void Damage(float amount, int attackerId)
        if (!Champion.invincible && !IsDead)
            Champion.health = Mathf.Max(Champion.health - amount, 0f);

            // If the champion is the local player, update their UI to reflect the damage
            if (PhotonView.isMine)
                // Get the attacker and store their damage in the champion
                PhotonView attacker = PhotonView.Find(attackerId);
                Champion.damage.Insert(0, new Damage(attacker, amount, gameUIHandler.TimeElapsed));

                // Call the delegate for when the player is damaged
                if (onPlayerDamaged != null)

                // Update the local health bar UI

                // Does the player have any health left?
                if (Champion.health <= 0f)
                    GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().StopMovement();
                    GetComponent <PlayerAnimator>().PlayAnimation("Death");
                    PhotonView.RPC("OnDeath", PhotonTargets.All, Champion.GetKiller());

                // Tell other players to update the UI which shows over the character's head
                PhotonView.RPC("UpdatePlayerHealth", PhotonTargets.All, Champion.health, Champion.maxHealth);