private void Start()
            if (nCats)
            else if (nyan)

            Canvas canvas = LoadingScreen.Instance.GetComponentInChildren <Canvas>();

            status       = CreateTextObject(canvas, "MMStatus");
            errors       = CreateTextObject(canvas, "MMErrors");
            warning      = CreateTextObject(canvas, "MMWarning");
            warning.text = "";

            //if (Versioning.version_major == 1 && Versioning.version_minor == 0 && Versioning.Revision == 5 && Versioning.BuildID == 1024)
            //    warning.text = "Your KSP 1.0.5 is running on build 1024. You should upgrade to build 1028 to avoid problems with addons.";
            //    //if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2f - 100, offsetY, 200, 20), "Click to open the Forum thread"))
            //    //    Application.OpenURL("");
        private void Start()
            if (nCats)
            else if (nyan)

            Canvas canvas = LoadingScreen.Instance.GetComponentInChildren <Canvas>();

            status       = CreateTextObject(canvas, "MMStatus");
            errors       = CreateTextObject(canvas, "MMErrors");
            warning      = CreateTextObject(canvas, "MMWarning");
            warning.text = "";

            //if (Versioning.version_major == 1 && Versioning.version_minor == 0 && Versioning.Revision == 5 && Versioning.BuildID == 1024)
            //    warning.text = "Your KSP 1.0.5 is running on build 1024. You should upgrade to build 1028 to avoid problems with addons.";
            //    //if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2f - 100, offsetY, 200, 20), "Click to open the Forum thread"))
            //    //    Application.OpenURL("");

            if (Versioning.version_major == 1 && Versioning.version_minor >= 8)
                foreach (AssemblyLoader.LoadedAssembly assembly in AssemblyLoader.loadedAssemblies)
                    AssemblyName assemblyName = assembly.assembly.GetName();
                    if (assemblyName.Name == "Firespitter" && assemblyName.Version <= Version.Parse("7.3.7175.38653"))
                        warning.text = "You are using a version of Firespitter that does not run properly on KSP 1.8+\nThis version may prevent the game from loading properly and may create problems for other mods";