Exemple #1
    public DirectionType CalculateDeadEndCorridorDirection(CellLocation location)
        if (!IsDeadEnd(location))
            throw new InvalidOperationException();

        if (this.cells[location.x, location.y - 1].Type == VirtualCell.CellType.EmptyPassage)
        if (this.cells[location.x, location.y + 1].Type == VirtualCell.CellType.EmptyPassage)
        if (this.cells[location.x - 1, location.y].Type == VirtualCell.CellType.EmptyPassage)
        if (this.cells[location.x + 1, location.y].Type == VirtualCell.CellType.EmptyPassage)

        throw new InvalidOperationException();
Exemple #2
    // Returns true if this passage cell can be removed from the map (i.e. not shown)
    public bool IsPassageRemovable(CellLocation l)
        VirtualCell cell = this.GetCell(l);

        if (cell.IsWall() || cell.IsEmpty())
            // We count how many valid neighs are floors, and how many are nones
            int validNeigh = 0;
            int floorCount = 0;
            int noneCount  = 0;

            CellLocation n;
            foreach (DirectionType dir in directions)
                n = GetNeighbourCellLocation(l, dir);
                if (!LocationIsOutsideBounds(n))
                    VirtualCell neigh_cell = GetCell(n);
                    if (neigh_cell.IsFloor())
                    else if (neigh_cell.IsNone() || neigh_cell.IsRock())
            //Debug.Log(l + " Valid neighs: " + validNeigh + " floorCount: " + floorCount + " noneCount: " + noneCount);
            return(floorCount == 0);
Exemple #3
    // Get a random visited cell
    public CellLocation GetRandomVisitedCell(CellLocation location)
        List <CellLocation> tempCells = new List <CellLocation>(visitedCells);


        // NOTE: when does visistedAndBlockedCells get populated???
        foreach (CellLocation l in visitedAndBlockedCells)
        foreach (CellLocation l in roomCells)

        if (tempCells.Count == 0)
            return(new CellLocation(-1, -1));

        int index = DungeonGenerator.Random.Instance.Next(0, tempCells.Count - 1);

Exemple #4
    public bool CellsAreInTheSameRoom(CellLocation l1, CellLocation l2)
        VirtualRoom room1 = null, room2 = null;

        foreach (VirtualRoom room in this.rooms)
            if (room.containsLocation(l1))
                room1 = room;
//				Debug.Log ("ROOM 1: " + room1);
        foreach (VirtualRoom room in this.rooms)
            if (room.containsLocation(l2))
                room2 = room;
//				Debug.Log ("ROOM 2: " + room2);

//		if (room1 == room2) Debug.Log ("SAME ROOM!");
//		else Debug.Log ("NOT SAME!");

        return(room1 == room2);
Exemple #5
    public void MarkAsVisited(CellLocation l)
        VirtualCell cell = GetCell(l);

        cell.visited = true;
Exemple #6
    // Is this cell's neighbour marked as Visited?
    public bool AdjacentCellInDirectionIsVisited(CellLocation location, DirectionType direction)
        if (HasAdjacentCellInDirection(location, direction))
            switch (direction)
            case DirectionType.South:
                return(this.GetCell(location.x, location.y - 2).visited);

            case DirectionType.West:
                return(this.GetCell(location.x - 2, location.y).visited);

            case DirectionType.North:
                return(this.GetCell(location.x, location.y + 2).visited);

            case DirectionType.East:
                return(this.GetCell(location.x + 2, location.y).visited);

                throw new InvalidOperationException();

Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Iterates through neighboring cells to determine if there are any connect fours
        /// from the starting cell along the plane of the location specified.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startingCell">The cell to start searching for connects.</param>
        /// <param name="location">The location/direction to look.</param>
        /// <returns>The length of the connections in that location plane.</returns>
        public int GetConnectLength(GridCell startingCell, CellLocation location)
            var length           = 0;
            var player           = startingCell.OccupyingPlayer;
            var direction        = location;
            var reverseDirection = (CellLocation)(((int)location + 4) % 8);

            // check first direction
            GridCell firstMostCell = startingCell.Traverse(player, direction);

            // check reverse direction
            var lastMostCell = startingCell.Traverse(player, reverseDirection);

            // get the connection length
            length = firstMostCell.X - lastMostCell.X;

            // if we are looking vertically, we have to use Y diff instead of X
            if (direction == CellLocation.Above || direction == CellLocation.Below)
                length = firstMostCell.Y - lastMostCell.Y;

            return(Math.Abs(length) + 1);
Exemple #8
        public void CellLocation_AfterCalled_XandYHaveProperValues()
            var cellLocation = new CellLocation(2, 7);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, cellLocation.Row);
            Assert.AreEqual(7, cellLocation.Column);
Exemple #9
    override public void StartDigging(VirtualMap map, CellLocation starting_location, int directionChangeModifier)
        CellLocation currentLocation = starting_location;


        // Pick a starting previous direction
        VirtualMap.DirectionType previousDirection = VirtualMap.DirectionType.North;

        List <CellLocation> previousLocations = new List <CellLocation>();

        // Repeat until all cells have been visited
        while (!map.AllCellsVisited)
            // Get a starting direction
            DirectionPicker          directionPicker = new DirectionPicker(map, currentLocation, directionChangeModifier, previousDirection);
            VirtualMap.DirectionType direction       = directionPicker.GetNextDirection(map, currentLocation);

            if (direction != VirtualMap.DirectionType.None)
                // Create a corridor in the current cell and flag it as visited
                previousDirection = direction;
                currentLocation   = map.CreateCorridor(currentLocation, direction);
                // Backtrack
                currentLocation = previousLocations[previousLocations.Count - 1];
                previousLocations.RemoveAt(previousLocations.Count - 1);
Exemple #10
 internal void IsAt(CellLocation expectedLocation)
     if (_ghost.Location != expectedLocation)
         throw new Exception($"Ghost should be at {expectedLocation} not {_ghost.Location}");
    private bool CheckSkipDoorToCorridor(VirtualMap map, VirtualRoom r, CellLocation end_floor_loc)
        // Note that 'dont skip' takes precedence!
        //Debug.Log(r + " to " + end_floor_loc);

        // At default, we do not skip
        bool skip = false;

        // Already connected: we should skip it
        skip = r.IsConnectedToCorridor();
        //Debug.Log("Connected already? " + skip);

        // If 3 walls, we instead do not skip it
        skip = skip && !map.IsDeadEnd(end_floor_loc, alsoConsiderDoors: true);

