Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a cell selection from A1 reference
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cells">The cells collection</param>
        /// <param name="cellRangeRef">An A1 reference designating a rectangular area, e.g. "A1:B5"</param>
        /// <returns>A cell selection matching the referenced area</returns>
        public static CellSelection GetCellSelection(this Cells cells, string cellRangeRef)
            var cellNames = cellRangeRef.Split(':');
            int row;
            int column;
            CellRange cellRange;

            if (cellNames.Length == 1)
                NameConverter.ConvertCellNameToIndex(cellRangeRef, out row, out column);
                CellIndex index = new CellIndex(row, column);
                cellRange = new CellRange(index, index);
                int row1 = 0;
                int column1 = 0;
                bool isRowAbsolute;
                bool isColumnAbsolute;
                bool isRowAbsolute1;
                bool isColumnAbsolute1;

                NameConverter.ConvertCellNameToIndex(cellNames[0], out isRowAbsolute, out row, out isColumnAbsolute, out column);
                NameConverter.ConvertCellNameToIndex(cellNames[1], out isRowAbsolute1, out row1, out isColumnAbsolute1, out column1);

                cellRange = new CellRange(new CellIndex(row, column), new CellIndex(row1, column1));

            return cells[cellRange];
 public void DoCheckOperation(Parse expectedValue, CellRange cells)
Exemple #3
        public virtual FrameworkElement CreateCell(DataGrid grid, CellType cellType, CellRange rng)
            // cell border
            var bdr = CreateCellBorder(grid, cellType, rng);

            // bottom right cells have no content
            if (!rng.IsValid)
                return bdr;

            // bind/customize cell by type
            switch (cellType)
                case CellType.Cell:
                    CreateCellContent(grid, bdr, rng);

                case CellType.ColumnHeader:
                    CreateColumnHeaderContent(grid, bdr, rng);

            // done
            return bdr;
 public void DoCheckOperation(Parse expectedValue, CellRange cells)
                                 new CellRange(MethodCells(cells)),
                                 new CellRange(ParameterCells(cells)),
        public MainPage()

            Workbook workbook = this.LoadWorkbook();
            this.radSpreadsheet.Workbook = workbook;

            this.DocumentTableCellRange = new CellRange(2, 0, 48, 5);
 private void gridDesktop1_SelectedCellRangeChanged(object sender, Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop.CellRangeEventArgs e)
     // Checking if the range of cells is not empty
     if ((e.CellRange.EndColumn - e.CellRange.StartColumn > 0) ||
                           (e.CellRange.EndRow - e.CellRange.StartRow > 0))
         // Assigning the updated CellRange to global variable
         range = e.CellRange;
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // ExStart:MergeCells
            // Accessing the worksheet of the Grid that is currently active
            Worksheet sheet = gridDesktop1.GetActiveWorksheet();

            // Creating a CellRange object starting from "B4" to "C6"
            CellRange range = new CellRange("B4", "C6");

            // Merging a range of cells
            // ExEnd:MergeCells
Exemple #8
 private static string RangeToFormula(CellRange range, Worksheet activeSheet)
     string sheetName = activeSheet.Name + "!";
     if (range.RowCount == 1 && range.ColumnCount == 1)
         CalcCellExpression exp = new CalcCellExpression(range.Row, range.Column, true, true);
         return sheetName + ((ICalcEvaluator)activeSheet).Expression2Formula(exp, 0, 0);
         CalcRangeExpression exp = CreateRangeExpressionByCount(
             range.Row, range.Column, range.RowCount, range.ColumnCount,
             true, true, true, true);
         return sheetName + ((ICalcEvaluator)activeSheet).Expression2Formula(exp, 0, 0);
Exemple #9
        public virtual Border CreateCellBorder(DataGrid grid, CellType cellType, CellRange rng)
            var bdr = new Border();
            switch (cellType)
                // scrollable cells
                case CellType.Cell:
                    var row = grid.Rows[rng.Row];

                    // apply data context to border
                    bdr.DataContext = row.DataItem;

                    // apply cell background
                    var even = grid.Rows[rng.Row].VisibleIndex % 2 == 0;
                    bdr.Background = even || rng.RowSpan > 1 || grid.AlternatingRowBackground == null
                        ? grid.RowBackground
                        : grid.AlternatingRowBackground;

                    // apply borders/padding
                    bdr.BorderThickness = GetBorderThickness(grid, rng);
                    bdr.BorderBrush = grid.GridLinesBrush;
                    bdr.Padding = GetCellPadding(grid, grid.Cells, rng);

                case CellType.ColumnHeader:
                    bdr.BorderThickness = GetColumnHeaderBorderThickness(grid);
                    bdr.BorderBrush = grid.HeaderGridLinesBrush;
                    bdr.Padding = GetCellPadding(grid, grid.ColumnHeaders, rng);

