private List <Line> CrossLines(double d)
            var lines = new List <Line>();
            var nodes = new List <Point3d>();

            // Generate nodes
            CellTools.MakeCornerNodes(ref nodes, d);
            // Generate struts
            foreach (int i in (new int[2] {
                5, 7
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[0], nodes[i]));
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[2], nodes[i]));
            foreach (int i in (new int[2] {
                4, 6
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[1], nodes[i]));
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[3], nodes[i]));
            foreach (int i in (new int[4] {
                0, 1, 4, 5
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[i], nodes[i + 2]));

        private List <Line> GridLines(double d)
            var lines = new List <Line>();
            var nodes = new List <Point3d>();

            // Generate nodes
            CellTools.MakeCornerNodes(ref nodes, d);
            // Generate struts
            foreach (int i in (new int[3] {
                1, 3, 4
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[0], nodes[i]));
            foreach (int i in (new int[3] {
                1, 3, 6
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[2], nodes[i]));
            foreach (int i in (new int[3] {
                1, 4, 6
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[5], nodes[i]));
            foreach (int i in (new int[3] {
                3, 4, 6
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[7], nodes[i]));

        private List <Line> OctetLines(double d)
            var lines = new List <Line>();
            var nodes = new List <Point3d>();

            // Generate nodes
            CellTools.MakeCornerNodes(ref nodes, d);
            nodes.Add(new Point3d(d, d / 2, d / 2));
            nodes.Add(new Point3d(d / 2, d, d / 2));
            nodes.Add(new Point3d(0, d / 2, d / 2));
            nodes.Add(new Point3d(d / 2, 0, d / 2));
            nodes.Add(new Point3d(d / 2, d / 2, 0));
            nodes.Add(new Point3d(d / 2, d / 2, d));
            // Generate struts
            foreach (int i in new int[8] {
                0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[12], nodes[i]));
            foreach (int i in new int[8] {
                4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[13], nodes[i]));
            foreach (int i in new int[4] {
                0, 3, 4, 7
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[10], nodes[i]));
            foreach (int i in new int[6] {
                2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[9], nodes[i]));
            foreach (int i in new int[4] {
                1, 2, 5, 6
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[8], nodes[i]));
            foreach (int i in new int[6] {
                0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 10
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[11], nodes[i]));

        private List <Line> TesseractLines(double d)
            var lines = new List <Line>();
            var nodes = new List <Point3d>();

            // Generate nodes
            CellTools.MakeCornerNodes(ref nodes, d);
            nodes.Add(new Point3d(d / 4, d / 4, d / 4));
            nodes.Add(new Point3d(3 * d / 4, d / 4, d / 4));
            nodes.Add(new Point3d(3 * d / 4, 3 * d / 4, d / 4));
            nodes.Add(new Point3d(d / 4, 3 * d / 4, d / 4));
            nodes.Add(new Point3d(d / 4, d / 4, 3 * d / 4));
            nodes.Add(new Point3d(3 * d / 4, d / 4, 3 * d / 4));
            nodes.Add(new Point3d(3 * d / 4, 3 * d / 4, 3 * d / 4));
            nodes.Add(new Point3d(d / 4, 3 * d / 4, 3 * d / 4));
            // Generate struts
            foreach (int i in (new int[3] {
                1, 3, 4
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[0], nodes[i]));
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[8], nodes[i + 8]));
            foreach (int i in (new int[3] {
                1, 3, 6
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[2], nodes[i]));
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[10], nodes[i + 8]));
            foreach (int i in (new int[3] {
                1, 4, 6
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[5], nodes[i]));
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[13], nodes[i + 8]));
            foreach (int i in (new int[3] {
                3, 4, 6
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[7], nodes[i]));
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[15], nodes[i + 8]));
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                lines.Add(new Line(nodes[i], nodes[i + 8]));

        private List <Line> XLines(double d)
            var lines = new List <Line>();
            var nodes = new List <Point3d>();

            // Generate nodes
            CellTools.MakeCornerNodes(ref nodes, d);
            // Generate struts
            lines.Add(new Line(nodes[0], nodes[6]));
            lines.Add(new Line(nodes[1], nodes[7]));
            lines.Add(new Line(nodes[3], nodes[5]));
            lines.Add(new Line(nodes[2], nodes[4]));

        /// <summary>
        /// Formats the line input into the UnitCell object. It converts the list of lines into
        /// a list of unique nodes and unique node pairs, ignoring duplicates.
        /// </summary>
        private void ExtractTopology(List <Line> lines)
            double tol = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance;

            CellTools.FixIntersections(ref lines);

            // Iterate through list of lines
            foreach (Line line in lines)
                // Get line, and it's endpoints
                Point3d[]  pts         = new Point3d[] { line.From, line.To };
                List <int> nodeIndices = new List <int>();

                // Loop over end points, being sure to not create the same node twice
                foreach (Point3d pt in pts)
                    int closestIndex = this.Nodes.ClosestIndex(pt);  // find closest node to current pt
                    // If node already exists
                    if (this.Nodes.Count != 0 && this.Nodes[closestIndex].EpsilonEquals(pt, tol))
                    // If it doesn't exist, add it
                        nodeIndices.Add(this.Nodes.Count - 1);

                IndexPair nodePair = new IndexPair(nodeIndices[0], nodeIndices[1]);
                // If not duplicate strut, save it
                if (this.NodePairs.Count == 0 || !NodePairs.Contains(nodePair))