Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CefGlueBrowser"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="browserConfig">
        /// The browser config.
        /// </param>
        public CefGlueBrowser(CefBrowserConfig browserConfig)
            this.mBrowserConfig = browserConfig;
            this.StartUrl       = string.IsNullOrEmpty(browserConfig.StartUrl) ? "about:blank" : browserConfig.StartUrl;

        /// <summary>
        /// The on create.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packet">
        /// The packet.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">
        /// Rethrown exception on Cef load failure.
        /// </exception>
        protected override void OnCreate(ref CreateWindowPacket packet)
            // Will throw exception if Cef load fails.

            var mainArgs = new CefMainArgs(this.HostConfig.AppArgs);
            var app      = new CefGlueApp(this.HostConfig);

            var exitCode = CefRuntime.ExecuteProcess(mainArgs, app, IntPtr.Zero);

            if (exitCode != -1)

            var codeBase       = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase;
            var localFolder    = Path.GetDirectoryName(new Uri(codeBase).LocalPath);
            var localesDirPath = Path.Combine(localFolder, "locales");

            var settings = new CefSettings
                LocalesDirPath           = localesDirPath,
                Locale                   = this.HostConfig.Locale,
                SingleProcess            = false,
                MultiThreadedMessageLoop = true,
                LogSeverity              = (CefLogSeverity)this.HostConfig.LogSeverity,
                LogFile                  = this.HostConfig.LogFile,
                ResourcesDirPath         = Path.GetDirectoryName(new Uri(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().CodeBase).LocalPath),
                NoSandbox                = true

            // Update configuration settings

            CefRuntime.Initialize(mainArgs, settings, app, IntPtr.Zero);


            var browserConfig = new CefBrowserConfig
                StartUrl     = this.HostConfig.StartUrl,
                ParentHandle = this.Handle,
                AppArgs      = this.HostConfig.AppArgs,
                CefRectangle =
                    new CefRectangle
                    X      = 0,
                    Y      = 0,
                    Width  = this.HostConfig.HostWidth,
                    Height = this.HostConfig.HostHeight

            this.mBrowser = new CefGlueBrowser(browserConfig);

            base.OnCreate(ref packet);

            Log.Info("Cef browser successfully created.");
        protected override void OnCreate(ref CreateWindowPacket packet)
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            var mainArgs = new CefMainArgs(HostConfig.CefAppArgs);
            var app      = new CefWebApp();

            var exitCode = CefRuntime.ExecuteProcess(mainArgs, app, IntPtr.Zero);

            if (exitCode != -1)

            var codeBase       = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase;
            var localFolder    = Path.GetDirectoryName(new Uri(codeBase).LocalPath);
            var localesDirPath = Path.Combine(localFolder, "locales");

            var settings = new CefSettings
                LocalesDirPath           = localFolder,
                Locale                   = HostConfig.CefLocale,
                SingleProcess            = false,
                MultiThreadedMessageLoop = true,
                LogSeverity              = (CefLogSeverity)HostConfig.CefLogSeverity,
                LogFile                  = HostConfig.CefLogFile

            CefRuntime.Initialize(mainArgs, settings, app, IntPtr.Zero);


            CefBrowserConfig browserConfig = new CefBrowserConfig();

            browserConfig.StartUrl     = HostConfig.CefStartUrl;
            browserConfig.ParentHandle = Handle;
            browserConfig.AppArgs      = HostConfig.CefAppArgs;
            browserConfig.CefRectangle = new CefRectangle {
                X = 0, Y = 0, Width = HostConfig.CefHostWidth, Height = HostConfig.CefHostHeight

            m_browser = new CefWebBrowser(browserConfig);

            base.OnCreate(ref packet);

            Log.Info("Cef browser successfully created.");
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Window"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="application">
        /// The application.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="hostConfig">
        /// The host config.
        /// </param>
        public Window(HostBase application, CefConfiguration hostConfig)
            CefGlueClient.window = this;
            this.Text            = application.HostConfig.HostTitle;
            this.Size            = new Size(application.HostConfig.HostWidth, application.HostConfig.HostHeight);
            this.StartPosition   = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(application.HostConfig.HostIconFile)))
                this.Icon = Icon.FromHandle((new Bitmap(Path.Combine(application.HostConfig.HostIconFile))).GetHicon());

            this.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Dpi;
            this.AutoScroll    = false;
            this.BackColor     = Color.FromArgb(32, 31, 41);

            this.mHostConfig  = hostConfig;
            this.mApplication = application;

            var browserConfig = new CefBrowserConfig
                StartUrl     = application.HostConfig.StartUrl,
                ParentHandle = this.Handle,
                AppArgs      = application.HostConfig.AppArgs,
                CefRectangle =
                    new CefRectangle
                    X      = 0,
                    Y      = 0,
                    Width  = this.ClientSize.Width,
                    Height = this.ClientSize.Height

            this.FormClosing += (s, args) => { this.mApplication.Quit(); };
            this.SizeChanged += (s, args) =>
                if (this.mBrowserWindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                    NativeMethods.SetWindowPos(this.mBrowserWindowHandle, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, this.ClientSize.Width, this.ClientSize.Height, Core.Host.WinapiConstants.NoZOrder);

            #region Browser
            this.mCore = new CefGlueBrowser(browserConfig);
            this.mCore.AddressChanged += (s, e) =>
                this.InvokeIfRequired(() => { });
            this.mCore.BeforeClose += (s, e) =>
                this.InvokeIfRequired(() => { });
            this.mCore.BeforePopup += (s, e) =>
                this.InvokeIfRequired(() => { });
            this.mCore.BrowserCreated += (s, args) =>
                this.mBrowserWindowHandle = this.mCore.Browser.GetHost().GetWindowHandle();
            this.mCore.ConsoleMessage += (s, e) =>
                this.InvokeIfRequired(() => { Log.Trace(e.Source, e.Line, e.Message); });
            this.mCore.LoadEnd += (s, e) =>
                this.InvokeIfRequired(() => { });
            this.mCore.LoadError += (s, e) =>
                this.InvokeIfRequired(() => { });
            this.mCore.LoadingStateChange += (s, e) =>
                this.InvokeIfRequired(() => { });
            this.mCore.LoadStarted += (s, e) =>
                this.InvokeIfRequired(() => { });
            this.mCore.PluginCrashed += (s, e) =>
                this.InvokeIfRequired(() => { });
            this.mCore.RenderProcessTerminated += (s, e) =>
                this.InvokeIfRequired(() => {
                    if (this.mCore != null)
                        Log.Critial("Render Process Terminated: reloading page");
                        if (this.mCore.Browser != null)
            this.mCore.StatusMessage += (s, e) =>
                this.InvokeIfRequired(() => { });
            this.mCore.PluginCrashed += (s, e) =>
                this.InvokeIfRequired(() => { });
            this.mCore.TitleChanged += (s, e) =>
                this.InvokeIfRequired(() => {
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Title))
                        Text = e.Title;
            this.mCore.Tooltip += (s, e) =>
                this.InvokeIfRequired(() => { });