                    // apply background
                    bdr.Background = grid.ColumnHeaderBackground;

            // don't ever use null brushes for background
            if (bdr.Background == null)
                bdr.Background = _brTransparent;

            bdr.Language = grid.Language;

            // done
            return bdr;
Exemple #10
 public override void CreateCellContent(C1FlexGrid grid, Border bdr, CellRange rng)
     var tableLink = grid[rng.Row, rng.Column] as TableLink;
     if (tableLink != null)
         var btn = new HyperlinkButton();
         btn.Tag = tableLink;
         btn.Content = tableLink.Href;
         btn.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
         btn.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
         btn.Click += btn_Click;
         bdr.Child = btn;
         base.CreateCellContent(grid, bdr, rng);
        private void FormattingCellRange_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // ExStart:1
            // Accessing the worksheet of the Grid that is currently active
            Worksheet sheet = gridDesktop1.GetActiveWorksheet();

            // Setting sample values
            GridCell cell = sheet.Cells["b7"];
            cell = sheet.Cells["c7"];
            cell = sheet.Cells["d7"];
            cell = sheet.Cells["e7"];

            // Creating a CellRange object starting from "B7" to "E7"
            CellRange range = new CellRange(6, 1, 6, 4);

            // Accessing and setting Style attributes
            Style style = new Style(this.gridDesktop1);
            style.Color = Color.Yellow;

            // Applying Style object on the range of cells
            sheet.SetStyle(range, style);

            // Creating a customized Font object
            Font font = new Font("Courier New", 12f);

            // Setting the font of range of cells to the customized Font object
            sheet.SetFont(range, font);

            // Setting the font color of range of cells to Red
            sheet.SetFontColor(range, Color.Red);
            // ExEnd:1
 protected abstract IEnumerable<Parse> ParameterCells(CellRange theCells);
 public override void DoRows(Parse rows)
     memberNameCells = new CellRange(rows.Parts);
     rowWidth = rows.Parts.Size;
     valueCells = new ValueArray(RepeatString);
Exemple #14
 protected override IEnumerable<Parse> ParameterCells(CellRange theCells)
     return theCells.Cells.Skip(1).Alternate();
Exemple #15
        private string GetStringValue(CellRange excelRow, int position)
            string value = null;
            ExcelCell cell = excelRow[position];
            if (cell.Value != null)
                value = cell.Value.ToString();
                value = value.Trim();

            return value;
Exemple #16
 // заполнение помещений
 private void FillMaterial(Table table)
     int row = table.Rows.Count - 1;
      // Группировка по секциям
      var sections = _rooms.GroupBy(r => r.Ws.Section).OrderBy(s=>s.Key);
      foreach (var section in sections)
     table.InsertRows(row+1, 8, 1);
     _mCells = CellRange.Create(table, row, 0, row, Enum.GetValues(typeof(ColEnum)).Length - 1);
     table.Cells[row, 0].TextString = "Секция " + section.Key;
     // Группировка по квартирам
     var apartments = section.GroupBy(r => r.Owner).OrderBy(a=>a.Key);
     foreach (var apartment in apartments)
        int rowApartment = row;
        table.Cells[rowApartment, (int)ColEnum.Apartament].TextString = apartment.Key;
        // сортировка помещений в квартире по номерам
        var rooms = apartment.OrderBy(n => n.Number);
        foreach (var room in rooms)
           FillRoom(table,row, room);
           row = table.Rows.Count - 1;
        if (row-1 > rowApartment)
           _mCells = CellRange.Create(table, rowApartment, (int)ColEnum.Apartament, row-1, (int)ColEnum.Apartament);
Exemple #17
 Brush GetForegroundBrush(DataGrid grid, Row r, CellRange rng, Brush defBrush)
     var fore = grid.Foreground;
     // done
     return fore != null ? fore : defBrush;
Exemple #18
        void CreateCellContent(DataGrid grid, DataGridPanel panel, Border bdr, CellRange rng)
            // get row and column
            var r = panel.Rows[rng.Row];
            var c = panel.Columns[rng.Column];
            //var gr = r as GroupRow;

            // honor user templates (if the row has a backing data item)
            if (r.DataItem != null && c.CellTemplate != null && panel.CellType == CellType.Cell)
                bdr.Padding = GetTemplatePadding(bdr.Padding);
                bdr.Child = GetTemplatedCell(grid, c.CellTemplate);

