private void RemovePlayingCards() { List <GameObject> cards = CardsPlayed.GetAsGameObject(); foreach (var c in cards) { StartCoroutine(LerpCardY(c, 20.0f, 3.0f, true, false)); } }
private void Start() { //using the do, while loop, prevent multiple of the same card from spawning bool matchFound = false; do { //randomly generate the string used to find the correct card image suitNum = Random.Range(0, 4); cardNum = Random.Range(1, 14); for (int i = 0; i < CardsPlayed.GetCount(); i++) { if (CardsPlayed.Get()[i][0] == suitNum && CardsPlayed.Get()[i][1] == cardNum) { Debug.Log("there was a card match, resolving issue."); matchFound = true; break; } else if (i + 1 == CardsPlayed.GetCount()) { //if all cards which were played were checked and no matches were flagged then set the bool to false matchFound = false; } } } while (matchFound); string cardName = "card_" + _suit[suitNum] + "_" + cardNum; Debug.Log(cardName); transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("card_faces/" + cardName); //store this new card within the played cards list CardsPlayed.UpdateList(suitNum, cardNum, this.gameObject); //determine if the card that has been spawned is higher or lower than the previous card if (!IsFirstRound) { //check whether the cards value, ignoring the suit is the same as or higher than the card that was played before this one if (CardsPlayed.GetPrevCard()[1] >= CardsPlayed.GetPrevCard(1)[1]) { Debug.Log("New card is higher than previous"); Guess.NewCardHigher = true; } else { Debug.Log("New card is lower than previous"); Guess.NewCardHigher = false; } } }
private void DestroyCards() { List <GameObject> cards = CardsPlayed.GetAsGameObject(); //removal all the cards foreach (var c in cards) { Destroy(c); } CardsPlayed.RemoveAll(); _removingCards = false; //reset card pos cardRestPos = initalCardPos; }
// Update is called once per frame private void Update() { //spawn a new playing card but set a limit of 6 on screen at once, then move the card to the centre of the screen if (State.Get() == State.GameState.SpawnPlayingCard && CardsPlayed.GetCount() < 6 && CardsPlayed.TotalCardsPlayedCount < 12) { PickCard(); } //remove all the playing cards off the screen if (State.Get() == State.GameState.SpawnPlayingCard && !_removingCards && CardsPlayed.Get().Count > 0) { _removingCards = true; RemovePlayingCards(); } }
// Update is called once per frame private void Update() { //spawns the outcome popup if (State.Get() == State.GameState.ShowOutputPopup && !IsFirstRound) { GameObject showOutcomePopup = Instantiate(popupShowOutcome,, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; State.Increment(); } //allow the usual game state progression order to be bypassed for the first round else if (State.Get() == State.GameState.ShowOutputPopup && IsFirstRound) { //instantly go to making a guess without showing an outcome State.Set(State.GameState.ShowGuessPopup); IsFirstRound = false; } //spawns the MakeGuess popup if (State.Get() == State.GameState.ShowGuessPopup && CardsPlayed.GetCount() < 6) { GameObject makeGuessPopup = Instantiate(popupMakeGuess,, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; State.Increment(); } //if all the playing cards have been played then begin the next stage if (State.Get() == State.GameState.ShowGuessPopup && CardsPlayed.GetCount() == 6) { Instantiate(popupCardOutcome,, Quaternion.identity); State.Set(State.GameState.MoveOutputCard); } //if all cards outcomes have been shown, now display the results if (State.Get() == State.GameState.ShowResults) { Instantiate(popupResults,, Quaternion.identity); State.Increment(); } //return to menu if in the return to menu state if (State.Get() == State.GameState.ReturnToMenu) { SceneManager.LoadScene("Menu"); } }