        /*if (r.leftCorner.x == 9 && r.leftCorner.y == 3)
         * {
         *  Debug.Log(r + " to " + end_floor_loc);
         *  Debug.Log("3 walls? " + map.IsDeadEnd(end_floor_loc, alsoConsiderDoors: true));
         * }*/

        // If 4 walls, we instead do not skip it
        skip = skip && !map.IsSurroundedByWalls(end_floor_loc);
        //Debug.Log("4 walls? " + map.IsSurroundedByWalls(end_floor_loc));

        // We do not skip if we request more doors
        skip = skip && !(DungeonGenerator.Random.Instance.Next(0, 100) < doorsDensityModifier);
        //Debug.Log("More doors? " + moreDoors);

    * Door creation
    // Create doors for a given room
    public void CreateDoors_Post(VirtualMap map, VirtualRoom r)
        List <CellLocation> borderFloors = new List <CellLocation> ();

        // Examine borderFloors, create a list of border floors
        for (int i = 0; i < r.Width; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < r.Height; j++)
                if (i == 0 || j == 0 || i == r.Width - 1 || j == r.Height - 1)
                    CellLocation l = new CellLocation(r.leftCorner.x + 2 * i, r.leftCorner.y + 2 * j);

        // Create doors close to the borders, where wall passages are
        CellLocation target_passage;

        foreach (CellLocation l in borderFloors)
            foreach (VirtualMap.DirectionType dir in map.directions)
                target_passage = map.GetNeighbourCellLocation(l, dir);
                if (map.GetCell(target_passage).IsWall())
                    CheckDoorCreation(map, r, l, dir);
Exemple #13
 internal void IsAt(CellLocation expectedLocation)
     if (_pacMan.Location != expectedLocation)
         throw new Exception($"PacMan should be at {expectedLocation} not {_pacMan.Location}");
 private CellLocation GetPreviousInProgressCellLocation(CellLocation currentCellLocation)
         if (currentCellLocation.Row <= 0 && currentCellLocation.Column <= 0)
             // No more previous cells.
             throw new Exception("No more previous cells, you are at the beginning of cell");
         var previousCellLocation = new CellLocation()
             Row = currentCellLocation.Row, Column = currentCellLocation.Column - 1
         if (previousCellLocation.Column == -1)
             previousCellLocation.Column = SizeOfSudoku - 1;
             previousCellLocation.Row    = currentCellLocation.Row - 1;
         if (cellBoard[previousCellLocation.Row, previousCellLocation.Column].State == CellState.InProgress)
         currentCellLocation = previousCellLocation;
     } while (true);
Exemple #15
    private bool ExistsPathBetweenLocationsRecursive(CellLocation s, CellLocation e, List <CellLocation> visited)
        //Debug.Log("Visiting " + s);
        VirtualCell s_cell = GetCell(s);

        foreach (CellLocation c in s_cell.connectedCells)
            if (c == e)
                //Debug.Log("Found the end!");
                return(true); // Found this!
                if (!visited.Contains(c))
                    bool foundEnd = ExistsPathBetweenLocationsRecursive(c, e, visited);
                    //if (foundEnd) Debug.Log("Found the end in child!");
                    if (foundEnd)
                        return(true);          // Found connected!
        return(false); // Not here!
Exemple #16
    /// <summary>
    /// All the void cells.
    /// </summary><returns>
    /// The void cells.</returns>
    public List<Void> AllVoidCells()
        // All the void cells
        List<Void> allVoidCells = new List<Void> ();

        for (int i = 1; i < dungeonGenerator.numCellsX - 1; i++) {

            for (int k = 1; k < dungeonGenerator.numCellsZ - 1; k++) {

                if (CellIsVoid (dungeonGenerator.cellTypeGrid[i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, k])) {

                    // Void location
                    CellLocation voidLocation = new CellLocation (i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, k);

                    // Void cell
                    Void voidCell = new Void (voidLocation);

                    // Add the void cell to all void cells
                    allVoidCells.Add (voidCell);

        // Return all of the void cells
        return allVoidCells;
Exemple #17
        public void GetHashCode_WhenObjectsEqual_HashCodesEqual()
            var cellLocation1 = new CellLocation(0, 3);
            var cellLocation2 = new CellLocation(0, 3);

            Assert.AreEqual(cellLocation1.GetHashCode(), cellLocation2.GetHashCode());
        public Dictionary <string, CellLocation> GenerateSurroundingCellLocations(CellLocation cellLocation)
            var cellLocationOfNeighbouringCells = new Dictionary <string, CellLocation>();

            IterateXAndYCoordinates(cellLocation, cellLocationOfNeighbouringCells);
Exemple #19
    public bool HasDir(CellLocation location, Dir dir)
        CellType testType;

        if (dir == Dir.North)
            testType = caveCellGrid[location.x, location.y, location.z + 1];

        else if (dir == Dir.South)
            testType = caveCellGrid[location.x, location.y, location.z - 1];

        else if (dir == Dir.East)
            testType = caveCellGrid[location.x + 1, location.y, location.z];

        else if (dir == Dir.West)
            testType = caveCellGrid[location.x - 1, location.y, location.z];

        else if (dir == Dir.NorthEast)
            testType = caveCellGrid[location.x + 1, location.y, location.z + 1];

        else if (dir == Dir.NorthWest)
            testType = caveCellGrid[location.x - 1, location.y, location.z + 1];

        else if (dir == Dir.SouthEast)
            testType = caveCellGrid[location.x + 1, location.y, location.z - 1];

            testType = caveCellGrid[location.x - 1, location.y, location.z - 1];

        if (testType == CellType.RockFloor) {

            return true;

        return false;
Exemple #20
        private List <Direction> GetAvailableMovesForLocation(CellLocation location, IReadOnlyCollection <CellLocation> walls)
            var result = new List <Direction>(4);

            if (!walls.Contains(location.Above))

            if (!walls.Contains(location.Below))

            if (!walls.Contains(location.Left))

            if (!walls.Contains(location.Right))

Exemple #21
        public void GivenEmptyCellLocationThenReturnDefaultCellLocation()
            var cellLocation = new CellLocation();
            var result       = cellLocation.ToString();

            Assert.Equal("0,0", result);
Exemple #22
        public void GivenCellLocationThenReturnCellLocation()
            var cellLocation = new CellLocation(1, 2);
            var result       = cellLocation.ToString();