            // get binding, unbound value for the cell
            var b = r.DataItem != null ? c.Binding : null;
            var ubVal = r.DataItem != null ? null : panel[rng.Row, rng.Column];

            // get foreground brush taking selected state into account
            var fore = GetForegroundBrush(grid, r, rng, grid.Foreground);

            // handle non-text types
            var type = c.DataType;
            TextBlock tb = null;
            CheckBox chk = null;
            if (// not a group, or hierarchical
                panel.CellType == CellType.Cell &&
                (type == typeof(bool) || type == typeof(bool?))) // and bool
                // Boolean cells: use CheckBox
                chk = new CheckBox();
                chk.IsThreeState = type == typeof(bool?);
                chk.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                chk.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
                chk.MinWidth = 32;

                chk.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
                chk.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch;
                chk.Margin = new Thickness(0, -10, 0, -10);

                chk.IsHitTestVisible = false;
                chk.IsTabStop = false;
                if (fore != null)
                    chk.Foreground = fore;

                bdr.Child = chk;
                if (b != null)
                    chk.SetBinding(CheckBox.IsCheckedProperty, b);
                    var value = ubVal as bool?;
                    chk.IsChecked = value;
                // use TextBlock for everything else (even empty cells)
                tb = new TextBlock();
                tb.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
                if (fore != null)
                    tb.Foreground = fore;
                bdr.Child = tb;

                // bound values
                if (b != null)
                    // apply binding
                    tb.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, b);
                else if (ubVal != null) // unbound values
                    // get column format from column and/or binding
                    tb.Text = r.GetDataFormatted(c);

        private void JoinTable()
            if (BlockList.Count >= 2)
                TplBlock block         = BlockList[1]; //要合并的第一个Block
                int      startRowIndex = block.StartParseRowIndex;
                int      startColumn   = block.StartParseColumnIndex + block.ColumnsCount;
                int      num3          = 0;

                for (int i = 2; i < BlockList.Count; i++) //以第一个block为基准,合并其他指定joinat的block
                    TplBlock block2 = BlockList[i];
                    if ((block2.Joinat >= 0) && (block2.RowsCount > 0))
                        CellRange range = RangeHelper.GetRange(Sheet,
                                                               block2.StartParseColumnIndex + block2.Joinat + 1,
                                                               block2.StartParseRowIndex - num3,

                        CellRange destRange = RangeHelper.GetRange(Sheet, startColumn + 1, block.StartParseRowIndex,
                                                                   block2.ColumnsCount, block2.RowsCount);


                        Sheet.DeleteRow(range.Row, range.RowCount);

                        num3 += block2.RowsCount;

                        if ((block2.DynamicColumn != null) && (block2.DynamicColumn.StartCellIndex == block2.Joinat))
                            foreach (var line in block2.TplLineList)
                                if (line.ContainsHGroup) //block2中包含横向分组的行hg
                                    bool flag = false;
                                    foreach (var rowIndex in line.InsertedRowList)
                                        int startRow = (rowIndex - block2.StartParseRowIndex) + startRowIndex;
                                        CellRange range2 = RangeHelper.GetRange(Sheet, startColumn, startRow, 1, 1);
                                        if (range2.MergeArea != null)
                                            range2 = RangeHelper.GetRange(Sheet, range2.MergeArea.Column,
                                                                          range2.MergeArea.Row, 1, 1);

                                        CellRange range3 = RangeHelper.GetRange(Sheet, startColumn + 1, startRow, 1, 1);
                                        if (range3.MergeArea != null)
                                            range3 = RangeHelper.GetRange(Sheet, range3.MergeArea.Column, //第一个单元格的起始区域
                                                                          range3.MergeArea.Row, 1, 1);

                                        if (range2.Text.Equals(range3.Text))
                                            RangeHelper.GetRange(Sheet, range2.Column, range2.Row,
                                                                 (range3.Column + range3.ColumnCount) - range2.Column,
                                                                 Math.Min(range3.RowCount, range2.RowCount)).Merge(true);
                                            flag = true;
                                    if (!flag)
                        startColumn += block2.ColumnsCount - block2.Joinat; //合并后起始列更新
Exemple #20
 public virtual bool IsSortSymbolRow(DataGrid grid, CellRange rng)
     return rng.BottomRow == grid.ColumnHeaders.Rows.Count - 1;
Exemple #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an ordered array of CellRange objects, from largest to smallest, that contain the selected cells
        /// with minimal overlap between the ranges.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rowCount">The number of rows in the sheet in which to look.</param>
        /// <param name="columnCount">The number of columns in the sheet in which to look.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns an ordered array of CellRange objects, from largest to smallest, that contain the selected cells with minimal overlap between the ranges.</returns>
        public CellRange[] GetSelections(int rowCount, int columnCount)
            List <CellRange> items = new List <CellRange>((IEnumerable <CellRange>) this.items);
            List <CellRange> list2 = new List <CellRange>();