public void InitializeNewGame() { Deck = GenerateDeck(); foreach (var player in Players) { player.Cards = Deck.GetAndRemove(0, 10); player.ExtraPoints.Clear(); } foreach (var team in Teams) { team.Points = 0; } CardsPlayed.Clear(); CardsDrew.Clear(); CardsPlayedPreviousRound.Clear(); RoundEnded = false; IsFirstRound = true; }
private IEnumerator LerpCardTransform(GameObject c, Vector3 finalPos, Vector3 finalScale, float speed) { float lerpTimer = 0.0f; Transform cardTransform = c.transform; //Transform t = c.transform; while (lerpTimer < speed) { lerpTimer += Time.deltaTime; float deltaT = lerpTimer / speed; //perform the lerps cardTransform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(cardTransform.localPosition, finalPos, deltaT); cardTransform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(cardTransform.localScale, finalScale, deltaT); //apply the transformations c.transform.position = cardTransform.position; c.transform.localScale = cardTransform.localScale; yield return(null); } //ensure that this card will always be behind any new cards currentCard.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder = 1; currentCard.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder = 2; //ensure the scale once the lerp finishes is exactly 0.3f currentCard.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f); //move the position for where the next card will spawn cardRestPos = new Vector3(cardRestPos.x + 3.5f, cardRestPos.y, 0.0f); if (CardsPlayed.GetCount() == 3) { cardRestPos = new Vector3(initalCardPos.x, cardRestPos.y - 4.6f, 0.0f); } //now that the card has stopped moving, move to the next state State.Increment(); Debug.Log("Card has reached its destination"); }
public void InitializeNewGame() { Deck = GenerateDeck(); ChooseFirstRoundPlayer(); ExcludedCards.Clear(); var cardsPerPlayer = 10; var excludedCards = 0; // In evasion mode, cards are distributed "evenly" between players, with some cards remaining out, // when 3 or 5 players are playing. If 2 or 4 players are playing, 10 cards each are given, like // in plain mode. // I some cards remain out, they will be given to the player who got the last point. if (GameSetup.GameMode == GameMode.Evasion) { if (Players.Count != 2 && Players.Count != 4) { cardsPerPlayer = Deck.Count / Players.Count; excludedCards = Deck.Count % Players.Count; } } foreach (var player in Players) { player.Cards = Deck.GetAndRemove(0, cardsPerPlayer); player.ExtraPoints.Clear(); } ExcludedCards = Deck.GetAndRemove(0, excludedCards); foreach (var team in Teams) { team.Points = 0; } CardsPlayed.Clear(); CardsDrew.Clear(); CardsPlayedPreviousRound.Clear(); RoundEnded = false; IsFirstRound = true; }
public bool MakeMove(string playerConnectionId, Card card) { var player = GetPlayerFromConnectionId(playerConnectionId); if (player.Cards.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Color == card.Color && x.Number == card.Number) == null) { return(false); } if (playerConnectionId != UserTurnToPlay.ConnectionId) { return(false); } if (CardsPlayed.Count == Players.Count) { CardsPlayed.Clear(); } if (CardsPlayed.Count == Players.Count - 1) { CardsPlayedPreviousRound = CardsPlayed.ToList(); } if (CardsDrew.Count == Players.Count) { CardsDrew.Clear(); } if (CardsPlayed.Count != 0 && card.Color != _firstCardPlayedInRound.Card.Color && player.Cards.Any(x => x.Color == _firstCardPlayedInRound.Card.Color)) { return(false); } CardsPlayed.Add(new CardAndUser(card, player.User)); if (CardsPlayed.Count == Players.Count) { CardsPlayedPreviousRound = CardsPlayed.ToList(); } _firstCardPlayedInRound = CardsPlayed.FirstOrDefault(); _strongestCardInRound = CardsPlayed.Where(x => x.Card.Color == _firstCardPlayedInRound.Card.Color).OrderByDescending(item => item.Card.Strength).First(); RemoveCardFromHand(player, card); ChangePlayersTurn(); if (CardsPlayed.Count == Players.Count) { var isLastPoint = Players.Where(x => x.Cards.Any()).Count() == 0; UserTurnToPlay = Players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.User.Name == _strongestCardInRound.User.Name).User; var teamRoundWinner = Teams.