            Assert.Equal("1,2", result);
Exemple #23
    public Cell MakeConnection(Cell currentCell)
        List <int> randomizedCellDirections = CellDirections.GetRandomizedCellDirections; // e.g [2, 1, 0, 3]

        for (int i = 0; i < randomizedCellDirections.Count; i++)
            // The random direction from the current cell
            CellDirection direction = (CellDirection)randomizedCellDirections[i];

            // The neighbor cell location from the direction
            CellLocation nextLocation = currentCell.Location + direction.ToRelativeCellLocation();

            if (CanPlaceCell(nextLocation))
                CellDirection fromDirection = direction.GetOpposite();
                Cell          nextCell      = PlaceCell(nextLocation, fromDirection);
                currentCell.AddConnection(direction); // Direction that connects it to the newly generated cell
                currentCell.name += "_" + direction;


Exemple #24
    public Cell PlaceCell(CellLocation location, CellDirection fromDirection)
        Cell cell = PlaceCell(location);

    bool CellLocationHasSouth(CellLocation testLocation)
        if (testLocation.z == 0)

        BuildingBlockType testType = buildingBlockTypeGrid[testLocation.x, testLocation.z];

        switch (testType)
        case BuildingBlockType.WNES:
        case BuildingBlockType.NS:
        case BuildingBlockType.WS:
        case BuildingBlockType.ES:
        case BuildingBlockType.WES:
        case BuildingBlockType.NES:
        case BuildingBlockType.WNS:
        case BuildingBlockType.Sx:

    bool CellLocationHasNorth(CellLocation testLocation)
        if (testLocation.z == NumBuildingBlocksUp - 1)

        BuildingBlockType testType = buildingBlockTypeGrid[testLocation.x, testLocation.z];

        switch (testType)
        case BuildingBlockType.WNES:
        case BuildingBlockType.NS:
        case BuildingBlockType.NE:
        case BuildingBlockType.WN:
        case BuildingBlockType.WNE:
        case BuildingBlockType.NES:
        case BuildingBlockType.WNS:
        case BuildingBlockType.Nx:

    bool CellLocationHasEast(CellLocation testLocation)
        if (testLocation.x == NumBuildingBlocksAcross - 1)

        BuildingBlockType testType = buildingBlockTypeGrid[testLocation.x, testLocation.z];

        switch (testType)
        case BuildingBlockType.WNES:
        case BuildingBlockType.WE:
        case BuildingBlockType.NE:
        case BuildingBlockType.ES:
        case BuildingBlockType.WNE:
        case BuildingBlockType.WES:
        case BuildingBlockType.NES:
        case BuildingBlockType.Ex:

Exemple #28
    public void ConvertToDungeonPerimeter()
        for (var i = 0; i < dungeonGenerator.numCellsX; i++) {

            for (var j = 0; j < dungeonGenerator.numCellsZ; j++) {

                CellType testType = dungeonGenerator.cellTypeGrid[i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, j];

                if (testType == CellType.Blocked || testType == CellType.Empty || testType == CellType.Perimeter || testType == CellType.StairsPerimeter) {

                    CellLocation location = new CellLocation(i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, j);

                    if (dungeonGenerator.HasDir (location, Dir.North)
                    || dungeonGenerator.HasDir (location, Dir.South)
                    || dungeonGenerator.HasDir (location, Dir.East)
                    || dungeonGenerator.HasDir (location, Dir.West)
                    || dungeonGenerator.HasDir (location, Dir.NorthEast)
                    || dungeonGenerator.HasDir (location, Dir.NorthWest)
                    || dungeonGenerator.HasDir (location, Dir.SouthEast)
                    || dungeonGenerator.HasDir (location, Dir.SouthWest)
                    ) {

                        dungeonGenerator.cellTypeGrid[location.x, location.y, location.z] = CellType.DungeonPerimeter;
Exemple #29
        public async Task GhostShouldScatterToStartWith()
            _gameSettings.InitialGameStatus = GameStatus.Initial;
            _gameSettings.PacMan            = new PacMan((10, 10), Direction.Left);
            var startingLocation = new CellLocation(3, 1);
            var scatterLocation  = new CellLocation(1, 1);

            var strategy = new GhostGoesRightStrategy();

            _gameSettings.Ghosts.Add(new Ghost("Ghost1", startingLocation, Direction.Right, scatterLocation, strategy));

            var game = new Game(_gameClock, _gameSettings);

            await _gameClock.Tick();

            await _gameClock.Tick();

            await _gameClock.Tick();

                Location = new {
                    X = scatterLocation.X,
                    Y = scatterLocation.Y
Exemple #30
    private List <CellInstance> instances;      // Instances of this cell. The first one is the main.

    public VirtualCell(bool visited, CellLocation location)
        this.visited  = visited;
        this.location = location;
        //this.index_from_root = -1;
        instances      = new List <CellInstance>();
        connectedCells = new List <CellLocation>();
Exemple #31
        public CellActor(CellLocation location)
            Location = location;

            Receive <ClearMessage>(Clear);
            Receive <PrepareToSpawnMessage>(PrepareToSpawn);
            Receive <TurnHavePassedMessage>(Update);
Exemple #32
 private static void CreateGliderPattern(GameEngine myGame, CellLocation location)
     myGame.CurrentWorld.AddCell(new CellLocation(location, 3, 1));
     myGame.CurrentWorld.AddCell(new CellLocation(location, 1, 2));
     myGame.CurrentWorld.AddCell(new CellLocation(location, 3, 2));
     myGame.CurrentWorld.AddCell(new CellLocation(location, 2, 3));
     myGame.CurrentWorld.AddCell(new CellLocation(location, 3, 3));
    override public MetricLocation GetWorldLocation(CellLocation l, int storey)
        MetricLocation actual_location = this.virtual_maps[0].GetActualLocation(l, storey);

        actual_location.x *= 2;         // Double, since a tilemap is two times as big
        actual_location.y *= 2;
Exemple #34
    public void InstantiatePrefab(Transform prefabToMake, CellLocation location, int rotation)
        float instantiateXPosition = transform.position.x + (location.x * prefabCellWidth);
        float instantiateYPosition = transform.position.y - (location.y * floorHeight);
        float instantiateZPosition = transform.position.z + (location.z * prefabCellHeight);