            while (items.Count > 0)
                CellRange range;
                long      num  = 0L;
                int       num2 = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                    long num3;
                    range = items[i];
                    if (range.ColumnCount == -1)
                        if (range.Column == -1)
                            num3 = columnCount;
                            num3 = columnCount - range.Column;
                        num3 = range.ColumnCount;
                    if (range.RowCount == -1)
                        if (range.Row == -1)
                            num3 *= rowCount;
                            num3 *= rowCount - range.Row;
                        num3 *= range.RowCount;
                    if (num3 > num)
                        num2 = i;
                        num  = num3;
                if (num2 < 0)
                    num2 = items.Count - 1;
                range = items[num2];
                CellRange original = new CellRange(range.Row, range.Column, range.RowCount, range.ColumnCount);
                int num5 = 0;
                int num6 = items.Count;
                while (num5 < num6)
                    range = items[num5];
                    if (original.Intersects(range.Row, range.Column, range.RowCount, range.ColumnCount))
                        CellRange split = new CellRange(range.Row, range.Column, range.RowCount, range.ColumnCount);
                        this.Split(items, original, split);
            CellRange[] rangeArray = new CellRange[list2.Count];
            if (list2.Count > 0)
Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Extends the selection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">The row index to which to extend the selection.</param>
        /// <param name="column">The column index to which to extend the selection.</param>
        /// <param name="rowCount">The number of rows to which to extend the selection.</param>
        /// <param name="columnCount">The number of columns to which to extend the selection.</param>
        public override void ExtendSelection(int row, int column, int rowCount, int columnCount)
            int num;
            int num2;
            int num3;
            int num4;

            if ((row == -1) && (column == -1))
                num  = -1;
                num3 = -1;
                num2 = -1;
                num4 = -1;
            else if (row == -1)
                num  = -1;
                num3 = -1;
                num2 = Math.Min(this.anchorColumn, column);
                num4 = (Math.Max(this.anchorColumn, column) - num2) + 1;
            else if (column == -1)
                num  = Math.Min(this.anchorRow, row);
                num3 = (Math.Max(this.anchorRow, row) - num) + 1;
                num2 = -1;
                num4 = -1;
                num  = row;
                num3 = rowCount;
                num2 = column;
                num4 = columnCount;
            if (this.selectionPolicy != Dt.Cells.Data.SelectionPolicy.Single)
                if (this.selectionPolicy == Dt.Cells.Data.SelectionPolicy.Range)
                    while (this.items.Count > 1)
                        CellRange range = this.items[0];
                        base.FireChanged(range.Row, range.Column, range.RowCount, range.ColumnCount);
                if (this.selectionUnit == Dt.Cells.Data.SelectionUnit.Row)
                    num2 = -1;
                    num4 = -1;
                else if (this.selectionUnit == Dt.Cells.Data.SelectionUnit.Column)
                    num  = -1;
                    num3 = -1;
                if ((this.selectionUnit == Dt.Cells.Data.SelectionUnit.Row) && !this.IsSelected(this.anchorRow, this.anchorColumn))
                    this.RemoveSelection(num, num2, num3, num4);
                else if (this.items.Count <= 0)
                    CellRange range6 = new CellRange(num, num2, num3, num4);
                    base.FireChanged(range6.Row, range6.Column, range6.RowCount, range6.ColumnCount);
                    CellRange range2 = null;
                    int       num5   = this.items.Count - 1;
                    while (num5 >= 0)
                        if (this.items[num5].Contains(this.anchorRow, this.anchorColumn))
                            range2 = this.items[num5];
                    CellRange original = new CellRange(num, num2, num3, num4);
                    if (!original.Equals(range2))
                        if (range2 != null)
                            this.items[num5] = original;
                            List <CellRange> items = new List <CellRange>();
                            this.Split(items, original, range2);
                            foreach (CellRange range4 in items)
                                base.FireChanged(range4.Row, range4.Column, range4.RowCount, range4.ColumnCount);
                            this.Split(items, range2, original);
                            foreach (CellRange range5 in items)
                                base.FireChanged(range5.Row, range5.Column, range5.RowCount, range5.ColumnCount);
                            base.FireChanged(original.Row, original.Column, original.RowCount, original.ColumnCount);
 private void ExamineTableStructure(Parse theHeaderCells)
     expectedCount = 0;
     IHaveNoteColumns = false;
     try {
         myParameterCount = CountParameterCells(theHeaderCells);
         methodSuffixCells = new CellRange(theHeaderCells, myParameterCount);
         headerCells = theHeaderCells.At(myParameterCount + 1);
         foreach (Parse headerCell in new CellRange(theHeaderCells.At(myParameterCount + 1)).Cells) {
             if (headerCell.Text.Length == 0) {
                 IHaveNoteColumns = true;
     catch (Exception e) {
         TestStatus.MarkException(theHeaderCells, e);
Exemple #24
        public void SetInputFilterForWinCCTags(C1FlexGrid grid, int nRow,int nCommandType)
               string nWinCCTagName = grid[nRow, 4].ToString();
               int nWinCCTagType = -1;

