public virtual void AssertEqualsExpected(FeatureInfo expected) { if (!BoundingBox.Equals(expected.BoundingBox, boundingBoxTolerance)) { throw new BoundingBoxException($"Bounding boxes aren't equal; expected {expected.BoundingBox}, got {BoundingBox}"); } if (!MathUtil.EpsilonEqual(Extrusion, expected.Extrusion, extrusionTolerance)) { throw new CumulativeExtrusionException($"Cumulative extrusion amounts aren't equal; expected {expected.Extrusion}, got {Extrusion}"); } if (!MathUtil.EpsilonEqual(Duration, expected.Duration, durationTolerance)) { throw new CumulativeDurationException($"Cumulative durations aren't equal; expected {expected.Duration}, got {Duration}"); } if (!MathUtil.EpsilonEqual(Distance, expected.Distance, distanceTolerance)) { throw new CumulativeDistanceException($"Cumulative distances aren't equal; expected {expected.Distance}, got {Distance}"); } if (!CenterOfMass.EpsilonEqual(expected.CenterOfMass, centerOfMassTolerance)) { throw new CenterOfMassException($"Centers of mass aren't equal; expected {expected.CenterOfMass}, got {CenterOfMass}"); } }
Steering Pursue(GameObject target) { Vector3 direction = target.transform.position - transform.position; float dist = direction.magnitude; float speed = cVel.magnitude; float preditction = 0f; if (speed <= dist / maxPrediction) { preditction = maxPrediction; } else { maxPrediction = dist / speed; } Vector3 tVel =; if (target.GetComponent <Movement> ()) { Movement temp = target.GetComponent <Movement> (); tVel = temp.cVel; } else if (target.GetComponent <CenterOfMass> ()) { CenterOfMass temp = target.GetComponent <CenterOfMass> (); tVel = temp.Avg_Vel; } //Face (target.transform.position); //Seek (target.transform.position + tVel * preditction); Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, target.transform.position + tVel * preditction,; return(Seek(target.transform.position + tVel * preditction)); }
void SetCenterOfMass() { Vector3 v = CenterOfMass.getCenterOfMass(totalMass, massCenter, rb.mass, transform.position); totalMass += rb.mass; massCenter = v; Debug.Log("Mass: " + totalMass + " center: " + massCenter); Debug.DrawRay(v, Vector3.down, Color.white, 5f); }
public AIHelper(Robot robotEntity) { robot = robotEntity; com = new CenterOfMass(); previousTrajectoryPoint = CoordinateHelper.INVALID_POINT; }
public Group(byte groupId) { id = groupId; centerOfMass = new CenterOfMass(); }
private void OnEnable() { centerOfMass = (CenterOfMass)target; }
void FixedUpdate() { HandleRigidbody();//just dealing with some rigidbody bs here if (!Active) { return; } if (overrides) { return; } if (joystick == null) { Debug.LogError("Unable to find joystick, has not been assigned to player"); return; } if (canMove) { isGrounded = SetIsGrounded(); if (isGrounded) { parachuteMode = false; } if (pogoMode && oldIsGrounded != isGrounded) { if (isGrounded) { OnPogoGrounded(); } else { OnPogoLaunched(); } oldIsGrounded = isGrounded; } if (hasJumped && !isGrounded) { hasJumped = false; } if (isGrounded) { if (pogoMode) { CheckPogoBounce(); doJump = false; } else { doJump = doingSwipe && input.GetUp(); } } else { doJump = false; } //handle some change COM stuff CenterOfMass newCOM = GetCurrentCenterOfMass(); if (newCOM != currentCenterOfMass) { changingCOM = true; } if (isGrounded) { changingCOM = false; } currentCenterOfMass = newCOM; HandleRotation(); HandleMovement(); HandleSubStuff(); if ( { tsi = 0f; } else { tsi += Time.fixedDeltaTime; } } if (prevCanMove != canMove) { joystick.ready = canMove; } prevCanMove = canMove; //turns off wind renderers and resets gravity strength if (isGrounded) { gravStrength = defaultGravityStrength; GameObject windTrail = transform.GetChild(4).gameObject; if (windTrail != null) { for (int i = 0; i < windTrail.transform.childCount; i++) { GameObject wind = windTrail.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject; wind.GetComponent <TrailRenderer>().emitting = false; } } } }