public static void GenerateTranslatedMaps(int amountToGenerate, int seedStart) { var sw = new Stopwatch(); for (var i = seedStart; i < seedStart + amountToGenerate; i++) { sw.Restart(); var random123 = new Random(i); var ca = new CellularAutomata(64, 64, Enums.Half.Top, maxRangeToGroupPoint: 7, r: random123); ca.RunGenerations(); ca.CreateImpassableTerrain(maxLength: 25, maxPathNoiseDisplacement: 1, maxWidth: 2); var map = new MapPhenotype(ca.Map, new Enums.Item[64, 64]); map.SmoothTerrain(); var newMap = MapHelper.IncreaseSizeOfMap(map, 2); newMap.SmoothTerrain(random: random123); newMap.PlaceCliffs(); newMap.SmoothCliffs(); newMap.UpdateCliffPositions(Enums.Half.Top); newMap.SaveMapToPngFile(string.Format("map {0}_4_translated_post_smooth_cliffs", i), itemMap: false); Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); } Console.ReadKey(); }
public void TestLangtonIterate() { bool[,] StartingContent = new bool[8, 8] { { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }, { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }, { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }, { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }, { true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }, { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }, { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }, { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false } }; CircularArray2D <bool> StartingArray = new CircularArray2D <bool>(StartingContent); CellularAutomata <LangtonsAnt> _CellularAutomata = new CellularAutomata <LangtonsAnt>(StartingArray); bool[,] IteratedContent = _CellularAutomata.Iterate(); bool[,] ModelContent = new bool[8, 8] { { false, false, false, false, true, false, false, false }, { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }, { false, true, false, false, false, true, false, false }, { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }, { false, false, true, false, false, false, true, false }, { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }, { false, false, false, true, false, false, false, true }, { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false } }; Assert.AreEqual(IteratedContent, ModelContent); }
/// <summary> Initializes this Room. </summary> internal void Init(int index) { this.Index = index; if (!this.IsGenerated) { if (!CheckDoors()) { return; } this.upperDoor.Init(this, this.Up); this.lowerDoor.Init(this, this.Down); this.leftDoor.Init(this, this.Left); this.rightDoor.Init(this, this.Right); this.Grid = null; } else { CellularAutomata ca = new CellularAutomata(15); ca.GeneratePattern(30); this.Grid = ca.GetPattern(); } this.doors = new List <GameObject>(); this.walls = new List <GameObject>(); this.floors = new List <GameObject>(); this.holes = new List <GameObject>(); this.enemies = new List <Enemy>(); Deactivate(); }
void SetupLevel() { bool laddarSpawned = false; // bool will control if a ladder has already been spawned bool playerSpawned = false; cellularAutomata = GameObject.Find("MeshGenerator").GetComponent <CellularAutomata>(); // finds the cellular automata script in the scene aStarGrid = GameObject.Find("A*").GetComponent <AStarGrid>(); // finds the AStarGrid for (int x = 0; x < cellularAutomata.gridWidth; x++) // loops through the grids x { for (int y = 0; y < cellularAutomata.gridHeight; y++) // loops through the grids y { if (x != 0 && x != cellularAutomata.grid.GetLength(0) - 2 && y != 0 && y != cellularAutomata.grid.GetLength(1) - 2) // if we are within the bounds the array { if (cellularAutomata.GetAmountOfNeighbours(x, y, 2) == 0 && aStarGrid.grid[x, y].walkable) // using the overloaded methoed of get neighbours to have a larger search