public static string GetChGLink(int ChID) { ChapterClassDataContext cdc = new ChapterClassDataContext(); string gLink = (from a in cdc.Chapters where a.ChapterId == ChID select a.GoogleLink).FirstOrDefault();; return(gLink); }
private void CreateChapter() { bool validForm; string newGLink = string.Empty; int newChKey = 0; RefreshErrorBlock(); validForm = ValidateForm(); if (validForm) { try { ChapterClassDataContext cdc = new ChapterClassDataContext(); Chapter ch = new Chapter(); ch.ChapterName = txtChapter.Text.ToString(); ch.ChapterNickName = txtChapterNN.Text.ToString(); ch.Active = true; cdc.Chapters.InsertOnSubmit(ch); cdc.SubmitChanges(); newChKey = ch.ChapterId; } catch (Exception exceptCh) { MessageBox.Show(exceptCh.ToString()); } if (newChKey != 0) { CreateChapterAddress(newChKey); CreateChapterMiles(newChKey); } } }
private bool UpdateChapterInfo(bool updateSuccess) { bool validForm; //bool updateSuccess = true; string newGLink = string.Empty; int chID = Convert.ToInt32(cboChapter.SelectedValue); RefreshErrorBlock(); validForm = ValidateForm(); if (validForm) { newGLink = Helper.GoogleHelper.CreateChapterGLink(txtStreetAddr1.Text.ToString(), txtCity.Text.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(cboState.SelectedValue), txtZip.Text.ToString()); ChapterClassDataContext cdc = new ChapterClassDataContext(); Chapter ch = new Chapter(); ch = (from c in cdc.Chapters where c.ChapterId == chID select c).FirstOrDefault(); ch.ChapterNickName = txtChapterNN.Text.ToString(); ch.GoogleLink = newGLink; ch.DateModified = System.DateTime.Now; try { cdc.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception exceptCH) { MessageBox.Show(exceptCH.Message.ToString()); updateSuccess = false; } } return(updateSuccess); }
public static Chapter GetChapter(int chID) { Chapter selChapter = new Chapter(); ChapterClassDataContext cdc = new ChapterClassDataContext(); selChapter = (Chapter)cdc.Chapters.Where(a => a.ChapterId == chID).FirstOrDefault(); return(selChapter); }
public static Dictionary <int, string> GetChapters() { Dictionary <int, string> ChapterDict = new Dictionary <int, string>(); ChapterClassDataContext cdc = new ChapterClassDataContext(); ChapterDict = cdc.Chapters.ToDictionary(x => x.ChapterId, x => x.ChapterName); return(ChapterDict); }
public static IEnumerable GetChapters() { ChapterClassDataContext cdc = new ChapterClassDataContext(); chList = (from a in cdc.Chapters select a).ToList(); //Putting Chapters into DataGrid to see the list //dgChapters.ItemsSource = chList; return(chList); }
private bool UpdateChapterAddressInfo(bool updateSuccess) { bool validForm; string chapterName = string.Empty; string newGLink = string.Empty; RefreshErrorBlock(); validForm = ValidateForm(); if (validForm) { //Update the Chapter Address int chID = selChapt; ChapterAddressDataContext cadc = new ChapterAddressDataContext(); ChapterAddress chA = new ChapterAddress(); chA = (from chaA in cadc.ChapterAddresses where chaA.ChapterId == chID select chaA).FirstOrDefault(); chA.StreetAddress1 = txtStreetAddr1.Text.ToString(); chA.StateId = Convert.ToInt32(cboState.SelectedValue); chA.City = txtCity.Text.ToString(); chA.Zip = txtZip.Text; string streetAddress = (chA.StreetAddress2 == null) ? chA.StreetAddress1 : string.Concat(chA.StreetAddress1, " ", chA.StreetAddress2); try { cadc.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception exceptCA) { MessageBox.Show(exceptCA.Message.ToString()); updateSuccess = false; } try { //Update Chapter Google Link ChapterClassDataContext cdc = new ChapterClassDataContext(); Chapter chU = new Chapter(); chU = (from ch in cdc.Chapters where ch.ChapterId == chID select ch).FirstOrDefault(); newGLink = Helper.GoogleHelper.CreateChapterGLink(streetAddress, chA.City, Convert.ToInt32(cboState.SelectedValue), chA.Zip); chU.GoogleLink = newGLink; txtGlink.Text = newGLink; chapterName = chU.ChapterName; } catch (Exception exceptCh) { MessageBox.Show(exceptCh.Message.ToString()); updateSuccess = false; } } return(updateSuccess); }
private static void UpdateChapterGoogleLinkDB(Dictionary <int, string> chGoogleLink) { using (var chTableCon = new ChapterClassDataContext()) { foreach (var ch in chTableCon.Chapters) { ch.GoogleLink = chGoogleLink[ch.ChapterId]; chTableCon.SubmitChanges(); } } }
private void UpdateChapterGLink(int chID, int chaID) { string newGLink = string.Empty; bool updateSuccess = true; string chapterName = string.Empty; //Update Chapter Google Link ChapterClassDataContext cdc = new ChapterClassDataContext(); Chapter chU = new Chapter(); chU = (from ch in cdc.Chapters where ch.ChapterId == chID select ch).FirstOrDefault(); newGLink = Helper.GoogleHelper.CreateChapterGLink(txtStreetAddr1.Text.ToString(), txtCity.Text.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(cboState.SelectedValue), txtZip.Text.ToString()); chU.GoogleLink = newGLink; chU.ClubHouseAddressID = chaID; chU.DateCreated = System.DateTime.Now; chU.DateModified = System.DateTime.Now; txtGlink.Text = newGLink; chapterName = chU.ChapterName; try { cdc.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception exceptCh) { MessageBox.Show(exceptCh.Message.ToString()); updateSuccess = false; } if (updateSuccess) { if (_mode == _modeCreate) { MessageBox.Show(string.Concat(_successCreateMsg, chapterName)); } else { MessageBox.Show(string.Concat(_successMsg, chapterName)); } } }