/// <summary>
        /// OnOrderUpdate->OnExecutionUpdate->OnPositionUpdate
        /// OnPositionUpdate: check new trade, change position for curTrade, no order update;
        /// OnExecutionUpdate: check filled order, update the new entry order and liquidate order;
        /// OnOrderUpdate: deal with working order, rejected/cancelled orders;
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order"></param>
        /// <param name="limitPrice"></param>
        /// <param name="stopPrice"></param>
        /// <param name="quantity"></param>
        /// <param name="filled"></param>
        /// <param name="averageFillPrice"></param>
        /// <param name="orderState"></param>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        /// <param name="error"></param>
        /// <param name="comment"></param>
        protected override void OnOrderUpdate(Cbi.Order order, double limitPrice, double stopPrice,
                                              int quantity, int filled, double averageFillPrice,
                                              Cbi.OrderState orderState, DateTime time, Cbi.ErrorCode error, string comment)
            //if(BarsInProgress !=0) return;
            IndicatorProxy.Log2Disk = true;

            if (PrintOut > 1 && !IsInStrategyAnalyzer)
                IndicatorProxy.PrintLog(true, IsLiveTrading(),
                                        CurrentBars[BarsInProgress] + "[" + BarsInProgress + "]:OnOrderUpdate IsUnmanaged=" + IsUnmanaged);

            //The logic is implemented in the method below
            CurrentTrade.OnCurOrderUpdate(order, limitPrice, stopPrice, quantity, filled, averageFillPrice,
                                          orderState, time, error, comment);

            //The order execution is implemented in the method below
            if (IsUnmanaged)
                OnOrderUpdateUM(order, limitPrice, stopPrice, quantity, filled,
                                averageFillPrice, orderState, time, error, comment);
                OnOrderUpdateMG(order, limitPrice, stopPrice, quantity, filled,
                                averageFillPrice, orderState, time, error, comment);
Exemple #2
        protected override void OnOrderUpdate(Cbi.Order order, double limitPrice, double stopPrice,
                                              int quantity, int filled, double averageFillPrice,
                                              Cbi.OrderState orderState, DateTime time, Cbi.ErrorCode error, string comment)
            if (PrintDetails)
                Print(string.Format("{0} | OOU | order | {1} | {2}", Times[1][0], time, order.ToString()));

            AssignOrderToVariable(ref order);

            // if either the profit target or stop loss is cancelled or rejected, then reset for a new entry
            if (!suppressCancelExit && entryOrder != null && order != entryOrder &&
                (!UseProfitTarget || (profitTarget != null &&
                                      (profitTarget.OrderState == OrderState.Cancelled ||
                                       profitTarget.OrderState == OrderState.Rejected))) &&
                (!UseStopLoss || (stopLoss != null &&
                                  (stopLoss.OrderState == OrderState.Cancelled ||
                                   stopLoss.OrderState == OrderState.Rejected)))
                // if either the stop or target is cancelled, wait 1 tick in OBU to check
                // to see if this was because of the Exit on close occurring or if manually cancelled
                ordersCancelled = true;

                if (PrintDetails)
                    Print(string.Format("{0} stop or target cancelled or rejected", Times[1][0]));

            // once the stop loss or profit target (or exit for flat / exit for manual cancel) fills, reset for a new entry
            if ((profitTarget != null && profitTarget.OrderState == OrderState.Filled && (stopLoss == null || stopLoss.OrderState == OrderState.Cancelled)) ||
                (stopLoss != null && stopLoss.OrderState == OrderState.Filled && (profitTarget == null || profitTarget.OrderState == OrderState.Cancelled)) ||
                (exitFlat != null && exitFlat.OrderState == OrderState.Filled && (profitTarget == null || profitTarget.OrderState == OrderState.Cancelled) && (stopLoss == null || stopLoss.OrderState == OrderState.Cancelled)))
                if (PrintDetails)
                    Print(string.Format("{0} | OOU | resetting", Times[1][0]));

                entryOrder         = null;
                profitTarget       = null;
                stopLoss           = null;
                exitFlat           = null;
                suppressCancelExit = false;

