateLoungePlayer(this, peopleRoot, userInfo, useMovingEntry);

    private bool CheckEquipDiff(CharaInfo beforeCharaInfo, CharaInfo currentCharaInfo)
        if (beforeCharaInfo.showHelm != currentCharaInfo.showHelm)
        List <CharaInfo.EquipItem> equipSet  = beforeCharaInfo.equipSet;
        List <CharaInfo.EquipItem> equipSet2 = currentCharaInfo.equipSet;

        if (equipSet.Count != equipSet2.Count)
        List <int> list  = new List <int>(7);
        List <int> list2 = new List <int>(7);

        for (int i = 0; i < equipSet.Count; i++)
        List <int> list3 = list;
        List <int> list4 = list2;

        if (list.Count > 0)
    private void OnQuery_DETAIL()
        int       num      = (int)GameSection.GetEventData();
        CharaInfo userInfo = members[num].userInfo;

        MonoBehaviourSingleton <StatusManager> .I.otherEquipSetSaveIndex = num + 4;
 public bool IsAllSameEquip(CharaInfo new_info)
     if (IsSameEquipItemID(new_info, (EQUIPMENT_TYPE type) => type < EQUIPMENT_TYPE.ARMOR) && IsSameEquipItemID(new_info, (EQUIPMENT_TYPE type) => type == EQUIPMENT_TYPE.ARMOR) && IsSameEquipItemID(new_info, (EQUIPMENT_TYPE type) => type == EQUIPMENT_TYPE.HELM) && IsSameEquipItemID(new_info, (EQUIPMENT_TYPE type) => type == EQUIPMENT_TYPE.ARM) && IsSameEquipItemID(new_info, (EQUIPMENT_TYPE type) => type == EQUIPMENT_TYPE.LEG))
Exemple #13
    public ExplorePlayerStatus(CharaInfo charaInfo, bool isSelf)
        this.isSelf    = isSelf;
        this.charaInfo = charaInfo;
        MonoBehaviourSingleton <StatusManager> .I.CalcUserStatusParam(charaInfo, out int _, out int _, out int _hp);

        hpMax = _hp;
        buff  = new BuffParam(null);
 private void UpdateCharaHpMpSpEp(EcoSession session, CharaInfo info)
     byte[] data = new byte[33];
     data.Fill(info.CharaID.ToBytes(), 0);
     data[4] = 3;
     data.Fill(((ulong)info.Hp).ToBytes(), 5);
     data.Fill(((ulong)info.Mp).ToBytes(), 13);
     data.Fill(((ulong)info.Sp).ToBytes(), 21);
     data.Fill(info.MaxEp.ToBytes(), 29);
     session.Send(new BasePacket(0x021c, data));
Exemple #15
 public static string GetSex(CharaInfo.Sex sex)
         sex == CharaInfo.Sex.Unknown ? "不明" :
         sex == CharaInfo.Sex.Male ? "男" :
         sex == CharaInfo.Sex.Female ? "女" :
         sex == CharaInfo.Sex.Bisexual ? "両性" :
         sex == CharaInfo.Sex.Mixed ? "混合" :
         sex == CharaInfo.Sex.None ? "なし" :
    private IEnumerator CheckEquipChanged(CharaInfo beforeCharaInfo, CharaInfo currentCharaInfo, bool useMovingEntry)
        if (CheckEquipDiff(beforeCharaInfo, currentCharaInfo))
            yield return((object)null);

            LoungePlayer player = creater.CreateLoungePlayer(this, peopleRoot, currentCharaInfo, useMovingEntry);
 public LoungePlayer GetLoungePlayer(int id)
     for (int i = 0; i < loungePlayers.Count; i++)
         CharaInfo loungeCharaInfo = loungePlayers[i].LoungeCharaInfo;
         if (loungeCharaInfo.userId == id)
 public void Activate(int user_id, string token, CharaInfo user_info, int slot_index)
     userId       = user_id;
     userToken    = token;
     slotIndex    = slot_index;
     userInfo     = user_info;
     isPartyOwner = (PartyManager.IsValidInParty() && MonoBehaviourSingleton <PartyManager> .I.GetOwnerUserId() == userId);
     if (QuestManager.IsValidExplore())
         MonoBehaviourSingleton <QuestManager> .I.ActivateExplorePlayerStatus(this);
    private PlayerLoader Load(LoungePlayer chara, GameObject go, CharaInfo chara_info, PlayerLoader.OnCompleteLoad callback)
        PlayerLoader   playerLoader   = go.AddComponent <PlayerLoader>();
        PlayerLoadInfo playerLoadInfo = new PlayerLoadInfo();

