Inheritance: System.Web.Services.WebService
Exemple #1
        private async Task GetCarsAsync()
            IsBusy = true;
            var result = await CarsService.GetAllCarsAsync("");

            MyCars = result.Values.ToList();
            IsBusy = false;
Exemple #2
        public void CarsService_ShouldCreateInstanceOfCarsService_WhenPassedRepositoryIsCorrectly()
            var mockedRepository = new Mock <IRepository <Car> >();

            var service = new CarsService(mockedRepository.Object);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <CarsService>(service);
Exemple #3
        public void CarsService_ShouldImplementsInterfaceICarsService_WhenPassedRepositoryIsCorrectly()
            var mockedRepository = new Mock <IRepository <Car> >();

            var service = new CarsService(mockedRepository.Object);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <ICarsService>(service);
Exemple #4
        public async Task GetAllForUserAsync_WithCorrectUser_WorksCorrectly()
            // Arrange
            const int expectedCount = 2;

            var context = new PoolItDbContext(new DbContextOptionsBuilder <PoolItDbContext>()

            var model = new CarModel
                Model        = "Test Model",
                Manufacturer = new CarManufacturer()

            await context.CarModels.AddAsync(model);

            var user = new PoolItUser
                UserName = "******"

            await context.Users.AddAsync(user);

            await context.Cars.AddRangeAsync(
                new Car
                Colour  = "Test Colour 1",
                ModelId = model.Id,
                OwnerId = user.Id
                new Car
                Colour  = "Test Colour 2",
                ModelId = model.Id,
                OwnerId = user.Id
                new Car
                Colour  = "Test Colour 3",
                ModelId = model.Id,
                Owner   = new PoolItUser
                    UserName = "******"

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var carsService = new CarsService(new EfRepository <Car>(context), null, new EfRepository <PoolItUser>(context));

            // Act
            var actualCount = (await carsService.GetAllForUserAsync(user.UserName)).Count();

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedCount, actualCount);
Exemple #5
        public async Task GetAsync_WithCorrectCarId_WorksCorrectly()
            // Arrange
            var context = new PoolItDbContext(new DbContextOptionsBuilder <PoolItDbContext>()

            var model = new CarModel
                Model        = "Test Model",
                Manufacturer = new CarManufacturer()

            await context.CarModels.AddAsync(model);

            var user = new PoolItUser
                UserName = "******"

            await context.Users.AddAsync(user);

            var car = new Car
                Colour  = "Test Colour 1",
                ModelId = model.Id,
                OwnerId = user.Id

            await context.Cars.AddRangeAsync(
                new Car
                Colour  = "Test Colour 2",
                ModelId = model.Id,
                OwnerId = user.Id
                new Car
                Colour  = "Test Colour 3",
                ModelId = model.Id,
                OwnerId = user.Id

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var carsService = new CarsService(new EfRepository <Car>(context), null, null);

            // Act
            var result = await carsService.GetAsync(car.Id);

            // Assert

            Assert.Equal(car.Colour, result.Colour);
Exemple #6
        public void Add()
            var carRepositoryMock = new CarRepositoryMock();
            var carsService       = new CarsService(carRepositoryMock);

            carsService.Add(12, 1234, "anrej", "anrej", "anrej", 12);

Exemple #7
        public void CanRemoveCar()
            Car car_to_get                    = null;
            var car_to_remove                 = Cars[0];
            var try_get_value_called          = false;
            var try_remove_called             = false;
            var expected_try_get_value_result = false;
            var expected_try_remove_result    = false;

            var mock_repository = new Mock <ICarsRepository>();

            mock_repository.Setup(v => v.TryGetValue(It.IsAny <Guid>(), out car_to_get))
            .Returns((Guid _g, Car _c) => { try_get_value_called = true; return(expected_try_get_value_result); });
            mock_repository.Setup(v => v.TryRemove(It.IsAny <Guid>(), out car_to_remove))
            .Returns((Guid _g, Car _c) => { try_remove_called = true; return(expected_try_remove_result); });

            var cars_service = new CarsService(mock_repository.Object);

            try_get_value_called       = false;
            (var car, var maybe_error) = cars_service.RemoveCar(Clients[0], Guid.NewGuid());
            Assert.That(car, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(maybe_error?.Reason, Does.Match("not under control .* does not exist"));
            Assert.That(maybe_error?.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(403));