            // when the Exit on close fills, wait for the new session to start the next entry
            // (so no orders are submitted between the exit on close and the end of the session)
            if (exitSession != null && exitSession.OrderState == OrderState.Filled)
                if (PrintDetails)
                    Print(string.Format("{0} | OOU | exit on close filled waiting for next session for reset\r\n{1}", Times[1][0], order.ToString()));

                exitOnCloseWait = true;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order"></param>
        /// <param name="limitPrice"></param>
        /// <param name="stopPrice"></param>
        /// <param name="quantity"></param>
        /// <param name="filled"></param>
        /// <param name="averageFillPrice"></param>
        /// <param name="orderState"></param>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        /// <param name="error"></param>
        /// <param name="comment"></param>
        public virtual void OnCurOrderUpdate(Cbi.Order order, double limitPrice, double stopPrice,
                                             int quantity, int filled, double averageFillPrice,
                                             Cbi.OrderState orderState, DateTime time, Cbi.ErrorCode error, string comment)
            if (!this.InstStrategy.IsInStrategyAnalyzer && InstStrategy.PrintOut > 1)
                InstStrategy.IndicatorProxy.PrintLog(true, InstStrategy.IsLiveTrading(),
                                                     String.Format("{0}:OnCurOrderUpdate, limitPrice={1}, stopPrice={2}, quantity={3},\t\n filled={4}, averageFillPrice={5}, orderState={6}",
                                                                   InstStrategy.CurrentBar, limitPrice, stopPrice, quantity, filled, averageFillPrice, orderState));
            try {
//			    if (order.Name == "myEntryOrder" && orderState != OrderState.Filled)
//			      entryOrder = order;

//			    if (entryOrder != null && entryOrder == order)
//			    {
//			        Print(order.ToString());
//			        if (order.OrderState == OrderState.Filled)
//			              entryOrder = null;
//			    }

                //InstStrategy.IndicatorProxy.TraceMessage(this.Name, 1);
                if (BracketOrder.EntryOrder != null && BracketOrder.EntryOrder == order)
                    if (orderState == OrderState.Cancelled ||
                        //order.OrderState == OrderState.Filled ||
                        orderState == OrderState.Rejected ||
                        orderState == OrderState.Unknown)
                        barsSinceEnOrd          = 0;
                        BracketOrder.EntryOrder = null;

                //InstStrategy.IndicatorProxy.TraceMessage(this.Name, 1);
                if (BracketOrder.TrailingSLOrder.EntryOrder != null && BracketOrder.TrailingSLOrder.EntryOrder == order)
                    if (orderState == OrderState.Cancelled ||
                        orderState == OrderState.Rejected ||
                        orderState == OrderState.Unknown)
                        barsSinceEnOrd = 0;
                        BracketOrder.TrailingSLOrder.EntryOrder = null;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                InstStrategy.Print("Exception=" + ex.StackTrace);
Exemple #4
        protected override void OnOrderUpdate(Cbi.Order order, double limitPrice, double stopPrice,
                                              int quantity, int filled, double averageFillPrice,
                                              Cbi.OrderState orderState, DateTime time, Cbi.ErrorCode error, string comment)
            //Print("The most current order state is: " + order.OrderState);   // OrderState.PartFilled
            //Print("This particular order update state is: " + orderState); // OrderState.Working
            if (filled != null && (order.Name == "ORs 1" || order.Name == "ORs 2"))
                Print("This particular order update state is: " + filled + "\t" + order.OrderType + "\t" + order.Name);             // OrderState.Working
                setInitialStopShort(pct: StopPct, auto: AutoSetStopFromMarket);