        if (chara_info != null)
            playerLoadInfo.Apply(chara_info, false, true, true, true);
            chara.sexType = chara_info.sex;
        playerLoader.StartLoad(playerLoadInfo, 8, 99, false, false, true, true, false, false, true, true, SHADER_TYPE.NORMAL, callback, true, -1);
 public void CopyCharaInfo(CharaInfo info)
     info.userId      = 0;
     info.name        = displayName;
     info.sex         = sexID;
     info.faceId      = faceTypeID;
     info.hairId      = hairStyleID;
     info.hairColorId = hairColorID;
     info.skinId      = skinColorID;
     info.aId         = bdy;
     info.hId         = hlm;
     info.rId         = arm;
     info.lId         = leg;
        public static CharaInfo EncodedToCharacter(String charaInfo)
            charaInfo.Replace("+", "-");
            charaInfo.Replace("/", "_");
            byte[] data = System.Convert.FromBase64String(charaInfo);

            Program.Log.Debug("------------Base64 printout------------------");
            Program.Log.Debug("------------Base64 printout------------------");

            CharaInfo chara = new CharaInfo();

    protected void UpdateRoomUserInfo(Transform trans, int index)
        SetActive(trans, UI.SPR_USER_EMPTY, false);
        SetActive(trans, UI.SPR_USER_BATTLE, false);
        SetActive(trans, UI.SPR_USER_READY, false);
        SetActive(trans, UI.SPR_USER_READY_WAIT, false);
        SetActive(trans, UI.OBJ_CHAT, false);
        QuestRoomUserInfo component = trans.GetComponent <QuestRoomUserInfo>();

        if (!(component == null))
            userInfo = MonoBehaviourSingleton <StatusManager> .I.GetCreatePlayerInfo().charaInfo;

            if (userInfo == null)
                component.LoadModel(index, null);
                equipSetNo = MonoBehaviourSingleton <UserInfoManager> .I.userStatus.eSetNo;
                SetActive(trans, UI.SPR_WEAPON_1, false);
                SetActive(trans, UI.SPR_WEAPON_2, false);
                SetActive(trans, UI.SPR_WEAPON_3, false);
                int weapon_index = 0;
                userInfo.equipSet.ForEach(delegate(CharaInfo.EquipItem data)
                    if (data != null)
                        EquipItemTable.EquipItemData equipItemData = Singleton <EquipItemTable> .I.GetEquipItemData((uint)data.eId);
                        if (equipItemData != null && equipItemData.IsWeapon())
                            SetActive(trans, weaponIcon[weapon_index], true);
                            int equipmentTypeIndex = UIBehaviour.GetEquipmentTypeIndex(equipItemData.type);
                            SetSprite(trans, weaponIcon[weapon_index], ITEM_TYPE_ICON_SPRITE_NAME[equipmentTypeIndex]);
                component.LoadModel(index, userInfo);
                EquipSetCalculator equipSetCalculator = MonoBehaviourSingleton <StatusManager> .I.GetEquipSetCalculator(equipSetNo);

                SimpleStatus finalStatus = equipSetCalculator.GetFinalStatus(0, userInfo.hp, userInfo.atk, userInfo.def);
                SetLabelText(trans, UI.LBL_ATK, finalStatus.GetAttacksSum().ToString());
                SetLabelText(trans, UI.LBL_DEF, finalStatus.GetDefencesSum().ToString());
                SetLabelText(trans, UI.LBL_HP, finalStatus.hp.ToString());
                SetLabelText(trans, UI.LBL_NAME, userInfo.name);
                SetLabelText(trans, UI.LBL_LV, userInfo.level.ToString());
Exemple #23
    public override void Initialize()
        //IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
        friendCharaInfo = (GameSection.GetEventData() as FriendCharaInfo);
        data            = (GameSection.GetEventData() as CharaInfo);
        if (friendCharaInfo != null)
            dataFollower  = friendCharaInfo.follower;
            dataFollowing = friendCharaInfo.following;
        nowSectionName = MonoBehaviourSingleton <GameSceneManager> .I.GetCurrentSectionName();