            (car, maybe_error) = cars_service.RemoveCar(Clients[0], Cars[1].Id);
            Assert.That(car, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(maybe_error?.Reason, Does.Match("not under control .* does not exist"));
            Assert.That(maybe_error?.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(403));

            car_to_get = Cars[0];
            mock_repository.Setup(v => v.TryGetValue(It.IsAny <Guid>(), out car_to_get))
            .Returns((Guid _g, Car _c) => { try_get_value_called = true; return(expected_try_get_value_result); });

            try_get_value_called          = false;
            expected_try_get_value_result = true;
            (car, maybe_error)            = cars_service.RemoveCar(Clients[0], Cars[0].Id);
            Assert.That(car, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(maybe_error?.Reason, Does.Match("Car .* was already removed"));
            Assert.That(maybe_error?.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(410));

            try_get_value_called          = false;
            expected_try_get_value_result = true;
            try_remove_called             = false;
            expected_try_remove_result    = true;
            (car, maybe_error)            = cars_service.RemoveCar(Clients[0], Cars[0].Id);
            Assert.That(maybe_error, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(car, Is.SameAs(Cars[0]));
        public CarsControllerIntegrationTests()
            var connection = Effort.DbConnectionFactory.CreateTransient();
            context = new WhereIsItContext(connection);


            ICarsService carsService = new CarsService(context);
            this.carsController = new CarsController(carsService);
Exemple #9
        private async void CarsBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(CTS_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT));
            var ct  = cts.Token;

            this.CarsList.ItemsSource = new string[] { "...loading..." };
            var data = await CarsService.GetCarsAsync($"{App.API_BASE_URL}/cars", ct, captureContext : false);

            this.CarsList.ItemsSource = data;
Exemple #10
        public void CheckIfGetCarByIdReturnsCorrectCar()
            var dbContext = new AutomobileDbContext();
            var service   = new CarsService(dbContext);

            var carFromDb      = dbContext.CarOffers.FirstOrDefault();
            var carFromService = service.GetCarById(carFromDb.Id);

            Assert.Equal(carFromDb.Id, carFromService.Id);
Exemple #11
        public DateTimeOffsetController(IMapper mapper, CarsService service)
            this.mapper  = mapper;
            this.service = service;

            if (cars == null)
                cars = service.GetAllCars();
Exemple #12
        public void CheckIfCarsForVisualizationAreEqualToCarsInDb()
            var dbContext = new AutomobileDbContext();
            var service   = new CarsService(dbContext);

            var carsCollection    = service.CarsForVisualization();
            var carsAvailableInDb = dbContext.CarOffers.ToList();

            Assert.True(carsCollection.Count == carsAvailableInDb.Count);
        private static ICarsService InitializeService(
            EfDeletableEntityRepository <ElectricCar> carsRepo,
            EfDeletableEntityRepository <Make> makesRepo,
            EfDeletableEntityRepository <Model> modelsRepo,
            EfDeletableEntityRepository <CarType> carTypesRepo,
            EfDeletableEntityRepository <Image> imageRepo)
            var service = new CarsService(carsRepo, modelsRepo, makesRepo, carTypesRepo, imageRepo);

Exemple #14
        public void CheckIfGetOnlyUserCarsReturnsTheCarsForThatParticularUserOnly()
            var dbContext = new AutomobileDbContext();
            var service   = new CarsService(dbContext);

            var serviceOnlyUserCars = service.GetOnlyUserCars("e4bf2992-cc46-4ebb-baf2-667f245a3582");

            var dbOnlyUserCars = dbContext.CarOffers.Where(x => x.UserId == "e4bf2992-cc46-4ebb-baf2-667f245a3582");