        Transform createPrefab = (Transform)Instantiate(prefabToMake, new Vector3(instantiateXPosition, instantiateYPosition, instantiateZPosition), Quaternion.identity);
        createPrefab.Rotate (0, rotation, 0);

        createPrefab.parent = dungeonGenerator.OtherStuffParent;
Exemple #35
    public void AddCavesToDungeon(Floor floor)
        for (int i = 0; i < dungeonGenerator.numCellsX; i++) {

            for (int j = 0; j < dungeonGenerator.numCellsZ; j++) {

                CellType testType = dungeonGenerator.cellTypeGrid[i, floor.floorNumber, j];

                if (CavesCanReplace (testType)) {

                    CellLocation location = new CellLocation(i, floor.floorNumber, j);

                    dungeonGenerator.cellTypeGrid[location.x, location.y, location.z] = caveCellGrid[location.x, location.y, location.z];
Exemple #36
    public void GenerateStairsUp(Floor floor)
        if (floor.floorNumber != 0) {

            foreach (Stairs stairsDown in dungeonGenerator.floors[dungeonGenerator.floorNumber - 1].allStairsDown) {

                CellLocation location = new CellLocation (stairsDown.location.x, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, stairsDown.location.z);

                Stairs stairsUp = new Stairs (location, 0);

                stairsUp.direction = stairsDown.direction;
                stairsUp.rotation = stairsDown.rotation;

                AddStairsUp (stairsUp);
Exemple #37
    public Room(CellLocation setLocation, IntVector3 setSize)
        location = setLocation;
        size = setSize;

        northMost = location.z + (size.z - 1) / 2;
        southMost = location.z - (size.z - 1) / 2;
        eastMost = location.x + (size.x - 1) / 2;
        westMost = location.x - (size.x - 1) / 2;

        for (int i = westMost; i < eastMost + 1; i++) {

            for (int k = southMost; k < northMost + 1; k++) {

                CellLocation cellLocation = new CellLocation (i, location.y, k);

                cellLocations.Add (cellLocation);
Exemple #38
    public void CarveFloor()
        float mapRes = terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution;
        float cellRes = mapRes / dungeonGenerator.numCellsX;

        List<CellLocation> carveLocations = new List<CellLocation> ();

        float[,] heights = new float[terrain.terrainData.heightmapWidth, terrain.terrainData.heightmapHeight];

        heights = terrain.terrainData.GetHeights (0, 0, terrain.terrainData.heightmapWidth, terrain.terrainData.heightmapHeight);

        for (var i = 0; i < dungeonGenerator.numCellsX; i++) {

            for (var j = 0; j < dungeonGenerator.numCellsZ; j++) {

                CellType testType = dungeonGenerator.cellTypeGrid[i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, j];

                if (testType == CellType.Room || testType == CellType.Corridor || testType == CellType.Entrance || testType == CellType.StairsDown || testType == CellType.StairsUp) {

                    CellLocation location = new CellLocation(i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, j);

                    carveLocations.Add (location);

        foreach (CellLocation location in carveLocations) {

            for (var i = (int)((float)location.z * cellRes); i < (int)((float)location.z * cellRes + cellRes) + 1; i++) {

                for (var j = (int)((float)location.x * cellRes); j < (int)((float)location.x * cellRes + cellRes) + 1; j++) {

                    heights[i, j] = 0f;

        terrain.terrainData.SetHeights (0, 0, heights);
Exemple #39
 protected void AddStairsPerimeter(CellLocation location)
     dungeonGenerator.cellTypeGrid[location.x, location.y, location.z] = CellType.StairsPerimeter;
Exemple #40
 public Chest(CellLocation setLocation)
     location = setLocation;
    void SetHeroLocation(CellLocation newLocation)
        heroLocation = newLocation;

        prefabBuildingBlockWidth = PrefabBuildingBlock_WNES.localScale.x;
        prefabBuildingBlockHeight = PrefabBuildingBlock_WNES.localScale.z;

        float heroPositionX = transform.position.x + (newLocation.x * prefabBuildingBlockWidth);
        float heroPositionZ = transform.position.z + (newLocation.z * prefabBuildingBlockHeight);

        Hero.transform.position = new Vector3(heroPositionX, 1.0f, heroPositionZ);
    private void InstantiateStairs(CellLocation chosenUp, CellLocation chosenDown)
        prefabBuildingBlockWidth = PrefabBuildingBlock_WNES.localScale.x;
        prefabBuildingBlockHeight = PrefabBuildingBlock_WNES.localScale.z;

        int stairsUpGridX = chosenUp.x;
        int stairsUpGridZ = chosenUp.z;
        float stairsUpLocX = transform.position.x + (stairsUpGridX * prefabBuildingBlockWidth);
        float stairsUpLocZ = transform.position.z + (stairsUpGridZ * prefabBuildingBlockHeight);
        Transform createStairsUp = (Transform)Instantiate(PrefabStairsUp, new Vector3(stairsUpLocX, 0.0f, stairsUpLocZ), Quaternion.identity);

        int stairsDownGridX = chosenDown.x;
        int stairsDownGridZ = chosenDown.z;
        float stairsDownLocX = transform.position.x + (stairsDownGridX * prefabBuildingBlockWidth);
        float stairsDownLocZ = transform.position.z + (stairsDownGridZ * prefabBuildingBlockHeight);
        Transform createStairsDown = (Transform)Instantiate(PrefabStairsDown, new Vector3(stairsDownLocX, 0.0f, stairsDownLocZ), Quaternion.identity);

        stairsUpLocation = new CellLocation(stairsUpGridX, stairsUpGridZ);
        stairsDownLocation = new CellLocation(stairsDownGridX, stairsDownGridZ);

        createStairsUp.parent = OtherStuffParent;
        createStairsDown.parent = OtherStuffParent;
    BuildingBlockType ChooseValidBuildingBlockType(CellLocation location)
        bool hasWest = false;
        bool hasNorth = false;
        bool hasEast = false;
        bool hasSouth = false;
        bool noWest = false;
        bool noNorth = false;
        bool noEast = false;
        bool noSouth = false;

        if (location.x > 0 && buildingBlockTypeGrid[location.x - 1, location.z] != BuildingBlockType.Empty)
            if (CellLocationHasEast(new CellLocation(location.x - 1, location.z)))
                hasWest = true;
                noWest = true;

        if (location.x < NumBuildingBlocksAcross - 1 && buildingBlockTypeGrid[location.x + 1, location.z] != BuildingBlockType.Empty)
            if (CellLocationHasWest(new CellLocation(location.x + 1, location.z)))
                hasEast = true;
                noEast = true;