        isFollowerList = Object.op_Implicit(Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(FriendFollowerList)));
    private void OnQuery_KICK()
        int       index     = (int)GameSection.GetEventData();
        CharaInfo charaInfo = memberInfo[index];

        GameSection.SetEventData(new object[1]
        MonoBehaviourSingleton <LoungeMatchingManager> .I.SendRoomPartyKick(delegate(bool isSuccess)
            GameSection.ResumeEvent(isSuccess, null);
        }, charaInfo.userId);
    private void SetupListItem(CharaInfo userInfo, int i, Transform t)
        FollowLoungeMember followLoungeMember = MonoBehaviourSingleton <LoungeMatchingManager> .I.GetFollowLoungeMember(userInfo.userId);

        SetLabelText(t, UI.LBL_NAME, userInfo.name);
        SetLabelText(t, UI.LBL_LEVEL, userInfo.level.ToString());
        SetFollowStatus(t, userInfo.userId, followLoungeMember.following, followLoungeMember.follower);
        SetActive(t, UI.SPR_ICON_HOST, userInfo.userId == MonoBehaviourSingleton <LoungeMatchingManager> .I.loungeData.ownerUserId);
        SetPlayingStatus(t, userInfo.userId);
        SetActive(t, UI.SPR_ICON_FIRST_MET, MonoBehaviourSingleton <LoungeMatchingManager> .I.CheckFirstMet(userInfo.userId));
        bool is_visible = MonoBehaviourSingleton <UserInfoManager> .I.userInfo.id == MonoBehaviourSingleton <LoungeMatchingManager> .I.loungeData.ownerUserId;

        SetActive(t, UI.BTN_KICK, is_visible);
        SetEvent(t, UI.BTN_KICK, "KICK", i);
        SetEvent(t, UI.BTN_JOIN, "JOIN", i);
        public static void SelectMapIDPostfix(CharaInfo _charaInfo, List <int> _useMap, HashSet <int> _used)
            if (!HS2ChicksDigMapModdersPlugin.UseModdedMapsForSafeEvents.Value)
            else if (!HS2ChicksDigMapModdersPlugin.SafeEventCheck(_charaInfo.eventID) && !HS2ChicksDigMapModdersPlugin.UseModdedMapsForAllEvents.Value)

            if (HS2ChicksDigMapModdersPlugin.EnableDebugLogging.Value)
                Log.LogInfo(string.Format("Before Selecting {0} Event {6} map {1}-{5} useMap {2} used {3} available {4}", _charaInfo.chaFile.parameter.fullname, _charaInfo.mapID, string.Join(" ", _useMap), string.Join(" ", _used), string.Join(" ", Singleton <Game> .Instance.infoEventContentDic[_charaInfo.eventID].goToFemaleMaps), NameForMapId(_charaInfo.mapID), _charaInfo.eventID));

            int[] goToFemaleMaps = Singleton <Game> .Instance.infoEventContentDic[_charaInfo.eventID].goToFemaleMaps;
            goToFemaleMaps = ExcludeAchievementMap(goToFemaleMaps);
            List <int> list = new List <int>();

            if (!((IReadOnlyCollection <int>)(object) goToFemaleMaps).IsNullOrEmpty())
                list = goToFemaleMaps.AddRangeToArray(HS2ChicksDigMapModdersPlugin.ModdedMapIds()).Except(_useMap).Shuffle().ToList();
            bool flag = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                int num = list[i];
                if (!_used.Contains(num))
                    _charaInfo.mapID = num;
                    flag             = true;
            if (!flag && list.Any())
                _charaInfo.mapID = list.Shuffle().FirstOrDefault();

