Exemple #1
        public IResponse Execute(ICruiseRequest request)
            var velocityContext = new Hashtable();

            this.translations = Translations.RetrieveCurrent();

            var projectStatus = farmService.GetProjectStatusListAndCaptureExceptions(request.RetrieveSessionToken());
            var urlBuilder    = request.UrlBuilder;
            var category      = request.Request.GetText("Category");

            var gridRows = this.projectGrid.GenerateProjectGridRows(projectStatus.StatusAndServerList, BaseActionName,
                                                                    ProjectGridSortColumn.Category, true,
                                                                    category, urlBuilder, this.translations);

            var categories = new SortedDictionary <string, CategoryInformation>();

            foreach (var row in gridRows)
                var rowCategory = row.Category;
                CategoryInformation categoryRows;
                if (!categories.TryGetValue(rowCategory, out categoryRows))
                    categoryRows = new CategoryInformation(rowCategory);
                    categories.Add(rowCategory, categoryRows);


            velocityContext["categories"] = categories.Values;

            return(viewGenerator.GenerateView("CategorizedFarmReport.vm", velocityContext));
Exemple #2
        public async Task AddCategory(CategoryInformation categoryInformation)
            var category = _mapper.Map <Category>(categoryInformation);
            await _context.Categories.AddAsync(category);

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
 public CategoryInformationForm(CategoryInformation categoryInfo, string title)
     this.Text = $"Information - {title}";
     this.categoryTitleLabel.Text = title;
     this.radLabel2.Text          = categoryInfo.Information;
        public IResponse Execute(ICruiseRequest request)
            var velocityContext = new Hashtable();
            this.translations = Translations.RetrieveCurrent();

            var projectStatus = farmService.GetProjectStatusListAndCaptureExceptions(request.RetrieveSessionToken());
            var urlBuilder = request.UrlBuilder;
            var category = request.Request.GetText("Category");

            var gridRows = this.projectGrid.GenerateProjectGridRows(projectStatus.StatusAndServerList, BaseActionName, 
                                                                    ProjectGridSortColumn.Category, true, 
                                                                    category, urlBuilder,this.translations);

            var categories = new SortedDictionary<string, CategoryInformation>();
            foreach (var row in gridRows)
                var rowCategory = row.Category;
                CategoryInformation categoryRows;
                if (!categories.TryGetValue(rowCategory, out categoryRows))
                    categoryRows = new CategoryInformation(rowCategory);
                    categories.Add(rowCategory, categoryRows);                    


            velocityContext["categories"] = categories.Values;          

            return viewGenerator.GenerateView("CategorizedFarmReport.vm", velocityContext);
Exemple #5
        public async Task PostAsync_CategoryIsValid_CategoryShouldBeCreated()
            var category = new CategoryInformation
                Name = "Fizyka"

            var content       = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(category);
            var stringContent = new StringContent(content, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

            var response = await _client.PostAsync("/api/category/", stringContent);

            var readedResponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            var gotGuid = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CategoryInformation>(readedResponse);

            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);

            var responseToGetCategory = await _client.GetAsync("/api/category/1");


            var stringResponse = await responseToGetCategory.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            var gotCattegory = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CategoryInformation>(stringResponse);

            Assert.IsType <CategoryInformation>(gotCattegory);
            Assert.Equal(gotGuid.CategoryId, gotCattegory.CategoryId);
Exemple #6
        public async Task UpdateCategory(CategoryInformation categoryInformation)
            var category = _mapper.Map <Category>(categoryInformation);


            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
Exemple #7
        public async Task <IActionResult> AddCategory(CategoryInformation categoryInformation)
            var category = await _validator.ValidateAsync(categoryInformation);

            if (!category.IsValid)

            await _repository.AddCategory(categoryInformation);

        public IResponse Execute(ICruiseRequest request)
            var velocityContext = new Hashtable();

            this.translations = Translations.RetrieveCurrent();

            var projectStatus = farmService.GetProjectStatusListAndCaptureExceptions(request.RetrieveSessionToken());
            var urlBuilder    = request.UrlBuilder;
            var category      = request.Request.GetText("Category");

            var sessionToken = request.RetrieveSessionToken();

            velocityContext["forceBuildMessage"] = ForceBuildIfNecessary(request.Request, sessionToken);

            var gridRows = this.projectGrid.GenerateProjectGridRows(projectStatus.StatusAndServerList, BaseActionName,
                                                                    ProjectGridSortColumn.Category, true,
                                                                    category, urlBuilder, this.translations);

            var categories = new SortedDictionary <string, CategoryInformation>();

            foreach (var row in gridRows)
                var rowCategory = row.Category;
                CategoryInformation categoryRows;
                if (!categories.TryGetValue(rowCategory, out categoryRows))
                    categoryRows = new CategoryInformation(rowCategory);
                    categories.Add(rowCategory, categoryRows);