            if (filled != null && (order.Name == "OR 1" || order.Name == "OR 2"))
                Print("This particular order update state is: " + filled + "\t" + order.OrderType + "\t" + order.Name);             // OrderState.Working
                setInitialStop(pct: StopPct, auto: AutoSetStopFromMarket);
Exemple #5
        private void GetInitialOrderApq(Cbi.Order order, Cbi.OrderState orderState, double limitPrice)
            if (!order.IsLimit)

            if (SuperDom.AtmStrategySelectionMode == AtmStrategySelectionMode.DisplaySelectedAtmStrategyOnly)
                if (SuperDom.AtmStrategy != null)
                    AtmStrategy atmStrategy1;
                    lock (order.Account.Strategies)
                        atmStrategy1 = order.Account.Strategies.FirstOrDefault(s => { lock (s.Orders) return(s.Orders.FirstOrDefault(o1 => o1 == order) != null); }) as AtmStrategy;

                    if (SuperDom.AtmStrategy != atmStrategy1)

            double price = limitPrice;

            if (!Cbi.Order.IsTerminalState(orderState))
                ConcurrentDictionary <Cbi.Order, long> ordersThisPrice;
                // Are there any orders at this price?
                if (priceToOrderApqMap.TryGetValue(price, out ordersThisPrice))
                    long apq;
                    if (!ordersThisPrice.TryGetValue(order, out apq))
                        if (!order.IsSimulatedStop)
                            if (order.OrderAction == Cbi.OrderAction.Buy || order.OrderAction == Cbi.OrderAction.BuyToCover)
                                NinjaTrader.Data.MarketDepthRow lr = null;
                                lock (SuperDom.MarketDepth.Instrument.SyncMarketDepth)
                                    lr = SuperDom.MarketDepth.Bids.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Price == price);
                                if (lr != null)
                                    apq = lr.Volume + 1;

                                ordersThisPrice.TryAdd(order, apq);
                                NinjaTrader.Data.MarketDepthRow lr = null;
                                lock (SuperDom.MarketDepth.Instrument.SyncMarketDepth)
                                    lr = SuperDom.MarketDepth.Asks.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Price == price);
                                if (lr != null)
                                    apq = lr.Volume + 1;

                                ordersThisPrice.TryAdd(order, apq);

                            // Remove order from any other prices it might reside in
                            RemoveOrder(order, price);
                            // Update APQ value to be written to screen at this price
                    long apq = 0;
                    if (!order.IsSimulatedStop)
                        if (order.OrderAction == Cbi.OrderAction.Buy || order.OrderAction == Cbi.OrderAction.BuyToCover)
                            NinjaTrader.Data.MarketDepthRow lr = null;
                            lock (SuperDom.MarketDepth.Instrument.SyncMarketDepth)
                                lr = SuperDom.MarketDepth.Bids.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Price == price);
                            if (lr != null)
                                apq = lr.Volume + 1;
                            NinjaTrader.Data.MarketDepthRow lr = null;
                            lock (SuperDom.MarketDepth.Instrument.SyncMarketDepth)
                                lr = SuperDom.MarketDepth.Asks.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Price == price);
                            if (lr != null)
                                apq = lr.Volume + 1;

                        ordersThisPrice = new ConcurrentDictionary <Cbi.Order, long>();
                        if (ordersThisPrice.TryAdd(order, apq) && priceToOrderApqMap.TryAdd(price, ordersThisPrice))
                            // Remove order from any other prices it might reside in
                            RemoveOrder(order, price);
                            // Update APQ value to be written to screen at this price
            else                // Remove terminal orders
                if (!order.IsMarket)
                    // Remove order from any other prices it might reside in
                    // Update APQ value to be written to screen at this price
Exemple #6
 protected override void OnOrderUpdate(Cbi.Order order, double limitPrice, double stopPrice,
                                       int quantity, int filled, double averageFillPrice,
                                       Cbi.OrderState orderState, DateTime time, Cbi.ErrorCode error, string comment)
        protected override void OnOrderUpdate(Cbi.Order order, double limitPrice, double stopPrice,
                                              int quantity, int filled, double averageFillPrice,
                                              Cbi.OrderState orderState, DateTime time, Cbi.ErrorCode error, string comment)
            if (PrintDetails)
                Print(string.Format("{0} | OOU | order | {1} | {2}", Times[1][0], time, order.ToString()));

            AssignOrderToVariable(ref order);

            // the logic below is to simulate OCO when manually cancelling an order.