        if (location.z > 0  && buildingBlockTypeGrid[location.x, location.z - 1] != BuildingBlockType.Empty)
            if (CellLocationHasNorth(new CellLocation(location.x, location.z - 1)))
                hasSouth = true;
                noSouth = true;

        if (location.z < NumBuildingBlocksUp - 1 && buildingBlockTypeGrid[location.x, location.z + 1] != BuildingBlockType.Empty)
            if (CellLocationHasSouth(new CellLocation(location.x, location.z + 1)))
                hasNorth = true;
                noNorth = true;

        return GetQualifyingBlockType(location.x, location.z, hasWest, hasNorth, hasEast, hasSouth, noWest, noNorth, noEast, noSouth, false);
Exemple #44
    protected void Generate(Floor floor)
        for (var i = 1; i < dungeonGenerator.numCellsX - 1; i++) {

            for (var j = 1; j < dungeonGenerator.numCellsZ - 1; j++) {

                CellLocation location = new CellLocation (i, floor.floorNumber, j);

                int numRocks = 0;
                if (caveCellGrid[location.x, location.y, location.z] == CellType.Rock) numRocks++;

                if (!HasDir (location, Dir.North)) numRocks++;
                if (!HasDir (location, Dir.South)) numRocks++;
                if (!HasDir (location, Dir.East)) numRocks++;
                if (!HasDir (location, Dir.West)) numRocks++;
                if (!HasDir (location, Dir.NorthEast)) numRocks++;
                if (!HasDir (location, Dir.NorthWest)) numRocks++;
                if (!HasDir (location, Dir.SouthEast)) numRocks++;
                if (!HasDir (location, Dir.SouthWest)) numRocks++;

                if (numRocks > 4) {

                    caveCellGrid[location.x, location.y, location.z] = CellType.Rock;
                else caveCellGrid[location.x, location.y, location.z] = CellType.RockFloor;
Exemple #45
    /// <summary>
    /// Potential entrance locations.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The entrance locations.</returns>
    /// <param name='room'>Room.</param>
    /// <param name='ignoreReflection'>Ignore reflection.</param>
    protected List<CellLocation> PotentialEntranceLocations(Room room, List<Dir> directions, bool ignoreReflection)
        // All of the potential entrance locations
        List<CellLocation> potentialEntranceLocations = new List<CellLocation> ();

        foreach (Dir direction in directions) {

            if (direction == Dir.North) {

                for (var i = room.location.x - (room.size.x - 1) / 2; i < room.location.x + (room.size.x + 1) / 2; i += 2) {

                    // The potential northern location
                    CellLocation potentialNorthLocation = new CellLocation(i, room.location.y, room.location.z + (room.size.z + 2) / 2);

                    if (WithinSpawnArea (potentialNorthLocation) || ignoreReflection)

                        // Add to the potential northern entrance location
                        potentialEntranceLocations.Add (potentialNorthLocation);

            if (direction == Dir.South) {

                for (var i = room.location.x - (room.size.x - 1) / 2; i < room.location.x + (room.size.x + 1) / 2; i += 2) {

                    // The potential southern location
                    CellLocation potentialSouthLocation = new CellLocation(i, room.location.y, room.location.z - (room.size.z + 1) / 2);

                    if (WithinSpawnArea (potentialSouthLocation) || ignoreReflection)

                        // Add to the potential southern entrance location
                        potentialEntranceLocations.Add (potentialSouthLocation);

            if (direction == Dir.East) {

                for (var j = room.location.z - (room.size.z - 1) / 2; j < room.location.z + (room.size.z + 1) / 2; j += 2) {

                    // The potential eastern location
                    CellLocation potentialEastLocation = new CellLocation(room.location.x + (room.size.x + 2) / 2, room.location.y, j);

                    if (WithinSpawnArea (potentialEastLocation) || ignoreReflection)

                        // Add to the potential eastern entrance locations
                        potentialEntranceLocations.Add (potentialEastLocation);

            if (direction == Dir.West) {

                for (var j = room.location.z - (room.size.z - 1) / 2; j < room.location.z + (room.size.z + 1) / 2; j += 2) {

                    // The potential western location
                    CellLocation potentialWestLocation = new CellLocation(room.location.x - (room.size.x + 1) / 2, room.location.y, j);

                    if (WithinSpawnArea (potentialWestLocation) || ignoreReflection)

                        // Add to the potential western entrance locations
                        potentialEntranceLocations.Add (potentialWestLocation);

        // Return all of the potential entrance locations in direction
        return potentialEntranceLocations;
    bool CellLocationHasEast(CellLocation testLocation)
        if (testLocation.x == NumBuildingBlocksAcross - 1)
            return false;

        BuildingBlockType testType = buildingBlockTypeGrid[testLocation.x, testLocation.z];
        switch (testType)
            case BuildingBlockType.WNES:
            case BuildingBlockType.WE:
            case BuildingBlockType.NE:
            case BuildingBlockType.ES:
            case BuildingBlockType.WNE:
            case BuildingBlockType.WES:
            case BuildingBlockType.NES:
            case BuildingBlockType.Ex:
                return true;
                return false;
    bool CellConnectedToCell(int startLocX, int startLocZ, int goalLocX, int goalLocZ, ref ArrayList knownExistingConnections)
        ArrayList alreadySearchedList = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList toSearchList = new ArrayList();

        bool foundPath = false;
        bool doneWithSearch = false;
        toSearchList.Add(new CellLocation(startLocX, startLocZ));

        while (!doneWithSearch)
            if (toSearchList.Count == 0)
                doneWithSearch = true;

