Exemple #1
        public void Calculate_Tax_for_Country()
            using (var db = new Entities())
                var sut = _createSut();

                using (new TransactionScope())
                    // Set Tax.
                    setTaxForCountry(db, "at", 20);

                    var cartService = new CartService();
                    var cart        = cartService.CreateCart();
                    var product     = db.Products.First(p => p.ChargeTaxes);
                    var product2    = db.Products.First(p => !p.ChargeTaxes);
                    product.Price  = 10;
                    product2.Price = 10;

                    cartService.AddProduct(cart.Id, product.Id, 2);
                    cartService.AddProduct(cart.Id, product2.Id, 2);

                    var result = sut.TaxForCountry(cart.Id, "at");

                    Assert.AreEqual(3.3f, (float)result, 0.04f);
        public IHttpActionResult Post(AddProductRequest request)

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CartId) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.ProductId) || request.ProductQty == null || request.ProductQty == 0)

            var cart = CartService.GetCart(CartId);

            if (cart.Id != CartId)

            CartService.AddProduct(CartId, request.ProductId, request.ProductQty.Value);

            cart = CartService.GetCart(CartId);

            var url = string.Format("http://{0}/product", HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority);

            var cartResponse = ToProductResponse(cart.Products.First(x => x.Id == request.ProductId));

            return(Created(url, cartResponse));
        public void GetWholeOrderTotalPrice_WithScenario_C_ValidOrderValue()
            // [Scenario C] =>
            // 3 * A 130
            // 5 * B 45 + 45 + 1 * 30
            // 1 * C -
            // 1 * D 15
            // Total Order Value is: 265

            // Arrange
            double       expected     = 265;
            ICartService _cartService = new CartService();
            Product      prod;

            // Adding 3 A Type Product.
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                prod = new Product {
                    Id = "A"

            // Adding 5 B Type Product.
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                prod = new Product {
                    Id = "B"

            // Adding 1 D Type Product.
            prod = new Product {
                Id = "D"

            // Act
            decimal actual = _cartService.GetWholeOrderTotalPrice();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, Convert.ToDouble(actual), 0.001, "Total Order Value is valid.");
        public void GetWholeOrderTotalPrice_WithScenario_B_ValidOrderValue()
            // [ Scenario B ] =>
            // 5 * A 130 + 2 * 50
            // 5 * B 45 + 45 + 30
            // 1 * C 20
            // [ Total Order Value is: 370 ]

            // Arrange
            double       expected     = 370;
            ICartService _cartService = new CartService();
            Product      prod;

            // Adding 5 A Type Product.
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                prod = new Product {
                    Id = "A"

            // Adding 5 B Type Product.
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                prod = new Product {
                    Id = "B"

            // Adding 1 C Type Product.
            prod = new Product {
                Id = "C"

            // Act
            decimal actual = _cartService.GetWholeOrderTotalPrice();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, Convert.ToDouble(actual), 0.001, "Total Order Value is valid.");
Exemple #5
        public void Calculate_Shipping_Costs()
            using (new TransactionScope())
                using (var db = new Entities())
                    var sut         = _createSut();
                    var cartService = new CartService();
                    var cart        = cartService.CreateCart();

                    var product = db.Products.First(p => p.Id == 1);
                    cartService.AddProduct(cart.Id, product.Id, 17);

                    // Set shipping costs.
                    setShippingCosts(db, "at", product.ShippingCategoryId, 6.75m, 1.5m);
                    setShippingCosts(db, "de", product.ShippingCategoryId, 8m, 2m);

                    // Act.
                    var resultAt = sut.CalculateShippingCosts(cart.Id, "at");
                    var resultDe = sut.CalculateShippingCosts(cart.Id, "de");

                    // Assert
                    Assert.AreEqual(6.75m + 16 * 1.5m, resultAt);
                    Assert.AreEqual(8m + 16 * 2.0m, resultDe);

                    // ------------------------------------------------------
                    // Add another product with a different shipping category.
                    product = db.Products.First(p => p.ShippingCategoryId != product.ShippingCategoryId);
                    cartService.AddProduct(cart.Id, product.Id, 2);

                    setShippingCosts(db, "at", product.ShippingCategoryId, 0m, 1.1m);
                    setShippingCosts(db, "de", product.ShippingCategoryId, 0m, 2.2m);

                    // Act.
                    resultAt = sut.CalculateShippingCosts(cart.Id, "at");
                    resultDe = sut.CalculateShippingCosts(cart.Id, "de");

                    // Assert
                    Assert.AreEqual((6.75m + 16 * 1.5m) + (1.1m * 2), resultAt);
                    Assert.AreEqual((8m + 16 * 2.0m) + (2.2m * 2), resultDe);
Exemple #6
        private bool AddToCart(string productID, string num, string productColorId, Client client)
            int _productId, _num, _productColorId;

            if (int.TryParse(productID, out _productId) && int.TryParse(num, out _num) && int.TryParse(productColorId, out _productColorId))
                cartService.AddProduct(_productId, _num, cartService.GetCookie(client), _productColorId);
        public IActionResult AddProduct(int cartId, [FromBody] dynamic data)
            if (cartService.AddProduct(cartId, (int)data.productId))
                var cart         = cartService.Get(cartId);
                var addedProduct = cart.Products.Find(p => p.Id == (int)data.productId);

        public void GetWholeOrderTotalPrice_WithScenario_A_ValidOrderValue()
            // [ Scenario A ] =>
            // 1 * A 50
            // 1 * B 30
            // 1 * C 20
            // [ Total Order Value is: 100 ]

            // Arrange
            double       expected     = 100;
            ICartService _cartService = new CartService();
            Product      prod;

            // Adding 1 A Type Product.
            prod = new Product {
                Id = "A"

            // Adding 1 B Type Product.
            prod = new Product {
                Id = "B"

            // Adding 1 C Type Product.
            prod = new Product {
                Id = "C"

            // Act
            decimal actual = _cartService.GetWholeOrderTotalPrice();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, Convert.ToDouble(actual), 0.001, "Total Order Value is valid.");
        public async Task <IActionResult> AddToCart(MvcCartItem cartItem)
                _ = await _cartService.AddProduct(_cartService.GetUserCart(cartItem.UserId).Result.Id,

            catch (Exception exc)
                // ignored
Exemple #10
        private void HandleAddRemove(object sender, AddRemoveClickEventArgs e)
            var vm = adapter.GetItem(e.Position);

            if (e.IsAdd)
                cartService.AddProduct(vm.Product, vm.Sale);

            vm.Units           = cartService.GetUnits(vm.Product);
            vm.DiscountPercent = cartService.GetDiscountPercent(vm.Product);
Exemple #11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Total number of order(s)");
            int totalOreder = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            // Providing the valid SKU IDs to end user.
            Console.WriteLine("Please provide product type from the below given list");
            foreach (var item in SKUID.SKUIDs)

            // [Interface Repository pattern] Which can be provided as dependent service to client class using DI.
            ICartService _cart = new CartService();

            for (int i = 0; i < totalOreder; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the product type");
                string productType = Console.ReadLine();

                // SKU ID validtaion for the Product which is going to be added into the order list.
                if (!SKUID.CheckSkuId(productType))
                    Console.WriteLine("Please provide valid product type.");

                // Adding the Products having SKUIDs -> A, B, C, D.
                Product prod = new Product {
                    Id = productType

            // Getting the Total Order price.
            decimal totalPrice = _cart.GetWholeOrderTotalPrice();

            Console.WriteLine("Your Total Order Value: {0}", totalPrice);