               if (nCommandType == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.WRITEGLOBALTAG) { nWinCCTagType = myHC.GetWinCCTypeFromTagName((int)Definition.SQLTables.GLOBAL_TAGS, nWinCCTagName); }
               if (nCommandType == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.WRITEMACHINETAG) { nWinCCTagType = myHC.GetWinCCTypeFromTagName((int)Definition.SQLTables.MACHINE_TAGS, nWinCCTagName); }
               CellRange rg = new CellRange();
               rg = grid.GetCellRange(grid.Row, 5, grid.Row, 5);
               CellStyle cs = null;

               switch (nWinCCTagType)

                   case 1:

                      cs = grid.Styles.Add("GlobalTagBool");
                      cs.DataType = typeof(bool);
                      cs.TextAlign = TextAlignEnum.CenterCenter;
                      rg.Style = grid.Styles["GlobalTagBool"];

                    case 2:
                    case 3:
                    case 4:
                    case 5:
                    case 6:
                    case 7:
                        switch (nWinCCTagType)
                            case 2: // DM_VARTYPE_SBYTE    Vorzeichenbehafteter 8-Bit Wert
                                numericUpDown_Commands.Maximum = 128;
                                numericUpDown_Commands.Minimum = -127;
                            case 3: // DM_VARTYPE_BYTE     Vorzeichenloser 8-Bit Wert
                                numericUpDown_Commands.Maximum = 256;
                                numericUpDown_Commands.Minimum = 0;
                            case 4: // DM_VARTYPE_SWORD    Vorzeichenbehafteter 16-Bit Wert
                                numericUpDown_Commands.Maximum = 32768;
                                numericUpDown_Commands.Minimum = -32767;
                            case 5: // DM_VARTYPE_WORD     Vorzichenloser 16-Bit Wert
                                numericUpDown_Commands.Maximum = 65535;
                                numericUpDown_Commands.Minimum = 0;
                            case 6: // DM_VARTYPE_SDWORD   Vorzeichenbehafteter 32-Bit Wert
                                numericUpDown_Commands.Maximum = 2147483648;
                                numericUpDown_Commands.Minimum = -2147483648;
                            case 7: // DM_VARTYPE_DWORD    Vorzeichenloser 32-Bit Wert
                                numericUpDown_Commands.Maximum = 4294967296;
                                numericUpDown_Commands.Minimum = 0;

                        cs = grid.Styles.Add("GlobalTagDezimal");
                        cs.DataType = typeof(int);
                        cs.Editor = numericUpDown_Commands;
                        rg.Style = grid.Styles["GlobalTagDezimal"];

                   case 8: //DM_VARTYPE_FLOAT        Gleitkommazahl 32-Bit IEEE
                        cs = grid.Styles.Add("GlobalTagFloat");
                        cs.DataType = typeof(float);
                        // cs.Format = "N0";
                        rg.Style = grid.Styles["GlobalTagFloat"];

                    case 9: // DM_VARTYPE_DOUBLE      Gleitkommazahl 64-Bit IEEE 754
                        cs = grid.Styles.Add("GlobalTagDouble");
                        cs.DataType = typeof(double);
                        rg.Style = grid.Styles["GlobalTagDouble"];

                    case 10:
                    case 11:
                        cs = grid.Styles.Add("GlobalTagString");
                        cs.DataType = typeof(string);
                        rg.Style = grid.Styles["GlobalTagString"];