            CellLocation toSearch = (CellLocation)toSearchList[0];
            if (alreadySearchedList.Contains(toSearch) == false)

            if ((toSearch.x == goalLocX && toSearch.z == goalLocZ) || knownExistingConnections.Contains(toSearch))
                doneWithSearch = true;
                foundPath = true;

                foreach (CellLocation pos in alreadySearchedList)

                foreach (CellLocation pos in toSearchList)

                if (CellLocationHasEast(new CellLocation(toSearch.x, toSearch.z)))
                    CellLocation newLocation = new CellLocation(toSearch.x + 1, toSearch.z);
                    if (toSearchList.Contains(newLocation) == false && alreadySearchedList.Contains(newLocation) == false)

                if (CellLocationHasWest(new CellLocation(toSearch.x, toSearch.z)))
                    CellLocation newLocation = new CellLocation(toSearch.x - 1, toSearch.z);
                    if (toSearchList.Contains(newLocation) == false && alreadySearchedList.Contains(newLocation) == false)

                if (CellLocationHasNorth(new CellLocation(toSearch.x, toSearch.z)))
                    CellLocation newLocation = new CellLocation(toSearch.x, toSearch.z + 1);
                    if (toSearchList.Contains(newLocation) == false && alreadySearchedList.Contains(newLocation) == false)

                if (CellLocationHasSouth(new CellLocation(toSearch.x, toSearch.z)))
                    CellLocation newLocation = new CellLocation(toSearch.x, toSearch.z - 1);
                    if (toSearchList.Contains(newLocation) == false && alreadySearchedList.Contains(newLocation) == false)

        return foundPath;
Exemple #48
    protected void RandomlyDistrabute(Floor floor, int percentage)
        List<CellLocation> locationsToModify = new List<CellLocation> ();

        for (var i = 1; i < dungeonGenerator.numCellsX - 1; i++) {

            for (var j = 1; j < dungeonGenerator.numCellsZ - 1; j++) {

                CellLocation location = new CellLocation(i, floor.floorNumber, j);

                int numRocks = 0;
                if (caveCellGrid[location.x, location.y, location.z] == CellType.Rock) numRocks++;

                if (!dungeonGenerator.HasDir (location, Dir.North)) numRocks++;
                if (!dungeonGenerator.HasDir (location, Dir.South)) numRocks++;
                if (!dungeonGenerator.HasDir (location, Dir.East)) numRocks++;
                if (!dungeonGenerator.HasDir (location, Dir.West)) numRocks++;
                if (!dungeonGenerator.HasDir (location, Dir.NorthEast)) numRocks++;
                if (!dungeonGenerator.HasDir (location, Dir.NorthWest)) numRocks++;
                if (!dungeonGenerator.HasDir (location, Dir.SouthEast)) numRocks++;
                if (!dungeonGenerator.HasDir (location, Dir.SouthWest)) numRocks++;

                if (numRocks == 0 || numRocks == 9) {

                    locationsToModify.Add (location);

        foreach (CellLocation location in locationsToModify) {

            int rnd = Random.Range (1, 100);

                if (rnd < percentage) {

                    if (caveCellGrid[location.x, location.y, location.z] == CellType.RockFloor)
                    caveCellGrid[location.x, location.y, location.z] = CellType.Rock;

                    else if (caveCellGrid[location.x, location.y, location.z] == CellType.Rock)
                    caveCellGrid[location.x, location.y, location.z] = CellType.RockFloor;
Exemple #49
    public void CarveTerrain()
        float mapRes = terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution;
        float cellRes = mapRes / dungeonGenerator.numCellsX;

        List<CellLocation> carveLocations = new List<CellLocation> ();
        List<CellLocation> rockLocations = new List<CellLocation> ();

        float[,] heights = new float[terrain.terrainData.heightmapWidth, terrain.terrainData.heightmapHeight];

        heights = terrain.terrainData.GetHeights (0, 0, terrain.terrainData.heightmapWidth, terrain.terrainData.heightmapHeight);

        for (var i = 0; i < dungeonGenerator.numCellsX; i++) {

            for (var j = 0; j < dungeonGenerator.numCellsZ; j++) {

                CellType testType = dungeonGenerator.cellTypeGrid[i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, j];

                if (testType == CellType.Room || testType == CellType.Corridor || testType == CellType.Entrance || testType == CellType.StairsDown || testType == CellType.StairsUp) {

                    CellLocation location = new CellLocation(i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, j);

                    carveLocations.Add (location);

        foreach (CellLocation location in carveLocations) {

            for (var i = (int)((float)location.z * cellRes); i < (int)((float)location.z * cellRes + cellRes) + 1; i++) {

                for (var j = (int)((float)location.x * cellRes); j < (int)((float)location.x * cellRes + cellRes) + 1; j++) {

                    heights[i, j] = 0.5f;

        for (var i = 0; i < dungeonGenerator.numCellsX; i++) {

            for (var j = 0; j < dungeonGenerator.numCellsZ; j++) {

                CellType testType = dungeonGenerator.cellTypeGrid[i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, j];

                if (testType == CellType.DungeonPerimeter) {

                    CellLocation location = new CellLocation(i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, j);

                    rockLocations.Add (location);

        foreach (CellLocation location in rockLocations) {

            int startX;
            int startZ;
            int widthX;
            int widthZ;

            if (location.z != 0) startX = (int)((float)location.z * cellRes) - 1;
            else startX = (int)((float)location.z * cellRes);

            if (location.x != 0) startZ = (int)((float)location.x * cellRes) - 1;
            else startZ = (int)((float)location.x * cellRes);

            if (location.z != dungeonGenerator.numCellsZ - 1) widthX = (int)cellRes + 2;
            else widthX = (int)cellRes;

            if (location.x != dungeonGenerator.numCellsX - 1) widthZ = (int)cellRes + 2;
            else widthZ = (int)cellRes;

            for (var i = startX; i < startX + widthX + 1; i++) {

                for (var j = startZ; j < startZ + widthZ + 1; j++) {

                    heights[i, j] = 1;

        terrain.terrainData.SetHeights (0, 0, heights);
Exemple #50
    protected void RandomFloor(Floor floor, int percentage)
        List<CellLocation> locationsChosen = new List<CellLocation> ();

        List<CellLocation> possibleLocations = new List<CellLocation> ();

        for (var i = 1; i < dungeonGenerator.numCellsX - 1; i++) {

            for (var j = 1; j < dungeonGenerator.numCellsZ - 1; j++) {

                CellLocation possibleLocation = new CellLocation(i, floor.floorNumber, j);

                possibleLocations.Add (possibleLocation);

        int locationsNeeded = (int)((float)possibleLocations.Count * (float)(percentage) / 100);
        int possibleLocationsLeft = possibleLocations.Count;

        foreach (CellLocation location in possibleLocations) {

            int probability = (int)((float)locationsNeeded * 100 / (float)possibleLocationsLeft);

            int rnd = Random.Range (0, 100);

            if (rnd < probability) {

                locationsChosen.Add (location);


            if (locationsNeeded == 0) break;

        foreach (CellLocation location in locationsChosen) {

            caveCellGrid[location.x, location.y, location.z] = CellType.RockFloor;
Exemple #51
    /// <summary>
    /// The spawn area.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The area.</returns>
    protected EntranceSpawnArea SpawnArea()
        // Spawn area location
        CellLocation spawnAreaLocation = new CellLocation (1, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, 1);

