public static bool IsVariantMethodCall(NodeFactory factory, MethodDesc calledMethod)

            TypeDesc owningType = calledMethod.OwningType;

            if (!owningType.IsInterface)

            bool result = false;

            if (owningType.HasVariance)
                TypeDesc owningTypeDefinition = owningType.GetTypeDefinition();
                for (int i = 0; i < owningTypeDefinition.Instantiation.Length; i++)
                    var variantParameter = (GenericParameterDesc)owningTypeDefinition.Instantiation[i];
                    if (variantParameter.Variance != 0)
                        // Variant interface parameters that are instantiated over valuetypes are
                        // not actually variant. Neither are contravariant parameters instantiated
                        // over sealed types (there won't be another interface castable to it
                        // through variance on that parameter).
                        TypeDesc variantArgument = owningType.Instantiation[i];
                        if (!variantArgument.IsValueType &&
                            (!variantArgument.IsSealed() || variantParameter.IsCovariant))
                            result = true;

            if (!result && factory.TypeSystemContext.IsGenericArrayInterfaceType(owningType))
                // We need to also do this for generic interfaces on arrays because they have a weird casting rule
                // that doesn't require the implemented interface to be variant to consider it castable.
                // For value types, we only need this when the array is castable by size (int[] and ICollection<uint>),
                // or it's a reference type (Derived[] and ICollection<Base>).
                TypeDesc elementType = owningType.Instantiation[0];
                result =
                    CastingHelper.IsArrayElementTypeCastableBySize(elementType) ||
                    (elementType.IsDefType && !elementType.IsValueType);

        public static bool IsVariantInterfaceImplementation(NodeFactory factory, TypeDesc providingType, DefType implementedInterface)

            // If any of the implemented interfaces have variance, calls against compatible interface methods
            // could result in interface methods of this type being used (e.g. IEnumerable<object>.GetEnumerator()
            // can dispatch to an implementation of IEnumerable<string>.GetEnumerator()).
            bool result = false;

            if (implementedInterface.HasVariance)
                TypeDesc interfaceDefinition = implementedInterface.GetTypeDefinition();
                for (int i = 0; i < interfaceDefinition.Instantiation.Length; i++)
                    var variantParameter = (GenericParameterDesc)interfaceDefinition.Instantiation[i];
                    if (variantParameter.Variance != 0)
                        // Variant interface parameters that are instantiated over valuetypes are
                        // not actually variant. Neither are contravariant parameters instantiated
                        // over sealed types (there won't be another interface castable to it
                        // through variance on that parameter).
                        TypeDesc variantArgument = implementedInterface.Instantiation[i];
                        if (!variantArgument.IsValueType &&
                            (!variantArgument.IsSealed() || variantParameter.IsCovariant))
                            result = true;

            if (!result &&
                (providingType.IsArray || providingType.GetTypeDefinition() == factory.ArrayOfTEnumeratorType) &&
                // We need to also do this for generic interfaces on arrays because they have a weird casting rule
                // that doesn't require the implemented interface to be variant to consider it castable.
                // For value types, we only need this when the array is castable by size (int[] and ICollection<uint>),
                // or it's a reference type (Derived[] and ICollection<Base>).
                TypeDesc elementType = providingType.IsArray ? ((ArrayType)providingType).ElementType : providingType.Instantiation[0];
                result =
                    CastingHelper.IsArrayElementTypeCastableBySize(elementType) ||
                    (elementType.IsDefType && !elementType.IsValueType);

Exemple #3
        private void AddVirtualMethodUseDependencies(DependencyList dependencyList, NodeFactory factory)
            if (_type.RuntimeInterfaces.Length > 0 && !factory.VTable(_type).HasFixedSlots)
                DefType closestDefType = _type.GetClosestDefType();

                foreach (var implementedInterface in _type.RuntimeInterfaces)
                    // If the type implements ICastable, the methods are implicitly necessary
                    if (implementedInterface == factory.ICastableInterface)
                        MethodDesc isInstDecl      = implementedInterface.GetKnownMethod("IsInstanceOfInterface", null);
                        MethodDesc getImplTypeDecl = implementedInterface.GetKnownMethod("GetImplType", null);