area to stop things from spawning on walls and checks if the tile is walkable in the AStarGrid { // if (GetRandomNumber() <= probabilityToSpawnEnemy) // generate a random number and if it is within probabilty { Instantiate(enemy, aStarGrid.grid[x, y].worldPosition, Quaternion.identity); // spawn an enemy } else if (!laddarSpawned) { laddarSpawned = Instantiate(ladder, aStarGrid.grid[x, y].worldPosition, Quaternion.identity); // if no spawn a ladder and set the ladderspawned varaible to true } else if (!playerSpawned && (x == (cellularAutomata.grid.GetLength(0) / 2) || y == (cellularAutomata.grid.GetLength(1) / 2))) { playerSpawned = Instantiate(player, aStarGrid.grid[x, y].worldPosition, Quaternion.identity); } } } } } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { base.OnInspectorGUI(); CellularAutomata Automata = (CellularAutomata)target; if (GUILayout.Button("Generate Room")) { Automata.GenerateRoom(); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Restart")) { Automata.FillRandom(); Automata.DrawRoom(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Iterate")) { Automata.Iterate(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Change States")) { Automata.ChangeStates(); Automata.DrawRoom(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
public T CreateMap() { var cave = CellularAutomata.GenerateCaves(_width, _height, _density); var regionMap = MapFeatureDetector.GetRegions(cave); // Pick a random room to start and dig a tunnel to a random other room. // Go from there to another random room until all are connected. var roomCenters = GetRoomCenters(regionMap).ToList(); var startPoint = roomCenters[random.Next(roomCenters.Count)]; roomCenters.Remove(startPoint); while (roomCenters.Count > 0) { var nextPoint = roomCenters[random.Next(roomCenters.Count)]; roomCenters.Remove(nextPoint); cave = CreatePath(cave, startPoint.X, startPoint.Y, nextPoint.X, nextPoint.Y); startPoint = nextPoint; } var map = new RogueSharp.Map(_width, _height); foreach (var cell in map.GetAllCells()) { var open = cave[cell.X, cell.Y] == 0; map.SetCellProperties(cell.X, cell.Y, isTransparent: open, isWalkable: open, false); } return((T)(object)map); }
void inizializeLandscapeMatrix() { for (int j = 0; j < lenght; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < heights[j]; i++) { landscape[i + LAND_START_Y, j] = GROUND; } } for (int j = 0; j < lenght; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < caveDownHeights[j]; i++) { landscape[i, j] = GROUND; } } for (int j = 0; j < lenght; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < caveUpHeights[j]; i++) { landscape[CAVE_START_Y - i, j] = GROUND; } } CellularAutomata generator = new CellularAutomata(); int[,] caveSystem = generator.getMatrix(); for (int i = 0; i < LAND_START_Y - CAVE_START_Y; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < lenght; j++) { landscape[i + CAVE_START_Y, j] = caveSystem[i, j]; } } }
private void ImportBitmap_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { RectangleCanvas.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; currRange = new Range(); currRange = InitStructures.InitCellularAutomata(properties); SetProperties(); OpenFileDialog openfiledialog = new OpenFileDialog(); openfiledialog.Title = "Open Image"; openfiledialog.Filter = "Image File|*.bmp; *.gif; *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.png;"; if (openfiledialog.ShowDialog() == true) { Image.Source = Converters.BitmapToImageSource(new Bitmap(openfiledialog.FileName)); currRange.StructureBitmap = new Bitmap(openfiledialog.FileName); CellularAutomata.UpdateGrainsArray(currRange); for (int i = 0; i < currRange.Width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < currRange.Height; j++) { currRange.StructureBitmap.SetPixel(i, j, currRange.GrainsArray[i, j].Color); } } } dispatcher.Stop(); Clear_Selected_Grains_Click(sender, e); SetEnableSubStrAndBoundCheckBoxs(); }