               catch {}
Exemple #25
 private void FillRoom(Table table, int row, Room room)
     // Наименование помещения
      table.Cells[row, (int)ColEnum.RoomName].TextString = room.Name;
      table.Cells[row, (int)ColEnum.RoomNumber].TextString = room.Number.ToString();
      // Примечание
      table.Cells[row, (int)ColEnum.Description].TextString = room.Description;
      // матариалы в помещении
      foreach (var item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EnumConstructionType)).Cast<EnumConstructionType>())
     if (item == EnumConstructionType.Undefined) continue;
     FillRowMaterial(table, row, room, item);
      if ((table.Rows.Count - 2) > row)
     _mCells = CellRange.Create(table, row, (int)ColEnum.RoomName, table.Rows.Count - 2, (int)ColEnum.RoomName);
     _mCells = CellRange.Create(table, row, (int)ColEnum.RoomNumber, table.Rows.Count - 2, (int)ColEnum.RoomNumber);
Exemple #26
 // update chart range
 void UpdateChartRange(int column)
     var rng = new CellRange(0, column, Rows.Count - 1, column);
     _columnMax = (double)GetAggregate(Aggregate.Maximum, rng);
     _columnMin = (double)GetAggregate(Aggregate.Minimum, rng);
 protected override IEnumerable<Parse> MethodCells(CellRange theCells)
     return theCells.Cells.Take(1);
Exemple #28
        public override void CreateCellContent(C1FlexGrid grid, Border bdr, CellRange range)
            // check that this is a ChartingGrid
            var cg = grid as ChartingGrid;
            if (cg != null)
                // check that this is the chart column
                var c = cg.Columns[range.Column];
                if (c == cg.ChartColumn)
                        // get the value
                        var val = (double)Convert.ChangeType(cg[range.Row, range.Column], typeof(double), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        // get the range (min, zero, max)
                        var max = cg.ChartMaxValue;
                        var min = cg.ChartMinValue;
                        var zero = min;
                        if (cg.ZeroBased)
                            zero = 0;
                            if (min > 0) min = 0;

                        // build grid to show chart bar
                        var g = new Grid();
                        g.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
                        g.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
                        g.ColumnDefinitions[0].Width = new GridLength(zero - min, GridUnitType.Star);
                        g.ColumnDefinitions[1].Width = new GridLength(max - zero, GridUnitType.Star);

                        // add content to grid
                        var rc = new Rectangle();
                        rc.Margin = new Thickness(0, 2, 0, 2);
                        var st = new ScaleTransform();
                        st.ScaleY = .8;
                        rc.RenderTransform = st;
                        if (val > zero)
                            // positive bar
                            rc.Fill = cg.FillPositive;
                            rc.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0, 0.5);
                            st.ScaleX = (val - zero) / (max - zero);
                            rc.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 1);
                            // negative bar
                            rc.Fill = cg.FillNegative;
                            rc.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(1, 0.5);
                            st.ScaleX = (zero - val) / (zero - min);

                        // add grid to cell and be done
                        bdr.Child = g;
                    catch { }

            // allow base class
            base.CreateCellContent(grid, bdr, range);
Exemple #29
    private void GenerateExcelReport()
        string templateFile = Server.MapPath(@"~/Docs/Templates/CamperDetailReport.xls");
        string workFileDir  = Server.MapPath(@"~/Docs");

        // Make a excel report
        ExcelFile excel = new ExcelFile();


        ExcelWorksheet ws = excel.Worksheets["Sheet1"];

        //We start at first row, because for ExcelLite control, the header row is not included
        int       BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX            = 1;
        const int REPORT_HEADER_CELL_NUMBER     = 6;
        const int REPORT_SUB_HEADER_CELL_NUMBER = 4;

        int iRow = 1;

        // Global artistic setting
        ws.Columns[0].Width = 20 * 20; // make the first column smaller

        // Create Report Header
        CellStyle styleReportHeader = new CellStyle();

        styleReportHeader.Font.Color  = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
        styleReportHeader.Font.Size   = 22 * 20;
        styleReportHeader.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.BoldWeight;

        CellRange ReportHeader = ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(iRow, BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX, iRow, REPORT_HEADER_CELL_NUMBER);

        ReportHeader.Merged = true;
        ReportHeader.Style  = styleReportHeader;
        ReportHeader.Value  = "Session Length by Camp (Online Data Only)";

        ws.Rows[iRow].Height = 25 * 20;

        iRow += 1;

        // Create Report SubHeader - usually it's camp year and report generation time
        CellStyle styleReportSubHeader = new CellStyle();

        styleReportSubHeader.Font.Size   = 16 * 20;
        styleReportSubHeader.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.BoldWeight;

        CellRange SubHeader = ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(iRow, BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX, iRow, REPORT_SUB_HEADER_CELL_NUMBER);

        SubHeader.Merged = true;
        SubHeader.Style  = styleReportSubHeader;
        SubHeader.Value  = string.Format("Camp Year: {0}.  Generated on {1} {2}", ddlCampYear.SelectedItem.Text, DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());

        iRow += 4;

