private static async Task SendEventMessageAsync(GattDeviceService service, CategoryIdType categoryId, ushort eventType)
            Debug.WriteLine($"Sending message protocol event: '{categoryId}, {eventType}'");

            byte[] eventMessage = MessageProtocolFactory.CreateEventMessage(categoryId, eventType);
            await BluetoothLeHelper.WriteAsync(eventMessage, service, MessageProtocolRxCharacteristicId);
Exemple #2
        internal RequestBase(CategoryIdType categoryId, ushort requestType, uint sequenceId, byte[] payload, int expectedPayloadLength)
            if (payload == null && expectedPayloadLength != 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(payload), "Payload should not be null.");

            if (payload != null && payload.Length != expectedPayloadLength)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(payload), $"Payload should be {expectedPayloadLength} bytes. It is {payload.Length}.");

            CategoryId  = categoryId;
            RequestType = requestType;
            SequenceId  = sequenceId;
        private static RequestBase ExtractRequestPayload(CategoryIdType categoryId, ushort requestType, uint sequenceId, byte[] payload)
            switch (categoryId)
            case CategoryIdType.DeviceControl:
                DeviceControlRequestId deviceControlRequestId = (DeviceControlRequestId)requestType;
                switch (deviceControlRequestId)
                case DeviceControlRequestId.GetDesiredLedStatus:
                    return(new DeviceControlGetDesiredLedStatusRequest(deviceControlRequestId, sequenceId));

                case DeviceControlRequestId.ReportLedStatus:
                    return(new DeviceControlReportLedStatusRequest(deviceControlRequestId, sequenceId, payload));

                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown response payload type: {(WifiRequestId)requestType}");

            case CategoryIdType.WifiControl:
                WifiRequestId wifiRequestId = (WifiRequestId)requestType;
                switch (wifiRequestId)
                case WifiRequestId.SetWifiStatus:
                    return(new WifiStatusRequest(wifiRequestId, sequenceId, payload));

                case WifiRequestId.SetWifiScanResultsSummary:
                    return(new WifiScanSummaryRequest(wifiRequestId, sequenceId, payload));

                case WifiRequestId.SetNextWifiScanResult:
                    return(new WifiScanResultRequest(wifiRequestId, sequenceId, payload));

                case WifiRequestId.GetNewWifiDetails:
                    // This request doesn't have a payload
                    return(new WifiGetNewDetailsRequest(wifiRequestId, sequenceId));

                case WifiRequestId.SetWifiOperationResult:
                    return(new WifiSetRequest(wifiRequestId, sequenceId, payload));

                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown response payload type: {wifiRequestId}");

                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown Category ID type: {categoryId}");
        public static byte[] CreateResponseMessage(CategoryIdType categoryId, ushort requestType, uint sequenceId, byte errorCode, ResponseBase response = null)
            // Handle response object if provided...
            byte[] payload = new byte[0];
            if (response != null)
                payload = response.GetPayload();

            /* Response format:
             *  | Offset Bytes |    0     |    1     |    2     |    3     |
             *  |       0      |                  Preamble                 |
             *  |       4      |        Length       | Msg Type | Reserved |
             *  |       8      |      Category ID    |      Request ID     |
             *  |      12      |   Sequence Number   | Result   | Reserved |
             *  |      16      |               <Response Data>             |
             *  |     ...      |                    ...                    |
             * Length           : UINT16 (LSB) - the message length excluding the first 6 bytes.
             * Sequence number  : UINT16 (LSB) - must be the same as the sequence number of the
             *                    request this is answering.
             * Result           : 0x00 if successful, > 0x00 as an error code if failed

            byte[] message = new byte[16 + payload.Length];

            ByteArrayHelper.WriteBytes(Preamble, message);
            ByteArrayHelper.WriteLsbUInt16((ushort)(10 + payload.Length), message, 4);
            message[6] = (byte)MessageType.Response;
            ByteArrayHelper.WriteLsbUInt16((ushort)categoryId, message, 8);
            ByteArrayHelper.WriteLsbUInt16(requestType, message, 10);
            ByteArrayHelper.WriteLsbUInt16((ushort)sequenceId, message, 12);
            message[14] = errorCode;
            ByteArrayHelper.WriteBytes(payload, message, 16);

        public static byte[] CreateEventMessage(CategoryIdType categoryId, ushort wifiEventType)
            /* Event format:
             *  | Offset Bytes |    0     |    1     |    2     |    3     |
             *  |       0      |                  Preamble                 |
             *  |       4      |        Length       | Msg Type | Reserved |
             *  |       8      |      Category ID    |      Event ID       |
             * Length           : UINT16 (LSB) - the message length excluding the first 6 bytes.

            byte[] message = new byte[12];

            ByteArrayHelper.WriteBytes(Preamble, message);
            ByteArrayHelper.WriteLsbUInt16(6, message, 4); // Length
            message[6] = (byte)MessageType.Event;
            ByteArrayHelper.WriteLsbUInt16((ushort)categoryId, message, 8);
            ByteArrayHelper.WriteLsbUInt16((ushort)wifiEventType, message, 10);

        public static RequestBase ReadRequestMessagePayload(byte[] message)
            if (message.Length < 16)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(message), $"Message should be at least 16 bytes, not {message.Length}.");

            /* Request format:
             *  | Offset Bytes |    0     |    1     |    2     |    3     |
             *  |       0      |                  Preamble                 |
             *  |       4      |        Length       | Msg Type | Reserved |
             *  |       8      |      Category ID    |      Request ID     |
             *  |      12      |   Sequence Number   |       Reserved      |
             *  |      16      |               <Request Data>              |
             *  |     ...      |                    ...                    |
             * Length           : UINT16 (LSB) - the message length excluding the first 6 bytes.
             * Sequence number  : UINT16 (LSB) - must be used for the response to this request.

            uint           length      = ByteArrayHelper.ReadLsbUInt16(message, 4);
            CategoryIdType categoryId  = (CategoryIdType)ByteArrayHelper.ReadLsbUInt16(message, 8);
            ushort         requestType = (ushort)ByteArrayHelper.ReadLsbUInt16(message, 10);
            uint           sequenceId  = ByteArrayHelper.ReadLsbUInt16(message, 12);

            byte[] payload       = null;
            uint   payloadLength = length - 10;

            if (payloadLength > 0)
                payload = ByteArrayHelper.ReadBytes(message, 16, payloadLength);

            return(ExtractRequestPayload(categoryId, requestType, sequenceId, payload));