            if (HS2ChicksDigMapModdersPlugin.EnableDebugLogging.Value)
                Log.LogInfo(string.Format("After Selecting {0} Event {6} map {1}-{5} useMap {2} used {3} available {4}", _charaInfo.chaFile.parameter.fullname, _charaInfo.mapID, string.Join(" ", _useMap), string.Join(" ", _used), string.Join(" ", list), NameForMapId(_charaInfo.mapID), _charaInfo.eventID));
Exemple #27
 public InGameRecorder.PlayerRecord CreateInGameRecord(CharaInfo _charaInfo)
     if (_charaInfo != null)
         charaInfo = _charaInfo;
     InGameRecorder.PlayerRecord playerRecord = new InGameRecorder.PlayerRecord();
     playerRecord.id               = ((!isSelf) ? charaInfo.userId : 0);
     playerRecord.isNPC            = false;
     playerRecord.isSelf           = isSelf;
     playerRecord.charaInfo        = charaInfo;
     playerRecord.beforeLevel      = charaInfo.level;
     playerRecord.playerLoadInfo   = PlayerLoadInfo.FromCharaInfo(charaInfo, true, true, true, false);
     playerRecord.animID           = playerRecord.playerLoadInfo.weaponModelID / 1000;
     playerRecord.givenTotalDamage = givenTotalDamage;
 public void AddPlayer(CharaInfo chara_info)
     if (chara_info != null)
         if (list == null)
             list = new List <ResultUserInfo>();
         ResultUserInfo userInfo = GetUserInfo(chara_info.userId);
         if (userInfo != null)
             userInfo.userId = chara_info.userId;
             list.Add(new ResultUserInfo(chara_info));
Exemple #29
    public Player CreateGuest(int id, CharaInfo charaInfo, PlayerLoader.OnCompleteLoad callback = null)
        //IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
        //IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
        //IL_0028: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
        //IL_0045: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
        //IL_004a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
        //IL_004c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
        CreatePlayerInfo createPlayerInfo = new CreatePlayerInfo();

        createPlayerInfo.charaInfo = charaInfo;
        Player  player         = CreatePlayer(id, createPlayerInfo, false, Vector3.get_zero(), 0f, null, callback);
        Vector3 appearPosGuest = Vector3.get_zero();

        if (boss != null)
            appearPosGuest = boss._transform.get_position();
 public void LoadModel(int index, CharaInfo user_info)
     //IL_00c9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
     //IL_00e8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
     //IL_00f9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
     if (user_info == null)
         if (index <= 3 && index >= 0)
             userIndex = index;
         userIndex = -1;
         userInfo  = null;
         userIndex = index;
         userInfo  = user_info;
         if (index <= 3)
             UITexture componentInChildren = this.GetComponentInChildren <UITexture>();
             if (MonoBehaviourSingleton <OutGameSettingsManager> .I.questSelect.isRightDepthForward)
                 componentInChildren.depth = index;
                 componentInChildren.depth = 3 - index;
             renderTexture = UIRenderTexture.Get(componentInChildren, -1f, false, -1);
             renderTexture.nearClipPlane = 4f;
             model = Utility.CreateGameObject("PlayerModel", renderTexture.modelTransform, -1);
             model.set_localPosition(new Vector3(0f, -1.1f, 8f));
             model.set_eulerAngles(new Vector3(0f, 180f, 0f));
        /// <summary>
        /// Protocol 01FD
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="session"></param>
        /// <param name="packet"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async void SelectMap(EcoSession session, BasePacket packet)
            Logger.Debug($"Received SelectChara Request :{packet.Data.ToHexString()}");
            SelectMapRequestInfo scri = new SelectMapRequestInfo(packet.Data);

            if (scri.MapMove == 0) //login
                //session.CharaID = await DatabaseManager.SelectAsync($@"SELECT id FROM Chara WHERE account_id = {session.AccountID} AND Slot = {scri.SelectedSlot}");
                CharaInfo info = await DatabaseManager.SelectAsync <CharaInfo>(
                    $@"SELECT Chara.Id AS CharaID, Name, Race, Form, Race, Form, Sex, HairStyle, HairColor, Wig, IsEmptySlot, Face, RebirthLv, Ex, Wing, WingColor, Map, X, Y, Dir, Hp, Mp, Sp,Ep, MaxHp, MaxMp, MaxSp, MaxEp, Gold FROM Chara LEFT JOIN CharaData ON Chara.id = CharaData.id WHERE Chara.account_id = {session.AccountID} AND Slot = {scri.SelectedSlot}"

