public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("strength", "agility", "intellect", "will")] IFormCollection collection)
            //get current user
            ApplicationUser user = await GetCurrentUserAsync();

            //get last character for current user
            var characters = _context.Characters
                             .Where(character => character.ApplicationUserId == user.Id)

            //Assign form values to variables
            var strenghtValue  = collection.ElementAt(0).Value;
            var agilityValue   = collection.ElementAt(1).Value;
            var intellectValue = collection.ElementAt(2).Value;
            var WillValue      = collection.ElementAt(3).Value;

            //Method for validation using form variables
            int TotalValue()
                //Parse from string to int
                int numVal = Int32.Parse(strenghtValue) + Int32.Parse(agilityValue) + Int32.Parse(intellectValue) + Int32.Parse(WillValue);


            if (ModelState.IsValid && TotalValue() == 42)
                //build new row in CharTrait table
                CharTrait humanTraitStrength = new CharTrait
                    CharacterId    = characters.CharacterId,
                    TraitId        = 1,
                    CharTraitValue = collection.ElementAt(0).Value

                //add to hold in db context

                CharTrait humanTraitAgility = new CharTrait
                    CharacterId    = characters.CharacterId,
                    TraitId        = 2,
                    CharTraitValue = collection.ElementAt(1).Value

                //add to hold in db context

                CharTrait humanTraitIntellect = new CharTrait
                    CharacterId    = characters.CharacterId,
                    TraitId        = 3,
                    CharTraitValue = collection.ElementAt(2).Value

                //add to hold in db context

                CharTrait humanTraitWill = new CharTrait
                    CharacterId    = characters.CharacterId,
                    TraitId        = 4,
                    CharTraitValue = collection.ElementAt(3).Value

                //add to hold in db context and save context to db
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                return(RedirectToAction("UserHome", "ApplicationUser"));
                //if failed vaildation, return to form
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("CharacterId,CharacterName,Gender,Level,ApplicationUserId,AncestryId")] Character character)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)

                //get current user and set user property on character to user
                ApplicationUser user = await GetCurrentUserAsync();

                character.ApplicationUserId = user.Id;

                //connection to veiw model
                CharacterCreateViewModel model = new CharacterCreateViewModel(_context);

                //make dropdown and assign to property on viewmodel
                model.AncestriesList = new SelectList(_context.Ancestry, "AncestryId", "AncestryId", character.AncestryId);

                //assign to property character on model
                model.Character = character;

                //if user selects non-human
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                //if User select Human
                if (model.Character.AncestryId == 1)
                    return(RedirectToAction("HumanAbilitiesForm", "HumanAbilities"));

                else if (model.Character.AncestryId == 2)
                    var abt = (from ab in _context.AncestryBaseTraits
                               join a in _context.Ancestry on ab.AncestryId equals a.AncestryId
                               where ab.AncestryId == 2
                               select ab.BaseValue)

                    CharTrait changelingTraitStrength = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 1,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(0).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context

                    CharTrait changelingTraitAgility = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 2,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(1).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context

                    CharTrait changelingTraitIntellect = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 3,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(2).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context

                    CharTrait changelingTraitWill = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 4,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(3).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context and save context to db
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    return(RedirectToAction("UserHome", "ApplicationUser"));
                //begin clockwork
                if (model.Character.AncestryId == 3)
                    var abt = (from ab in _context.AncestryBaseTraits
                               join a in _context.Ancestry on ab.AncestryId equals a.AncestryId
                               where ab.AncestryId == 3
                               select ab.BaseValue)

                    CharTrait clockworkTraitStrength = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 1,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(0).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context

                    CharTrait clockworkTraitAgility = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 2,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(1).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context

                    CharTrait clockworkTraitIntellect = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 3,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(2).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context

                    CharTrait clockworkTraitWill = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 4,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(3).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context and save context to db
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    return(RedirectToAction("Create", "ClockworkPurposes"));
                //end clockwork
                //begin dwarf
                if (model.Character.AncestryId == 4)
                    var abt = (from ab in _context.AncestryBaseTraits
                               join a in _context.Ancestry on ab.AncestryId equals a.AncestryId
                               where ab.AncestryId == 4
                               select ab.BaseValue)

                    CharTrait dwarfTraitStrength = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 1,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(0).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context

                    CharTrait dwarfTraitAgility = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 2,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(1).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context

                    CharTrait dwarfTraitIntellect = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 3,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(2).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context

                    CharTrait dwarfTraitWill = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 4,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(3).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context and save context to db
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    return(RedirectToAction("UserHome", "ApplicationUser"));
                //end dwarf
                //begin goblin
                if (model.Character.AncestryId == 5)
                    var abt = (from ab in _context.AncestryBaseTraits
                               join a in _context.Ancestry on ab.AncestryId equals a.AncestryId
                               where ab.AncestryId == 5
                               select ab.BaseValue)

                    CharTrait goblinTraitStrength = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 1,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(0).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context

                    CharTrait goblinTraitAgility = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 2,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(1).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context

                    CharTrait goblinTraitIntellect = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 3,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(2).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context

                    CharTrait goblinTraitWill = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 4,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(3).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context and save context to db
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    return(RedirectToAction("UserHome", "ApplicationUser"));
                //end goblin
                //begin orc
                if (model.Character.AncestryId == 6)
                    var abt = (from ab in _context.AncestryBaseTraits
                               join a in _context.Ancestry on ab.AncestryId equals a.AncestryId
                               where ab.AncestryId == 6
                               select ab.BaseValue)

                    CharTrait orcTraitStrength = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 1,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(0).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context

                    CharTrait orcTraitAgility = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 2,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(1).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context

                    CharTrait orcTraitIntellect = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 3,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(2).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context

                    CharTrait orcTraitWill = new CharTrait
                        CharacterId    = model.Character.CharacterId,
                        TraitId        = 4,
                        CharTraitValue = abt.ElementAt(3).ToString()

                    //add to hold in db context and save context to db
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    return(RedirectToAction("UserHome", "ApplicationUser"));
                //end orc