                        MethodDesc isInstMethodImpl      = _type.ResolveInterfaceMethodTarget(isInstDecl);
                        MethodDesc getImplTypeMethodImpl = _type.ResolveInterfaceMethodTarget(getImplTypeDecl);

                        if (isInstMethodImpl != null)
                            dependencyList.Add(factory.VirtualMethodUse(isInstMethodImpl), "ICastable IsInst");
                        if (getImplTypeMethodImpl != null)
                            dependencyList.Add(factory.VirtualMethodUse(getImplTypeMethodImpl), "ICastable GetImplType");

                    // If any of the implemented interfaces have variance, calls against compatible interface methods
                    // could result in interface methods of this type being used (e.g. IEnumberable<object>.GetEnumerator()
                    // can dispatch to an implementation of IEnumerable<string>.GetEnumerator()).
                    // For now, we will not try to optimize this and we will pretend all interface methods are necessary.
                    bool allInterfaceMethodsAreImplicitlyUsed = false;
                    if (implementedInterface.HasVariance)
                        TypeDesc interfaceDefinition = implementedInterface.GetTypeDefinition();
                        for (int i = 0; i < interfaceDefinition.Instantiation.Length; i++)
                            if (((GenericParameterDesc)interfaceDefinition.Instantiation[i]).Variance != 0 &&
                                allInterfaceMethodsAreImplicitlyUsed = true;
                    if (!allInterfaceMethodsAreImplicitlyUsed &&
                        (_type.IsArray || _type.GetTypeDefinition() == factory.ArrayOfTEnumeratorType) &&
                        // NOTE: we need to also do this for generic interfaces on arrays because they have a weird casting rule
                        // that doesn't require the implemented interface to be variant to consider it castable.
                        // For value types, we only need this when the array is castable by size (int[] and ICollection<uint>),
                        // or it's a reference type (Derived[] and ICollection<Base>).
                        TypeDesc elementType = _type.IsArray ? ((ArrayType)_type).ElementType : _type.Instantiation[0];
                        allInterfaceMethodsAreImplicitlyUsed =
                            CastingHelper.IsArrayElementTypeCastableBySize(elementType) ||
                            (elementType.IsDefType && !elementType.IsValueType);

                    if (allInterfaceMethodsAreImplicitlyUsed)
                        foreach (var interfaceMethod in implementedInterface.GetAllMethods())
                            if (interfaceMethod.Signature.IsStatic)

                            // Generic virtual methods are tracked by an orthogonal mechanism.
                            if (interfaceMethod.HasInstantiation)

                            MethodDesc implMethod = closestDefType.ResolveInterfaceMethodToVirtualMethodOnType(interfaceMethod);
                            if (implMethod != null)
                                dependencyList.Add(factory.VirtualMethodUse(interfaceMethod), "Variant interface method");
                                dependencyList.Add(factory.VirtualMethodUse(implMethod), "Variant interface method");
Exemple #4
        protected override DependencyList ComputeNonRelocationBasedDependencies(NodeFactory factory)
            DependencyList dependencyList = base.ComputeNonRelocationBasedDependencies(factory);

            // Ensure that we track the necessary type symbol if we are working with a constructed type symbol.
            // The emitter will ensure we don't emit both, but this allows us assert that we only generate
            // relocs to nodes we emit.
            dependencyList.Add(factory.NecessaryTypeSymbol(_type), "NecessaryType for constructed type");

            DefType closestDefType = _type.GetClosestDefType();

            if (TrackInterfaceDispatchMapDepenendency && _type.RuntimeInterfaces.Length > 0)
                dependencyList.Add(factory.InterfaceDispatchMap(_type), "Interface dispatch map");

            if (_type.RuntimeInterfaces.Length > 0 && !factory.CompilationModuleGroup.ShouldProduceFullVTable(_type))
                foreach (var implementedInterface in _type.RuntimeInterfaces)
                    // If the type implements ICastable, the methods are implicitly necessary
                    if (implementedInterface == factory.ICastableInterface)
                        MethodDesc isInstDecl      = implementedInterface.GetKnownMethod("IsInstanceOfInterface", null);
                        MethodDesc getImplTypeDecl = implementedInterface.GetKnownMethod("GetImplType", null);

                        MethodDesc isInstMethodImpl      = _type.ResolveInterfaceMethodTarget(isInstDecl);
                        MethodDesc getImplTypeMethodImpl = _type.ResolveInterfaceMethodTarget(getImplTypeDecl);

