Exemple #1
        public HeaderDetails CreateSessionModel(int UserId, String FullName)
            //this method will creating a datamodel(which contains wishlist and cart details of logged user)
            decimal?        Subtotal     = 0;
            int             Count        = 0;
            CartServices    service      = new CartServices();
            HeaderDetails   details      = new HeaderDetails();
            List <CartItem> CartItemlist = new List <CartItem>();

            details.cart.CartItemList = service.GetCartItems(UserId);
            details.wishListCount     = service.GetWishListItems(UserId).Count();
            details.FullName          = FullName;

            //calculate cart subtotal and count
            if (details.cart.CartItemList != null)
                foreach (var item in details.cart.CartItemList)
                    Count    = Count + item.Qty;
                    Subtotal = Subtotal + (item.Qty * item.Price);
            details.cart.Count    = Count;
            details.cart.SubTotal = Subtotal;

Exemple #2
        // GET: WishList
        public ActionResult Index()
            //this method will get wishlist details and return the wishlist view
            CartServices service = new CartServices();

            if (Session[SessionConstants.SESSION_CONTEXT_INSTANCE] != null)
                //get wishlist details for the logged in user's userid
                User user = (User)(Session[SessionConstants.SESSION_CONTEXT_INSTANCE]);
                List <wishListItem> list = service.GetWishListItems(user.UserId);
                List <wishListItem> list = new List <wishListItem>();
        public virtual JsonResult AddProductToCart_Details(int productId, int shoppingCartTypeId, int qty)
            if (Session[SessionConstants.SESSION_CONTEXT_INSTANCE] != null)
                CartServices service = new CartServices();
                //check seesion is available, only logged in users can add to cart/wishlist
                User user = (User)(Session[SessionConstants.SESSION_CONTEXT_INSTANCE]);
                //add to shopping cart
                if (shoppingCartTypeId == 1)
                    CartItem item   = new CartItem();
                    int      cartId = 0;
                    item.Id     = productId;
                    item.UserId = user.UserId;
                    item.Qty    = qty;
                    List <CartItem> list = service.GetCartItems(item.UserId);
                    //check item is already exists in cart
                    foreach (var cartItem in list)
                        if (cartItem.Id == item.Id)
                            cartId = cartItem.cartId;

                    if (cartId > 0)
                        //add new items to the cart
                        int id = service.EditCartItems(item);
                        return(Json(new { Status = true, Message = "Succesfully updated the shopping cart..." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                        //update the cart with new quantitiesS
                        int id = service.AddCartItems(item);
                        return(Json(new { Status = true, Message = "Succesfully added to the shopping cart..." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                //add to wishlist
                    wishListItem item = new wishListItem();
                    item.UserId = user.UserId;
                    item.Id     = productId;
                    List <wishListItem> list = service.GetWishListItems(item.UserId);
                    //check item is already exists in wishlist
                    foreach (var wishItem in list)
                        if (wishItem.Id == item.Id)
                            //if already item exists alret user
                            return(Json(new { Status = true, Message = "Item already exists in wishlist..." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                    //if item not in wishlist,add item to the user's wishlist
                    int id = service.AddWishListItems(item);
                    return(Json(new { Status = true, Message = "Succesfully added to the wishlist..." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                return(Json(new { Status = false, Message = "Not logged-in..." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));