public static void AddCertificateBinding(string certificateThumbprint, System.Net.IPEndPoint ipPort, Guid appId)
            // add a new binding record
            var certBinding = new CertificateBinding(certificateThumbprint, StoreName.My, ipPort, appId);

            config.Bind(certBinding); //returns false
Exemple #2
        public void Update()
            var ipPort = GetEndpointWithFreeRandomPort();
            var appId  = Guid.NewGuid();

            CertConfigCmd.Add(new CertConfigCmd.Options {
                ipport        = ipPort,
                certhash      = _testingCertThumbprint,
                appid         = appId,
                certstorename = StoreName.AuthRoot.ToString(),

            var configuration = new CertificateBindingConfiguration();

            var binding = new CertificateBinding(_testingCertThumbprint, StoreName.My, ipPort, appId, new BindingOptions {
                DoNotPassRequestsToRawFilters    = true,
                DoNotVerifyCertificateRevocation = true,
                EnableRevocationFreshnessTime    = true,
                NegotiateCertificate             = true,
                NoUsageCheck                              = true,
                RevocationFreshnessTime                   = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
                RevocationUrlRetrievalTimeout             = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5),
                UseDsMappers                              = true,
                VerifyRevocationWithCachedCertificateOnly = true,

            var updated = configuration.Bind(binding);

            var result = CertConfigCmd.Show(ipPort);

            var expectedOutput = string.Format(
                @"    IP:port                 : {0} 
    Certificate Hash        : {1}
    Application ID          : {2} 
    Certificate Store Name  : My 
    Verify Client Certificate Revocation    : Disabled
    Verify Revocation Using Cached Client Certificate Only    : Enabled
    Usage Check    : Disabled
    Revocation Freshness Time : 60 
    URL Retrieval Timeout   : 5000 
    Ctl Identifier          : (null) 
    Ctl Store Name          : (null) 
    DS Mapper Usage    : Enabled
    Negotiate Client Certificate    : Enabled
                , ipPort, _testingCertThumbprint, appId.ToString("B"));

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 将指定的SSL证书绑定到指定的端口,并与应用程序关联
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="httpsPort"></param>
        /// <param name="sslCert"></param>
        /// <param name="appId"></param>
        public static void BindCertToIP(int httpsPort, X509Certificate2 sslCert, Guid appId)
            if (sslCert == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sslCert));

            // netsh http add sslcert ipport= appid={A24092A5-F73D-4033-9F40-1BF9004A41A1} certhash=DF51794312354DE531D8B2E6414864F433A2769B
            // netsh http add sslcert appid={A24092A5-F73D-4033-9F40-1BF9004A41A1} certhash=DC4C95714651C086D325FF481F4E217A5C431A74 certstorename=MY

            var                configuration = new CertificateBindingConfiguration();
            IPEndPoint         sslPort       = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, httpsPort);
            CertificateBinding binding       = new CertificateBinding(sslCert.Thumbprint, StoreName.My, sslPort, appId);

        public void UpdateCertificateBinding(string thumbprint, int httpsPort, List <Action> rollbackActions)
            CertificateBindingConfiguration bindingConfiguration = new CertificateBindingConfiguration();
            CertificateBinding originalBinding = this.GetCertificateBinding(bindingConfiguration);

            if (originalBinding != null)
                rollbackActions.Add(() => bindingConfiguration.Bind(originalBinding));

            CertificateBinding binding = new CertificateBinding(thumbprint, "My", new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), httpsPort), HttpSysHostingOptions.AppId, new BindingOptions());

            rollbackActions.Add(() => bindingConfiguration.Delete(binding.IpPort));

            this.registryProvider.CertBinding = binding.IpPort.ToString();
            rollbackActions.Add(() => this.registryProvider.CertBinding = originalBinding?.IpPort?.ToString());
    public NoraAzureStack()
        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup(AddEnvironmentPrefix("nora"));

        // Reference existing app service plan.
        var appServicePlan = Plan.Get("home-projects-asp",

        // Reference existing cosmosdb account.
        var cosmosDbAccount = Account.Get("home-projects-cosmosdb",

        // Reference dns zone from cloudflare
        var dnsZone = Zone.Get("", "b9eb57d1d01a353e72276d2fa0565d81");

        var webApp = new AppService(AddEnvironmentPrefix("nora-web"), new AppServiceArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            HttpsOnly         = true,
            AppServicePlanId  = appServicePlan.Id

        var customDomainName       = AddEnvironmentPrefix("");
        var verificationDomainName = $"asuid.{customDomainName}";

        var verificationRecord = new Record("nora-web-txt-record", new RecordArgs
            Name   = verificationDomainName,
            ZoneId = dnsZone.Id,
            Type   = "TXT",
            Value  = webApp.CustomDomainVerificationId,
            Ttl    = 300

        var cnameRecord = new Record("nora-web-cname-record", new RecordArgs
            Name   = customDomainName,
            ZoneId = dnsZone.Id,
            Type   = "CNAME",
            Value  = webApp.DefaultSiteHostname,
            Ttl    = 300

        var hostNameBinding = new CustomHostnameBinding("nora-web-hostname", new CustomHostnameBindingArgs
            Hostname          = customDomainName,
            AppServiceName    = webApp.Name,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name

        var sslCert = new ManagedCertificate("nora-web-cert", new ManagedCertificateArgs
            CustomHostnameBindingId = hostNameBinding.Id

        var sslCertBinding = new CertificateBinding("nora-web-cert-binding", new CertificateBindingArgs
            HostnameBindingId = hostNameBinding.Id,
            CertificateId     = sslCert.Id,
            SslState          = "SniEnabled"
 public static void DoNotVerifyCertificateRevocation(CertificateBinding certificateBinding)
     // set an option and update the binding record
     certificateBinding.Options.DoNotVerifyCertificateRevocation = true;
     config.Bind(certificateBinding); //returns true
		public void Update() {
			var ipPort = GetEndpointWithFreeRandomPort();
			var appId = Guid.NewGuid();

			CertConfigCmd.Add(new CertConfigCmd.Options {
				ipport = ipPort,
				certhash = _testingCertThumbprint,
				appid = appId,
				certstorename = StoreName.AuthRoot.ToString(),

			var configuration = new CertificateBindingConfiguration();

			var binding = new CertificateBinding(_testingCertThumbprint, StoreName.My, ipPort, appId, new BindingOptions {
				DoNotPassRequestsToRawFilters = true,
				DoNotVerifyCertificateRevocation = true,
				EnableRevocationFreshnessTime = true,
				NegotiateCertificate = true,
				NoUsageCheck = true,
				RevocationFreshnessTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
				RevocationUrlRetrievalTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5),
				UseDsMappers = true,
				VerifyRevocationWithCachedCertificateOnly = true,

			var updated = configuration.Bind(binding);

			var result = CertConfigCmd.Show(ipPort);
			var expectedOutput = string.Format(
@"    IP:port                 : {0} 
    Certificate Hash        : {1}
    Application ID          : {2} 
    Certificate Store Name  : My 
    Verify Client Certificate Revocation    : Disabled
    Verify Revocation Using Cached Client Certificate Only    : Enabled
    Usage Check    : Disabled
    Revocation Freshness Time : 60 
    URL Retrieval Timeout   : 5000 
    Ctl Identifier          : (null) 
    Ctl Store Name          : (null) 
    DS Mapper Usage    : Enabled
    Negotiate Client Certificate    : Enabled
				, ipPort, _testingCertThumbprint, appId.ToString("B"));