                        if (isInstMethodImpl != null)
                            dependencyList.Add(factory.VirtualMethodUse(isInstMethodImpl), "ICastable IsInst");
                        if (getImplTypeMethodImpl != null)
                            dependencyList.Add(factory.VirtualMethodUse(getImplTypeMethodImpl), "ICastable GetImplType");

                    // If any of the implemented interfaces have variance, calls against compatible interface methods
                    // could result in interface methods of this type being used (e.g. IEnumberable<object>.GetEnumerator()
                    // can dispatch to an implementation of IEnumerable<string>.GetEnumerator()).
                    // For now, we will not try to optimize this and we will pretend all interface methods are necessary.
                    bool allInterfaceMethodsAreImplicitlyUsed = false;
                    if (implementedInterface.HasVariance)
                        TypeDesc interfaceDefinition = implementedInterface.GetTypeDefinition();
                        for (int i = 0; i < interfaceDefinition.Instantiation.Length; i++)
                            if (((GenericParameterDesc)interfaceDefinition.Instantiation[i]).Variance != 0 &&
                                allInterfaceMethodsAreImplicitlyUsed = true;
                    if (!allInterfaceMethodsAreImplicitlyUsed &&
                        (_type.IsArray || _type.GetTypeDefinition() == factory.ArrayOfTEnumeratorType) &&
                        // NOTE: we need to also do this for generic interfaces on arrays because they have a weird casting rule
                        // that doesn't require the implemented interface to be variant to consider it castable.
                        // For value types, we only need this when the array is castable by size (int[] and ICollection<uint>),
                        // or it's a reference type (Derived[] and ICollection<Base>).
                        TypeDesc elementType = _type.IsArray ? ((ArrayType)_type).ElementType : _type.Instantiation[0];
                        allInterfaceMethodsAreImplicitlyUsed =
                            CastingHelper.IsArrayElementTypeCastableBySize(elementType) ||
                            (elementType.IsDefType && !elementType.IsValueType);

                    if (allInterfaceMethodsAreImplicitlyUsed)
                        foreach (var interfaceMethod in implementedInterface.GetAllMethods())
                            if (interfaceMethod.Signature.IsStatic)

                            // Generic virtual methods are tracked by an orthogonal mechanism.
                            if (interfaceMethod.HasInstantiation)

                            MethodDesc implMethod = closestDefType.ResolveInterfaceMethodToVirtualMethodOnType(interfaceMethod);
                            if (implMethod != null)
                                dependencyList.Add(factory.VirtualMethodUse(interfaceMethod), "Variant interface method");
                                dependencyList.Add(factory.VirtualMethodUse(implMethod), "Variant interface method");

            if (_type.IsArray)
                // Array EEType depends on System.Array's virtuals. Array EETypes don't point to
                // their base type (i.e. there's no reloc based dependency making this "just work").
                dependencyList.Add(factory.ConstructedTypeSymbol(_type.BaseType), "Array base type");

            dependencyList.Add(factory.VTable(_type), "VTable");

            if (closestDefType.HasGenericDictionarySlot())
                // Add a dependency on the template for this type, if the canonical type should be generated into this binary.
                DefType templateType = GenericTypesTemplateMap.GetActualTemplateTypeForType(factory, _type.ConvertToCanonForm(CanonicalFormKind.Specific));

                if (templateType.IsCanonicalSubtype(CanonicalFormKind.Any) && !factory.NecessaryTypeSymbol(templateType).RepresentsIndirectionCell)
                    dependencyList.Add(factory.NativeLayout.TemplateTypeLayout(templateType), "Template Type Layout");

            // Generated type contains generic virtual methods that will get added to the GVM tables
            if (TypeGVMEntriesNode.TypeNeedsGVMTableEntries(_type))
                dependencyList.Add(new DependencyListEntry(factory.TypeGVMEntries(_type), "Type with generic virtual methods"));

            if (factory.TypeSystemContext.HasLazyStaticConstructor(_type))
                // The fact that we generated an EEType means that someone can call RuntimeHelpers.RunClassConstructor.
                // We need to make sure this is possible.
                dependencyList.Add(new DependencyListEntry(factory.TypeNonGCStaticsSymbol((MetadataType)_type), "Class constructor"));