            // if the stop or target has filled (instead of being cancelled), nt will automatically
            // cancel any remaining orders attached to the entry's signal name.
            // prevent the OCO logic below to prevent overfills (cancelling an already cancelled order)
            if (orderState == OrderState.Filled && ((profitTarget != null && order == profitTarget) ||
                                                    (stopLoss != null && order == stopLoss)))
                if (PrintDetails)
                    Print(string.Format("{0} | OOU | stop or target filled, preventing oco actions until reset", Times[1][0]));

                suppressOco = true;

            // oco strings cannot be used in the managed approach. So simulate OCO here for manually cancelled orders
            // if the profit target is cancelled and the stop loss is still working, cancel the stop loss
            if (!suppressOco && profitTarget != null && order == profitTarget &&
                (orderState == OrderState.Cancelled || orderState == OrderState.Rejected) &&
                stopLoss != null &&
                (stopLoss.OrderState == OrderState.Accepted || stopLoss.OrderState == OrderState.Working))
                if (PrintDetails)
                    Print(string.Format("{0} | OOU | cancelling stop", Times[1][0]));


            // if the stop loss is cancelled and the profit target is still working, cancel the profit target
            else if (!suppressOco && stopLoss != null && order == stopLoss &&
                     (orderState == OrderState.Cancelled || orderState == OrderState.Rejected) &&
                     profitTarget != null &&
                     (profitTarget.OrderState == OrderState.Accepted ||
                      profitTarget.OrderState == OrderState.Working))
                if (PrintDetails)
                    Print(string.Format("{0} | OOU | cancelling target", Times[1][0]));


            // if both the profit target and stop loss are cancelled or rejected,
            // then exit the position and reset for a new entry
            else if (entryOrder != null && order != entryOrder &&
                     (!UseProfitTarget || (profitTarget != null &&
                                           (profitTarget.OrderState == OrderState.Cancelled ||
                                            profitTarget.OrderState == OrderState.Rejected))) &&
                     (!UseStopLoss || (stopLoss != null &&
                                       (stopLoss.OrderState == OrderState.Cancelled ||
                                        stopLoss.OrderState == OrderState.Rejected))))
                // if either the stop or target is cancelled, wait 1 tick in OBU to check
                // to see if this was because of the Exit on close occurring or if manually cancelled
                ordersCancelled = true;

                if (PrintDetails)
                    Print(string.Format("{0} | OOU | stop or target cancelled or rejected", Times[1][0]));

            // end of simulated oco logic for manual cancellations

            // once the stop loss or profit target (or exit for flat / exit for manual cancel) fills, reset for a new entry
            if ((profitTarget != null && profitTarget.OrderState == OrderState.Filled && (stopLoss == null || stopLoss.OrderState == OrderState.Cancelled)) ||
                (stopLoss != null && stopLoss.OrderState == OrderState.Filled && (profitTarget == null || profitTarget.OrderState == OrderState.Cancelled)) ||
                (exitFlat != null && exitFlat.OrderState == OrderState.Filled && (profitTarget == null || profitTarget.OrderState == OrderState.Cancelled) && (stopLoss == null || stopLoss.OrderState == OrderState.Cancelled)))
                if (PrintDetails)
                    Print(string.Format("{0} | OOU | resetting", Times[1][0]));

                entryOrder   = null;
                profitTarget = null;
                stopLoss     = null;
                exitFlat     = null;