            Assert.Equal(dbOnlyUserCars.Count(), serviceOnlyUserCars.Count());
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Konstruktor klasy tworzący nowy obiekt CarService i otwiera formularz wraz z zaczytaniem danych do dataGridView1
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clientId"> Jest to id klienta które przekazujemy</param>
        /// <param name="clientName">Imię klienta które przekazujemy</param>
        public AddCarForm(int clientId, string clientName)
            carsService = new CarsService(new CarRepository());
            ClientId    = clientId;
            label1.Text += clientName;

            var cars = new CarRepository().GetByClientId(clientId);

            dataGridView1.DataSource = cars;
Exemple #16
        public void GetAllVehicleModel_shouldgivelistandanumber()
            list expected;

            list actual = CarsService.GetAllVehicleModel(Brand_desc, 90, 0, 10);

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void ImplementsInterfaceICarsService_WhenPassedRepositoryIsCorrectly()
            // Arrange
            var mockedRepository = new Mock <IEfGenericRepository <Car> >();

            // Act
            var service = new CarsService(mockedRepository.Object);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <ICarsService>(service);
        public void GetDetailsAdmin_GivenNegativeId_ShouldThrowNegativeInException()
            // arrange
            int         id      = -1;
            CarsService service = new CarsService(null, null);

            // act
            // assert
            service.Invoking(x => x.GetAllCarsIndex(id))
            .Should().ThrowExactly <NegativeIntException>();
        public async Task GetDetailsAsync()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>()

            var repository = new EfDeletableEntityRepository <Car>(new ApplicationDbContext(options.Options));

            var carOne = new Car {
                Model = "Форд Фиеста", LicensePlate = "CO1212KA", CompanyId = "72804eudajhkhfvs-dasfa", FuelType = PatniListi.Data.Models.Enums.Fuel.Дизел, TankCapacity = 55, AverageConsumption = 4, InitialFuel = 10, StartKilometers = 234987
            var carUserOne = new CarUser {
                CarId = carOne.Id, UserId = "242hds-78dsd-7823dsds"

            var carTwo = new Car {
                Model = "Форд Фиеста", LicensePlate = "CO4312KA", CompanyId = "72804eud-3464-hfvs-dasfa", FuelType = PatniListi.Data.Models.Enums.Fuel.Бензин, TankCapacity = 55, AverageConsumption = 6, InitialFuel = 10, StartKilometers = 230444
            var carUserTwo = new CarUser {
                CarId = carTwo.Id, UserId = "242hds-78dhgf-7823dsds"

            var carUserTwoOne = new CarUser {
                CarId = carTwo.Id, UserId = "242tre-78dhgf-7823dsds"

            var carThree = new Car {
                Model = "Форд Фиеста 8", LicensePlate = "CO9812KA", CompanyId = "72804eudajhkhfvs-dasfa", FuelType = PatniListi.Data.Models.Enums.Fuel.Дизел, TankCapacity = 55, AverageConsumption = 5, InitialFuel = 10, StartKilometers = 234957
            var carUserThree = new CarUser {
                CarId = carThree.Id, UserId = "242tre-78dhgf-7823dsds"


            await repository.AddAsync(carOne);

            await repository.AddAsync(carTwo);

            await repository.AddAsync(carThree);

            await repository.SaveChangesAsync();

            var carsService = new CarsService(repository);

            var car = await carsService.GetDetailsAsync <CarDetailsViewModel>(carThree.Id);

