Exemple #1
        private void gridViewWaste_BeforeEnterEditMode(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
            //   Use the BeforeEnterEditMode event to position the edit controls
            UltraGridCell objCell = this.gridViewWaste.ActiveCell;

            //   This should be impossible, but its good practice to check
            //   to make sure there is an active cell before continuing
            if (objCell == null)
            //   Get the UIElement associated with the active cell, which we will
            //   need so we can get the size and location of the cell
            if (objCell.IsDataCell)
                CellUIElement objCellUIElement = (CellUIElement)objCell.GetUIElement(this.gridViewWaste.ActiveRowScrollRegion, this.gridViewWaste.ActiveColScrollRegion);
                if (objCellUIElement == null)
                //   Get the size and location of the cell
                int left   = objCellUIElement.RectInsideBorders.Location.X + this.gridViewWaste.Location.X;
                int top    = objCellUIElement.RectInsideBorders.Location.Y + this.gridViewWaste.Location.Y;
                int width  = objCellUIElement.RectInsideBorders.Width;
                int height = objCellUIElement.RectInsideBorders.Height;
                //   The edit control we will use depends on which column we are editing
                //   The values of the identity fields are not very useful to the end user.
                //   Let's display the name in these columns instead,
                //   using the intrisic ComboBox control
                if (objCell.Column.Key == "FoodTypeID")
                     * //   Set the combobox's size and location equal to the active cell's size and location
                     * this.cboFoodName.SetBounds(left, top, width, height);
                     * //   Using the cell's value, select the appropriate item in the combobox
                     * this.cboFoodName.SelectedValue = objCell.Value;
                     * //   Show the combobox control over the cell, and give it focus
                     * cboFoodName.Visible = true;
                     * cboFoodName.Focus();
                     * cboFoodName.BringToFront();
                     * //   Set the Cancel parameter to true so we don't actually go into edit mode
                     * //e.Cancel = true; */
                if (objCell.Column.Key == "Timestamp")
                    //   Set the date picker's size and location equal to the active cell's size and location
                    this.dtpStamp.SetBounds(left, top, dtpStamp.Width, dtpStamp.Height);
                    //   Set the value
                    DateTime temp = DateTime.Parse(objCell.Value.ToString());
                    this.dtpStamp.Value   = temp;
                    this.dtpStamp.Visible = true;
                    //   Set the Cancel parameter to true so we don't actually go into edit mode
                    //e.Cancel = true;
        private void ultraGrid1_BeforeEnterEditMode(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
            //   Use the BeforeEnterEditMode event to position the edit controls
            UltraGridCell objCell = this.ultraGrid1.ActiveCell;

            //   This should be impossible, but its good practice to check
            //   to make sure there is an active cell before continuing
            if (objCell == null)
            //   Get the UIElement associated with the active cell, which we will
            //   need so we can get the size and location of the cell
            if (objCell.IsDataCell)
                CellUIElement objCellUIElement = (CellUIElement)objCell.GetUIElement(this.ultraGrid1.ActiveRowScrollRegion, this.ultraGrid1.ActiveColScrollRegion);
                if (objCellUIElement == null)
                //   Get the size and location of the cell
                int left   = objCellUIElement.RectInsideBorders.Location.X + this.ultraGrid1.Location.X;
                int top    = objCellUIElement.RectInsideBorders.Location.Y + this.ultraGrid1.Location.Y;
                int width  = objCellUIElement.RectInsideBorders.Width;
                int height = objCellUIElement.RectInsideBorders.Height;
                //   The edit control we will use depends on which column we are editing
                //   The values of the identity fields are not very useful to the end user.
                //   Let's display the name in these columns instead,
                //   using the intrisic ComboBox control
                if (Regex.IsMatch(objCell.Column.Key, "TypeID"))
                    //   Set the date picker's size and location equal to the active cell's size and location
                    this.ucTreeView1.SetBounds(left, top, ucTreeView1.Width, ucTreeView1.Height);
                    //   Set the value
                                                  Regex.Replace(objCell.Column.Key, "TypeID", ""),
                else if (objCell.Column.Key == "FoodCostDiscount")
                    decimal value = cellValue(objCell.Value.ToString());
                    if (value != 0)
                        objCell.Value = value * 100m;
    DrawPhase IUIElementDrawFilter.GetPhasesToFilter(ref UIElementDrawParams drawParams)
        UIElement element = drawParams.Element;

        // Look for an ImageUIElement
        if (element is ImageUIElement)
            // Presumably, we only want to this images in cells
            // and not every image in the entire grid, so make sure it's in a cell.
            CellUIElement cellElement = element.GetAncestor(typeof(CellUIElement)) as CellUIElement;
            if (null != cellElement)
                // We could also limit this to a particular column or columns.
                switch (cellElement.Cell.Column.Key)
                case "Image":
Exemple #4
        public bool DrawElement(DrawPhase drawPhase, ref UIElementDrawParams drawParams)
            if (drawParams.Element is EmbeddableUIElementBase)
                CellUIElement oCellUIElement = (CellUIElement)drawParams.Element.GetAncestor(typeof(CellUIElement));
                UltraGridCell oCell          = oCellUIElement.Cell;

                if (oCell == null || oCell.Column.Key.ToLower() != "percent")

                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();

                if (oCell.Value == null)

                int nCellWidth = drawParams.Element.RectInsideBorders.Width;

                int   cellValue = Convert.ToInt32(oCell.Value);
                float percent   = (float)(cellValue);
                percent = percent / (float)100;

                int nFillWidth = (int)(nCellWidth * percent);

                rect = new Rectangle(drawParams.Element.RectInsideBorders.X,

                if (drawParams.DrawPhase == Infragistics.Win.DrawPhase.AfterDrawBackColor)
                    Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.DarkOrange);
                    drawParams.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, rect);

                    Font   font         = drawParams.Font;//new Font("Arial", 9);
                    string text         = oCell.Value.ToString() + "%";
                    int    nStringWidth = (int)drawParams.Graphics.MeasureString(text, font).Width;

                    int left = oCellUIElement.RectInsideBorders.X + oCellUIElement.RectInsideBorders.Width / 2;
                    left = left - nStringWidth / 2;
                    int top = oCellUIElement.RectInsideBorders.Y;

                    // If the text is going to be drawn over the flood filled area then make sure
                    // the color is different from the flood color otherwise it won't show up.
                    if (left < rect.Right)
                        brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
                    Brush brushFont = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
                    drawParams.Graphics.DrawString(text, font, brushFont, left, top);