            // there is a category specified via a link, so expand that category by default
            // it's annoying to specify a category and still have to press the show link
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(category))
                categories[category].Display = true;

            velocityContext["categories"] = categories.Values;

            return(viewGenerator.GenerateView("CategorizedFarmReport.vm", velocityContext));
        public IResponse Execute(ICruiseRequest request)
            var velocityContext = new Hashtable();
            this.translations = Translations.RetrieveCurrent();

            var projectStatus = farmService.GetProjectStatusListAndCaptureExceptions(request.RetrieveSessionToken());
            var urlBuilder = request.UrlBuilder;
            var category = request.Request.GetText("Category");

            var sessionToken = request.RetrieveSessionToken();
            velocityContext["forceBuildMessage"] = ForceBuildIfNecessary(request.Request, sessionToken);

            var gridRows = this.projectGrid.GenerateProjectGridRows(projectStatus.StatusAndServerList, BaseActionName,
                                                                    ProjectGridSortColumn.Category, true,
                                                                    category, urlBuilder, this.translations);

            var categories = new SortedDictionary<string, CategoryInformation>();

            foreach (var row in gridRows)
                var rowCategory = row.Category;
                CategoryInformation categoryRows;
                if (!categories.TryGetValue(rowCategory, out categoryRows))
                    categoryRows = new CategoryInformation(rowCategory);
                    categories.Add(rowCategory, categoryRows);


            // there is a category specified via a link, so expand that category by default
            // it's annoying to specify a category and still have to press the show link
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(category))
                    categories[category].Display = true;

            velocityContext["categories"] = categories.Values;

            return viewGenerator.GenerateView("CategorizedFarmReport.vm", velocityContext);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts from the user input data to the target unit and applies appropriate
        /// formatting to the converted value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceUnitValue">Value to be converted to the target unit</param>
        private void ConvertAndDisplayTargetUnit(double sourceUnitValue)
            double convertedValue = 0.0;

            convertedValue = CategoryInformation.Convert(
                sourceUnitValue, this.ConversionSettings.SourceUnit, this.ConversionSettings.TargetUnit);

            string potentialConvertedText = string.Empty;

            // Regardless of value, just try and fit the text on the screen, if it works we don't
            // need to use scientific notation otherwise we do
            potentialConvertedText =
                convertedValue.ToString(completeFormat, ApplicationState.CurrentCulture);

            if (potentialConvertedText.Length > MaximumNumberOfInputDigits)
                const double StandardDisplayLarge = 1.0e11;
                // two less available spaces for decimal and zero
                const double StandardDisplaySmall     = 1.0e-9;
                const string ScientificNotationFormat = "0.{0}e-0";
                const string RegularNotationFormat    = "0.{0}";

                string notationFormat = RegularNotationFormat;

                if (Math.Abs(convertedValue) >= StandardDisplayLarge ||
                    Math.Abs(convertedValue) <= StandardDisplaySmall)
                    notationFormat = ScientificNotationFormat;

                int    numDecimalPlaces = potentialConvertedText.Length;
                string decimalSpecifier = new string('#', numDecimalPlaces);

                for (; numDecimalPlaces > 0 &&
                     potentialConvertedText.Length > MaximumNumberOfInputDigits; --numDecimalPlaces)
                    // Strip off one of the #s, we need to lose some precision to fit.
                    decimalSpecifier = decimalSpecifier.Remove(0, 1);
                    string format = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, notationFormat, decimalSpecifier);
                    potentialConvertedText = convertedValue.ToString(format, ApplicationState.CurrentCulture);
            this.AssignUnitValue(false, potentialConvertedText);
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Restores the user selections. This can be used when we are navigating from
        /// the main page, or are returning from a tombstone operation.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void RestoreUserSelections()
            CategoryPageState p = ApplicationState.CategoryPageInformation;