        // Spawn area size
        IntVector3 spawnAreaSize = new IntVector3 (dungeonGenerator.numCellsX - 2, 1, dungeonGenerator.numCellsZ - 2);

        // Half the size in x
        if (reflectX) spawnAreaSize.x = (spawnAreaSize.x + 1) / 2;

        // Half the size in z
        if (reflectZ) spawnAreaSize.z = (spawnAreaSize.z + 1) / 2;

        // The spawn area
        EntranceSpawnArea spawnArea = new EntranceSpawnArea(spawnAreaLocation, spawnAreaSize);

        // Return the spawn area
        return spawnArea;
    bool CellLocationHasNorth(CellLocation testLocation)
        if (testLocation.z == NumBuildingBlocksUp - 1)
            return false;

        BuildingBlockType testType = buildingBlockTypeGrid[testLocation.x, testLocation.z];
        switch (testType)
            case BuildingBlockType.WNES:
            case BuildingBlockType.NS:
            case BuildingBlockType.NE:
            case BuildingBlockType.WN:
            case BuildingBlockType.WNE:
            case BuildingBlockType.NES:
            case BuildingBlockType.WNS:
            case BuildingBlockType.Nx:
                return true;
                return false;
Exemple #53
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates the entrance to stairs.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='stairs'>Stairs.</param>
    public void GenerateEntranceToStairs(Stairs stairs)
        // The entrance location
        CellLocation entranceLocation;

        if (stairs.stairsUp) {

            if (stairs.direction == Dir.North)

                // Set the entrance location north of the upward stairs
                entranceLocation = new CellLocation (stairs.location.x, stairs.location.y, stairs.location.z + 1);

            else if (stairs.direction == Dir.South)

                // Set the entrance location south of the upward stairs
                entranceLocation = new CellLocation (stairs.location.x, stairs.location.y, stairs.location.z - 1);

            else if (stairs.direction == Dir.East)

                // Set the entrance location east of the upward stairs
                entranceLocation = new CellLocation (stairs.location.x + 1, stairs.location.y, stairs.location.z);


                // Set the entrance location west of the upward stairs
                entranceLocation = new CellLocation (stairs.location.x - 1, stairs.location.y, stairs.location.z);
        else {

            if (stairs.direction == Dir.North)

                // Set the entrance location north of the downward stairs
                entranceLocation = new CellLocation (stairs.location.x, stairs.location.y, stairs.location.z - 1);

            else if (stairs.direction == Dir.South)

                // Set the entrance location south of the downward stairs
                entranceLocation = new CellLocation (stairs.location.x, stairs.location.y, stairs.location.z + 1);

            else if (stairs.direction == Dir.East)

                // Set the entrance location east of the downward stairs
                entranceLocation = new CellLocation (stairs.location.x - 1, stairs.location.y, stairs.location.z);


                // Set the entrance location west of the downward stairs
                entranceLocation = new CellLocation (stairs.location.x + 1, stairs.location.y, stairs.location.z);

        // The entrance
        Entrance entrance = new Entrance (entranceLocation);

        // State that it is an entrance to stairs
        entrance.entranceToStairs = true;

        // Add the entrance
        AddEntrance (entrance);
    bool CellLocationHasWest(CellLocation testLocation)
        if (testLocation.x == 0)
            return false;

        BuildingBlockType testType = buildingBlockTypeGrid[testLocation.x, testLocation.z];
        switch (testType)
            case BuildingBlockType.WNES:
            case BuildingBlockType.WE:
            case BuildingBlockType.WN:
            case BuildingBlockType.WS:
            case BuildingBlockType.WNE:
            case BuildingBlockType.WES:
            case BuildingBlockType.WNS:
            case BuildingBlockType.Wx:
                return true;
                return false;
Exemple #55
    /// <summary>
    /// Reflects the z.
    /// </summary>
    protected void ReflectZ()
        // The entrances to reflect
        List<Entrance> entrancesToReflect = new List<Entrance> ();

        foreach (Entrance entrance in allEntrances) {

            if (!entrance.entranceToStairs) {

                // Add entrance to the entrances to reflect
                entrancesToReflect.Add (entrance);

        foreach (Entrance entrance in entrancesToReflect) {

            // The reflection location
            CellLocation reflectionLocation = new CellLocation (entrance.location.x, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, dungeonGenerator.numCellsZ - entrance.location.z - 1);

            // The reflected entrance
            Entrance reflectedEntrance = new Entrance (reflectionLocation);

            // Add the reflected entrance
            AddEntrance (reflectedEntrance);
Exemple #56
 public Void(CellLocation setLocation)
     location = setLocation;
Exemple #57
    /// <summary>
    /// Within the spawn area.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Within spawn area.</returns>
    /// <param name='location'>If set to <c>true</c> location.</param>
    protected bool WithinSpawnArea(CellLocation location)
        if (location.x >= SpawnArea ().location.x && location.x < SpawnArea ().location.x + SpawnArea ().size.x) {

            if (location.z >= SpawnArea ().location.z && location.z < SpawnArea ().location.z + SpawnArea ().size.z) {

                // Within the spawn area
                return true;

        // Outside of the spawn area
        return false;
Exemple #58
    protected void GenerateCorridor(CellLocation location)
        Corridor corridor = new Corridor (location);

        AddCorridor (corridor);

        Dir wayToGo = Dir.None;
        List<Dir> possibleDirections = new List<Dir> ();

        if (CorridorCanGo (corridor, Dir.North)) possibleDirections.Add (Dir.North);
        if (CorridorCanGo (corridor, Dir.South)) possibleDirections.Add (Dir.South);
        if (CorridorCanGo (corridor, Dir.East)) possibleDirections.Add (Dir.East);
        if (CorridorCanGo (corridor, Dir.West)) possibleDirections.Add (Dir.West);

        if (possibleDirections.Count > 0) {

            int randomIndex = Random.Range (1, possibleDirections.Count) - 1;
            wayToGo = possibleDirections[randomIndex];

        if (wayToGo != Dir.None) {

            CellLocation newLocation;
            CellLocation middleLocation;
            Corridor middleCorridor;

            if (wayToGo == Dir.North) {

                newLocation = new CellLocation(location.x, location.y, location.z + 2);
                middleLocation = new CellLocation(location.x, location.y, location.z + 1);
            else if (wayToGo == Dir.South) {

                newLocation = new CellLocation(location.x, location.y, location.z - 2);
                middleLocation = new CellLocation(location.x, location.y, location.z - 1);
            else if (wayToGo == Dir.East) {

                newLocation = new CellLocation(location.x + 2, location.y, location.z);
                middleLocation = new CellLocation(location.x + 1, location.y, location.z);
            else {

                newLocation = new CellLocation(location.x - 2, location.y, location.z);
                middleLocation = new CellLocation(location.x - 1, location.y, location.z);

            middleCorridor = new Corridor (middleLocation);
            AddCorridor (middleCorridor);