        CellStyle styleTableTitle = new CellStyle {
            HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center

        styleTableTitle.Font.Size = 16 * 20;
        styleTableTitle.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.BoldWeight;

        CellStyle styleTableDataRow = new CellStyle {
            HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center
        CellStyle styleTableDataRowCampName = new CellStyle {
            HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Left

        CellStyle styleTableHeaderColumns = new CellStyle();

        styleTableHeaderColumns.Font.Weight         = ExcelFont.BoldWeight;
        styleTableHeaderColumns.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;

        // Data Content of report
        DataSet dsModified = GenerateDataSet();

        // Get rid of first columns for other tables except first one
        for (int i = 1; i < dsModified.Tables.Count; i++)
            dsModified.Tables[i].Columns.Remove("Camp Name");

        int table_column_count = dsModified.Tables[0].Columns.Count;
        int times = 0, current_starting_column = 0;

        foreach (DataTable dt in dsModified.Tables)
            if (times == 1)
                BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX += 1;
            // Get the header location
            current_starting_column = BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + times * table_column_count;

            int temp_column = 0;
            if (times == 0)
                temp_column = current_starting_column + 1;
                temp_column = current_starting_column;

            // Table Title
            CellRange TableTitle = ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(iRow - 1, temp_column, iRow - 1, current_starting_column + dt.Columns.Count - 1);
            TableTitle.Merged = true;
            TableTitle.Value  = dt.TableName;
            TableTitle.Style  = styleTableTitle;

            // this creats the real table
            ws.InsertDataTable(dt, iRow, current_starting_column, true);

            // loop through each column and set style accordingly
            for (int i = current_starting_column; i <= (dt.Columns.Count + current_starting_column - 1); i++)
                ws.Cells[iRow, i].Style = styleTableHeaderColumns;
                ws.Cells[iRow + dt.Rows.Count, i].Style = styleTableHeaderColumns;

                ws.Columns[i].Width = 11 * 256;

                // first column of first table, e.g. camp naem
                if (times == 0)
                    if (i == current_starting_column)
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 55 * 256; // camp/program name
                    else if (i == current_starting_column + 1)
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 15 * 256;
                else if (i == current_starting_column)
                    ws.Columns[i].Width = 15 * 256;

            // Set the data row style
            for (int j = iRow + 1; j < iRow + dt.Rows.Count; j++)
                ws.Rows[j].Style = styleTableDataRow;

            // left justify the camp names
            if (times == 0)
                for (int j = iRow + 1; j < iRow + dt.Rows.Count; j++)
                    ws.Cells[j, current_starting_column].Style = styleTableDataRowCampName;


        excel.Worksheets.ActiveWorksheet = excel.Worksheets[0];

        // Save to a file on the local file system
        string filename = String.Format("\\{0}{1}{2}{3}CamperSummaryReportByCamp.xls", DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
        string newFile  = workFileDir + filename;


        string[] strFileParts = newFile.Split(new string[] { "\\" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

        //Display excel spreadsheet
        this.Response.Buffer = true;
        this.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + strFileParts[strFileParts.Length - 1]);
        this.Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
        this.Response.Charset     = "";

        if (newFile.Length == 0)
            this.Response.Write("Error encountered - no spreadsheet to display");

 /// <summary>
 ///     Initializes a new instance of a <see cref="T:C1.WPF.FlexGrid.CustomAggregateEventArgs" />.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="panel">
 ///     <see cref="T:C1.WPF.FlexGrid.GridPanel" /> that contains the range.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="rng">
 ///     <see cref="T:C1.WPF.FlexGrid.CellRange" /> represented by this object.
 /// </param>
 public CustomAggregateEventArgs(GridPanel panel, CellRange rng)
     : base(panel, rng)
Exemple #31
 protected override IEnumerable<Parse> MethodCells(CellRange theCells)
     return theCells.Cells.Alternate();
Exemple #32
 protected override IEnumerable <Parse> ParameterCells(CellRange theCells)
 public void func_begin_update(CellRange viz)
 protected override IEnumerable<Parse> ParameterCells(CellRange theCells)
     return theCells.Cells.From(1);
 protected abstract IEnumerable<Parse> MethodCells(CellRange theCells);
Exemple #36
 /// <summary>
 /// 특정 Cell 의 Style 변경
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="styleType"></param>
 /// <param name="cellRange"></param>
 public static void x_SetCellStyle(this C1FlexGrid flexGrid, StyleType styleType, CellRange cellRange)
     CellStyle style = flexGrid.x_GetStyle(styleType);
     cellRange.Style = style;
Exemple #37
 protected override IEnumerable <Parse> MethodCells(CellRange theCells)
Exemple #38
        private bool LoadDataFromExcel(string filePath)
                aConfig.confgStationList = new List <sConfig_Station>();

                string strDir     = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;
                string strDirName = strDir + "\\" + filePath;