            // If we are on the favorite tab, we handle the data binding differently
            if (p.IsFavorite)
            // In case the user does not make any changes or selections, we need to have the data
            // to send back to the main page, so we select the current conversion units
            CategoryInformation c = ApplicationState.UnitCategoryAccess[p.Category];

                if ((p.SourceUnitName != null) && (c.PivotUnitSelect.fromListView.ItemsSource != null))
                    c.PivotUnitSelect.fromListView.SelectedItem = c.FindUnit(p.SourceUnitName);
                    c.PivotUnitSelect.fromListView.SelectedIndex = -1;

                if ((p.TargetUnitName != null) && (c.PivotUnitSelect.toListView.ItemsSource != null))
                    c.PivotUnitSelect.toListView.SelectedItem = c.FindUnit(p.TargetUnitName);
                    c.PivotUnitSelect.toListView.SelectedIndex = -1;
            catch (Exception e)
                ApplicationState.ErrorLog.Add(new ErrorLog("RestoreUserSelections", e.Message));
                c.PivotUnitSelect.fromListView.SelectedIndex = -1;
                c.PivotUnitSelect.toListView.SelectedIndex   = -1;
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Syncs the state of selections on this page  to the main application state
        /// objetc. THis will be used for either Tombstone support, or returning to the main
        /// application page
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pivotIndex">Index of the page in the pivot control</param>
        internal void SyncStateToAppState(Int32 pivotIndex)
            CategoryPageState c = ApplicationState.CategoryPageInformation;

            ApplicationState.CategoryPageInformation.PivotSelectedIndex = pivotIndex;
            // We may have an invalid unit category if we chose a favorite and then deleted
            // it, in which case the user has not made a selection. We will set the
            // apply flag to false so that the main page will not try to apply the settings
            // from this page.
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Category))
                // Favorite category is not in the list of supported categories, because
                // it is not in the XML file.
                if (ApplicationState.UnitCategoryAccess.ContainsKey(c.Category))
                    // Non favorite category selection
                    CategoryInformation category = ApplicationState.UnitCategoryAccess[c.Category];
                    // We only set the selection information back on the app for use on the main
                    // page if it's valid. The user must have chosen an item for the to and from
                    // unit list on the same category.
                    // Our category is only updated once we've made a selection
                    // in both the to/from list boxes in order
                    // for the main page to update the conversion information
                    if (!(category.IsUnit(c.SourceUnitName) && category.IsUnit(c.TargetUnitName)))
                        // The unit selections are not both valid. Don't apply any change
                        c.Apply = false;
                    // Favorite category case
                    c.Apply = this.lastSelectedFavorite != null ? true : false;
                c.Apply = false;
Exemple #13
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateCategory(CategoryInformation categoryInformation)
            await _repository.UpdateCategory(categoryInformation);

Exemple #14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Initializing API...");
            HF_API api = new HF_API("", "HF-Sharp");

            // Use this if you're running your program on a server or VPN.
            // The parameter passed to 'BypassCaptchaSystem' should be a 2Captcha API Key.

            /*Console.WriteLine("Bypassing captcha system...");
             * api.BypassCaptchaSystem("");*/

            Console.WriteLine("\nTesting GetVersion...");
            Console.WriteLine("Completed. Version #" + api.GetVersion());

            Console.WriteLine("\nTesting GetUserInformation...");
            UserInformation user = api.GetUserInformation(3241222);

            Console.WriteLine("username: "******"\nTesting GetCategoryInformation...");
            CategoryInformation category = api.GetCategoryInformation(151);

            Console.WriteLine("category name: " + category.Name);

            Console.WriteLine("\nTesting GetForumInformation...");
            ForumInformation forum = api.GetForumInformation(208);

            Console.WriteLine("forum name: " + forum.Name);

            Console.WriteLine("\nTesting GetThreadInformation...");
            ThreadInformation thread = api.GetThreadInformation(5665556);

            Console.WriteLine("thread name: " + thread.Subject);

            Console.WriteLine("\nTesting GetPostInformation...");
            PostInformation post = api.GetPostInformation(58564495);

            Console.WriteLine("post message: " + post.Message);

            Console.WriteLine("\nTesting GetPrivateMessageContainer...");
            PrivateMessageContainer privateMessageContainer = api.GetPrivateMessageContainer();

            Console.WriteLine("box information: " + privateMessageContainer.ContainerName + ", " + privateMessageContainer.PageInfo.TotalMessages + " messages");

            Console.WriteLine("\nTesting GetPrivateMessages...");
            List <PrivateMessageInformation> messages = api.GetPrivateMessages();

            Console.WriteLine("got messages: " + messages.Count + " total, first id: " + messages[0].ID);

            Console.WriteLine("\nTesting GetPrivateMessage...");
            PrivateMessage message = api.GetPrivateMessage(messages[0].ID);

            Console.WriteLine("got message: from " + message.FromUsername + ", to " + message.ToUsername + ", subject = " + message.Subject);

            Console.WriteLine("\nTesting GetGroupInformation...");
            GroupInformation group = api.GetGroupInformation(52);

            Console.WriteLine("group: " + group.Name + ", owner: " + group.Owner.Username);