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Users.FirstOrDefault(y => y.ConnectionId == UserTurnToPlay.ConnectionId) != null); foreach (var cardPlayed in CardsPlayed) { teamRoundWinner.Points += cardPlayed.Card.Value(GameSetup.GameMode); } if (isLastPoint) { teamRoundWinner.Points += 3; if (GameSetup.GameMode == GameMode.Evasion) { // In evasion mode, the spurious points of all players and the excluded cards go to the // player who got the last point. // However, if doing so, the player who got the last point gets maximum points (Cappotto), // he/she transfers the total to each player, and he/she stays at 0 points. foreach (var team in Teams) { if (team.Name != teamRoundWinner.Name) { var spurious = team.Points % 3; teamRoundWinner.Points += spurious; team.Points -= spurious; } } // Add points from excluded cards // TODO: There should be an animation showing this happening teamRoundWinner.Points += ExcludedCards.Sum(x => x.Value(GameSetup.GameMode)); // Cappotto if (Teams.All(x => x.Name == teamRoundWinner.Name || x.Points == 0)) { var total = teamRoundWinner.Points; foreach (var team in Teams) { team.Points = total; } teamRoundWinner.Points = 0; } } } DrawCards(); } if (CardsPlayed.Count == Players.Count && IsFirstRound) { IsFirstRound = false; } return(true); }
public bool MakeMove(string playerConnectionId, Card card) { var player = GetPlayerFromConnectionId(playerConnectionId); if (player.Cards.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Color == card.Color && x.Number == card.Number) == null) { return(false); } if (playerConnectionId != UserTurnToPlay.ConnectionId) { return(false); } if (CardsPlayed.Count == Players.Count) { CardsPlayed.Clear(); } if (CardsPlayed.Count == Players.Count - 1) { CardsPlayedPreviousRound = CardsPlayed.ToList(); } if (CardsDrew.Count == Players.Count) { CardsDrew.Clear(); } if (CardsPlayed.Count != 0 && card.Color != _firstCardPlayedInRound.Card.Color && player.Cards.Any(x => x.Color == _firstCardPlayedInRound.Card.Color)) { return(false); } CardsPlayed.Add(new CardAndUser(card, player.User)); if (CardsPlayed.Count == Players.Count) { CardsPlayedPreviousRound = CardsPlayed.ToList(); } _firstCardPlayedInRound = CardsPlayed.FirstOrDefault(); _strongestCardInRound = CardsPlayed.Where(x => x.Card.Color == _firstCardPlayedInRound.Card.Color).OrderByDescending(item => item.Card.Strength).First(); RemoveCardFromHand(player, card); ChangePlayersTurn(); if (CardsPlayed.Count == Players.Count) { var isLastPoint = Players.Where(x => x.Cards.Any()).Count() == 0; UserTurnToPlay = Players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.User.Name == _strongestCardInRound.User.Name).User; var teamRoundWinner = Teams.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Users.FirstOrDefault(y => y.ConnectionId == UserTurnToPlay.ConnectionId) != null); foreach (var cardPlayed in CardsPlayed) { teamRoundWinner.Points += cardPlayed.Card.Value; } if (isLastPoint) { teamRoundWinner.Points += 3; } DrawCards(); } if (CardsPlayed.Count == Players.Count && IsFirstRound) { IsFirstRound = false; } return(true); }