            Assert.Equal(carThree.Model, car.Model);
            Assert.Equal(carThree.LicensePlate, car.LicensePlate);
            Assert.Equal(carThree.CarUsers.Count(), car.AllDrivers.Count());
Exemple #20
        public async Task UpdateAsync_WithValidModel_WorksCorrectly()
            // Arrange
            var context = new PoolItDbContext(new DbContextOptionsBuilder <PoolItDbContext>()

            var model = new CarModel
                Model = "Test Model"

            await context.CarModels.AddAsync(model);

            var user = new PoolItUser
                UserName = "******"

            await context.Users.AddAsync(user);

            var car = new Car
                ModelId = model.Id,
                Colour  = "Test Colour",
                OwnerId = user.Id

            await context.Cars.AddAsync(car);

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var carsService = new CarsService(new EfRepository <Car>(context), null, null);

            var serviceModel = new CarServiceModel
                Id      = car.Id,
                ModelId = car.ModelId,
                OwnerId = car.OwnerId,
                Colour  = "Updated Colour",
                Details = "Updated Details"

            // Act
            var result = await carsService.UpdateAsync(serviceModel);

            // Assert

            var dbModel = await context.Cars.SingleAsync();

            Assert.Equal(serviceModel.Colour, dbModel.Colour);
            Assert.Equal(serviceModel.Details, dbModel.Details);
        public void GetAllCarsIndex_GivenNullUserId_ShouldReturnNull()
            // arrange
            CarsService service = new CarsService(null, null);

            // act
            var result = service.GetAllCarsIndex(null);

            // assert
        public void GetById_GivenNegativeCarId_ShouldThrowNegativeIntException()
            // arrange
            int         carId   = -1;
            CarsService service = new CarsService(null, null);

            // act
            // assert
            .Invoking(x => x.GetById(carId))
            .Should().ThrowExactly <NegativeIntException>();
        public void Edit_GivenNullViewModel_ShouldThrowNullObjectException()
            // arrange
            int         carId   = 1;
            CarsService service = new CarsService(null, null);

            // act
            Func <Task> action = () => service.Edit(carId, null);

            // assert
            action.Should().ThrowExactly <NullObjectException>();
        public void Edit_GivenNegativeId_ShouldThrowNegativeIntException()
            // arrange
            int         carId   = -1;
            CarsService service = new CarsService(null, null);

            // act
            Func <Task> action = () => service.Edit(carId, null);

            // assert
            action.Should().ThrowExactly <NegativeIntException>();
        public void AddShould_ThrowException_WhenPassedNullAlbum()
            // Arrange
            var carRepo = new Mock <IEfRepository <Car> >();
            var uow     = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();

            // Act
            var carsService = new CarsService(carRepo.Object, uow.Object);

            // Assert
            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentNullException>(() => carsService.Add(null));
        public void CreateInstance_OfTypeICarsService()
            // Arrange
            CarsSystemDbContext       context = new CarsSystemDbContext();
            EfGenericRepository <Car> carRepo = new EfGenericRepository <Car>(context);

            // Act
            var carsService = new CarsService(carRepo);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <ICarsService>(carsService);
        public void AddShould_NotThrow_WhenValuesAreCorrect()
            // Arrange
            var carRepo = new Mock <IEfRepository <Car> >();
            var uow     = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();
            var car     = new Mock <Car>();
            // Act
            var carsService = new CarsService(carRepo.Object, uow.Object);

            // Assert
Exemple #28
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task WhenGetManufacturersAsyncIsCalled_RepositoryGetManufacturersShouldBeCalledAsync()
            var fakeRepository = new Mock <ICarsRepository>();
            var service        = new CarsService(fakeRepository.Object);

            var result = await service.GetManufacturersAsync();

            fakeRepository.Verify(x => x.GetManufacturers());
Exemple #29
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task WhenGetUserAsyncIsCalled_RepositoryGetCarsShouldBeCalledAsync()
            var fakeRepository = new Mock <ICarsRepository>();
            var service        = new CarsService(fakeRepository.Object);

            var result = await service.GetUserDetailsByIdAsync(It.IsAny <int>());

            fakeRepository.Verify(x => x.GetCars());
Exemple #30
        private static async Task <string> GetAccessToken()
            var client = new CarsService(
                new BasicAuthenticationCredentials());
            var loginRequest = new LoginRequest(
            var loginResponse = await client.LoginAsync(loginRequest);