            // when the Exit on close fills, wait for the new session to start the next entry
            // (so no orders are submitted between the exit on close and the end of the session)
            if (exitSession != null && exitSession.OrderState == OrderState.Filled)
                if (PrintDetails)
                    Print(string.Format("{0} | OOU | exit on close filled waiting for next session for reset\r\n{1}", Times[1][0], order.ToString()));

                exitOnCloseWait = true;
        protected override void OnOrderUpdate(Cbi.Order order, double limitPrice, double stopPrice, int quantity, int filled, double averageFillPrice, Cbi.OrderState orderState, DateTime time, Cbi.ErrorCode error, string comment)
            //Entry Order
            if (order.Name == "StartOrder" && order.OrderState == OrderState.Filled)
                StartOrder = order;
                _status    = "StartOrder";

            //if (order.Name == "Profit target" && order.OrderState == OrderState.Filled)
            //if (order.Name == "Stop loss" && order.OrderState == OrderState.Filled)
            //if (order.Name == "Cover1" && order.OrderState == OrderState.Filled)
            //    _status = "Recover";
            //if (order.Name == "CollectionMIT")
            //    CollectionMIT = order;

            //if(order.Name == "CollectionMIT" && order.OrderState == OrderState.Filled)
            //    SetProfitTarget("CollectionMIT", CalculationMode.Price, High[0] + 10 * TickSize, true);
            //    CollectionMIT = order;

            //if (order.Name == "Profit target" && order.OrderState == OrderState.Filled && _status.Equals("Collection"))
            //    ProfitTarget = order;
            //    CollectionMIT = EnterLongLimit(0, true, 1, High[1] - 9 * TickSize, "CollectionMIT");
            #region help

            //else if (order.Name == "Collection" && order.OrderState == OrderState.Filled)

            //    LimitCollectionOrder = EnterLongLimit(High[0] - 7 * TickSize, "LimitCollectionOrder");
            //else if (order.Name == "LimitCollectionOrder" && order.OrderState == OrderState.Working)
            //    LimitCollectionOrder = order;
            //    _status = "LimitCollectionOrder";

            //else if (order.Name == "LimitCollectionOrder" && order.OrderState == OrderState.Filled)
            //    LimitCollectionOrder = order;
            //else if (order.Name == "LimitCollectionOrder")
            //      Draw.Dot(this, @"MyCustomStrategy" + CurrentBars[0].ToString(), false, 0, Close[0], Brushes.Blue);
            //    Logs.SuperLogs(order.ToString());
            //if (order.Name == "StartOrderExit" && order.OrderState == OrderState.Filled)
            //    _status = "Collect";
            //    EnterLongLimit(1, High[0] - 8 * TickSize, "CollectionOrder");

            ////Collection Order working
            //if (order.Name == "CollectionOrder")
            //    CollectionOrder = order;
            //if(order.Name == "CollectionOrder" && order.OrderState == OrderState.Filled)
            //    SetProfitTarget("CollectionOrder", CalculationMode.Pips, 10, true);
            //Collection Activated

            //if(order.Name == "CollectionOrder" && order.OrderState == OrderState.Filled)
            //    SetStopLoss("CollectionOrder", CalculationMode.Price, StartOrder.AverageFillPrice + 2 * TickSize, true);
            //    SetProfitTarget("CollectionOrder", CalculationMode.Price, High[0] + 10 * TickSize, true);
            //if(order.Name == "CollectSignal" && order.OrderState == OrderState.Filled)

            //if (order != null && entryOrder == null && order.Name == "EntryOrder" && orderState == OrderState.Filled)
            //    entryOrder = order;
            //    Logs.SuperLogs(entryOrder.ToString());

            //    _initprice = averageFillPrice;
            //    Print("LOL");

            //Logs.SuperLogs(string.Format("{0} {1}", entryOrder.ToString(), "DOWN DOWN |||  "));

            //// if entry order exists
            //if (entryOrder != null && entryOrder == order)
            //    Print(order.ToString());
            //    if (order.OrderState == OrderState.Cancelled)
            //    {
            //        // Do something here
            //        entryOrder = null;
            //    }