                Workbook workbook = new Workbook();

                int       nIndex      = 1;
                Worksheet sheetConfig = workbook.Worksheets["软件配置"];
                // ats IP PORT
                CellRange atsIP1 = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.atsServerIP1 = atsIP1.DisplayedText;
                CellRange atsPort1 = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.atsServerPort1 = int.Parse(atsPort1.DisplayedText);
                CellRange atsIP2 = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.atsServerIP2 = atsIP2.DisplayedText;
                CellRange atsPort2 = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.atsServerPort2 = int.Parse(atsPort2.DisplayedText);
                // pis IP PORT
                CellRange pisIP1 = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.pisServerIP1 = pisIP1.DisplayedText;
                CellRange pisPort1 = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.pisServerPort1 = int.Parse(pisPort1.DisplayedText);
                CellRange pisIP2 = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.pisServerIP2 = pisIP2.DisplayedText;
                CellRange pisPort2 = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.pisServerPort2 = int.Parse(pisPort2.DisplayedText);
                // multicast IP PORT
                CellRange multicastIP = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.sendIP = multicastIP.DisplayedText;
                CellRange multicastPort = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.sendPort = int.Parse(multicastPort.DisplayedText);
                // pcc 预留
                CellRange pccIP1 = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.pccServerIP1 = pccIP1.DisplayedText;
                CellRange pccPort1 = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.pccServerPort1 = int.Parse(pccPort1.DisplayedText);
                CellRange pccIP2 = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.pccServerIP2 = pccIP2.DisplayedText;
                CellRange pccPort2 = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.pccServerPort2 = int.Parse(pccPort2.DisplayedText);
                // 中英文切换时间(单位秒)
                CellRange switchTime = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.switchBetweenChineseAndEnglis = int.Parse(switchTime.DisplayedText);
                // 即将到站显示条件(单位秒)
                CellRange arriveTime = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.arrivingShow = int.Parse(arriveTime.DisplayedText);
                // 即将到站英文内容
                CellRange arriveComingEng = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.arrivingComingEngValue = arriveComingEng.DisplayedText;
                // 即将到站中文内容
                CellRange arriveComingCh = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.arrivingComingChValue = arriveComingCh.DisplayedText;
                // 到站英文内容
                CellRange arriveEng = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.arriveEngValue = arriveEng.DisplayedText;
                // 到站中文内容
                CellRange arriveCh = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.arriveChValue = arriveCh.DisplayedText;
                // 列车跳站英文内容
                CellRange skipStationEng = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.skipStationEngValue = skipStationEng.DisplayedText;
                // 列车跳站中文内容
                CellRange skipStationCh = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.skipStaionChValue = skipStationCh.DisplayedText;
                // 列车到站清空标志
                CellRange clearTime = sheetConfig[2, nIndex++];
                aConfig.clearShow = int.Parse(clearTime.DisplayedText);

                sheetConfig = workbook.Worksheets["站点编码表"];

                for (int i = 1; i < sheetConfig.Rows.Length; i++)
                    sConfig_Station aStation = new sConfig_Station();
                    aStation.stationName = new List <string>();
                    aStation.destCode    = new List <string>();
                    CellRange cellData = sheetConfig[i + 1, 2];
                    aStation.stationCode = cellData.DisplayedText;
                    cellData             = sheetConfig[i + 1, 3];
                    cellData = sheetConfig[i + 1, 4];
                    cellData = sheetConfig[i + 1, 5];
                    cellData = sheetConfig[i + 1, 6];
                    cellData = sheetConfig[i + 1, 7];
                    cellData = sheetConfig[i + 1, 8];
                    aStation.platformName = cellData.DisplayedText;
                    cellData = sheetConfig[i + 1, 9];
                    aStation.platformCode = int.Parse(cellData.DisplayedText);
                    cellData = sheetConfig[i + 1, 10];
                    cellData = sheetConfig[i + 1, 11];
                    cellData = sheetConfig[i + 1, 12];
                    cellData = sheetConfig[i + 1, 13];
                    cellData = sheetConfig[i + 1, 14];
                    cellData = sheetConfig[i + 1, 15];

            catch (Exception err)
                Console.WriteLine("数据绑定Excel失败!:" + err.ToString());