Exemple #31
        public void CanAddCar()
            var called = false;
            var expected_try_add_result = false;

            var mock_repository = new Mock <ICarsRepository>();

            mock_repository.Setup(v => v.TryAdd(It.IsAny <Guid>(), It.IsAny <Car>()))
            .Returns((Guid _g, Car _c) => { called = true; return(expected_try_add_result); });

            var cars_service = new CarsService(mock_repository.Object);

            (var car, var maybe_error) = cars_service.AddCar(Clients[0], new NewCar {
                Year = 1885
            Assert.That(car, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(maybe_error?.Reason, Does.Match("1886. .* is earlier than that"));
            Assert.That(maybe_error?.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(400));

            (car, maybe_error) = cars_service.AddCar(Clients[1], new NewCar {
                Year = DateTime.Now.Year + 1
            Assert.That(car, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(maybe_error?.Reason, Does.Match("Your car's built year .* is in the future."));
            Assert.That(maybe_error?.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(400));

            (car, maybe_error) = cars_service.AddCar(Clients[2], new NewCar {
                Year = DateTime.Now.Year - 1
            Assert.That(car, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(maybe_error?.Reason, Does.Match("Unexpected error: failed to add new car"));
            Assert.That(maybe_error?.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(500));

            called = false;
            expected_try_add_result = true;
            (car, maybe_error)      = cars_service.AddCar(Clients[3], new NewCar
                Year  = DateTime.Now.Year - 1,
                Model = "Model 1",
                Make  = "Make 1",
                Stock = 20
            Assert.That(car.Model, Is.EqualTo("Model 1"));
            Assert.That(car.Make, Is.EqualTo("Make 1"));
            Assert.That(car.Stock, Is.EqualTo(20));
            Assert.That(car.Id, Is.Not.EqualTo(Guid.Empty));
            Assert.That(Cars.Where(c => c.Id == car.Id), Is.Empty);
            Assert.That(maybe_error, Is.Null);
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            Session["CurrentPage"] = "Home";
            Session["PageName"] = "";
            Session["CurrentPageConfig"] = null;



            string Make = Request.QueryString[Request.QueryString.Count - 1];

            //string Name = Request.Cookies.Get("UserSettings").Values.Get("Name");
            //string Phone = Request.Cookies.Get("UserSettings").Values.Get("Phone");

            if (Make != null)

                string[] strCarid = Make.Split('-');
                if(strCarid.Length >= 4)
                Hadd.Value = strCarid[3].ToString();

                CarsService obj = new CarsService();

                List<CarsInfo.UsedCarsInfo> objCarInfo = new List<CarsInfo.UsedCarsInfo>();

                ServiceReference objServiceReference = new ServiceReference();

                ScriptReference objScriptReference = new ScriptReference();

                //objServiceReference.Path = "";

                //objScriptReference.Path = "";

                //objServiceReference.Path = "http://localhost:1460/Cars/CarsService.asmx";

                //objScriptReference.Path = "http://localhost:1460/Cars/Static/JS/CarsJScriptNew.js";

                objServiceReference.Path = "../CarsService.asmx";

                objScriptReference.Path = "../Static/Js/CarsJScriptNew.js";


                if (p == 0)
                    if (strCarid.Length > 1)
                        string sCarid = strCarid[strCarid.Length - 1];

                        if (GeneralFunc.IsNumeric(sCarid))

                            if (Request.Cookies.Get("UserSettings") == null)
                                // ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "KyAUIDFCS", "<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>Subscribe();</script>");


                            objCarInfo = obj.FindCarIDNew(sCarid);

                            FillCarDetails(objCarInfo, sCarid);
