protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { //ResetSplashCreated = new ManualResetEvent(false); //// Create a new thread for the splash screen to run on //SplashThread = new Thread(ShowSplash); //SplashThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); //SplashThread.IsBackground = true; //SplashThread.Name = "Splash Screen"; //SplashThread.Start(); //// Wait for the blocker to be signaled before continuing. This is essentially the same as: while(ResetSplashCreated.NotSet) {} //ResetSplashCreated.WaitOne(); //var initType = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["initDbType"]; //if (Settings.Default.Lix == null) //{ // new RequisicaoLicencaView().ShowDialog(); // if (Settings.Default.Lix == null) // { // Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); // } //Settings.Default.Lix = new LicencaConcedida(); // Apagar após o fim dos testes do serviço //if (!Services.SuporteClient.LicenceActivated(Settings.Default.Lix.Codigo)) //{ // Services.SuporteClient.Log("Cliente:" + Settings.Default.Lix.Documento // + "\nErro ao carregar aplicação.\n Código do erro: x0:001\n"); //} //} //else //{ //} var initType = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["initDbType"]; //DataBaseManager.CnnStr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["cnnDeploy"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(initType)) { switch (initType) { case "init": DataBaseManager.InitDb(); break; case "update": DataBaseManager.UpdateDb(); break; } } Configuracao = ConfiguracaoGeralRepository.GetById(1); Ncms = new ObservableCollection <Ncm>(NcmRepository.GetList()); Csts = new ObservableCollection <Cst>(CstRepository.GetList()); CstCofins = new ObservableCollection <CstCofins>(CstCofinsRepository.GetList()); CstIpi = new ObservableCollection <CstIpi>(CstIpiRepository.GetList()); CstPis = new ObservableCollection <CstPis>(CstPisRepository.GetList()); Cfops = new ObservableCollection <Cfop>(CfopRepository.GetList()); base.OnStartup(e); //SplashThread.Interrupt(); }
public NotaFiscalFormModelModel() { ModelSelect = new NotaFiscalSelectModel(); try { Ncms = App.Ncms; Csts = App.Csts; Cfops = CfopRepository.GetList(); NaturezasInterna = NaturezaInternaRepository.GetList(); IsCancelado = true; IsSalvar = true; IsLimpar = true; IsPesquisar = true; } catch (Exception) { } }