// Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        _changeBar             = FindObjectOfType <ChangeBar>();
        productionSlider.value = _changeBar.productionVal / 100;
        suspicionSlider.value  = _changeBar.suspicionVal / 100;
        startConversation.Add("Oh no!");
        startConversation.Add("That's my bottle on the floor.");
        startConversation.Add("If my boss trips on that, he'll definitely blame me for it.");
        startConversation.Add("Should I use my powers?");
        startConversation.Add("My super speed will help me catch him.");

        decision2_1Conversation.Add("BOSS: Whoa!");
        decision2_1Conversation.Add("BOSS: Ugh... Who left that bottle there?");
        decision2_1Conversation.Add("Sorry Boss, that's mine...");
        decision2_1Conversation.Add("BOSS: I can't believe you'd try to hurt me like that!");
        decision2_1Conversation.Add("BOSS: This is going to show on your employee review.");

        decision2_2Conversation.Add("Careful, Boss!");
        decision2_2Conversation.Add("Sorry, I left my bottle on the floor.");
        decision2_2Conversation.Add("BOSS: Oh.");
        decision2_2Conversation.Add("BOSS: Thank you!");
        decision2_2Conversation.Add("BOSS: You saved me haha.");
        decision2_2Conversation.Add("BOSS: But how did you get here so fast?");
        decision2_2Conversation.Add("Oh, you must not have noticed me.");
        decision2_2Conversation.Add("I was right behind you the whole time.");
 private void Start()
     _changeBar             = FindObjectOfType <ChangeBar>();
     productionSlider.value = _changeBar.productionVal / 100;
     suspicionSlider.value  = _changeBar.suspicionVal / 100;
     _scene2Controller      = FindObjectOfType <Scene2Controller>().GetComponent <Scene2Controller>();
     animator = MC.GetComponent <Animator>();
Exemple #3
    private void Start()
        _changeBar = FindObjectOfType <ChangeBar>();
        animator   = MC.GetComponent <Animator>();
        cc         = MC.GetComponent <CharacterController>();
        // float susVal = GameObject.Find("singletonVal").GetComponent

        suspicionSlider.value = 0;
        producionSlider.value = 0.2f;
Exemple #4
    //public Animation

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        time      = 0;
        delay     = 0;
        gamMan    = Resources.Load <GameManager>("GameManager");
        changeBar = gameObject.GetComponent <ChangeBar>();

        timeOfGame *= 60;

        delayWind = Random.Range(min, max);
Exemple #5
    private void Start()
        _changeBar             = FindObjectOfType <ChangeBar>();
        productionSlider.value = _changeBar.productionVal / 100;
        suspicionSlider.value  = _changeBar.suspicionVal / 100;
        startConversation.Add("BOSS: Let's do this!");
        startConversation.Add("I'll try my best!");
        startConversation.Add("BOSS: Don't disappoint me!");

        gamePointConversation.Add("BOSS: Alright, match point!");
        gamePointConversation.Add("BOSS: Just one more to go.");
        gamePointConversation.Add("BOSS: We can win this!");
        gamePointConversation.Add("Should I use my powers to win this?");
        gamePointConversation.Add("BOSS: What are you mumbling?");
        gamePointConversation.Add("Oh, nothing. Let's get it.");

        firstDecision.Add("If I use my telekinesis here,");
        firstDecision.Add("I can change the ball's direction");
        firstDecision.Add("and win this game.");
        firstDecision.Add("My Boss will be so impressed,");
        firstDecision.Add("maybe he'll even give me a promotion!");
        firstDecision.Add("But the other team might notice something's wrong...");
        firstDecision.Add("Should I use my power?");

        decision1_1Conversation.Add("BOSS: Ugh!!");
        decision1_1Conversation.Add("BOSS: I can't believe we lost this.");
        decision1_1Conversation.Add("BOSS: You really blew it.");
        decision1_1Conversation.Add("Sorry, Boss");

        decision1_2Conversation.Add("BOSS: Wow!");
        decision1_2Conversation.Add("BOSS: That was an unbelievable serve.");
        decision1_2Conversation.Add("BOSS: You won us the game!");
        decision1_2Conversation.Add("Maybe I just got lucky?");
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     _changeBar             = FindObjectOfType <ChangeBar>();
     productionSlider.value = _changeBar.productionVal / 100;
     suspicionSlider.value  = _changeBar.suspicionVal / 100;