private void GetRandomMap() { // Dont run another mesh if another render is still running renderDone = false; // Map dimensions width = mapDimensions.width; height = mapDimensions.height; // ProcGen settings fillPercent = proceduralGeneration.randomFill; resolution = proceduralGeneration.resolution; smoothingPasses = proceduralGeneration.smoothing; seed = proceduralGeneration.seed; useRandom = proceduralGeneration.randomSeed; threadCount = proceduralGeneration.threads; // Inversely proportional to resolution; same size but more complex meshes squareSize = 1 / (float)resolution; // Generates random 2d array of booleans randomMap = new CellularAutomata(fillPercent, resolution, smoothingPasses, width, height, seed, useRandom); map = randomMap.GenerateMap(); // Creates contoured mesh from bool array meshGenerator = new ThreadedContourMesh(RecieveMeshData, threadCount, map, squareSize, meshSettings.drawContours, meshSettings.drawSimple, meshSettings.uniqueVertcies); meshGenerator.StartThreads(); }
private void Clear_Content_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { CellularAutomata.UpdateBitmap(boundaries.ClearBoundaries); currRange = boundaries.ClearBoundaries; Image.Source = Converters.BitmapToImageSource(currRange.StructureBitmap); Clear_Selected_Grains_Click(sender, e); }
public void Apply(GeneratorParameter param, Tile[,] tiles) { if (param.forestSize <= 0f) { return; } float paramValue = 1 - param.forestSize; int perc = (int)(BLOCKING_PERC_MIN + (BLOCKING_PERC_MAX - BLOCKING_PERC_MIN) * paramValue); bool[,] automata = CellularAutomata.Generate(param.size, SMOOTH_ITERATIONS, perc, true, random.Next()); for (int x = 0; x < param.size.X; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < param.size.Y; y++) { Tile t = tiles[x, y]; if (!automata[x, y] && t.type == TileType.Nothing) { t.type = TileType.Forest; t.onTopIndex = param.tileset.GetRandomIndex(TileType.Forest, random); } } } }
public void AddTile(Coordinates tileCoords) { try { if (mapData.cellMap[tileCoords.X, tileCoords.Y] == 1 || chunkTiles[tileCoords.X, tileCoords.Y] != null) { return; } } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e); } mapData.cellMap[tileCoords.X, tileCoords.Y] = 1; mapData.groundMap = CellularAutomata.GenerateGroundMap(mapData.cellMap); mapData.airMap = CellularAutomata.GenerateCaveMap(mapData.cellMap); chunkTiles[tileCoords.X, tileCoords.Y] = CreateTile(tileCoords); if (gizmo) { debugGameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.mainTexture = TextureGenerator.GenerateTexture(mapData.cellMap, mapData.groundMap, mapData.airMap, mapData.waterMap); } Collider2D tempCollider = chunkTiles[tileCoords.X, tileCoords.Y].GetComponent <EdgeCollider2D>(); if (tempCollider != null) { chunkTiles[tileCoords.X, tileCoords.Y].GetComponent <EdgeCollider2D>().enabled = true; chunkTiles[tileCoords.X, tileCoords.Y].GetComponent <PlatformEffector2D>().enabled = true; } IterateTileToUpdate(tileCoords); }
public static Dictionary <GridPosition, MazeNode> Create(ECAVariant Variant, GridPosition Origin, int Width, int Height) { CellularAutomata Generator = new CellularAutomata(Variant, Origin, Width, Height); Generator.BuildMaze(); return(Generator.m_NodeList); }
public static void Main(String[] args) { CellularAutomata automata = new CellularAutomata(this.size); automata.RandomSeed = this.LevelSeed; automata.InitializeMap(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) automata.DoStep(); }
