public async Task MovePlayer(Cell newCell)
            var player = await GameInstance.GetPlayerInstance();

            var currentCell = player.Cells.Single(c => c.PlayerPresence == true);

            currentCell.PlayerPresence = false;
            await cellsAccessLayer.UpdateAsync(currentCell);

            newCell.PlayerPresence = true;
            await cellsAccessLayer.UpdateAsync(newCell);

            Console.WriteLine($"newCellPlayer.posX:  {newCell.PosX}");
            Console.WriteLine($"newCellPlayer.posY:  {newCell.PosY}");
            Console.WriteLine($"You are on a :  {newCell.Description}");
Exemple #2
        // Set the current cell id of the player randomly
        private async Task SpawnPlayer(Player player, Cell[] map)
            Cell lastCell  = map.Last();
            int  widthMap  = lastCell.PosX; // Get width map
            int  heightMap = lastCell.PosY; // Get height map
            int  randomPositionOnWidthAxis;
            int  randomPositionOnHeightAxis;

            Random random = new Random();

            if (widthMap == 0)
                randomPositionOnWidthAxis = random.Next(0, widthMap + 1);
                randomPositionOnWidthAxis = random.Next(0, widthMap - 1);

            if (heightMap == 0)
                randomPositionOnHeightAxis = random.Next(0, heightMap + 1);
                randomPositionOnHeightAxis = random.Next(0, heightMap - 1);

            // Create a cell for the player to spawn
            int index = map.ToList().FindIndex(c => c.PosX == randomPositionOnWidthAxis && c.PosY == randomPositionOnHeightAxis);

            // Ensure that the cell is not a wall
            map[index].Description    = CellsEnum.SPAWN.ToString();
            map[index].CanMoveTo      = true;
            map[index].PlayerPresence = true;

            await cellsAccessLayer.UpdateAsync(map[index]);

            var updatedPlayer = await GameInstance.GetPlayerInstance();