private void OnChamberMagazineTakeAmmo(EntityUid uid, ChamberMagazineAmmoProviderComponent component, TakeAmmoEvent args)
        // So chamber logic is kinda sussier than the others
        // Essentially we want to treat the chamber as a potentially free slot and then the mag as the remaining slots
        // i.e. if we shoot 3 times, then we use the chamber once (regardless if it's empty or not) and 2 from the mag
        // We move the n + 1 shot into the chamber as we essentially treat it like a stack.
        TryComp <AppearanceComponent>(uid, out var appearance);

        if (TryTakeChamberEntity(uid, out var chamberEnt))
            args.Ammo.Add(EnsureComp <AmmoComponent>(chamberEnt.Value));

        var magEnt = GetMagazineEntity(uid);

        // Pass an event to the magazine to get more (to refill chamber or for shooting).
        if (magEnt != null)
            // We pass in Shots not Shots - 1 as we'll take the last entity and move it into the chamber.
            var relayedArgs = new TakeAmmoEvent(args.Shots, new List <IShootable>(), args.Coordinates, args.User);
            RaiseLocalEvent(magEnt.Value, relayedArgs, false);

            // Put in the nth slot back into the chamber
            // Rest of the ammo gets shot
            if (relayedArgs.Ammo.Count > 0)
                var newChamberEnt = ((AmmoComponent)relayedArgs.Ammo[^ 1]).Owner;
    protected (int, int) GetChamberMagazineCountCapacity(ChamberMagazineAmmoProviderComponent component)
        var count = GetChamberEntity(component.Owner) != null ? 1 : 0;

        var(magCount, magCapacity) = GetMagazineCountCapacity(component);
        return(count + magCount, magCapacity);
Exemple #3
    private void OnChamberMagazineAmmoUpdate(EntityUid uid, ChamberMagazineAmmoProviderComponent component, UpdateAmmoCounterEvent args)
        if (args.Control is not ChamberMagazineStatusControl control)

        var chambered   = GetChamberEntity(uid);
        var magEntity   = GetMagazineEntity(uid);
        var ammoCountEv = new GetAmmoCountEvent();

        if (magEntity != null)
            RaiseLocalEvent(magEntity.Value, ref ammoCountEv, false);

        control.Update(chambered != null, magEntity != null, ammoCountEv.Count, ammoCountEv.Capacity);
Exemple #4
    private void OnChamberEntRemove(EntityUid uid, ChamberMagazineAmmoProviderComponent component, EntRemovedFromContainerMessage args)
        if (args.Container.ID != ChamberSlot)

        // This is dirty af. Prediction moment.
        // We may be predicting spawning entities and the engine just removes them from the container so we'll just delete them.
        if (args.Entity.IsClientSide())

        // AFAIK the only main alternative is having some client-specific handling via a bool or otherwise for the state.
        // which is much larger and I'm not sure how much better it is. It's bad enough we have to do it with revolvers
        // to avoid 6-7 additional entity spawns.
 private void OnChamberMagazineExamine(EntityUid uid, ChamberMagazineAmmoProviderComponent component, ExaminedEvent args)
     var(count, _) = GetChamberMagazineCountCapacity(component);
     args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("gun-magazine-examine", ("color", AmmoExamineColor), ("count", count)));
Exemple #6
 private void OnChamberMagazineCounter(EntityUid uid, ChamberMagazineAmmoProviderComponent component, AmmoCounterControlEvent args)
     args.Control = new ChamberMagazineStatusControl();