                CharaEquipment equip = await DatabaseManager.SelectAsync <CharaEquipment>(info.CharaID, "Equip");

                info.Equipments = equip.ToArray();

                session.CharaID = info.CharaID;
                ShowTinyIcon(session, info.ShowTinyIcon == 1);
                EverydayDungeonNotification(session, info.DailyDungeonCleared == 1);
                MoveSpeedChange(session, session.CharaID, 0x0A);               //lock chara move
                CharaModeChange(session, session.CharaID, 2, 0);
                RightClickSettings(session, RightClickSettingsEnum.ALLOW_ALL); //todo: save user settings

                // todo:
                UpdateCharaMaxHpMpSpEp(session, info);
                UpdateCharaHpMpSpEp(session, info);
                UpdateCharaBuffAndDebuff(session, session.CharaID);
                UpdateDetailedStatus(session, info);
            else //move between map servers
            //session.Send(new BasePacket(0x0033));
Exemple #32
 public bool Match(CharaInfo chara)
     bool match;
     // 名前
     if (namematch)
         match = false;
         foreach (string s in chara.name) { if (name == s) { match = true; break; } }
         if (!match) return false;
     else if (namecontain)
         match = false;
         foreach (string s in chara.name) { if (s.Contains(name)) { match = true; break; } }
         if (!match) return false;
     else if (namenotcontain)
         foreach (string s in chara.name) { if (s.Contains(name)) return false; }
     // 登場作品
     if (gamematch)
         match = false;
         foreach (string s in chara.game) { if (game == s) { match = true; break; } }
         if (!match) return false;
     else if (gamecontain)
         match = false;
         foreach (string s in chara.game) { if (s.Contains(game)) { match = true; break; } }
         if (!match) return false;
     else if (gamenotcontain)
         foreach (string s in chara.game) { if (s.Contains(game)) return false; }
     // 説明
     if (descriptionmatch) { if (chara.description != description) return false; }
     else if (descriptioncontain) { if (!chara.description.Contains(description)) return false; }
     else if (descriptionnotcontain) { if (chara.description.Contains(description)) return false; }
     // 画像
     if (graphicmatch) { if (chara.graphic != graphic) return false; }
     else if (graphiccontain) { if (!chara.graphic.Contains(graphic)) return false; }
     else if (graphicnotcontain) { if (chara.graphic.Contains(graphic)) return false; }
     // 性別
     if (sexmatch) { if (chara.sex != sex) return false; }
     else if (sexnotmatch) { if (chara.sex == sex) return false; }
     // 年齢下限
     if (ageminormore) { if (pqaAge.GetValue(chara.age) < pqaAge.GetValue(agemin)) return false; }
     else if (ageminmore) { if (pqaAge.GetValue(chara.age) <= pqaAge.GetValue(agemin)) return false; }
     // 年齢上限
     if (agemaxorless) { if (pqaAge.GetValue(chara.age) > pqaAge.GetValue(agemax)) return false; }
     else if (agemaxless) { if (pqaAge.GetValue(chara.age) >= pqaAge.GetValue(agemax)) return false; }
     // 大きさ下限
     if (sizeminormore) { if (pqaSize.GetValue(chara.size) < pqaSize.GetValue(sizemin)) return false; }
     else if (sizeminmore) { if (pqaSize.GetValue(chara.size) <= pqaSize.GetValue(sizemin)) return false; }
     // 大きさ上限
     if (sizemaxorless) { if (pqaSize.GetValue(chara.size) > pqaSize.GetValue(sizemax)) return false; }
     else if (sizemaxless) { if (pqaSize.GetValue(chara.size) >= pqaSize.GetValue(sizemax)) return false; }
     return true;
Exemple #33
 public int Add(CharaInfo newChara)
     Array.Resize(ref chara, chara.Length + 1);
     chara[chara.Length - 1] = newChara;
     return chara.Length - 1;