Exemple #1
        private void WebBrowser_LoadError(object sender, CefSharp.LoadErrorEventArgs e)
            Uri uri = new Uri(e.FailedUrl);

            Debug.Print("WebBrowser_LoadError >> e.FailedUrl : " + e.FailedUrl);

            // get th host name from the full URL, e.g.:
            // https://myhost.com >> myhost.com
            string host = tbxCallbackUrl.Text.Split(new string[] { "//" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].ToLower();

            if (uri.Host.ToLower() == host)
                // Get the code
                string code = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query).Get("code");

                // Navigate to something else to remove the
                // bad page

                // Turn the code into access token
                var authApi  = new ThreeLeggedApi();
                var response = authApi.Gettoken(tbxClientId.Text, tbxClientSecret.Text, "authorization_code", code, tbxCallbackUrl.Text);
                logInInfo.accessToken  = response["access_token"];
                logInInfo.refreshToken = response["refresh_token"];
                logInInfo.expiresIn    = response["expires_in"];
                logInInfo.clientId     = tbxClientId.Text;
                logInInfo.clientSecret = tbxClientSecret.Text;

                //this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Exemple #2
        private void WebView_LoadError(object sender, CefSharp.LoadErrorEventArgs e)
            Trace.WriteLine(new LogMessage("WebCef", "WebView_LoadError: Cannot navigate. e = " + e.ToString()), LogType.Error.ToString());

            // This should exipre the media
            Duration = 5;
        private void Load_Error(object sender, CefSharp.LoadErrorEventArgs e)
            Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                loadingError.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                errorCode.Content += e.ErrorCode.ToString();
                errorDesc.Content += e.ErrorText.ToString();
 // if a some kind of loading error occurred..
 private void Browser_LoadError(object sender, CefSharp.LoadErrorEventArgs e)
     if (this.IsHandleCreated)                                        // an exception might occur: "Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created."
         VPKSoft.ErrorLogger.ExceptionLogger.LogMessage(e.ErrorText); // Log the browser error's text..
         this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate()                     // Set the button states with an invoke call as the browser runs in a different thread..
             lbUrl.Text =                                             // show a message int the URL label that the navigation failed..
                     "msgInvalidURL", "The given URL is invalid: '{0}'.|A navigation error occurred in a web browser form."),
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes when loading error is occured.
        /// Basically, show an html page for each error.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void WebBrowser_LoadError(object sender, CefSharp.LoadErrorEventArgs e)
            // Save the original url
            string originalUrl = null;

            this.NavigationBar.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => originalUrl = this.NavigationBar.urlTextBox.Text);

            // In case error aborted by CEF, do nothing
            if (e.ErrorCode == CefSharp.CefErrorCode.Aborted)

            // Handle loading errors
            string errorPagePath = string.Empty;

            if (OrganicUtility.IsConnected() == false)
                // In case of no internet
                errorPagePath = "organic://error/no_internet";
            else if (e.ErrorCode == CefSharp.CefErrorCode.NameNotResolved)
                // In case of domain could not be resolved
                errorPagePath = "organic://error/could_not_resolve";
                // Default loading error page
                errorPagePath = "organic://error/general";

            // Handle more loading errors here

            // Load the error page
            this.WebBrowser.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => this.WebBrowser.Address = OrganicUtility.GetLocalPageActualUrl(errorPagePath));

            // Restore the url
            this.NavigationBar.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => this.NavigationBar.urlTextBox.Text = originalUrl);
Exemple #6
 private void W_LoadError(object sender, CefSharp.LoadErrorEventArgs e)
     if (e.FailedUrl.StartsWith(RedirectUri, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
             OAuth2Response result = DropboxOAuth2Helper.ParseTokenFragment(new Uri(e.FailedUrl));
             if (result.State == oauth2State)
                 w.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => w.Hide()));
                 Properties.Settings.Default.AccessToken = result.AccessToken;
                 Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => InitClient(result.AccessToken)));
         catch (ArgumentException)
             MessageBox.Show("There was an error");
Exemple #7
 private void WebBrowser_LoadError(object sender, CefSharp.LoadErrorEventArgs e)
     if (e.Frame.IsMain)
         if (currentTask != null && (currentTask.webState == EWebbrowserState.Start || currentTask.webState == EWebbrowserState.Search ||
                                     currentTask.webState == EWebbrowserState.SearchSite || currentTask.webState == EWebbrowserState.AccessSite ||
                                     currentTask.webState == EWebbrowserState.AccessPage))
             ShowTaskEvent(this, new AppEventArgs()
                 message_string = string.Format("加载网页发生错误{0}网址{1},重新执行,任务{2}", e.ErrorText, e.FailedUrl, currentTask.nID)
             StartSearch(this, new AppEventArgs()
                 message_task = currentTask
     //throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #8
 private void Browser_LoadError(object sender, CefSharp.LoadErrorEventArgs e)
Exemple #9
 private void ChromiumWebBrowser1_LoadError(object sender, CefSharp.LoadErrorEventArgs e)
     // We should get this on the localhost load
     BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { textBox1.Text = e.FailedUrl; Refresh(); }); // FailedUrl is correct and we can get the info out of it