public void Add_SuccessfulWithFullInformation()
            //Using dataset to insert
            var dbCategory = new Mock <DbSet <Category> >();
            //    Moq.Language.Flow.IReturnsResult<DbSet<Category>> returnsResult = dbCategory.Setup(x => x.Add(It.IsAny<Category>())).Returns(category);
            Mock <ApplicationDbContext> mockDbContext = new Mock <ApplicationDbContext>( );

            mockDbContext.Setup(x => x.Set <Category>()).Returns(dbCategory.Object);
            CategoryRespository categoryRespository = new CategoryRespository(mockDbContext.Object);
            var category = new Category()
                Id           = 1,
                DisplayOrder = 1,
                Name         = "Category 1",
                Description  = "Initialized db"


            // Both must return the same value
            mockDbContext.Verify(x => x.Set <Category>());
            dbCategory.Verify(x => x.Add(It.Is <Category>(y => y == category)));
 public void AddCategory(Category category)