public int PlayCards() { //TODO: Find the cards that are outside of the hand panel // if they aren't in the play panel return them to the hand // if they are in the play panel reveal them int nCardsPlayed = 0; bool bMomentumPlayed = false; m_bBlockCardPlayed = false; int nAttackValue = 0; m_nHighestAttackValuePlayed = 0; //Debug.Log(hand.Count.ToString()); //Set the amount of cards playable based on a combo card being played or momentum card played for (int i = hand.Count - 1; i > -1; i--) { GameObject card = hand[i] as GameObject; if (CheckCollisionWithPlayPanel(card)) { nCardsPlayed++; if (card.GetComponent <CardDetails>().CardName == CardDetails.Card_Name.MOMENTUM) { bMomentumPlayed = true; } else if (card.GetComponent <CardDetails>().CardType == CardDetails.Card_Type.COMBO) { AmountOfCardsPlayable += card.GetComponent <CardDetails>().nComboAmount; } } } //Debug.Log("Cards played = " + nCardsPlayed.ToString()); //Debug.Log("Amount of playable cards = " + AmountOfCardsPlayable.ToString()); // Check to see if amount of cards played is greater than nAmountOfCardsPlayable if (nCardsPlayed > AmountOfCardsPlayable) { //intantiate a warning to player that they are not playing a valid amount of cards return(-1); // this will play the warning sound } // Resolve play of any additional cards based on how many cards are playable //Seperate out the cards into the PlayedCards array for (int i = hand.Count - 1; i > -1; i--) { GameObject card = hand[i] as GameObject; if (CheckCollisionWithPlayPanel(card)) { CardsPlayed.Add(card); //Destroy(card); hand.RemoveAt(i); } } // Debug.Log("Hand size = " + hand.Count.ToString()); //Debug.Log("Play Amount = " + CardsPlayed.Count.ToString()); // Play the cards; starting with the attack cards // If there is a movement card that cannot be used, move it to the sstaging area for the next turn for (int i = CardsPlayed.Count - 1; i > -1; i--) { GameObject card = CardsPlayed[i] as GameObject; if (card.GetComponent <CardDetails>().CardType == CardDetails.Card_Type.ATTACK) { //Does the attack card require a movement if (card.GetComponent <CardDetails>().bRequiresMovement == true) { //If yes, do we have the movement card (look through CardsPlayed and if (HaveRequiredMovementCard(card.GetComponent <CardDetails>().MovementRequired)) { //if yes, nAttackValue += the card's attack value nAttackValue += card.GetComponent <CardDetails>().nAttackValue; SetHighestAttackValue(card.GetComponent <CardDetails>().nAttackValue); Debug.Log("Movement card found and attack applied"); } else //If no, set the card to destroy { //discard is happening automatically for all cards played unless it is the last movement card } } else //If no, nAttackValue += the card's attack value { nAttackValue += card.GetComponent <CardDetails>().nAttackValue; SetHighestAttackValue(card.GetComponent <CardDetails>().nAttackValue); } } } int card_tobe_removed = 0; int currentcard = 0; bool bremovecard = false; foreach (GameObject card in CardsPlayed) { if (card.GetComponent <CardDetails>().CardType == CardDetails.Card_Type.MOVEMENT) { if (card.GetComponent <CardDetails>().CardName == CardDetails.Card_Name.BLOCK || card.GetComponent <CardDetails>().CardName == CardDetails.Card_Name.BOXING_BLOCK) { m_bBlockCardPlayed = true; } else { if (card.GetComponent <CardDetails>().IsSetToBeUsed() == true) { continue; } else if (StagedMovementCard == null) { StagedMovementCard = Instantiate(card); //new GameObject(card); StagedMovementCard.transform.SetParent(stagingPanelObject.transform); StagedMovementCard.transform.position = stagingPanelObject.transform.position; //card.transform.position = stagingPanelObject.transform.position; StagedMovementCard.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); //CardsPlayed.Remove(card); card_tobe_removed = currentcard; bremovecard = true; } } } currentcard++; } if (bremovecard == true) { GameObject tempCard = CardsPlayed[card_tobe_removed] as GameObject; CardsPlayed.RemoveAt(card_tobe_removed); Destroy(tempCard); } if (StagedMovementCard != null) { if (StagedMovementCard.GetComponent <CardDetails>().nTurnsLasted >= 1) { Destroy(StagedMovementCard); StagedMovementCard = null; } if (StagedMovementCard != null) { StagedMovementCard.GetComponent <CardDetails>().nTurnsLasted += 1; } } UpdateCards(); //reset the amount of cards playable AmountOfCardsPlayable = 1; return(nAttackValue); }