void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.B)) { CreatePlanet(); CellularAutomata.IterateHexaSphere(ref hexaSphere, birth, death, iterationCount); } }
private void CreateStones(GeneratorParameter param, Tile[,] tiles) { float[,] heatMap = CreateStoneHeatMap(param.size, tiles); List <Room> rooms = null; while (rooms == null || rooms.Count < MIN_RES_ROOMS) { int block = (int)(BLOCKING_PERC - BLOCKING_PERC_DELTA / 2 + ((1 - param.resourceSize) * BLOCKING_PERC_DELTA)); bool[,] automata = CellularAutomata.Generate(param.size, SMOOTH_ITERATIONS, block, false, random.Next()); for (int y = 0; y < param.size.Y; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < param.size.X; x++) { if (automata[x, y] || heatMap[x, y] < 0.5f || !tiles[x, y].AllHeightsAreSame()) { automata[x, y] = true; } } } rooms = GeneratorHelper.GetCellularAutomataAsRooms(automata); } rooms.Shuffle(random); int coalIndex = (int)(STONE_PERCENTAGE * rooms.Count); int oreIndex = (int)((STONE_PERCENTAGE + COAL_PERCENTAGE) * rooms.Count); int oilIndex = (int)((STONE_PERCENTAGE + COAL_PERCENTAGE + ORE_PERCENTAGE) * rooms.Count); for (int i = 0; i < rooms.Count; ++i) { TileType res = TileType.Stone; if (i >= oilIndex) { res = TileType.Oil; } else if (i >= oreIndex) { res = TileType.Ore; } else if (i >= coalIndex) { res = TileType.Coal; } foreach (Point p in rooms[i].Tiles) { if (tiles[p.X, p.Y].type == TileType.Nothing) { tiles[p.X, p.Y].type = res; tiles[p.X, p.Y].onTopIndex = param.tileset.GetRandomIndex(res); } } } }
public static int[,] CreateCAMap(int mapSize, MapInfo mapInfo) { PseudoRandom rnd = mapInfo.GetSeededPsuedoRnd (); CellularAutomata ca = new CellularAutomata(); int[,] start = ca.InitialiseMap (0.4f, mapSize, rnd); int[,] map = ca.CreateCellularAutomataFromMap (start, rnd); map = MapEdges.CreateSurrounding (map, mapInfo); return map; }
public override void ApplyModification(CellularAutomata automata) { if (_colours.Length == automata.Colours.Length) { _colours.CopyTo(automata.Colours, 0); } else { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(_colours), _colours, "New colours array should have contained " + automata.Colours.Length + " colours"); } }
public override void ApplyModification(CellularAutomata automata) { if (_colourPosition < automata.Colours.Length) { automata.Colours[_colourPosition] = _colour; } else { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(_colourPosition), _colourPosition, "Colour at position " + _colourPosition + " does not exist"); } }
public void Setup(ViewData viewData) { if (ca != null) { return; } view = viewData; ca = new CellularAutomataDefault(view.width, view.height); mapWeights = new int[view.width, view.height]; }
/// <summary> /// initialize the Cellular Automata /// </summary> private void InitiateCellularAutomata() { _CellularAutomata = new List <CellularAutomata <LangtonsAnt> >(); for (short z = 0; z < NumberOfGrids; z++) { CellularAutomata <LangtonsAnt> _CA = new CellularAutomata <LangtonsAnt>(new CircularArray2D <bool>(CellValues[z])); _CellularAutomata.Add(_CA); } CurrentColumn = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Generates the DungeonLevel and writes it to the map 2d array /// </summary> private void GenerateDungeon() { DungeonMst dungeonMst = new DungeonMst(); RoomGenerator roomGenerator = new RoomGenerator(); rooms = roomGenerator.GenerateRooms( DungeonLevel.InitialRoomDensity, DungeonLevel.Width, DungeonLevel.Height, new Vector2Int(DungeonLevel.MinRoomHeight, DungeonLevel.MaxRoomHeight), new Vector2Int(DungeonLevel.MinRoomWidth, DungeonLevel.MaxRoomWidth) ); links = dungeonMst.GetDungeonMap(rooms.Keys.ToList(), DungeonLevel.RoomConnectedness); LinksIntoHallways(); dungeonExits = dungeonMst.dungeonExits; // Adds hubs foreach (var room in rooms.Values) { WriteRoomToMap(room); } foreach (var edge in hallways) { WriteEdgeToMap(edge); } CellularAutomata caveGen = new CellularAutomata(DungeonLevel); List <List <Vector2Int> > caveRooms = caveGen.Generate(); foreach (var caveRoom in caveRooms) { foreach (var tile in caveRoom) { map[tile.x, tile.y] = Tiles.caveTile; } } // Place the physical objects into the world PlaceExits(); AddFloorsAndWalls(); PlaceDoors(); foreach (WeightedGeneratedStructure type in DungeonLevel.generatedStructures) { PlaceGeneratedStructures(type.structure, type.amountPerLevel); } PlaceObjects(PlaceChest, DungeonLevel.ChestsPerLevel); PlaceObjects(PlaceDecorObjects, DungeonLevel.FreeStandingDecorationCount); PlaceObjects(PlaceEnemy, DungeonLevel.EnemiesPerLevel); PlaceObjects(PlaceDestrucibleObjects, DungeonLevel.DestructibleObjectCount); }
private void Previous_Structure_Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { prevRange = new Range(); prevRange = InitStructures.InitCellularAutomata(properties); CellularAutomata.UpdateBitmap(currRange); prevRange.StructureBitmap = currRange.StructureBitmap; CellularAutomata.UpdateGrainsArray(prevRange); CellularAutomata.UpdateBitmap(prevRange); prevRange = nucleons.EnergyDistributor(currRange, nucleons); CellularAutomata.UpdateBitmap(currRange); Image.Source = Converters.BitmapToImageSource(currRange.StructureBitmap); }
private void Energy_Vizualization_Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { currRange = new Range(); currRange = InitStructures.InitCellularAutomata(properties); CellularAutomata.UpdateBitmap(prevRange); currRange.StructureBitmap = prevRange.StructureBitmap; CellularAutomata.UpdateGrainsArray(currRange); CellularAutomata.UpdateBitmap(currRange); nucleons.EnergyDistributor(prevRange, nucleons); nucleons.EnergyVisualization(ref prevRange, nucleons); CellularAutomata.UpdateBitmap(prevRange); Image.Source = Converters.BitmapToImageSource(prevRange.StructureBitmap); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { cellsWithin = GameObject.Find("Space"); //The "Space" object has a "Volume" component and a "CellularAutomata" component cellularAutomata = cellsWithin.GetComponent <CellularAutomata>(); for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++) { //Lets spawn a bunch of random cells in a 23x23x23 volume. var randX = Random.RandomRange(0, 23); var randY = Random.RandomRange(0, 23); var randZ = Random.RandomRange(0, 23); AddCell(new Vector3(randX, randY, randZ)); } return; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { //Service locator needs to know about this object. ServiceLocator.Provide(this); tree = new Quadtree(new Rect(0, 0, Width, Height)); generator = new CellularAutomata(Width, Height); GenerateLevel(); if (DEBUGCAMERA) { Camera.main.gameObject.SetActive(false); GameObject.Instantiate(DebugCamera, new Vector3(0, 1, -10), transform.rotation); } }
public void EvaluateFitness() { //DebugLogPopulation(); //testPop = new List<Chromossome>(); /** * for (int i = 0; i < population.Count; i++) * { * testPop.Add(population[i]); * } * /**/ for (int i = 0; i < population.Count; i++) { float __tempFitness = 0; Chromossome __tempChromossome = population[i]; int[][] __simulatedMap = CellularAutomata.SimulateMap(__tempChromossome.GetMap(), 5); __simulatedMap = CellularAutomata.FillExclaves(__simulatedMap); //by doing this we end up having only the largest cave area //first we calculate the fitness from Fill Ratio float __fill = CellularAutomata.GetFilledPercentage(__simulatedMap); __tempFitness += (1 - (Mathf.Abs(fillTarget - __fill))) * fitnessBaseValue; //now we calculate the fitness based on points for (int j = 0; j < fitnessPoints.Length; j++) { if (__simulatedMap[(int)fitnessPoints[j].y][(int)fitnessPoints[j].x] == 0) { __tempFitness += fitnessBaseValue * fitnessPointsWeight; } } = __tempFitness; population[i] = __tempChromossome; } /** * for (int i = 0; i < population.Count; i++) * { * Debug.Log(testPop[i] == population[i]); * } * /**/ //DebugLogPopulation(); }