            GenerateCorridor (newLocation);

        } else {

            StartNewCorridor ();
Exemple #59
    public void InstantiateWallsFromGrid()
        for (int i = 1; i < dungeonGenerator.numCellsX - 1; i++) {

            for (int j = 1; j < dungeonGenerator.numCellsZ - 1; j++) {

                bool hasNorth = false;
                bool hasSouth = false;
                bool hasEast = false;
                bool hasWest = false;
                bool hasNorthEast = false;
                bool hasNorthWest = false;
                bool hasSouthEast = false;
                bool hasSouthWest = false;

                CellLocation location = new CellLocation(i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, j);

                if (dungeonGenerator.HasDir(location, Dir.North)) hasNorth = true;
                if (dungeonGenerator.HasDir(location, Dir.South)) hasSouth = true;
                if (dungeonGenerator.HasDir(location, Dir.East)) hasEast = true;
                if (dungeonGenerator.HasDir(location, Dir.West)) hasWest = true;
                if (dungeonGenerator.HasDir(location, Dir.NorthEast)) hasNorthEast = true;
                if (dungeonGenerator.HasDir(location, Dir.NorthWest)) hasNorthWest = true;
                if (dungeonGenerator.HasDir(location, Dir.SouthEast)) hasSouthEast = true;
                if (dungeonGenerator.HasDir(location, Dir.SouthWest)) hasSouthWest = true;

                if (dungeonGenerator.cellTypeGrid[i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, j] == CellType.StairsUp || dungeonGenerator.cellTypeGrid[i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, j] == CellType.StairsDown) {

                    if (hasNorth || hasSouth) {
                        InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall, location, 0);
                        InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall, location, 180);

                    if (hasEast || hasWest) {
                        InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall, location, 90);
                        InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall, location, 270);

                if (dungeonGenerator.cellTypeGrid[i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, j] == CellType.Room || dungeonGenerator.cellTypeGrid[i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, j] == CellType.Corridor || dungeonGenerator.cellTypeGrid[i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, j] == CellType.Entrance) {

                    // Walls
                    if (!hasNorth) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall, location, 90);
                    if (!hasSouth) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall, location, 270);
                    if (!hasEast) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall, location, 180);
                    if (!hasWest) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall, location, 0);

                    // Corners
                    if (!hasNorthEast) {
                        if (hasNorth && hasEast) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall_Corner, location, 90);
                        if (!hasNorth && !hasEast) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall_Corner, location, 90);
                        if (hasNorth && hasWest && !hasEast && !hasSouth && !hasNorthWest) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall_Corner, location, 90);
                        if (!hasNorth && !hasWest && hasEast && hasSouth && !hasSouthEast) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall_Corner, location, 90);
                    if (!hasNorthWest) {
                        if (hasNorth && hasWest) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall_Corner, location, 0);
                        if (!hasNorth && !hasWest) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall_Corner, location, 0);
                        if (hasNorth && hasEast && !hasWest && !hasSouth && !hasNorthEast) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall_Corner, location, 0);
                        if (!hasNorth && !hasEast && hasWest && hasSouth && !hasSouthWest) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall_Corner, location, 0);
                    if (!hasSouthEast) {
                        if (hasSouth && hasEast) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall_Corner, location, 180);
                        if (!hasSouth && !hasEast) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall_Corner, location, 180);
                        if (hasSouth && hasWest && !hasEast && !hasNorth && !hasSouthWest) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall_Corner, location, 180);
                        if (!hasSouth && !hasWest && hasEast && hasNorth && !hasNorthEast) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall_Corner, location, 180);
                    if (!hasSouthWest) {
                        if (hasSouth && hasWest) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall_Corner, location, 270);
                        if (!hasSouth && !hasWest) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall_Corner, location, 270);
                        if (hasSouth && hasEast && !hasWest && !hasNorth && !hasSouthEast) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall_Corner, location, 270);
                        if (!hasSouth && !hasEast && hasWest && hasNorth && !hasNorthWest) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Wall_Corner, location, 270);

                // Doors
                if (dungeonGenerator.cellTypeGrid[i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, j] == CellType.Entrance) {
                    if (hasNorth && hasSouth && !hasEast && !hasWest) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Door, location, 90);
                    if (!hasNorth && !hasSouth && hasEast && hasWest) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Door, location, 0);

                // Arches
                if (dungeonGenerator.cellTypeGrid[i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, j] == CellType.Corridor) {
                    if (hasNorth && hasSouth && !hasEast && !hasWest) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Arch, location, 90);
                    if (!hasNorth && !hasSouth && hasEast && hasWest) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Arch, location, 0);

                if (dungeonGenerator.cellTypeGrid[i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, j] == CellType.Room) {

                    // Torches
        //					if (i % 2 == 0 && j % 2 != 0) {
        //						if (!hasNorth) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Torch, location, 90);
        //						if (!hasSouth) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Torch, location, 270);
        //						if (!hasEast) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Torch, location, 180);
        //						if (!hasWest) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Torch, location, 0);
        //					}
        //					if (i % 2 != 0 && j % 2 == 0) {
        //						if (!hasNorth) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Torch, location, 90);
        //						if (!hasSouth) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Torch, location, 270);
        //						if (!hasEast) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Torch, location, 180);
        //						if (!hasWest) InstantiatePrefab (Cell_Torch, location, 0);
        //					}
Exemple #60
    protected List<CellLocation> PotentialCorridorLocations()
        List<CellLocation> potentialCorridorLocations = new List<CellLocation> ();

        for (var i = 1; i < dungeonGenerator.numCellsX - 1; i+= 2) {

            for (var j = 1; j < dungeonGenerator.numCellsZ - 1; j += 2) {

                CellLocation location = new CellLocation (i, dungeonGenerator.floorNumber, j);

                potentialCorridorLocations.Add (location);

        return potentialCorridorLocations;