public bool InspectInList(IList list, int ind, ref int edited) { var changed = false; CountForInspector().ToString().edit(60, ref dataExplorer.tag).changes(ref changed); if (Cfg != null) { if (icon.Load.ClickConfirm("sfgLoad", "Decode Data into " + Cfg.GetNameForInspector()).changes(ref changed)) { dataExplorer.UpdateData(); Cfg.Decode(; } if (icon.Save.ClickConfirm("cfgSave", "Save data from " + Cfg.GetNameForInspector()).changes(ref changed)) { dataExplorer = new ExploringCfg(dataExplorer.tag, Cfg.Encode().ToString()); } } if (icon.Enter.Click(comment)) { edited = ind; } return(changed); }
public bool Inspect() { bool changed = false; if (dataExplorer.inspectedTag == -1) { this.inspect_Name(); if (Cfg != null && dataExplorer.tag.Length > 0 && icon.Save.Click("Save To Assets", ref changed)) { QcFile.SaveUtils.SaveBytesToAssetsByRelativePath(Mgmt.fileFolderHolder, dataExplorer.tag,; QcUnity.RefreshAssetDatabase(); }; if (Cfg != null) { if (dataExplorer.tag.Length == 0) { dataExplorer.tag = Cfg.GetNameForInspector() + " config"; } "Save To:".edit(50, ref Mgmt.fileFolderHolder).changes(ref changed); var uObj = Cfg as UnityEngine.Object; if (uObj && icon.Done.Click("Use the same directory as current object.", ref changed)) { Mgmt.fileFolderHolder = QcUnity.GetAssetFolder(uObj); } uObj.ClickHighlight().nl(ref changed); } "Comment:".editBig(ref comment).nl(ref changed); } dataExplorer.Nested_Inspect().changes(ref changed); return(changed); }