Exemple #1
    public Transform target;                                    //

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        control3D1     = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <CharController3D1>();      //"OBJECT NAME" <CLASS NMAE>
        cameraListener = GameObject.Find("CameraListener").GetComponent <CameraListener>(); //"OBJECT NAME" <CLASS NMAE>
        headMonitor    = GameObject.Find("03_Head").GetComponent <HeadMonitor>();           //"OBJECT NAME" <CLASS NMAE>

        cameraX = control3D1.getCurrentXAxis();                                             //Get original position of the camera when the Kinect view is enable
        cameraY = transform.position.y - yMovementModifier;                                 // Pull current x Axis of the head
        cameraZ = transform.position.z;                                                     // Pull current z Axis of the head
Exemple #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //Checks if the Kinect camera is enabled and that the default X position of the camera is not set
        if (cameraListener.getCurrentCamera() == 2 && !cameraInUse)
            cameraX     = control3D1.getCurrentXAxis();
            cameraInUse = true;
        if (cameraListener.getCurrentCamera() != 2)         //Checks if the camera has changed - if so it will reset the boolean to trigger the above If statment when Kinect View is enabled
            cameraInUse = false;

        // Increase the movement speed - Can be changed in the inspector while using the Kinect
        var x = cameraX + headMonitor.movementX * xMovementModifier;
        var y = cameraY + headMonitor.movementY * yMovementModifier;
        var z = cameraZ - headMonitor.movementZ * zMovementModifier;

        // Move position
        transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, z);

        //Apply Rotation
        transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, -headMonitor.movementX * rotationAdjust, 0);