public static void printMap(CellularAutomata automata) { #if UNITY int maxX = automata.size.x, maxY = automata.size.y; #else int maxX = automata.length, maxY = automata.width; #endif for (int x = 0; x < maxX; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < maxY - 1; y++) { Console.Write(Convert.ToString([x,y]) + ", "); } Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToString([x, maxY - 1])); } Console.WriteLine(); }
private void Start() { //The "Space" object has a "Volume" component and a "CellularAutomata" component _cellsWithin = GameObject.Find("Space"); _cellularAutomata = _cellsWithin.GetComponent <CellularAutomata>(); System.Random rand = new System.Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++) { // Spawns a bunch of random cells in a 23x23x23 volume. int randX = rand.Next(0, 23); int randY = rand.Next(0, 23); int randZ = rand.Next(0, 23); AddCell(new Vector3(randX, randY, randZ)); } }
public void RemoveTile(Tile tile) { Coordinates tileCoords = tile.Coords; chunkTiles[tileCoords.X, tileCoords.Y] = null; mapData.cellMap[tileCoords.X, tileCoords.Y] = 0; mapData.groundMap = CellularAutomata.GenerateGroundMap(mapData.cellMap); mapData.airMap = CellularAutomata.GenerateCaveMap(mapData.cellMap); if (gizmo) { debugGameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.mainTexture = TextureGenerator.GenerateTexture(mapData.cellMap, mapData.groundMap, mapData.airMap, mapData.waterMap); } chunkColliders.Remove(tile.gameObject.GetComponent <EdgeCollider2D>()); GameObject.Destroy(tile.gameObject); IterateTileToUpdate(tileCoords); }
private void AddInclusionsButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { SetProperties(); currRange.IsFull = true; if (inclusions.IsEnable && (inclusions.CreationTime == InclusionsCreationTime.After)) { CellularAutomata.UpdateGrainsArray(currRange); currRange = inclusions.AddInclusionsAfter(currRange); CellularAutomata.UpdateBitmap(currRange); prevRange = currRange; Image.Source = Converters.BitmapToImageSource(currRange.StructureBitmap); } } catch (Exception) { } }
void Start() { bool[,] map = CellularAutomata.Generate(cellularAutomataArgs); Tilemap tilemap = FindObjectOfType <Tilemap>(); for (int x = 0; x < map.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < map.GetLength(1); y++) { if (map[x, y]) { Vector2Int pos = new Vector2Int( x - cellularAutomataArgs.width / 2, y - cellularAutomataArgs.height / 2); tilemap.Instantiate(floorTile, pos); } } } }
void CreateCAMap() { PseudoRandom rnd = new PseudoRandom(seedX, seedY, seedZ); CellularAutomata ca = new CellularAutomata(); int[,] start = ca.InitialiseMap (0.4f, mapSize, rnd); map = ca.CreateCellularAutomataFromMap (start, rnd); map = MapEdges.CreateSurrounding (map, seedX, seedY, seedZ); CreateMap (map); toggle = true; }
void CreateGraphCAMap() { Graph grph = Graph.CreateGraphMaxSize(1000, 40); DisplayGraph (grph); PseudoRandom rnd = new PseudoRandom(seedX, seedY, seedZ); CellularAutomata ca = new CellularAutomata(); GraphGenCA grCa = new GraphGenCA (grph, rnd, 0.385f); int[,] start = grCa.CreateInitalMapFromGraph (grph, 16, 4); map = ca.CreateBasicCellularAutomataFromMap (start, rnd); mainCam.transform.position = new Vector3 ((map.GetLength(1)+3)/2, (map.GetLength(0)+3)/2, -10 ); mainCam.orthographicSize = 90f; CreateMap (map); toggle = true; }