public bool NiceLoop( )   //Depth-first Search
            CeLKMan.PrepareCellLink(1 + 2);    //Generate StrongLink,WeakLink

            for (int szCtrl = 4; szCtrl < NiceLoopMax; szCtrl++)
                foreach (var P0 in pBDL.Where(p => (p.No == 0)))                       //Origin Cell

                    foreach (var no in P0.FreeB.IEGet_BtoNo())                     //Origin Number
                        foreach (var LKH in CeLKMan.IEGetRcNoType(P0.rc, no, 3))   //First Link
                            if (pAnMan.CheckTimeOut())
                            var SolStack = new Stack <UCellLink>();
                            Bit81 UsedCells = new Bit81(LKH.rc2);                   //Bit Representation of Used Cells
                            _NL_Search(LKH, LKH, SolStack, UsedCells, szCtrl - 1);
                            if (SolCode > 0)
        private IEnumerable <Bit81[]> _GetXYChain(List <int> LKRec)
            List <UCell> TBDbv = pBDL.FindAll(p => (p.FreeBC == 2));                //Extract BV_Cell(BV:bivalue).

            foreach (var PS in TBDbv)                                               //Choose one BV_Cell(=>PS)
                int rcS = PS.rc;
                foreach (var no in PS.FreeB.IEGet_BtoNo())                          //Choose one digit(in PS)
                    int     noB = (1 << no);
                    Bit81[] CRL = new Bit81[2];
                    CRL[0]    = new Bit81();                                        //Position of the target digit to be concatenated
                    CRL[1]    = new Bit81();                                        //Position of other digits to be connected
                    CRL[0].ID = rcS; CRL[1].ID = no;

                    Bit81       CnctdCs = ConnectedCells[rcS];                      //Associated cells group of starting cell
                    Queue <int> rcQue   = new Queue <int>();
                    int         no0     = pBDL[rcS].FreeB.BitReset(no).BitToNum();  //The other digit of the starting cell
                    rcQue.Enqueue((no0 << 8) | rcS);

                    while (rcQue.Count > 0)                                            //Extend the chain step by step
                        int rcX = rcQue.Dequeue();
                        int no1 = rcX >> 8, rc1 = rcX & 0xFF;
                        foreach (var LK in CeLKMan.IEGetRcNoType(rc1, no1, 1))       //strongLink connected with rc1, #no
                            int rc2 = LK.rc2;
                            if (pBDL[rc2].FreeBC != 2)
                                continue;                                           //bivalue?
                            if (CRL[0].IsHit(rc2) || CRL[1].IsHit(rc2))
                                continue;                                           //Different from colored cells?
                            //Exclude cells associated with the starting cell and having the same digit
                            if (CnctdCs.IsHit(rc2) && (pBDL[rc2].FreeB & noB) > 0)

                            int no2 = (pBDL[rc2].FreeB.BitReset(no1)).BitToNum();   //other digit
                            int nx  = (no2 == no)? 0: 1;
                            rcQue.Enqueue((no2 << 8) | rc2);                          //Put the next [Digit&Cell] in Queue
                            LKRec.Add((rc1 << 8 | rc2));                              //Record Link
                    if (CRL[0].Count > 0 || CRL[1].Count > 0)
                        yield return(CRL);
            yield break;
        private IEnumerable <Bit81[]> _GetXChain(int no, List <int> LKRec)
            Bit81 TBD = new Bit81(pBDL, (1 << no));

            int rcS;

            while ((rcS = TBD.FindFirstrc()) >= 0)                  //rcS:Set the origin cell.
                TBD.BPReset(rcS);                                   //Reset TBD to Processed.

                //===== Repeatedly coloring processing. initialize =====
                Bit81[] CRL = new Bit81[3];                           //Coloring 2 groups(CRL[0] and CRL[1]).
                CRL[0]    = new Bit81(); CRL[1] = new Bit81(rcS); CRL[2] = new Bit81();
                CRL[0].ID = rcS;
                Queue <int> rcQue = new Queue <int>();
                rcQue.Enqueue((rcS << 1) | 1);                        //(First StrongLink)

                //===== Repeatedly coloring processing. start =====
                LKRec.Clear();                                      //clear chain recorder.
                bool firstLK = true;
                while (rcQue.Count > 0)
                    int rcX = rcQue.Dequeue();                                     //recorded [cell and color]
                    int swF = 1 - (rcX & 1);                                       //next color(inversion S-W)
                    int rc1 = (rcX >> 1);                                          //next cell

                    foreach (var LKx in CeLKMan.IEGetRcNoType(rc1, no, (swF + 1))) //LKx:link connected to cell rc1
                        int rc2 = LKx.rc2;                                         //anather cell of LKx
                        if ((CRL[0] | CRL[1]).IsHit(rc2))
                            continue;                               //already colored
                        CRL[swF].BPSet(rc2);                        //coloring
                        rcQue.Enqueue((rc2 << 1) | swF);            //enqueue(next cell and color)
                        LKRec.Add(rc1 << 8 | rc2);                  //chain record
                        if (firstLK)
                            CRL[2].BPSet(rc2);                      //record colored cells from rcS(source cell)
                    firstLK = false;
                if (CRL[1].Count > 0)
                    yield return(CRL);
                //----- Repeatedly coloring processing. end -----
            yield break;
        private IEnumerable <Bit81[]> _Coloring(int no)
            Bit81[] CRL = new Bit81[2];
            CRL[0] = new Bit81(); CRL[1] = new Bit81();
            Bit81 TBD = new Bit81(pBDL, (1 << no));
            int   rc1 = TBD.FindFirstrc();

            while (rc1 >= 0)
                Queue <int> rcQue = new Queue <int>();
                rcQue.Enqueue(rc1 << 1);
                while (rcQue.Count > 0)
                    rc1 = rcQue.Dequeue();
                    int kx = 1 - (rc1 & 1);
                    rc1 >>= 1;
                    foreach (var P in CeLKMan.IEGetRcNoType(rc1, no, 1))
                        int rc2 = P.rc2;
                        if (!(CRL[0] | CRL[1]).IsHit(rc2) && TBD.IsHit(rc2))
                            CRL[kx].BPSet(rc2); rcQue.Enqueue((rc2 << 1) | kx);
                yield return(CRL);

                if ((rc1 = TBD.FindFirstrc()) < 0)
                    yield break;
                CRL    = new Bit81[2];
                CRL[0] = new Bit81(); CRL[1] = new Bit81();
            yield break;